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Letters to Penthouse XIV (17 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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Joe laughed, then said, “If you want Rachel to get the complete experience, why not let me take you two country bumpkins to a swingers’ party? I could get you in as my guests. You could participate or just watch, it would be entirely up to you. They put red ribbons around the necks of first-timers, so everyone will keep that in mind if they want to approach you. What do you say?”

I was aroused by the idea, but when I got home I tried not to act overly excited when I asked Rachel if she would like to go. We discussed it for a few days, and she agreed. On my next trip to the main office, I told Joe it was a go. He acted like he had won the lottery. He had no idea that I was more excited than he was.

On our anniversary weekend, Rachel and I went into the city on Thursday. I gave her the names of several shops that carried sexy clothes and lingerie, so she would be able to do her own shopping while I was at work on Friday.

Both Joe and I had a hard time keeping our minds on work that day. When I got back to the hotel after work, my wife greeted me with a full-body hug and a passionate kiss, then showed me what she had bought. Each outfit was a voyeur’s dream, but the last item she showed me was a killer.

It was a black silk dress that plunged all the way down in the back, to just below the curve of her hips. If you stood close behind her and looked down, you could see the crack of her ass. A thin string around her neck held up the front of the dress, which formed a deep vee that went halfway to her waist and barely covered her breasts. From the sides you could see almost all of her tits. With no lining, the thin silk showed the shape of each nipple in detail.

As Rachel walked, the silk caressed her nipples and caused them to stand firm and proud. The skirt flared slightly and reached only to mid-thigh. When she spun around, you could almost see her ass and her red-haired pussy.

Since the party didn’t start until ten, Joe and I had decided to take Rachel out to eat and to a nice dance club. I asked her to wear her new black dress, which I called her “catch-me, fuck-me” outfit.

She said, “Honey, do you realize I can’t wear any underthings with that dress?” I told her I knew that, and that I would love to see her give all those city slickers hard dicks. She called me a dirty old man, and I called her a wicked wench. But she wore the dress.

Although Joe tried to play it cool, both Rachel and I could tell that her dress blew his mind. The way he obviously lusted after her made us both proud. The sexual tension had all three of us hurrying through dinner. My wife wasn’t much of a drinker, so when we ordered wine with our dinner, we explained that she should sip it very slowly. She had two glasses, and by the time we left, she was feeling playful and mellow.

Joe’s car had a bench seat, so we all sat in front. Joe drove, and Rachel sat in the middle between us. At one point she leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss. Joe said he felt left out.

“She can’t kiss you while you’re driving,” I said, “so you’ll have to wait until the next traffic light.”

At the first red light we came to, I rubbed her knee and held her hand while they kissed. When the light changed and they broke the kiss, I could see they were both breathless. I eased Rachel’s hand over to my dick so she could feel how hard I was. There were only two more lights before we arrived at the dance club, but each time their kissing got steamier.

At the club, Joe and I took turns dancing with Rachel. She rubbed her body freely against both of us on the dance floor. It was the closest thing to fucking with clothes on that I have ever seen.

I was thrilled by the looks of envy all the guys were giving Joe and me. Their eyes followed every move Rachel made. Their stares of lust did not go unnoticed by her. She ate it up. We made sure she drank only enough to keep her feeling good without getting drunk.

We were having so much fun, it was hard to quit and leave for the party. But Joe knew what was in store and was determined to get there.

We started the kissing game again on the way. This time Joe had his right hand on my wife’s bare knee and she rested her left hand on his thigh. While they kissed at a red light, I slid my hand up her thigh to within a few inches of her pussy. She fondled my dick with her free hand.

When the light changed and she turned to kiss me, I whispered in her ear that she should touch Joe’s dick. She moaned, and as we kissed, I watched her slide her hand up his thigh. When she reached his dick she squeezed it. I heard him suck in his breath. Watching her touch another man’s dick almost made me come.

When we broke our kiss, she whispered, “Honey, his thing is huge!”

At the next red light, I eased her legs open while they were kissing. As she opened up I slid my hand to her waist and took her skirt up with it. I worked my hand further up under her dress to caress her nipple. I saw Joe move his hand to her cunt, and she let out a soft moan as he made contact.

