Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2)
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Making Liz cry was
part of the plan, as poorly thought out as it was. “That’s fine.” He kept his distance, not wanting to push her away when she was so close. “Chloe will be here in the next fifteen minutes, unless traffic is bad. Then will you listen?”

“Chloe’s coming
? Now?”

“I texted her when you got home, and I guarantee she cut out of work the moment she saw that message, if it was an option. You know she’ll drop everything. Even if you pretend you don’t, you have that same synergy with us. We all click. She and I have since we met, and it’s the same with you.”

“I can’t, Jordan. I’m sorry. I’m not sure what you’re doing here, or why you think this is a good idea, but no. Meet her in the lobby and go.”

“Liz, please. I’ll wait until she gets here to say anything more, but you have to hear us out.”

“I don’t. There’s nothing requiring me to do that.”

He racked his brain for another argument, but he didn’t have anything for a flat-out no. “All right.” He reached for the door, hating the empty pit growing in his chest. Apparently he’d used up his luck for the day.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Liz couldn’t make sense of the swirl inside. Giddiness. Hurt. Frustration. Desire. It all waged war, until she wanted to scream and weep and stomp her foot and shout
it’s not fair.

Jordan faced her again, his hand hovering over the doorknob. “I don’t know what’s making you push us out, but I’m arrogant enough to think I know you, at least a little, so I’m going to take a guess. If you’re making me leave because you don’t feel the same, that’s fine. I’ll still go. You have to say it though.

“I think it’s something else though. You’re terrified because this is something no one does. I get that. I’ve been struggling with the same thought. But so what? I love you. When Chloe gets here she’ll tell you the same thing. If you feel the same, don’t sacrifice
because people say relationships like this don’t work. We’ve done all right so far, and those people aren’t us.”

“Wait.” The word forced itself past her lips.

Jordan moved away from the door, smile teasing his lips.

“You can stay until Chloe gets here. But no promises.” Except that was what she wanted. Promises. Not the lies George told. Not the lives ripped away too young, before she was even twenty. Something long-term. Jordan said
It wasn’t a playful brush off. He didn’t toss the word around, the way Liz and Mercy did. He said he and Chloe loved her. Both of them. Hope clawed at her throat, daring her to defy what she’d heard.

“That’s all I’m asking for,” Jordan said. “Well, there will be more, but hearing us out is a start.”

She nodded to the couch. “Have a seat.” She couldn’t do the same. She even had memories associated with freaking sofas. She was screwed if this didn’t go well. Why did she let him stay?

Someone knocked, and Jordan called, “It’s open.”

Liz glared at him. He shrugged.

“You always leave your door unlocked?” Chloe strode in and latched the deadbolt behind her.

Liz tried to hold onto her irritation and doubt, but both were rapidly fleeing. “When someone accosts me before I can lock it, yes.”

“Aww.” Chloe gave an exaggerated pout. “There was accosting, and I missed it?”

“There would have been, but
wanted to wait for you.” Jordan nodded at Liz.

“Considerate woman. Another reason to love her.”

.” The word came out louder than Liz intended. “I told you both already, I’m not a marital aid. I’m not a third wheel. I can’t be your on-call toy.”

“That’s not what this is.” Jordan took her hand between his. Every time he touched her, another fuse in her brain shorted. “We want you in our life. I’m not talking about friendship or a booty call or anything so temporary.”

Chloe stepped up next to her and grabbed her other hand. “Exactly. This is a
don’t go home at the end of the night
kind of agreement. A rest-of-our-lives type of ongoing.”

“So what? The three of us live together, one big happy family?” Liz liked the sound of it more than she wanted to admit.

“Pretty much,” Chloe said.

Liz wanted to believe it. As much as logic struggled against what stared her in the face, she clung to their words. But— “The real world doesn’t work like that.”

“The real world is broken sometimes.” Jordan tugged her toward the couch, and into his lap when he sat. “We’re fond of making our own rules.”

Liz couldn’t believe how good this felt. Being held. Wrapped between them. It shouldn’t be right, but it was. She didn’t want to fight it anymore. “Is that an option?”

“Of course it is. We rewrite reality every day.” Chloe knelt on the couch next to her, which put them eye to eye.

“But how does it work? How will it work?” Liz didn’t want to keep arguing, but this sounded too easy, when getting here had been anything but.

