Land of Ice and Snow [Cairngorm Dragons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: Land of Ice and Snow [Cairngorm Dragons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“No. There was no resisting Ness when he wanted me. I knew he was my mate. It just took a while for me to accept it. There is nothing like it, Lachlann. You will know when you find her, and she will know, too. There is no mistaking it and no denying it.”

“No-one in the Braemuir lands is my mate. I want that connection that you both have. I’m here to see if I have better luck with Ness’s Clan. I hope he won’t object.”

“No, he won’t,” a deep voice answered. Ness was tall at six feet six. His chest was broad. His hips and waist were narrow. He had long, elegant, powerful thighs. The curling chestnut hair on his chest could be glimpsed as his doublet was open. The same chestnut hair fell in waves to his shoulders. His eyes were intelligent, deep-set, with heavy brows and long, thick, curling lashes. His face was striking. His chin was determined, with a deep cleft. He was broad and muscular as well as tall.

The small boy would have hurled himself on his mother if his father hadn’t kept a restraining hand on his plaid and brought him to a swift halt.

“No, Raibeart, my son. You will go and wash the horse smell off you. Then you will be very careful and approach your mother slowly. She has to be taken care of as I have reminded you oft times.”

The contrite small boy bowed to his mother and his uncle and left in the care of one of the maids.

“My lord of Ness, you forget he is but a wee boy of three summers.”

“My little rabbit, I will have him mind his manners from the start. Then, if he learns the correct way, there will be no need to undo and re-teach what he needs to know.”

“I know that, Ness, but he’s such a small infant. He’s still my baby.”

“But he will be Ness of Ness one day, and he has a lot to learn to fulfil his duties in the expected way, the way of his ancestors.”

Lachlann listened to all of this with interest. He’d had no notion that bringing up a child could be so very complicated. When he thought about it, he could see right on both sides. In his own case, not being a Clan chieftain, his children would not need to be schooled in such obligations. Ness was right though. It was easier to teach the right way from the start than have to correct it later. He was certain that Muireall saw the wisdom of that, but she was the boy’s mother after all and saw him as her babe still. Maybe she would think differently when she had the other two babies, but Lachlann didn’t think so. She had always had a great heart and a large store of love. Her first-born would always be dear to her no matter what.

An hour later seated in the great hall, watching the small infant cope with his meal with the aid of the same maid, Lachlann was proud of his nephew. Muireall had her meal in her room, and the men dined at the high table. The rest of the Clan who worked in the Keep were fed at the other tables in the hall. Raibeart sat by his formidable father and did his best to be the next Ness of Ness. Lachlann smiled at Ness, who kept a surreptitious eye on his son until he’d finished his meal and was led off by the maid to visit his mother.

“So you are seeking your mate in my lands, Lachlann?”

“Yes, with your permission. I have found no mate at home in the Braemuir lands.”

“Feel free to go and search amongst the available maidens. Remember we are water dragons, so don’t neglect a visit to the loch.”

Chapter Two


The next day Lachlann resolved to start his search. He changed to his dragon-shape and flew to Drumnadrochit, where he landed and changed back to human-form. There were maidens walking about the small settlement and talking, but although he used his senses, sending thoughts out in all directions, no answering call came to him. Certainly as a stranger, he excited plenty of attention. The females of the Ness Clan were no different to females anywhere. A new and personable young man would always give them plenty to look at and talk about. Lachlann had counted on that very fact, but he was having no success at locating his one true mate. All he seemed to be doing was driving himself wild with lust. His cock was permanently rigid and painful. All he could think of was sinking it into the wet and willing cunt of one of these beauties. He knew he couldn’t do that. In Braemuir lands, it would have been just about acceptable, as he was a dragon lord and brother of the Clan chieftain. Here he had no water-breathing ability, and any child of the union would not fit in with the Clan. His hand pressed on the base of his cock under his plaid, giving some relief until he could find some privacy. He saw a copse at one end of the town and made for it. Once between the trees and hidden from the settlement, he lifted his plaid and was about to give himself the relief he needed when a soft voice startled him.

“Do let me help you with that, lord.”

