Land of Ice and Snow [Cairngorm Dragons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Land of Ice and Snow [Cairngorm Dragons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Yes, my love, I do. I’m no longer very young, and I don’t want to waste time. I want your children.”

Lachlann kissed her tenderly, and they lay for a long while, lazing in the hot water, treasuring this moment of privacy and intimacy before the ceremonies to come.


* * * *


By prior arrangement, Sigourney didn’t go to his bed that night. He was restless, and he could feel she was, too. They had decided it would be best to spend the night apart, but he got no sleep. He missed her presence and the comfort of her arms, and was glad when the dawn’s light crept into his window.

Standing in the meeting hall later in his plaid and decorated leather jerkin, waiting with Axl for his bride to appear, Lachlann looked around and saw speculative glances sent his way. He knew it wasn’t the custom for one of her lineage to marry outwith the community. He also knew they set much store by the legend. Then she was there, and all thoughts of the others left him. She was breath-taking. She was his beautiful ice-maiden. Her long, light-gold hair was plaited, and the golden torc shone on her head. She was dressed in the traditional dress with the tight bodice lavishly embroidered. Her mother led her into the meeting house by a silken cord tied around Sigourney’s waist. Sigourney’s eyes were down-cast, but she blushed profusely. From her thoughts, which she never shielded from him, he knew she was thinking of their love-making and the pleasure he bestowed on her. He glowed as her thoughts told him of her love and her pleasure in his appearance.

“Soon we will be together, my love, and no-one will ever part us again. You are mine, and I am yours forever. It is my mission in life to make you happy and love you and those two infants you carry.”


* * * *


As her mother led her into the hall, Sigourney couldn’t help but look at him under her lashes. She should have kept her eyes cast down but couldn’t for the life of her avoid just the one fleeting look. She saw the strong, tanned column of his neck as it rose from the snowy linen of his shirt and blushed as she remembered how yesterday, in the hot water of the lagoon, she had licked and sucked the pulse point where his shoulder joined his neck. She recalled the nights of passion, his mouth on hers and his cock buried deep inside her, and her blush deepened. She was flushed and aroused. She didn’t care. Those present would think that she blushed in maidenly confusion as was usual. For all they knew, she was going to his bed for the first time tonight, and so such blushes were expected. She maintained her modest demeanour as her mother led her forward. As was the custom, she kept her eyes lowered, and soon she stood by his side and faced her father. Axl blessed the union, calling on all to witness his willing acceptance of his daughter’s choice of mate.

“We are all here today to celebrate the union of my daughter, Sigourney Hillesland, with Lachlann of Braemuir. The saga tells of the orange-and-gold dragon who comes out of the south to claim his bride and return the golden torc. Lachlann is that man. My daughter wears the golden torc today thanks to him. It was lost to us for so long but is now back where it belongs. It isn’t the usual custom of the Hilleslands to mate outside our land, but in case there are any doubters”—and here he looked in direct challenge at Helga, who couldn’t meet his eyes—“I am completely happy with my daughter’s choice of mate. I unite their hands and wish them every happiness and a long life.”

Then, taking the cord from his wife’s hands, he tied the other end to Lachlann’s wrist, then Lachlann drew Sigourney close for a long deep kiss. She was supposed to stand quiescent with her hands by her sides, but she found it difficult not to raise her hands and frame his beloved face. She managed to keep control of herself as he kissed her long and passionately.

That was it, they were wed, and she was his. The rest of the guests drew back and allowed the newly married pair the floor. They had to do the traditional bride dance, and she had to guide his steps. If he faltered or made a misstep, it would be seen as a bad omen for their future. She concentrated on helping him. He was used to the Scottish dance steps and so light on his feet that she found that he followed her instructions well. Soon the rest of the company, seeing they danced well together, joined them on the floor, and they were engulfed by the crowd of couples intent on enjoying the festivities.