“As a basic concept?” Jordan asked. “We all live together. No one is more important than anyone else. You become a part of us. Beyond that, we’re rewriting the rules. We make it up as we go along.” He dragged a finger down her spine, soft and teasing.

Liz saw holes in the barely existent plan. “What about jealousy?” She’d seen that and wasn’t willing to go up against Chloe again. Then there was Liz’s own jealousy. The realization struck her. She’d be breaking through a bond that shouldn’t be touchable. Not between these two.

“We talk it through. Or we shout it through. Either way, we confront it,” Chloe said.

Liz was impressed. “You two have really thought about this.”

“Not really. Kind of, but this is more of an improv deal. Probably for the rest of our lives. Like most of adulthood, uncharted territory for anyone living it, despite what we’ve been told.” Jordan slipped his hand under her shirt and settled his palm against her lower back, not moving higher—simply tempting her.

Which brought up another big question. “What about in the bedroom?”

Chloe scrunched up her face in thought. “We probably need a bigger bed.”

“Not what I meant, but even that has problems.” Liz relaxed and rested her head against Jordan’s chest, watching Chloe for even the slightest hint this wouldn’t be as easy as they insisted.

Chloe flinched but then twisted on the couch and laid her head in Liz’s lap, looking up at both of them. “Why?”

“Three people in one bed?” Why was Liz still arguing? Or rather, she did, but she wanted to stop. To accept this for what it looked like. Last time she did that, she almost lost her inheritance, but this was different. They’d insist, and she’d agree. Neither would oppose something like a background check, or any of those other precautions George insisted she wouldn’t ask for if she really loved him.

Jordan was right. She had a kind of faith in them that didn’t make sense but continued to pan out. They were in sync. Which was part of the reason she loved them. And she did. She didn’t want to fight it anymore. “I guess maybe.”

“To which part?” Jordan asked.

“To the sleeping in the same bed part. I guess maybe. Don’t think I didn’t notice you dodged the sex question.”

Chloe grinned. “You asked about the bedroom. We haven’t had sex in the bedroom.”


bedroom.” Chloe cut Jordan off. “Hotel sex is different.”

”—Liz picked up the argument, more because it was fun than for the sake of disagreeing—“
don’t have a bedroom. So that’s not possible. You’re still not answering the question.”

Jordan trailed his nose up the side of her neck, breath hot against her skin, and she whimpered. “If we’re getting hung up on technicalities, it’s not a complete question,” he said. He nipped her earlobe, then kissed back down to her shoulder. “But I’ll bite.” He scraped his teeth along her skin.

With each new touch, he grew harder against the back of her thigh. Desire spilled through her.

“I figure if all three of us are in the mood, it’ll be like it has been in the past.” He dragged his lips along her jaw. “If only two of us are—any two of us—that’s fine too.”

He settled his palm against her cheek and turned her head, to crush his mouth to hers. Chloe made a noise somewhere between a whine and a groan. Liz kissed back, diving into the need, her tongue dancing with Jordan’s. Her heart hammered against her ribs, and the rest of her arguments fled. When they broke apart, Jordan held her head captive, searching her face.

“Okay.” She managed.

He laughed. “Okay to what?”

“All of it.” Liz wanted another kiss. Or twenty. And more. “Loving you both. Making the three of us work. Being together, all of us, equally.” They didn’t have to invite her into their lives or ask her to stay. Yet here they were, prodding, poking, and insisting.

Chloe’s weight left Liz’s legs, and the couch cushions shifted. Liz didn’t have to look to know Chloe had stood. Anticipation raced inside, pooling in her gut and traveling lower.

“You’re sure?” Jordan’s mouth quirked in a teasing smile, as he held her gaze. “If I wanted to watch the two of you together, while Chloe had her way with you, you wouldn’t complain?”

“There might be a bit of whimpering and crying out, but no complaining.” Liz was slick with anticipation.




Chloe hesitated in Liz’s bedroom doorway, unable to quell the flutters of nervousness inside. Liz stood near the bed, tempting and—probably unintentionally—intimidating. Liz took the lead last time. Would it show that Chloe was inexperienced? What was she supposed to do next? This was a lot easier on paper, when there was time for plotting and rearranging and adding in the extra hot bits after the fact.

Jordan nestled his hand against her back, and it chased away some of her tension. “You know what you like and what you’ve always wanted to try.” His whisper was quiet enough only she would hear. “Start there.”

