Lamy of Santa Fe (76 page)

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Authors: Paul Horgan

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… The cathedral of St Peter in Chains. Brochure of the cathedral. Cincinnati, n.d.

Cekosh, Barbara Jo and Ferro, David E.
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Dates of issues cited appear in the Notes.

Catholic Telegraph

Chicago Times

Colorado Catholic


Commercial Bulletin
(New Orleans).

Congressional Globe

Daily Picayune
(New Orleans).

Denver Catholic Universe

Denver Republican

Gaceta de Santa Fe
(Spanish-language supplement in Santa Fe
New Mexican

Galveston News

Hartford Evening Post

Les Missions Catholiques

New Mexican
(Santa Fe. Variously at different periods titled
Daily New Mexican, Santa Fe New Mexican, Weekly New Mexican Review, New Mexican Review

New Mexico Architect

New Statesman

New York Herald

Red River Chronicle
(San Miguel del Vado, New Mexico).

Santa Fe Gazette

Santa Fe Register

Santa Fe Republican

Santa Fe Weekly

La Semaine Religieuse



Numbers in the left-hand column indicate pages in text. References to sources are located by catch phrases or by general subject (cited in parenthesis).

The original language of a reference in French, Spanish, Italian, or Latin is so identified in the notes. All those without such identification may be assumed to be in English.

In the case of original documents, reference is made, unless otherwise specified, to copies in microfilm, Xerox, or other forms of reproduction.


Abbreviations for collections of sources, or serial works, cited in the notes refer to their full forms as given here:

Annales de l'oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, Paris
. (The series initially bore the title
Lettres édifiantes.
) (Volumes also from BALT and TCA.)

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. Letterbook files. Topeka, Kansas

Baltimore Archdiocesan Archives

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

Cincinnati Archdiocesan Archives

Cincinnati Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame

Columbus Diocesan Archives

Denver Archdiocesan Archives

Denver Archdiocesan Archives, Miscellaneous Papers

Denver Archdiocesan Archives copies of Riom Archives Letters of
J. P. Machebeuf

Galveston Diocesan Archives

Georgetown University Library

Histoire de Lempdes, Lempdes Parish Archives

Loretto Motherhouse Archives, Nerinckx, Ky

Lyon Archives of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi

Lyon Archives of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi in
University of Notre Dame Archives

Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe

University of Notre Dame Archives

New Mexico State Records and Archives, Santa Fe

New Orleans Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame

Paris Archives of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi in University of Notre Dame Archives

Paris Archives of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi in Texas Catholic Archives

Riom Archives of the Monastère de la Visitation, Riom
. (Letters of J. P. Machebeuf.)

Santa Fe Archdiocesan Archives

Santa Fe Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame Archives

St Louis University, St Pius X Library

Archives of Société pour la Propagation de la Foi in University of Notre Dame Archives

Tucson Diocesan Archives

Texas Catholic Archives

Texas Catholic Archives copies of Lyon Archives of Société pour la Propagation de la Foi

Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith

Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, papers of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi
copies in Texas Catholic Archives


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