Someone behind us blew his horn, and Rachel and Joe broke their kiss with a start. When she turned to me, I could see Joe finger-fucking her. My hand was playing with her breast, gently squeezing her nipple.

Rachel whimpered and said, “I’m going to come.” She raised her hips off the seat and started humping Joe’s hand. She cried, “Oh, fuck!” and suddenly she jerked as wave after wave of climax rolled through her. She looked so beautiful sitting there with her legs spread wide, a look of total bliss on her face, and Joe’s hand, wet with her juices, covering her pussy.

We tried to put ourselves together as Joe pulled up at the house where the party was being held. As we got out of the car, Rachel whispered in my ear, “Honey, Joe’s dick is just plain

I whispered back that the way she had enjoyed playing with it, and her getting off so quickly, had almost caused me to come too.

She smiled and said, “Really?”

“I can’t wait to see his big dick sliding in your sweet pussy,” I replied. Rachel just hugged my arm against her breast and moaned.

We entered the house, and Joe introduced us to the hostess, an attractive blonde in her thirties, who gave us a bag and placed red ribbons around Rachel’s neck and mine. The bag contained silk boxer shorts for Joe and me. Rachel stayed with the hostess while we changed. Joe explained to me that what Rachel was wearing was hot enough.

As we changed, I saw that my wife was right. Joe was hung like a horse. When we returned in our shorts, our erections were obvious, and my wife stared at Joe’s hard-on with lust in her eyes.

Others were coming in, so the hostess asked Joe to show us around. Soft, sensuous music played on a speaker system throughout the house. I noticed that Rachel’s dress had been shortened so it stopped only an inch or so below her butt. I found out later that she and the hostess had tacked it up with thread, so she could let it out later.

Joe took us in a large game room that could hold about thirty people. It had a full-size bar, with a bartender who was wearing only a pair of French-cut briefs. In the center of the room was a large round bed with a satin cover. Lounges, sofas, and chairs were arranged around the bed, and there was still plenty of space for dancing.

I don’t know how much of the house Rachel saw as Joe showed us around the rest of it, her attention was so riveted on the bulge in his shorts. Every chance she got, she managed to rub her ass against it, and Joe obviously enjoyed what she was doing.

I whispered to her that her mouth was watering. She said she was sorry, but she couldn’t help herself and she hoped it was okay with me. I told her I loved every minute of it.

When we returned to the game room, we each got a drink. More people came in as the evening went on.

Joe said to me, “Man, the way your wife has that dress fixed, everyone here can practically see her bare bottom. What do you think about that?”

I said, “I believe my wicked wife is thrilled by all the attention she’s getting. Isn’t that right, honey?”

Rachel smiled at Joe, and her voice dripped with lust as she said yes.

“In that case,” Joe said, “why don’t the two of you go dance, so I can sit down and enjoy the view?”

Joe took a front-row seat as we moved to the dance area. There were three other couples dancing there, in various stages of undress.

As we held each other close, Rachel said, “You know, the way things are going tonight, we could write our own story for
Penthouse Letters
. I could fuck you right here on the dance floor in front of all these strangers, I’m so turned on.”

“I’ll tell you what would be even better,” I said. “If you were to screw Joe in front of everyone, that would really be something to write about. I’ll bet he has never had as good a piece of ass as you before.”

“Honey, are you sure you want him to put that big dick of his in your wife’s pussy?” Rachel said.

“It would be one of my fantasies come to life,” I said. “And I think that would fulfill one or two of your fantasies too.”

She ground her pussy against my dick. “Okay, honey. Your sweet little wife is going to put on a show you won’t soon forget.”

“Good,” I said. “Then let’s show these city folks the prettiest ass in the world.”

With that I reached down to her thighs and slid my hands upward, lifting her dress with them. We knew her bare butt was showing.

“Look what you’re doing to Joe,” I said, and I turned her so she could see him. About three inches of his dick was sticking out of the top of his boxer shorts. I felt Rachel press her body harder against me.