She swallowed her doubt, stepped toward Liz, and kissed her. Liz’s lips were fuller than Jordan’s. Softer. Yielding. Still swollen and smooth from the making out in the living room. Chloe nipped at Liz’s bottom lip, relishing the soft gasp she elicited. This might be terrifying, but it felt right. She wouldn’t mind kissing for hours, but when Liz raked her nails up her back, Chloe wanted more.

She dropped her hand to Liz’s waist and shoved her baggy T-shirt over her head, to toss it aside. Liz’s breasts were rounder and fuller than hers, and Chloe trailed a finger over the smooth satin bra, tracing the shape, loving the way Liz’s chest rose and fell with each gasp of pleasure.

Chloe lost track of who removed what, as their clothing fell away, the pile next to the bed growing, until they stood in front of each other, exposed.

“So many soft curves.” She trailed a finger from Liz’s collarbone, over one nipple, and down to her navel, before traveling back up the other side of her torso.

Behind her, Jordan matched Liz, groan for sigh. Though Chloe couldn’t see him, she didn’t doubt he was stroking himself through his jeans, trying to make this moment last. The thought made her wetter. She lowered her head to Liz’s breast and took a swollen pink nub into her mouth. As she flicked her tongue back and forth, she swore she could feel it in her own skin. She sucked harder, and Liz squirmed. When Chloe pinched the other nipple, Liz writhed against her, fingers knotted in Chloe’s hair, holding her head in place.

Chloe continued to lick and fondle, each new mewl and movement spurring her further. She glided her free hand down Liz’s stomach, and the grip in her hair tightened when she dipped between Liz’s legs.

.” Liz was panting now, grinding against Chloe’s hand, legs wobbling.

Chloe wondered if she could get herself off without being touched. Doing this, pushing each of Liz’s buttons, made her own body writhe in anticipation and empathy. She squeezed her legs together, but that only intensified her need. She stroked Liz’s clit and squeezed her breast, easing up each time Liz bucked her hips and then pressing in again. Bringing Liz as close as she could to climax, without pushing her over.

“Enough fucking teasing.” Liz covered Chloe’s hand and rubbed both their fingers against her swollen core. When Liz came, shuddering and driving into Chloe’s touch, Chloe felt it through every inch of her body. Hot on her skin. Echoing in her nerves, as if it was happening to her.

Liz sank to the edge of the mattress with a shaky laugh. “I didn’t realize light torture was on the menu.”

“I didn’t want it to be over too soon.” Chloe raised her fingers to her mouth, and holding Liz’s gaze, licked them clean, one by one. “Next time, I want a first-person taste.”

Liz grabbed Chloe’s hips and pulled her closer. She kissed along Chloe’s stomach, toward the navel, down to her pelvis, dipping to trail her lips over the top of Chloe’s mound, bathing the area with attention. She looked up at Chloe, eyes wide. “Lie down.”

Chloe did as she was told. When Liz straddled her and pinned her arms above her head, Chloe squealed in surprise and pleasure at having the warm, soft body pressed so close to her core. Liz dipped her mouth next to Chloe’s ear and stage-whispered, “Payback time.”

“Threats and promises.” Chloe squirmed under Liz, to feel skin against skin, not to try and get away.

Keeping Chloe pinned, Liz slid open the drawer of the nightstand by the bed and pulled out a long, sheer scarf. With a couple of quick, loose knots, she bound Chloe’s hands to the headboard. If Chloe tugged, breaking free wouldn’t be a problem, but that didn’t sound like any fun.

With a twist of her head to the side, Chloe saw Jordan unzip his jeans and work his cock free. He gave her a hungry grin, as he slowly stroked his shaft, and a new level of need surged inside her.

“Eyes on me.” Liz’s command drew Chloe’s attention again. Liz dove her hand back into the drawer, and this time produced a bullet-shaped vibrator. It wasn’t big, maybe only four or five inches long. The hard plastic glinted in the light, and when Liz twisted the bottom, a soft buzz filled the room.

“Do your worst.” Chloe taunted.

Liz trailed the toy over Chloe’s chest and over her nipples, barely touching flesh. Ghostlike vibrations traveled through every sensitive bit they passed over, flowing through Chloe, following nerve endings, and plucking them like strings. Liz traced her breasts, the insides of her wrists, her inner thighs—everywhere but the need aching from Chloe’s sex.

BOOK: Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2)
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