* * * *


When the feasting was over, Lachlann was led to his chamber by Axl. Sigourney had disappeared half an hour before, and he wondered where she was. He didn’t know what the bride-bedding customs were here, and no-one had enlightened him. Axl opened the door, and Gudrin came out. Lachlann entered and saw her lying naked in his bed. Her long blonde hair was unbound and had been brushed thoroughly to judge by the way it gleamed in the torchlight as it fanned out over his pillows. He turned and fastened the door securely.

“No need to worry, husband. There are no outlandish customs here. No-one will disturb us tonight. Come to bed and make love to me now.”

Chapter Eight


The next day the whole town, it seemed, had gathered in the square. Lachlann and Axl had discussed the best way to make it a safe and enjoyable journey for Hamish and decided that they would call in to visit one of Axl’s cousins in Stavanger and spend the night there.

Accordingly they landed at Stavanger and were warmly welcomed. Axl’s cousin, Harald, was glad to catch up with all the family news and pleased to meet Sigourney’s mate and hear all about the wedding. The following day they changed to dragon-form and flew straight over the sea to Skye. Hamish had wanted to visit his native island before going to the mainland and starting the search for his Mairi. They circled the sky over Portree and eventually descended. Hamish was surprised to see that the settlement had changed little from what he remembered. No-one that he knew still lived there, and he caught no thoughts from his Mairi. He had expected that, if she still lived, she’d be on the island and said as much to Lachlann.

“Well she may be, or it might well have contained so many painful memories that she wanted to leave and go to the mainland. Let’s continue our journey and see if you can catch any wisp of thought when we get there. We will go first to Braemuir’s lands as I have to present my mate to the Clan chieftain, and then he can arrange the dragon mating. If no sign of Mairi is found there, we can go to Ness’s lands and on from there to other Clan’s while my brother and his wife take care of my mate and prepare her for her mating.


* * * *


Axl and Gudrin took ship the next morning as had been agreed as soon as the three dragons had set off. Their standard was raised on the mast, and the proud carved and painted ship set sail down the fjord toward the south and Scotland. This ship had not left the fjords for many years now. Axl wondered what sort of reception they would get when they got to Scotland. It was many a long year since the Norsemen raided along the coasts of Scotland and England, but such things lived long in the collective folk memories. He stood in the prow with his arm around his mate. It was a long time since they had sailed together, and he relished the break from routine. The sea was calm, the sun shone, and he breathed in the cool salt air with relish.

“Ah, Gudrin, we should do this more often. I feel twenty years younger today.”

“Well, husband, seeing as you feel so much younger, I think we ought to go to our quarters, and you can demonstrate to me the effects of this feeling.”

Axl patted his wife’s slim bottom.

“Indeed I will, my love. Go below and get ready to receive your lord and master.”

Gudrin blushed and hurried below. Their marriage had always been a very physical one, and Axl knew she still enjoyed their love-making as much as he did. He and Gudrin had been pleased to hear the cries that Lachlann had wrung from their daughter on the nights that she had joined him in his bed. They were of the opinion that a marriage that worked well in the bedroom had an excellent chance of being both happy and fulfilled, as theirs had been. Axl waited a few minutes to give his mate the chance to prepare for him and enjoy the anticipation as he did. Then he went to their quarters with a spring in his step and the light of love in his eyes.


* * * *


Feasgar, Hamish, and Sigourney landed outside the Caisteal. As they were not known to the family, Feasgar had judged it better to land at the bottom of the slope and not just in front of the building in case they alarmed those within. Consequently both Hamish and Sigourney were treated to a long look at what was to be her home until they found somewhere suitable to live. Lachlann observed both of them to see what sort of impression the Caisteal would make upon them. Then he berated himself as Hamish had known his ancestors and undoubtedly the Caisteal. The old man seemed moved by his view of it, and Lachlann could only suppose that his memories were troubling him. Sigourney on the other hand was round-eyed in awe, and it was no wonder.

