Lacrimosa (33 page)

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Authors: Christine Fonseca

BOOK: Lacrimosa
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“This is for Aydan,” I whisper, plunging the sword deep into Azza’s chest and pinning him to the ground.

His screams echo through the courtyard. Thick, black blood scorches the pavement as Azza falls back, his empty eyes still open.


Chapter 44 - Ruin




I charge into the UnHoly descending on me, striking at everything in my path. My mind is sharp, determined. My own.

The marks on my neck flare to life and scorch my soul. I drink my anguish, allowing it to sharpen my senses.

Nesy screams in the distance, locked in battle with my master. Their swords clash, each stroke filling me with dread. He will not let this pass. He will kill her.

Unless I kill him first.

A loud scream fills the courtyard, burning into the Beast. Pain rips through the marks seared on my neck and for a moment I can’t breathe, consumed with the same agony I felt earlier this night. Nesy has pinned my master. He is immobile.

For now.


I expect to feel relief. Hope. Satisfaction. Anything but the fear suffocating me as the UnHoly horde pulls back. A large gateway opens in front of me, lined with Sentinals. Fifty. Maybe more.

My death has arrived.


The Sentinals pour in around me, swords drawn. I back away, blocking the initial attack. Blades roll off my shoulders, slicing the air around me.

There are too many. I can’t fend them off.

I don’t want to.

They rip open every wound, every scar, slicing new gashes over my body. The marks on my neck burn with crimson heat. I taste death in the air. My death. It floods my senses and nourishes my soul. It strengthens me.

The Sentinals continue their attack. Their blades lodge deeply into my flesh. Black liquid oozes from every wound, scorching the ground as it pours from me. I counter and block the attacks out of instinct.

I need to hold on. Make certain Nesy is safe. My hunger flares to life, the scent of my own blood, my death, urging the Beast inside.

Fight back

I will not kill

Feed from them

I will not nourish you

A feral scream rips through me as I push the Beast aside.

For now.

I parry the relentless volley of blows, refusing to counter. I will not submit to Azza. I will not be the Beast. The brands eclipse every thought, searing my hope.

Feed on them


Fulfill your destiny



The Beast growls as my body lunges forward. I counter the raging attack of the Sentinals.


Thrust into the angels before me.



Nesy, think of Nesy.

Blades whirl around me. For a moment time stops and my mind clears, illuminating what I must do—the only choice left to make. Inhaling a deep breath, I open my arms, allowing my sword to drop to the ground. The Sentinals thrust forward, piercing my shoulders, my arms, my chest. I sink to my knees, embracing my death.

My one chance.
The earth begins to shake.
“Stop!” Mikayel steps from a vortex opening next to me. His voice booms over the battle, stopping the attack.
Yes yes yes.

Shadows mix with the fog cowering along the ground. It grows, darkening everything in its path. The UnHoly run toward the smoke and darkness.

“Go after the UnHoly. Don’t let them escape.” Mikayel’s order rings throughout the ranks. They swarm the shadows. Screams bounce off the mist and gloom.

I look up at Mikayel. End this, please. End me. “You need to kill me. It’s the only way.”
“I know,” he says.
“Thank you.”
Mikayel raises the Sword of Truth and mouths a silent prayer.


Chapter 45 – My Kyrie




The Sentinals chase the dark creatures into the encroaching fog. I watch as they lose them in the black emptiness, listening to their cries of frustration. My sword remains planted in Azza’s chest. I call Mikayel, but my voice dies around me.

Not good.

I will always love you, Nesy. Remember me…
The words replay in an endless loop through my mind. I feel Aydan’s love. His pain.

His resolve.


A small sound floats from Azza’s mouth. “You still lose, Sentinal,” he spits. “You still lose.” A malicious smile flashes across his face as he chokes on his own laughter.

I drive my blade deeper into his chest. Black liquid trickles from his mouth. His face drains of color. Rotting flesh falls from his bones.

That ought to shut him up.

Again Aydan’s voice finds my heart.

Where are you?

I step over Azza, ignoring the breathless laughter emanating from his nearly dead mouth.

I’m coming, Aydan. Wait.

I search through the murky fog surrounding me. A valley of mist clears in front of me revealing my own personal horror—Aydan on his knees; Mikayel pointing the Sword of Truth at his chest.

