Leap of Faith (La Flor #1) (29 page)

BOOK: Leap of Faith (La Flor #1)
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“I’m sorry, Zane,” I say without hesitation. “I’m sorry I overreacted and for doubting your love. I should never have hurt you and I promise to make it up to you.
I . . . you were right, Zane,” I tell him. “I would’ve freaked out and shut you out completely. All this is hard to explain and understand, but some things in life are like that. If I had tried to explain my immediate feelings for Jake, I never would’ve had the time I had with him. And now—you’re right. When I finally saw you, I felt that shock go through my body. I think that’s what scared me the most. I had the same feelin’ with Jake. After his death, I convinced myself that was it for me. My forever was gone and I’d spend the rest of my life focusin’ on my daughters. I convinced myself I was gonna be alone. And then,
came along.

“I’ve grown up a lot since Jake,” I tell him. “I’m not the same person I was back then. I had to change to continue his dream and ensure a good life for our girls. I’ve done things that many would disapprove of, but those things had to be done. I didn’t tell you because I was also scared that you wouldn’t accept me.”

“What do you mean?” He asks me.

“Not right now, honey. I need some more time to put everything together into words—what I need to tell you. I have my reasons, and I hope you understand without knowing. I love you and I promise to tell you as soon as I can, but this isn’t just about me but other people, too. Please, trust me.”

I still haven’t found the words to tell him just how much I’ve changed since the person he saw so many years ago. I know I’m in the wrong not letting him know, especially as he’s just told me his history with Jake, but I need a little more time.

Zane stands up, bringing me with him. He holds me tight and I bury my face in his chest. I breathe him in and calm myself with his scent. His face is in my neck and we just hold each other. We’ve made it through our first “argument” and no one was hurt.

Now, we give each other strength and prepare ourselves to help my daughter.

“Momma,” I hear whimpered from behind me. “Mommy.”

Just hearing her voice makes my heart hurt for her. My beautiful daughter. I quickly make my way closer to her and I move my hand to touch her hair. She flinches and my heart breaks.

“Yes, baby girl,” I say softly. “I’m here, love.”

“Momma, it hurts,” she tells me with pain in her eyes. “Mommy, he hurt me. I tried to fight but he was so strong . . . he kept hittin’ me over and over and yellin’ at me. He was so angry—he tore my dress and he touched me. I tried to fight him as best I could but it wasn’t good enough—his fists and his hands were all over me.” She breaks down and lets everything out. “It hurt so much, Momma. I fought so hard for myself, but he still hurt me. He kept tellin’ me it was my fault, that it was time to pay up, and I couldn’t stop him.”

“Oh, baby . . . whatever happened, my little one,” I say to her, “is
your fault. No one has the right to lay their hands on you in anger, no matter the reason. Who did this, Rylee? And where was Dean?” He was supposed to take care of my little girl. I had trusted him with her safety. Where was he?

“It was him.” She shocks us with this revelation. “He did this to me. He lied to me and tricked me into goin’ to the hotel—he told me it was just a party and he would take me home afterwards. So, we went and when he started drinkin,’ I told him I wanted to go home. Instead, he took me to the room. When I refused him, he got angry—livid—and attacked me. He started hittin’ me and grabbin’ my dress to tear it off. There was so much anger and hate—he kept sayin’ I owed him after all the effort he’d put into our relationship. That I’d embarrassed him so many times puttin’ soccer as a priority and not him, and everything he had to put up with to be with me. He spent money on prom to butter me up and now I needed to pay up.”

“That little fucker. When I get my hands on him, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him,” Zane says angrily. “A man never lays a hand on a woman and when she says “no,” it means fuckin’ “no.” What he did to you makes him lower than shit, Rylee. Women are supposed to be cherished and protected, never hurt by our own hand. That little dipshit is a piece of scum and he’ll pay.”

“Please, Zane,” she pleads. “Don’t do anything. I don’t want you gettin’ in trouble. You need to be here for Momma. Please.”

“I’m not leavin,’ Rylee,” Zane reassures her. “I’m here for you, Skylar, and your momma. I’m not goin’ anywhere. But that boy needs to be taught a lesson he’ll never forget.”

“Rylee, one day you’ll meet someone that will love you unconditionally. Someone you’ll trust with your life. Until then, love, we’re here for you. We’ll do anything and everything in our power to help you,” I tell her. “Now, I need to know everything. The police will be here soon. Please, I know this is hard, my love, but you need to tell me everything that boy did to you.”

“Zane, honey, can you give us a minute, please?” I ask him, thinking it’ll be easier for Rylee.

He nods in understanding and squeezes my shoulder before turning to leave.

“No, Zane.” Rylee stops him at the door. “Um . . . can you please stay here with Momma? I—I’m okay with you being in here; you’re part of our family and, well, everything will come out when the police get here. I want you here and Momma is going to need you here. Please?”

“Rylee, I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Zane tells her. “I’m always here for you. Always.”

She looks at me. She takes a deep breath and begins reliving her nightmare.

My little girl.

I feel like a monster making her tell me, but I
to know. Halfway through, she grabs hold of my hand and my heart jumps; she’s not afraid of me, to touch me, thank goodness. Rylee holds my hand, seeking strength, and Zane keeps a hand on me, giving me strength.

“I tried so hard, Momma. I fought as hard as I could, but he kept hittin’ me over and over. He grabbed my dress and ripped it, grabbing my breasts and hurtin’ them. He laid his body over mine and moved his hand down there and inserted his fingers. He was so rough and it hurt. I started cryin’—I tried to buck him off and I swung and kicked, but I couldn’t make him stop. I think he finally got tired and even angrier because he stood. I thought he had given up but I was wrong. He kicked my wrist and I heard a snap and the pain started to get even more overwhelming. I kept praying for it to end but it kept going on forever.

