Lamy of Santa Fe (75 page)

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Authors: Paul Horgan

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Not a philosopher, not a sophisticate, Lamy was an unquestioning perpetuator of the values of almost two thousand years of faith, set forth in every august expression of liturgy, as well as in the daily simplicities of the peasant village life into which he was born like any other local child—except that upon him were visited a form of energy and a need to express it which other children of Lempdes did not receive. The mystery abides. At Clermont it was recorded,
“Sa mort a été le fin d'un beau jour”
—his death was the end of a fine day.


Two Summertimes

the archbishop's garden yielded fifteen hundred quarts of strawberries, forty gallons of cherries, one thousand of currants, and two hundred of raspberries; while five thousand shrubs, vines, and young trees which were ready for transplanting from the garden were auctioned for charity in the plaza of Santa Fe. A year later Joseph Priest Machebeuf died in Denver.






1 Interviews

2 Author's Field Drawings and Notebooks

3 Pictorial Sources

4 Sound Recording



Books, Pamphlets, Unpublished Dissertations, etc.




de l'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, Paris
. (Citations also from numbers in BALT and TCA.)

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. Letterbook
files. Topeka, Kansas

Baltimore Archdiocesan Archives

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale

Charlemagne, Brother Walter.
Letters to M. le Chanoine Pierre Lacour, written from Santa Fe. Ecole Massillon, Clermont-Ferrand

Cincinnati Archdiocesan Archives

Cincinnati Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame Archives. (Letters of J. B. Lamy; Letters of José Antonio Martínez to Bishop Lamy, 1853–1861; and tracts, circulars, newspaper articles against Lamy 1857–1860 [Spanish]. Letters of J. B. Purcell.

Denver Archdiocesan Archives. (“Memoirs”; miscellaneous papers.

(DEN/RA) Joseph Priest Machebeuf.
Letters, in hand copies made from originals in Monastère de la Visitation de la Sainte Marie, at Riom, France

Robert Dougherty.
Business correspondence, St Louis, 1862–1864
. DEN.

Evangelista, Sister.
Notes on early Santa Fe, n.d
., DEN.

Ewing, Brigadier General Charles.
Letter, June 1881, to wife. Copy

Galveston Diocesan Archives

Georgetown University Library. John Gilmary Shea Collection

Hayden, Mother Magdalen.
Excerpts from letters. Extracted by Sister
M. Matilda Barrett, archivist, Loretto Motherhouse, Nerinckx, Ky
Typescript. (Note by Sr. Matilda: “Spanish originals in Loretto
) LO.

Histoire de Lempdes. Lempdes Parish archives

Lamy, Hippolyte.
Mémoire. Lempdes Parish archives

Lamy, Juan Bautista, archbishop.
Short history of the Pueblo Indians of New-Mexico, sent to Genl. C. Ewing by the Bishop of Santa Fe. Santa Fe, N.M. February 25, 1874. Ms. copy in the Shea Collection, GUL.
Another ms. copy, with a few pages missing, is in the Martin
Griffin Collection, St Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pa

Loretto Motherhouse Archives, Nerinckx, Ky

Loza, Pedro, Bishop of Sonora. [
Instrument of cession of certain Gadsden Purchase lands to diocese of Santa Fe. Alamos, Sonora, 16
January 1859.
] TA.

Lyon Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi

Lyon Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi in
ND, q.v.

Lyon Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi
, in Texas Catholic Archives, q.v.

Missions catholiques, les
. L/SPF/TCA, q.v.

Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe

University of Notre Dame Archives

New Mexico State Records and Archives, Santa Fe

New Orleans Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre
Dame Archives

Pettis, George.
Letters written from Arizona and New Mexico, 1862–1864. Ms., Coe Collection

Paris Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi

Paris Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi in University of Notre Dame Archives

Paris Archives of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi in Texas Catholic Archives

Riom Archives of the Monastère de la Visitation de la Sainte Marie. Letters of Joseph Priest Machebeuf, 1839–1886, to his sister
[and other materials].
Typescripts from the originals by Reverende Mère Thérèse Lucie Roy

Ritch, William G.
Dispatch to the New York Herald, 21 June 1875, reporting ceremonies elevating J. B. Lamy as Archbishop of Santa Fe on 16 June 1875. Ms. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif

Ronquillo, E. W.
Ms. notes, 1851–1877. Newberry Library

Saler, Francis.
Business correspondence (bell casting). St Louis, 1865
, DEN.

Sapp, Francis.
A brief history of the Sapp family in the early Danville community, 1805–1905. Annotated and mimeographed by Homer Blubaugh. Cincinnati, n.d., St Mary's Seminary

Santa Fe Archdiocesan Archives

Santa Fe Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame Archives

St Louis University, Saint Pius X Library

Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi in University of Notre Dame Archives

Tucson Diocesan Archives

Talbot, Rt Rev Josiah Cruickshank.
Diary. Typescript after ms. New Mexico State Records and Archives

Texas Catholic Archives

Texas Catholic Archives copies of Lyon Archives of Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi

Truchard, Jean-Auguste.
Une lettre de M. Jean-Auguste Truchard curé de Santa Fe datée 23 Juin 1875
reproduite dans La Semaine Religieuse de Clermont du 7 Août 1875 …

Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda
Fide. Rome. Documents referred to are coded as follows: Scritt[ure]
orig. rif. nelle Congr. Gen., bundles 972 through 974;
rif. nei congressi America Septentrionale, volumes 14 through 22
. The documents are filed chronologically within the classifications. To identify those quoted or abstracted, the date of writing is given in the notes.

Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide, papers of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi, copies in Texas Catholic Archives



Brun-Voyat, Madame (great-great-niece of J. B. Lamy
). Lempdes.

