Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2) (23 page)

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When Liz finally dragged the toy along Chloe’s lower lips, Chloe cried out, arching her back to get closer to the touch. Liz pulled away. With each pass up and then down, Liz increased the pressure and drew nearer Chloe’s clit, but didn’t make contact. The tiny buzzes from the toy rocked Chloe’s skin, and orgasm built inside, hovering by a thin string that refused to break. Liz nudged Chloe’s swollen nub, and climax crashed through her. She jerked away out of instinct, pleasure threatening to overload her senses, but Liz kept the vibrator locked on its target.

“Please.” Chloe struggled for her voice. “I can’t—”

Liz shoved two fingers inside Chloe, adding another point of contact. Chloe’s head swam with clouds, as she came again. Jordan’s familiar grunts in the background amplified the stimuli flooding her. She ground against Liz until she couldn’t anymore, and then collapsed back on the mattress with a whimper.

“Beautiful.” Liz kissed Chloe’s thighs, pulling all other contact away, and moved up to claim Chloe’s lips.

Chloe worked her wrists free and held Liz close, memorizing every sound, sensation, taste, and scent that filled the room. This was perfect. Not only the sex—though that was incredible, and Chloe had a feeling it would only get better the more they learned about each other—but all of it. This amazing missing piece they’d found in Liz. That Chloe and Jordan trusted each other enough to make the leap. Chloe couldn’t have scripted it better if she’d tried.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Jordan watched Chloe and Liz curl up together, the evening light dancing over bare skin. More gorgeous than anything he’d drawn from his imagination. Definitely one of his new favorite sights. He sat on the foot of the bed, and Chloe unwound herself enough to nestle against Liz, both of them watching him. Wow. How did he get so lucky?

“Were you really going to move to L.A. without saying goodbye?” Chloe spoke in the content, half-drowsy tone he loved. She was happy.

Liz frowned, but it vanished quickly. “I was heartbroken. You two had each other. I was tired of falling for the wrong people and then having to stick around and watch the results. Running away seemed easy.”

Without saying goodbye
.” Chloe repeated.

“I was going to send a card, congratulating Jordan on his new venture.” Liz pointed toward the other side of the room. “It’s handwritten and everything, and sitting on my dresser. That’s kind of like

Chloe’s pout was exaggerated. “No. That’s nothing like it.”

“Speaking of…” Jordan had been wondering this, and now might not be the time to ask, but since the topic was already out there— “Did you have anything to do with Jonathan changing his mind?”

“No.” Liz’s answer came without hesitation. “I asked him to hear you out in exchange for me considering their partner agreement, because I believe in your project. I couldn’t mix how I felt with a decision like that, though. You deserved an impartial ear. Anything and everything he did with your presentation was his decision. He told you
based on what he saw, and he changed his mind for the same reason.”

“You didn’t influence him at all.” Jordan liked winning this on his own. Which wasn’t true. Liz still made it possible, and Chloe supported the entire thing, but it was nice to hear the idea had its own merit.

“I’ll admit it was harder for me to sign with them, knowing they’d passed on a deal as good as you. Fortunately, Jonathan made the right decision in the end, so my struggle didn’t last long.”

Chloe sat up and scooted until her back rested against the wall. “And now you’ll spend your time on the other side of the table from people like Jordan?”

“Mmm… Sexy pillow talk.” A smile played on Liz’s face, and teasing lined her sarcasm.

“You love it,” Jordan said.

Liz propped herself up on one elbow. “I love the two of you—”

“Wait. Stop. Hold on. That’s the first time you said that.” Chloe grinned.

I love you?
” Liz said. “Not that you gave me much of an opening before, barging into my place like it was important or something. But I do. I love you both. I’m completely and totally head-over-heels.”

Fucking music to his ears. As good as when Chloe said it, and just as right. Jordan nudged the bottom of Chloe’s foot with his toes. “Let the lady finish her story.”

“Thank you,” Liz said. “I won’t exactly be on the other side of the table. I made an amendment to my agreement, because I enjoyed the way I worked with Jordan. Beyond the I’m-in-love reasons.”

“Excuse me—declarations of love are momentous.” Chloe sounded indignant.

Jordan agreed but couldn’t help teasing her. “Are you going to Instagram it?”

“No. But I would like to bask for a moment.”

“I’ll be basking for a long time.” Liz moved to sit next to Chloe.

“Okay. We’ll all bask.” Jordan dragged out the words as if making a concession, loving every minute of the banter. “But I want to hear about how
so wonderful I changed Liz’s career path.”

Liz tossed a pillow at him. “Arrogant ass. I liked the work we did—figuring out if your idea was financially feasible; running the numbers; piecing it all together.”

“And I couldn’t have done it without you.” Credit given where credit was due.

“I know.” Liz smirked.

He lobbed the pillow back. “Now who’s being arrogant?”

“It’s not ego.” She looked smug anyway. “It’s a statement of fact. I figure you’re not the only person out there with a marketable concept and no clue how to approach selling it. I made sure I’ve got the freedom to hear pitches from people who have the ideas and platform, but maybe not the contacts or knowledge to assemble a business plan around it. I work with them, to see if the numbers add up, and there will be times I’ll pass on projects I pour a lot of time into. On top of that, if I want access to firm funds beyond my own, I have to sell the projects to the other partners.”