A minute later I noticed Joe talking to the hostess, although he kept his eyes on my wife’s butt as he did. When they finished talking, he waved us over.

“You two are such a hot couple,” Joe said, “that our hostess would like to introduce you to everyone in a special way. Can you handle seeing your spouse making love to someone else?”

Rachel and I looked at each other and smiled. “Yes,” I said. “In fact, we were just talking about that.”

“Okay, Rachel,” the hostess said, smiling, “you’re going to love this. It’s called ‘the welcome chain.’ ” She walked to the center of the room, near the bed, and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you’ve noticed that tonight we have a new couple. They’re from the country, so we decided they deserve a welcome chain. Joe, come introduce them, then everyone can introduce themselves.”

Everyone cheered as we moved forward. I counted ten guys and eleven women in the group.

“To be introduced properly, everyone must be naked,” the hostess went on. “Joe’s in charge of seeing that everything is done properly, so he’ll go last. Okay, everyone, get naked!”

Although Rachel was a little nervous, she didn’t hesitate. She took a deep breath and pulled her dress up over her head. I felt blood pulsing in my dick. As I stepped out of my boxers, I noticed that every guy there had a hard-on.

Joe said to rest my butt against the bed and asked Rachel to sit on the side of the bed, then lie back and spread her legs. The guys lined up in front of my wife, and the women lined up in front of me. Joe explained that each welcome would last a minute. When he gave the word to start, I watched the first man introduce himself, then step up and slide his dick in my wife. I was thrilled to realize that it was the first time in her life that anyone other than me was fucking her.

I was so focused on her that I didn’t hear the first woman introduce herself to me. Suddenly I felt someone sucking my dick. When I heard my wife whimper with pleasure, I came. The woman kneeling before me never lost a drop. I was euphoric.

By the time the first minute was up, my dick was semihard again and my wife was on the verge of coming. The next man approached Rachel, and the next woman knelt and took me in her mouth. As the minutes went on, each eager “welcomer” took a turn. Even though I was getting great head, I couldn’t take my eyes off my wanton wife.

Each guy managed to keep her on the brink of orgasm for his full minute without pushing her over. Each time one pulled out, I saw his dick shining with her juices and I saw her wide-open cunt and pulsating clit. She was almost out of her mind with the need to come.

I was surprised to see that the last person in my wife’s line was a woman. Rachel was so far gone that she didn’t even react when the woman introduced herself as Jill. Jill then bent down and rubbed her right breast against my wife’s wide-open pussy.

I could tell Rachel knew
was different, but in her lust-crazed state she didn’t want the sensations to stop. Jill rubbed her tit all over Rachel’s cunt, then stroked her hard nipple over my wife’s clit. She backed off briefly when Rachel showed signs of coming, then started in again.

By now there were no women left in my line. The hostess said it was time I had some real fucking. She bent over the back of a chair, and I entered her from behind. Happily, the chair was facing the bed, so I could still see what my sex-crazed wife was doing.

When Jill’s minute was up, and there was no one left in Rachel’s line, Joe stepped between my wife’s legs. Laying his huge dick on her stomach, he asked how she thought he should conclude the welcome chain.

“Fuck me!” Rachel murmured. “Yes, fuck me with that big dick of yours!”

Joe said he’d waited all night to slide his dick in her red-haired pussy. “Reach down and feel how hard and big you’ve made it,” he said.

Rachel reached down and took Joe’s dick in both hands. She raised her head to look at it, and someone put a pillow under her head. I was still fucking the hostess, but I noticed that everyone else had gathered around to watch them.

“Hey, Matt, watch this,” Joe said. “Your wife is fixing to get the fucking of her life.”

Rachel was still holding Joe’s dick as he pulled it back to position the head at the entrance to her pussy. He said to rub it up and down her wet slit, then put it in. She was breathing hard as she lined it up and eased forward. When he’d pushed in only about four inches, she went off like she’d been electrified, whimpering with sweet delight.

Joe waited until she was calmer, then said, “Wait, it gets better.” He worked in all but about three inches.

“Oh, yes!” Rachel cried.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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