The large, square, stone-built structure was set into the hillside overlooking Boat of Garten. There was only one road up to it, so it was easily defended. There was a flat area in front of the Caisteal where family could land in dragon-form. They climbed slowly up the slope, taking into account that Hamish wouldn’t be able to hurry and allowing Sigourney to look her fill. Then they entered the house. The entrance hall was large and furnished with richly polished, old furniture. Straight opposite the front door was a wide, ornately carved staircase leading to the upper floor. Braemuir was there waiting to greet them. He was an imposing figure at six feet four inches tall. He had the Braemuir plaid wound around him and the end thrown over his shoulder in the time-honoured tradition. The huge brooch with the cabochon emerald and the golden dragon held it in place. His muscular frame was broad at the shoulders and narrow at the waist and hips. His legs were long, lean, and powerful. He was every inch the warrior. His hair was long, blue-black, and glossy. He wore it pulled back from his face and tied at the nape of his neck with a leather thong. He carried a huge broadsword at his hip. It was long and heavy, with a matching cabochon emerald in the hilt.

“Lachlann, welcome home, brother, and who are these people you have brought with you?”

“This is Hamish Munroe, friend of some of our ancestors who has been living in the Norse lands. Hamish, this is my brother, Braemuir of Braemuir.”

“I would have known him anywhere. He has the look of my old friend. I am honoured to meet you, Braemuir.”

“The honour is all mine. I know from the family records that you were a close friend of my ancestor’s, and you are therefore doubly welcome to the Caisteal.”

“This is my mate, Sigourney. She is from Alesund in the land of the Norsemen. Sigourney, my brother and Clan chieftain, Braemuir.”

“I’m pleased to meet you,” Sigourney said and dropped a deep curtsey from which Braemuir raised her.

“We are to be brother and sister now, Sigourney. There is no need to curtsey to me. Come. Let me kiss your cheek. You must all be in need of sustenance after your long flight.”

He led them to a door on the left. The room they entered was furnished with comfortable chairs, a huge sofa, low tables, and a couple of footstools. A log fire burned in the large, stone, inglenook fireplace, giving light and warmth. Lachlann led Sigourney over to it to warm her hands. There were the shelves of books, stretching from floor to ceiling. Many of them were very old, with tooled-leather spines. The rugs on the polished floorboards were dyed sheepskins.
Braemuir pulled on an ornate rope hanging by the side of the fireplace, and within a few minutes, a pleasant, motherly woman appeared.

“Something hot to drink for our guests and my brother, please,” he said.

“Certainly, sir. Welcome to the Caisteal, my lord, my lady. I am glad to see you back safely, Lord Lachlann.”

“This is Seonag, she has been here since she was a child,” Braemuir said.

She soon returned and placed on one of the low tables a tray with a pot, four cups, and saucers and a plate of oatcakes with good Caboc cheese, coated in pinhead oatmeal. Seonag lifted the pot, and poured out a dark-brown liquid. It was thick and rich and smelled slightly spicy but very good. Sigourney looked at Lachlann questioningly

“That’s chocolate,” he said.

Sigourney smelled it then tasted it. Lachlann knew that she’d never tasted it before.

“Do you like it, my love?”

“Oh yes, Lachlann. I’ve never had anything so very rich and satisfying.” She finished her cup.

“Do have another cup, my dear,” Braemuir said. So she poured herself another. This time Lachlann noticed she sipped slowly, savouring not only the taste, but the aroma and the warmth the cup transmitted to her hands.
Trust Braemuir to bring out the chocolate. It usually puts guests at ease.


* * * *


Sigourney was more than pleased with her reception. She thought the Caisteal was a beautiful place and wondered what her own home would be like. The door opened, and a lady entered. She had beautiful hair in a long, neat braid hanging down her back. It shone chestnut, with red highlights, in the sun. Her face was heart-shaped with a pair of wide-set gray eyes, as gray as the stormy sea. Her nose was small and pert, and her cheeks were as plump and red as apples. What a wide, generous mouth with lips like ripe cherries. She had plump, firm, full breasts. Her waist was narrow, but her hips were wide. A great contrast with Sigourney’s own pale golden hair and blue eyes, when she was in human-form.

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