“No!” I yell across the expanse. “Stop.” My legs refuse to respond, pinning me where I stand.

Stand down, Sentinal
. Mikayel’s words slam into me, mixing with Azza’s incessant laughter.

I can’t do this.

I take one more step forward as the weight of Aydan’s torment crashes over me, mixing with my own. My gaze meets his, tears trickling down our cheeks.

“Goodbye,” he silently mouths.

it’s too late

Stop him…
Aydan wants this

Mikayel will do what I can’t. And Aydan will finally find peace.
I stare at Mikayel and nod. His eyes widen, sadness replaced with a feral rage.
Aydan opens his mouth, clamoring to his feet.
Blinding pain explodes through my body, my stomach, my chest.
My heart.

I look down as a sea of nausea envelops me. Hot sticky wetness mats against my skin, coating my armor. A dagger lodges under my breastplate. Blood fills my throat, covering my tongue and lips.

Azza stands beside me, his eyes locked with Aydan. He yanks the blade through my flesh.

A fresh wave of agony overtakes me. I fall, my body convulsing, flashes of my life streaming around me. Moments with Adam. With Aydan.

The feel of his touch on my skin.
The sound of his voice in my ears.
And the look of love in his eyes.
My body folds in on itself as everything turns black.
Aydan’s voice fades from my mind.
And my thoughts…


Chapter 46 - Divinity




“Nesy!” I scream, pushing away from Mikayel. The Akedah knife lies at my feet. I hurl it at my master, cursing him. The knife whirls through the air, lodging in his neck.

Azza howls in agony and pulls out the blade.

Nesy slinks to the ground, silver blood pouring from her mouth, her chest. It soaks through her armor. Coming. Coming. Coming.

Rage explodes the brand on my neck.
You’ll pay for this, Azza

You’ll pay for everything.

I barrel into Azza, thrusting my sword into the open wound on his chest. He growls and tosses me aside.

Not this time.

A snarl rips across my lips. The marks blaze against my skin. I hunger for Azza. For his death.
It’s a hunger I’m more than willing to feed.
I push back into him, clawing his skin with my taloned fingers. Feeding off his rage.
Azza wraps his hands around my throat and squeezes.

“I’m too strong for you now. You should’ve killed me before you marked me as your equal.” I’m blind with fury for the Beast that is Azza. The Beast I’ve become.

I wrench myself free from Azza’s grasp and rip open his skin.

Mikayel’s strong hand stops me from shredding Azza. I wrestle against his hold, desperate to do what I should’ve done so long ago.

A shadow coils around Azza. I reach for him as he begins to fade.

“No,” Mikayel says. “Tend to Nesy. She needs you. Get her to Celestium before it’s too late. Get her to the healers, to Raphael.” Mikayel chokes on the last words, his battle worn features marred by a lone tear slithering down his face.


I look at the tattered body of my love.

Nesy. Not you. Never you.

It was supposed to be me.


Tears overwhelm me as my rage gives way to sorrow.

“I’ll go after Azza. You help Nesy.” Mikayel places a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Take her home.” He disappears after Azza, fading into the darkness as a scream echoes in the fog.

Kill him Mikayel. Kill him for me.
For Nesy.
I bend down and cradle her broken body. Her eyes flutter open for a moment. “Aydan,” she rattles.
“Sshh, love. Don’t try to speak.” I can’t stop the tears, the pain, the rage.
“Did I stop him? Before the last mark—did I stop him?”
“Yes, you did great.”
Nesy’s eyes roll back in her head.

I hold her, knowing she won’t survive. Fighting my need to end her life, still. I strain against the Beast and carry her to a portal.

Cass and Zane run to me, their bodies and faces bruised. Battered. By me. Grief blankets their expressions as they look from Nesy to me. I shake my head and feel our hearts shatter.

For Nesy.
“We’ll take you to Celestium.” Cass takes my arm. “To the healers.”
Nesy groans with every step.
“I’m sorry if this hurts, love.” I can barely speak. “I have to get you home. I promised Mikayel.”
Her eyes snap open. “Aydan,” she forces through gritted teeth.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” Zane caresses her forehead, calming her.

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