“I prayed, ‘Please, God, help me and please don’t let him hurt my legs.’ I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t play anymore. Then, through the pain, I saw him aim at my legs. He knew where to hurt me.

“Before he made contact with his foot to snap my ankle, something happened . . . I saw Daddy, Momma,” she says, shocking me and Zane, who tightens his grip on my shoulder. “I know it sounds crazy but I think Daddy helped me somehow. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten away. One moment Dean was about to break me and the next he froze, and then somehow a vase appeared within reach. With all the strength I had left, I hit him, and then somehow I was able to move and get away. While he had me, I was helpless and at his mercy. I thought I was gonna die. I knew I didn’t want to and I prayed. And then I saw
I saw Daddy.”

Now I’m crying along with my daughter.

I look at my beautiful daughter and say, “You’ll never feel like that again. You are a strong and beautiful young lady. You’re alive, and I’m thankful for that. I can’t lose you like I did your father. Losin’ you would kill me,” I tell her through my tears. “You’ll be okay, Rylee. You have all of us and we’ll always be here for you. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that you never feel helpless again. Momma is gonna take care of this, baby. I promise. Now, the police are going to come in here and ask for your statement. We’ll be here for the whole time. I’m going to step out and make a call to Gunner. Zane is going to stay here with you. Is that okay?”

“It’s okay, Momma. I know Zane won’t hurt me and he won’t let anyone get near me. I—I just don’t want to be touched. Not yet,” she tells us. “I just need a little bit of time.”

“It’s okay. I love you always and forever,” I tell her before stepping outside the room. I make sure no one is able to hear and I call Gunner.

The phone rings and rings. It’s late and I finally hear a gruff, “This better be fuckin’ important.”

“Gunner,” I say into my phone. My tone must’ve alerted him because he immediately softens.

“Faith, everything okay?” He asks.

“No, Gunner. It’s Rylee,” I say, fighting angry tears. “We’re at Memorial Hospital. You need to get down here ASAP. She’s been hurt, Gunner. Real bad.”

“I’m on my way,” he tells me and I hear rustling as he puts his clothes on. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes if not sooner. I’m calling Damon. Is Zane there with you?”

“Yes, he’s here. He’s with her right now,” I tell him. “Gunner, prepare yourself.”

“I will, babe.”

With that I hang up the phone and make my way back to my daughter. I walk in and see her staring into space.

“Rylee,” I say to her. “I’m gonna let the nurses know that you’re awake. Okay?”

She nods but says nothing. I press the button next to her bed and wait for the nurse. As we wait, Rylee, Zane, and I sit in silence. I sit in the chair next to her and Zane keeps back. We remain the same after the nurse leaves. Not until we hear the police outside do we move. I look at Zane and he at me. I turn to Rylee.

“Baby girl, they’re here.”

“I know, Momma. I’m ready,” my brave little girl tells me.

After the police leave and Rylee falls asleep, Gunner, Zeke, Damon, Jax, and Duke are in the room with us. They’re furious and they want that boy’s blood.

“That little fucker dared to put his hands on our little girl,” Gunner says furiously.

“I’m ready to head out—all I need is the go-ahead,” Duke announces. He’s ready to go get Dean and teach him a lesson, but we can’t. Not yet.

“We can’t. The police were just here and they’re going to handle it. Until then, our hands are tied,” I tell them.

Zane is quietly observing our interaction and holding me.

“Do you really think they’re gonna do anything?” Zeke asks. “Isn’t his father friends with a judge?”

“Right now, I can only pray the system works. That boy hurt Rylee and there’s concrete proof—there should be enough for them to try him and find him guilty. I’m leaving it in their hands and God help that boy if they fail,” I tell everyone present.

And I’m serious. If Dean gets off, he will suffer. The punishment he’d receive from the law is child’s play compared to what he’d suffer if it’s left in our hands. Over the years, I’ve changed from that carefree girl I used to be. Now, no one messes with my family and goes unpunished. Not only do we have a name to uphold, but if I don’t protect my family, who will?

Zane tightens his hold on me.

“Baby, if they don’t do anything to him, I’ll handle it. I promised I’d protect you and the girls, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”

I give his arm a squeeze to acknowledge his words, and I nod to the guys. Understanding me, they get up.

“We’re gonna go and check some things out,” Gunner says. “We’ll have our phones on us, so let us know as soon as you get word from the police. We want this handled quickly so we can focus on our Rylee.”

Zane and I cross the room to them.

“Thank y’all,” Zane tells Gunner, taking the lead and Gunner follows. The guys recognize its meaning and the fact that he’s doing that. They nod in acknowledgement and shake his hand in respect.

“Always, man,” Gunner says. “Just take care of our girls; that’s all we ask. They deserve all the happiness in the world. I may not be the man for that job, but I’ll always be here for them. We all will.”

“I understand,” Zane answers him. “I’ve waited a long time to have this in my life and now that I do, I’ll treasure them always. I’ll protect them with my life that I can promise y’all.”

They nod and turn to me.

“We’ll touch base in a couple of hours if we don’t hear from you,” Gunner tells me.

They each give me a hug and a kiss on the forehead before heading out the door. I turn to Zane, he opens his arms, and I go to him. He wraps them around me and we hold each other. We stand there until I hear Rylee ask for me. He releases me and I make my way to my daughter. I give her some water and I sit in the chair next to her bed, holding her hand.

And I plan.

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