A woman of about thirty, no longer in the first flush of youth, but still passably good-looking, was leaning against the trunk of one of the trees. She walked toward him, her hips swayed seductively, and she fixed her eyes on his.

“It would be a real shame to waste such a stiff cock.” She dropped to her knees before him and took his swollen dick between her hands. Pearly drops oozed from his slit, and she spread the cream lovingly over the fat, purple head. Then she bent and licked it off. His cock jerked at the touch of her tongue. Her hands were calloused but gentle as she rolled his balls in his sac and pressed at the base of his erection to ensure he didn’t come too soon. Lachlann felt he ought to say “no,” but for the life of him he couldn’t. He well knew that if he’d brought himself to release he would still have been horny and unsatisfied. There was that in this woman’s eyes that promised satisfaction. He wasn’t risking getting her with child, so why not? He gave up the struggle as she began to pump the base of his cock with her hands and her tongue swirled around the head and dipped into his slit. She licked and nibbled just the head to start with, and his knees felt weak. Her busy tongue and lips travelled the length of his shaft, nipping and sucking. She was driving him wild. Her mouth returned to the head of his cock. She sucked in her cheeks and took as much of him in as she could. Bobbing her head, she applied herself to giving him pleasure, until he could control himself no more. His hips bucked, and she stilled, allowing him to fuck her mouth. In four more strokes he felt the tingles gathering. He stilled, then felt sweet release as the hot, salty cream spurted from his dick. She swallowed it all then licked him clean and replaced the plaid for him. He held out his hand to pull her to her feet. She curtsied and left the clearing. Lachlann looked after her in amazement. When he regained the power of movement, he hurried out of the clearing, but the woman was nowhere to be seen. He felt much better. The relief she’d given him lasted far longer than it would have had he come at his own hand. He was grateful and would have rewarded her.

He spoke to Ness about it later.

“You are indeed favoured. She’s said to be an elf. She rewards those she likes with the pleasure she has just given you. She doesn’t appear often and never before, to my knowledge, to one not of the Ness Clan.”

One of the maids came in and bobbed a curtsey to Ness. “If you please, my lord, Mairi sent me to tell you…”

She got no further. Ness was on his feet and striding urgently out of the great hall. Lachlann followed. They got to the birthing chamber to find a maid stationed outside the door. Mairi was taking no chances.

“Mairi says all is going well and would your lordships wait until she sends for you.”

Lachlann went white as a scream of agony erupted from the throat of his sister and made Ness flinch in spite of the closed doors.

“I will wait, but you will go inside, and from time to time you will come and tell me what progress is being made.” He turned on his heel and went to sit on one of the chairs Mairi had had provided.

“Your sister will be having no more children,” he said. “I can’t stand her agony. I just hope she’s content with the girl she is wanting, and then we can stop all this.” He waved his hand at the door of the birthing chamber as more moans of pain were heard. Lachlann could not but agree with him. It was bad enough that the woman in labour was his sister. What was he going to feel when it was his mate and his child giving her so much pain? Ness had such a connection with her that he must be feeling every birth pang. He must feel helpless to prevent her pain, too. That was not a feeling that would sit well with Ness. He and Ness sat there for four more hours. At intervals the little maid arrived with words of comfort, which didn’t soothe either man. Eventually a thin reedy cry was heard, then another one. Lachlann watched Ness sag in his chair in relief that it was all over at last. He realised he was doing the same. Mairi came out ten minutes later.

“You may go in and greet your children, my lord.”

Ness rose to his feet with alacrity, and as the women filed out of the chamber, he went in.

“Is my sister all right, Mairi?”

“Yes, of course she is. She has a boy and a girl. Just what is needed for the succession. Why do I think that great mountain of a man knew what he was doing? He’s as soft as butter where she’s concerned and would protect her from every wind that blows. She’s made of sterner stuff, but she’s going to have her work cut out if she wants to convince him to have more babies. Two sons are barely enough to ensure the succession.”

Ness came out and beckoned to Lachlann, who followed him into the chamber. Muireall was dressed in a white robe. She was lying back amongst banks of feather pillows. She looked pale, but she was smiling.

“Come and meet your nephew and niece, Lachlann. Their names are Rowan and Shona.”

