Lacrimosa (34 page)

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Authors: Christine Fonseca

BOOK: Lacrimosa
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“Aydan. Listen to me,” Nesy whispers. “I need you to remember who you are, okay? In case I don’t make it.” Her face shows the agony she feels.

The agony calling me to feed.

“You are an angel, Aydan. My angel. Not some monster for Azzaziel. Remember.” Her voice fades. Her eyes close. “Tell Mikayel. You are still an ang—” She stops and her head rolls to the side.

My world rains down on me as my knees begin to shake.

Her beauty


Her love


Her life

“Stay with me, Nesy. We’re almost home, baby. Please, stay with me.” The words shake as my voice cracks.
I can’t stand.
Can’t breathe.
Zane takes my arms, bearing some of the load I carry.
“We have to go. Close the portal,” I manage to choke out. “Now!”
The spaces close in around us, Nesy’s limp body in my arms.

Chapter 47 - Oblivion




The Council chamber is different than I remember. Smaller and less foreboding. I pace, too anxious to do anything else.

Please be okay. Please be okay.

Anxiety seeps through me as I wait for news on Nesy.

Images of Azza’s dagger slicing into her replay in my mind. I lean against the wall, unable to stop the ocean of grief pounding into me. Pieces of my soul shatter around me as I slide down the wall. Agony fills the darkest recesses. I can’t breathe, drowning in the weight of my pain.

Nothing matters without her.

I pull my legs to my chest, burying my head in my hands. I should push away these feelings, be strong.
But I don’t want to.
I deserve every moment of this torment. Every ounce of agony.

Moments pass, or maybe hours, until the storm finally ebbs. I draw a ragged breath and open my eyes. The sun casts ominous shadows across the large hall.

My mind wanders, flipping through the last few days.
Azza caused this. All of it.
Azza and me.

The marks on my neck burn as my wings—so different from what they once were—shift and twitch. I stare at the black skin stretched over bone, reminders of what I truly am.

You’re an angel, Aydan. You’re my angel..

Nesy’s words chastise my vengeance. Revenge got me into this mess.

Revenge caused her death.

is she really dead?

I have to find a way to control my fury.
For her.
The Council doors open. Gabriel walks into the large chamber, his robes casting emerald beams into the shadows.
“Where’s Mikayel?” Tell me he’s killed Azza. Please.
“He has not returned from the battlefield. Raphael is with Nesy.”
My heart stops for a moment. Is she okay? Is there a chance?

Compassion sweeps across Gabriel’s face. “We do not yet know her fate. The wounds appear fatal. Raphael is trying everything he can. There may still be hope.”

“If there’s anything I can do.” My voice fades. “I will gladly give my soul for hers. Anything.”
“I know.” Gabriel places his hand on my shoulder. My grief abates in an instant.
But not my shame.
Never my shame.
My brand ignites, reminding me of what I am now; what I will always be.
“What is it?” Gabriel asks.
“I won’t become like Azza.”
“You have shown compassion, mercy. Those are not the traits of the Beast.”

“Yes, but if I stay here, the marks will change me. And if I go to the eternal flames of the Abyss, I will still be a monster. Azza will come looking for me and finish what he has started.”

“What are you asking of me?”

“I—” The sound dies on my tongue. I inhale my fear and ignore the rage seething inside. “I need you to kill me. I need Mikayel to use his sword and end this. Permanently.”

“And if Nesy were to survive, is that still what you would want?” Gabriel stares through me, waiting.
My heart and mind open up to him. My torment continues to slam against my soul, a sharp contrast to the peace Gabriel offers.
But there can be no peace for me. No peace for the Beast.
“I won’t be like Azza. And if I live, I can be nothing else.” My mind is set.
There is no other choice for me. Not now.
Gabriel nods. Silent.

A moment passes. And another. Finally Gabriel looks at me. “The Council will consider your request. Wait for us in the antechamber. This is not something I am willing to decide without the others.”

They have to agree. One way or another I’m ending my life.

The antechamber is small, adorned with nothing more than a few oversized chairs and small tables. The walls are decorated with reliefs of the Council members. I stare at the picture of Mikayel.

Where are you?

The brand on my neck smolders, an eternal reminder of what I am. Each moment that clicks by increases my rage—my lust for revenge. My need for death.

Each moment brings me closer to the Beast.

I focus on Nesy. She loved me, believed in me. She saved me once.

Will you save me again? Can you?

My thoughts fade and fill with hatred, stoking a rage impossible to contain. I can’t live like this. I sit back on the large chair, closing my eyes. Sleep comes quickly. As do the dreams…


Aydan. Where are you?” Nesy’s voice calls through the thick forest.

Lost in the maze of trees and shrubs, I follow her voice, unable to catch it. I break into a clearing.

Azza stands before me, Nesy’s sword in his hands. “Time for your final mark.” He swoops down and grabs my neck. “I will take her from you forever. Force you to feed off her soul.” Azza takes the sword and carves into my skin.


Screams fill the small chamber as I bolt upright. Sweat beads down my brow. Zane and Cass stand before me, their faces ashen.

“It was just a dream,” Cass says. “A nightmare.”
“Azza.” I shake away the dream, pushing aside the constant urgings of the brand. “How’s Nesy?”
Cass avoids my glance. I look to Zane. The pain in his eyes answers my question. “Is she—?” I can’t say the words.
“Raphael has done everything he can. She’s gone.”
My heart slams my ribs and stops. The marks on my neck explode, aching to be satiated.
Everything I was


Everything I loved

“I’m so sorry,” Zane says. His voice is gentle, so much like Gabriel’s. “There was nothing you could’ve done.”
“There are so many other choices I could have made. So many.” My thoughts simmer with anger.
And vengeance.
Again Nesy's words filter into my mind, pushing back the Beast.
For now.
Gabriel walks into the antechamber, solemn. “We are ready for you, Aydan.”
“What’s he talking about? Ready for what?” Cass looks from Zane to Aydan. “Zane?”
“You asked them to kill you, didn't you?” Zane’s gaze penetrates my mind.
I turn and walk away, praying for my miracle.

Sariel and Raphael are locked in tight conversation, tears in their eyes. I meet Raphael’s gaze. He nods at me and looks away. Mikayel’s face is battle worn, his clothes covered in the blood of the UnHoly.

Have you finished this? Is Azza gone now?

I watch as Mikayel clenches his jaw. His rage matches my own. Gabriel motions for me to sit.
I wave him off. I want answers. Need them. “What did you decide?” I ask.
“I think it is time for you to go with Mikayel.” A sad smile touches Gabriel’s lips.
Finally, and end to this nightmare. “Thank you,” I say, nodding to the Council members.

“Thank you, Aydan, for returning Nesayiel to her home. And for your sacrifices.” Mikayel's voice cracks. “You have taught us a lot about the nature of redemption. And love.”

“You have Nesy to thank for that.” I drop my head, drinking in the torment that will not subside.
Never subside.
Mikayel and I leave through the antechamber. I look at Cass and Zane, mouthing a silent goodbye.
At last.


Chapter 48 – Chosen




Puget Sound, Washington, January


I climb the short trail behind my apartment, eager to reach the summit and outrun my dreams. My nightmares.

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