Chauvet, M le Chanoine
. Nohanet, Puy-de-Dôme.

Fanguet, M l'Abbé, Curé de Lempdes
. Lempdes.

Fournier, M le Chanoine
. Riom.

Garcia, Rev José S
. Trinidad, Colorado.

Raynor, Mrs E. Frank
. New York.

Whalen, Mrs Charles
. Santa Fe.


(Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale).



Cincinnati Historical Society

Cincinnati Public Library

Echols, Isabel, and Johnson, E. Dana, Photograph collection, Santa Fe

El Paso Public Library, Sarony lithograph

Hine, Robert V. Bartlett's West, drawing the American boundary. New Haven, 1968


Meem, John Gaw. Photograph collection, Santa Fe


New Orleans Historical Museum

New Orleans Public Library

Reps, John W. Western city views. Fort Worth, 1972

Rinhart, Floyd and Marion. American Daguerreian art. New York, 1967.

San Antonio Public Library


Canteloube, Joseph (arr.).
Chants d'Auvergne. Sung by Madeleine Grey. Odeon, n.d


Abert, James W.
Western America in 1846–1857, the original travel diary … with illustrations in color from his sketchbook. San Francisco, 1965

Almada, Bartolomé E.
Almada of Alamos, the diary of Don Bartolomè. Trans, by Carlotta Miles. Tucson, 1966

Balthasar, Juan Antonio.
Balthasar, padre visitador to the Sonora frontier, 1744–1745. Ed. and trans. by Peter Masten Dunne. Tucson, 1957.

Bandelier, Adolph F.
Southwestern journals, 1880–1882 (v. 1). Ed. and annotated by Charles H. Lange and Carroll L. Riley. Albuquerque, 1966

Bartlett, John Russell.
Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission during the years 1850–1853. 2 v. New York, 1854

Benavides, Fray Alonso de.
Revised memorial of 1634. Ed. by Frederick Webb Hodge, George P. Hammond, and Agapito Rey. Albuquerque, 1945

Browne, J. Ross.
A tour through Arizona, 1864, or, adventures in the Apache country. Tucson, 1950

Caesar, Caius Julius.
The Gallic wars
with an English translation by H. J. Edwards. The Loeb Classical Library. London, 1939

Chateaubriand, Vicomte François-René.
Oeuvres romanesque et voyages. Texte établi, présenté et annoté par Maurice Regard. Paris, 1969

Clark, Charles M.
A trip to Pike's Peak, and notes by the way, etc. With editorial and biographical notes by Robert Greenwood. San Jose, 1958

… Concilia provincilia Baltimori, habita ab anno 1829. ad anno 1849. Baltimore, 1851

Cremony, John C.
Life among the Apaches. Tucson, 1854

Davis, W. W. H.
El Gringo, or New Mexico and her people. Introduction by Harvey Fergusson. Santa Fe, 1938

Dickens, Charles.
American Notes. London, 1957

The Pilgrim edition of the letters of Charles Dickens (v
. 3).
1842–1843. Oxford, 1974

Drown, William.
Escorting a bishop
. In:
From everglade to cañon with the Second Dragoons … 1836–1875, by Theo F. Rodebaugh. New York, 1875

Ellis, Rt Rev Msgr John Tracy, ed.
Documents of American Catholic history. Milwaukee, 1956

Emory, William H.
Lieutenant Emory reports … a reprint of Lieutenant W. H. Emory's Notes of a military reconnaissance. Ed. by Ross Calvin. Albuquerque, 1951

Report of William H. Emory, Major, First Cavalry and U.S

Commissioner, United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, 34th Congress, 1st session, ex. doc. no. 135. Washington, 1857

Fifty Years in a Brown County convent. By a member of the community. Cincinnati, 1895

Fulton, Maurice Garland, ed.
New Mexico's own chronicle. Three races in the writings of four hundred years. Adapted and ed. by Maurice Garland Fulton and Paul Horgan. Dallas, 1937

Gibson, George Rutledge.
Journey of a soldier under Kearny and Doniphan. Ed. by Ralph P. Bieber. Glendale, 1935

Gregg, Josiah.
Commerce of the prairies. Ed. by Max L. Moorhead. Norman, 1954

Hollister, Ovando J.
Colorado volunteers in New Mexico 1862. Ed. by Richard Harwell. The Lakeside Classics. Chicago, 1962

James, Henry.
William Wetmore Story and his friends, from letters, diaries, and recollections. 2 v. Boston, 1904

McCall, Colonel George Archibald.
New Mexico in 1850: a military view. Ed. by Robert W. Frazer. Norman, 1968

Marryat, Frederick.
A diary in America. Ed. by Sydney Jackman. New York, 1962

Martínez, Antonio José.
Letters (1856–58) (previous publication uncertain); broadsides (in Gaceta de Santa Fe); tracts (Taos, 1859–61). All in reproduction of ms. or typed copies. Santa Fe Archdiocese archives in University of Notre Dame archives

Meriwether, David.
My life in the mountains and on the plains … Ed. by Robert A. Griffen. Norman, 1965

Montoya, Juan de.
New Mexico in 1602. Trans., ed., and annotated by George P. Hammond and Agapito Rey. Albuquerque, 1938

Pino, Pedro Bautista,
et al. Three New Mexico chronicles
Trans, with introduction and notes by H. Bailey Carroll and J. Villasana Haggard. Albuquerque, 1942

Segale, Sister Blandina.
At the end of the Santa Fe Trail. Milwaukee, 1948

Smith, George Winston and Judah, Charles.
Chronicles of the Gringos. Albuquerque, 1968

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