She held one of her two babies swaddled in white cloths in each arm. Lachlann went to the bed and put out one finger to touch the head of Rowan then Shona. They blinked sleepily at him, and he smiled down at his sister.

“Now I can go and tell Eilidh all about them. You take care of yourself and them.” He bent and kissed her on the top of her head, clasped Ness’s hands in his, and left. He collected his bag then changed into his dragon-form and flew swiftly back to the lands of Braemuir. He’d seen his sister’s babies, but no mate had been forth-coming.


* * * *


Once back at the Caisteal, he had perforce to satisfy not only Eilidh’s curiosity but his mother’s and that of as many of the females that could find business in the great hall while he told his story. When he’d finished, they all began to chatter about the babies, their names, and all the thousand and one things women find to talk about at such a time.

“Lachlann, son, some with me to the solar,” his mother said.

“Very well, Mother,”

Once seated in the comfortable chairs that Eilidh had had made for this room that she loved, Lachlann’s mother looked at him.

“What ails you son? Tell me.”

“I need a mate, Mother. I see my brother and sister with a family and long for the same myself, but no female calls to me. I tried in Ness’s lands, but there was no-one there either.”

“Well, maybe it’s you then.”

“Me? What do you mean?”

“The old family legend, passed down from generation to generation, tells that one day a Braemuir, not finding his mate within our lands, will go on a long journey and bring back a mate from amongst the ice and snow.”

“Where is the land of ice and snow?”

“I don’t know, but Mairi does.”

“Well, I’m not getting anywhere here. If Ness can go to Japan to be trained in the bondage, I could go to that other land and seek a mate. Right, there is after all no time like the present. I’m going back to Darroch Keep to speak with Mairi.”

“Do take care, my son. Stay safe.”

Lachlann kissed his mother, and then he went to his chamber and filled his bag with things he thought he might need if indeed he went to this cold land. Then he went out of the Caisteal, giving it a long look as it might well be a long time before he returned if all went well. He changed to his dragon-form, and leaping in the air, his mighty pinions pumping, he took off and arrowed toward Darroch Keep. There was more hope in his heart than he’d had for many a day.

Half an hour later, after flying as fast as he could, Lachlann landed in the forecourt, scattering small stones and pebbles. Quickly changing into his human-form, he entered the Keep.

“I didn’t expect to see you back here for quite a while,” Ness remarked.

“I have to speak to Mairi on a very urgent matter. Where is she?”

“I’m here, Lord Lachlann. What is it you want with me?” Mairi asked, amusement in her voice. She’d always had a soft spot for Lachlann and often treated him as if he were still a child.

“I’ve had no success finding a mate here or in Braemuir’s lands. My mother told me of the old family legend.”

“That legend,” Mairi said. “There was a tale that a Braemuir, unable to find his mate in his native land, would travel to the land of ice and snow. There he would complete a task and win a snow maiden to bride.”

“That’s more or less what my mother said. She doesn’t know where this land is, and she said you did know.”

“It’s the land of the Norsemen. They are fierce warriors and have enormous ships of war. They used to raid along our coasts, and the blood of the Norsemen undoubtedly runs in many a man and woman’s veins here. The legend tells of a snow-bound land to the north, full of deep inlets that join the sea with the land. The maiden is slender, with pale-golden hair in a long, thick plait down her back. Her dress is rich and strange.”

“Where does this land lie?”

“Directly to the north.”

“Then I will go and visit this land and see if the legend is true. I can find no mate here, so I have nothing to lose.”

Chapter Three


Outside the meeting hall, Sigourney waited with her mother, Gudrin. Sigourney, a tall, slender ice-maiden with a long, thick, white-blonde plait hanging down her back, was dressed for this formal meeting in the traditional dress. Her long black skirt was heavily embroidered in the old flower patterns. Her white blouse with voluminous, long sleeves showed under the tight-fitting waistcoat in the blue that befitted her station. It was also heavily embroidered down the front over her ample breasts and all along the back where it hugged her slender waist and emphasised her plump bottom. She wore a long cloak of bright-blue wool to keep out the cold. Her mother was similarly dressed. This was a formal occasion, and as such they had to do justice to their family name.

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