“So you really are an angel,” Chloe said with awe.

“With little pointy horns holding up my halo.”

“Because you’re not moving after all, because we’re wonderful—” Chloe hesitated. “You are staying, aren’t you?”

Liz nodded. “I’m staying.”

“Good. In that case, when are you moving in with us, Liz?”

“That’s a big assumption.”

Jordan watched the conversation like a tennis match, enjoying the way the two slid seamlessly from one topic to the next. Liz really did belong with them.

“It’s not, really,” Chloe argued. “We said we’d all be living together. Sharing a bed. Sharing our lives.”

Jordan made a show of looking around the room. “Liz’s condo is nice.”

“Liz’s condo is sterile and pre-furnished.” Liz spoke with disdain. “I never considered it home. We can change that if you want, but it’ll mean a lot of redecorating.”

“You were going to move out anyway. And I like home. I say you live with us, and we upgrade as needed.” Chloe made it sound so simple.

Jordan saw a tiny hitch in the plan. “That means two of us working from home. We’ll need an upgrade sooner, rather than later.”

“I want to work from home.” Chloe’s exaggerated pout returned.

Jordan crawled across the mattress, to kiss it away.

“I bet you don’t,” Liz said. “You love it at the office.”

“I do. Busted.”

“And I’ll probably have an office downtown. Half of our partners are based out of Salt Lake.” Liz cast her gaze toward the comforter.

Chloe gasped in indignation. “So that was already an option, and you were still going to move away and leave us behind?”

“Heartbroken. Remember?” Liz met Chloe’s tone gasp for gasp.

Jordan settled his palm on Liz’s chest, between her breasts. Her heart hammered against his skin. “Mended now?” he asked.

“Yes. It’s much better.”

“Good. The rest of the details will wait.” Jordan was good with figuring things out as time went on. For now, he wanted pizza, movies, and to probably christen another spot or two in
house as an official threesome, before the night was up. “We need you with us, though.” Because it didn’t matter what waited for them next. With all three of them, they could face anything.


* * * *


One Month Later

Jonathan’s sigh echoed through the speakerphone and filled Liz’s office. “Explain to me, Ms. I’m-so-progressive-I-have-a-boyfriend-
a-girlfriend, how is that politically correct?”

Liz, Chloe, and Jordan didn’t make their relationship a big deal, but they also didn’t keep it a secret. Liz was fortunate her closest friends and associates understood. “It’s for charity.” She glanced at her phone when a text from Chloe came in, and then turned her attention back to the conversation with a smile.

“That’s not a reason; it’s a smokescreen, and you know it.”

She also knew Jonathan wasn’t as irritated as he sounded. “All right. It’s not politically correct at all, but it’ll be fun. Besides, consider the cause. I hear this GG Foundation does amazing things.”


“Jonathan.” She mimicked his exasperation. “If you don’t want to help, say
. Stop hedging. If you do this for me, I’ll owe you.”

“Owe me what?”

“Umm… A tie-breaking vote.”

“You almost always vote with me anyway.”

“Something else then. You’ve got a list of wants specifically for things like this.” Another text came in, this one from Jordan, saying he was on his way up. “Listen, I have to go. Think about it?”

“Maybe. You dialing in for the presentation at three?”

“I’ll be there. Talk to you then.” Liz disconnected, as Jordan walked into the room.

He swung the door shut. “Hey, gorgeous.”

She grabbed her purse and stepped around the desk. “Perfect timing.”

“You hear from Chloe?”

“I did.” She unlocked her phone and pulled up the conversation. “She says,
Stupid asshole fucker. Whoever said nepotism was awesome is delusional. PS. Can’t make lunch. Sorry, love

Jordan chuckled. “Zach didn’t greenlight her proposal?”

“I assume. She also says… well…” Liz held up the message for Jordan to see.

,” he read aloud. “
If you break in the shiny new desk, take pictures.
” He looked at Liz, brows raised and mischief dancing in his eyes. “How do you figure that works? The taking pictures bit?”

“Not sure. The logistics have me confounded.” She had several ideas, though most of them involved what the photos would be of, not how to get them.

Jordan relieved her of her purse and phone, set both on a nearby chair, and rested his hands on her hips. He pushed her back with his frame, until she bumped into said shiny new desk. He lifted her to sit on the edge, nudged her legs apart with his knee, and slid between them, denim scraping up the insides of her thighs. “In that case, we’ll have to make it up as we go along.” He kissed along her collarbone and up her neck.

She tilted her head back with a happy sigh. In a million guesses, she never would have picked this as a possible future, but now she was living it with the two people she loved more than anything, she couldn’t imagine doing it any other way.






If you enjoyed Chloe, Jordan, and Liz’s story, and want to read about the rest of the gang, the remaining
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books are coming later in 2016.

Auctioning Affection
, when his Nana passes away, Jonathan is drawn back to the island in the Florida Keys where he spent his childhood summers… And confronted with a past he thought he’d left far behind.




In the meantime, if you’re looking for more cubicle dwellers and geek love to warm your heart and scorch the pages of your e-reader, and want to see Chloe and Jordan’s debut in the #GeekLove universe, check out the Version 2.0 series, starting with
Denial of Interes


And if you’d like to see their cameo in another ménage, check out
Roll Against Discovery




To keep up to date on new releases and other news from Allyson Lindt,
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