Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (45 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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Dragan and Cecelia watched the pair leave and instantly wished there was something they could do. They both agreed even if Albedo wasn’t ready to talk to them they were going to talk to him.





Victor passed by the gate of Inferno riding in his carriage; reminiscing about the first day he had seen it, and the first time seeing the cherry blossoms. It was so long ago that he had forgotten what age he was that day. He remembered it was a rainy day and he and Dragan had snuck outside of the castle after constantly hearing stories of how humans look. Eventually they found out that humans look exactly like they do. That day he had gotten himself and Dragan in trouble by his father. King Victor smiled remembering those fun memories. He thought it was nice seeing everyone together again, just like the old days.

“If the time ever comes, and we have to do it, I want you to help me,” said King Victor to Jarvis.

“I was hoping I would have to use that ability of mine against Aleister,” said Jarvis.

“He is too smart and strong to ever get caught by one of my men. We just might have to use it on Albedo, if necessary,” said King Victor.

“Have faith in the young lad, he will pull through and fight this demon. He’s nothing like his brethren,” said Jarvis who had much more confidence in Albedo.

Chapter 23

A few months early


was as evil as his reputation depicted him to be. He had been looking for Dawson for almost seventy years. He had been hiding in the shadows, waiting patiently for the others to awaken. He often wondered who had the power to break the seal and free him. This would take time for him to find out; his main priority was to find Dawson.

“Master Aleister, have you found Dawson yet?” asked Vincent.

Vincent and Dmitri were Aleister’s loyal followers. He had promised them a part of his Kingdom when the time comes. No one truly knew how Dmitri and Vincent met Aleister. The only thing they knew was that they were his servants.

Aleister said with a malevolent look on his face, “No.”

With Dawson’s power still asleep, Aleister was finding it hard to make a connection. It was impossible for Aleister to track him without a trace of power from him. His Reawakening was good at finding his opponents, but when it comes to Dawson it was almost impossible. Their powers were connected and he should have been able to sense him somehow, but nothing.
For a long time I have been looking for you Dawson. How could this have happened? Who possesses such strength to break part of the seal? Your power is gone; your memories are gone. How will I find you Dawson, the best I can do is try to bring back your lost memories through your dreams. If only you knew how much power we possess, if only I knew who was responsible for all this. This world is ours for the taking, and I shall take it again!

“Master Aleister!” Dmitri woke him up after noticing he was daydreaming standing up with his eyes closed again. Aleister was standing upside down on the ceiling.

When Dmitri’s voice had reached him, he could hear bats being startled by the loud

voice. Aleister looked at Dmitri with that killer look on his face, wanting to kill him for disturbing him. “What is it?”

“Why have you not killed the High Kings yet?  Let’s not wait for the seal to weaken more so your brothers could awake. Let’s go and take what is yours?”
What is he waiting for; if he’s as powerful as they say he is we should have been king by now
. Dmitri hated calling Aleister master like Vincent does. He felt it acknowledged the fact that Aleister was more superior to him. Of course, Aleister was; his powers were on a level neither Dmitri nor Vincent could touch.

Aleister felt it wasn’t necessary to explain himself to Dmitri, but he responded with those blue and
red eyes of his, “Taking over the Six Great Kingdoms would be a difficult task to do, even for someone of my caliber.”
At least not with this level of power that is, my full power has yet to come back

Dmitri wanted to know how powerful Aleister was. He had seen Aleister when he transformed, and thought he could not be defeated by anyone. The Reawakening was a power that Dmitri himself could not comprehend.

Annoyed with Dmitri bothering him; Aleister left the cave to go enjoy the warmness of the sun.


The cave was dark and Vincent felt as if he was being watched. The air felt chilly, almost haunted in a way. The dripping water made a small and creepy sound as it hit the ground. It was dark but Vincent could see it, he took some steps and could hear the wind moan, as if in pain. When he turned around Dmitri was standing behind him, which startled Vincent.

“I told you not to do that!” said Vincent with his heart almost coming out of his chest.

Dmitri started to laugh, “You can turn yourself invisible and you’re afraid of a dark cave?

You should be used to it by now after all the caves we slept in traveling with Aleister.” 

“It doesn’t matter, I still don’t like it,” said Vincent. Vincent wasn’t a coward by any means, but there was something about dark caves that terrified the guy.

What a coward, shielding yourself in the protection of Aleister like he’s really your master.
Dmitri quietly said. “Vincent, I’m starting to think this guy is not even one of them. If he can’t defeat a High King then the rumors about their powers are false.” said Dmitri.

Vincent has gr
own to see Aleister as his King. Dmitri did not see it that way. “We’ve been serving master Aleister for a long time now, just be a little more patient!” Vincent had put his trust on Aleister’s promise, the promise to rule by his side one day. Dmitri however sees himself as a disposable tool for Aleister.

Dmitri’s trust in Aleister was fading away, he was afraid Aleister would kill him when the others awakened. What would the great Aleister need him for then?

“Vincent, Dmitri, let’s go!” Aleister walked back in the cave which startled Dmitri a bit. Aleister had come in so quick, his footsteps hardly made a sound. It was time for Aleister and his team to move again. Bounty hunters and the Queens’s men were after them, moving constantly was a daily life style. Week by week, city by city, he’d lay low until he was ready to make his move.

They now ventured through the small kingdom known as
Conalian, there they found a small town and chose to stay for the night. The town was small, far from the queen’s castle. Her men would take at least a day to reach them if something happened. By the looks of the vegetation, the town looked lifeless and uninhabited; it was dry like a desert.  It appeared that the farms and crops were dried out like they had been hit by a drought.
Something isn’t right
, thought Aleister. Today Aleister had put some sort of glass in his left blue eye to match the color of his right red eye and died his bright white hair to cold black. This was his way of keeping himself from being recognized. As they looked around, they could see a sign that read “No bandits allowed.” Aleister told Dmitri and Vincent they would be staying here for a little while. The town was small, so no one should be able identify who they were. They walked through the street and there were houses on each side. Aleister looked up to see most of the locals were gathered in one spot, a local diner. He hadn’t eaten anything and had hardly drunk any blood. Their blood supplies were always low thanks to Vincent’s appetite for them. He decided to eat there. 

As they entered the room, two men immediately pointed swords in their faces. Everyone stopped to stare at them, outsiders were heavily watched.

What a joke
, thought Dmitri,
Aleister could kill these two effortlessly. These weak vampires would not stand a chance against him

“Who are you boys, what is it that you came here for!?” asked one of the men, almost like a demand.

Dmitri watched Aleister carefully, wondering what his next move was going to be.
What will you do Aleister? I’ve seen it once, when the killer-lust takes over your mind you can’t be stopped.

Aleister lied with a fake smile; lying for every question he was asked.  Dmitri had thought Aleister was going on another one of his killing sprees. The men nodded to the others saying they were ok. “I’m sorry about that young man, but our town has been attacked by bandits lately.”

“Where is your queen? Why hasn’t she helped?” asked Dmitri.

“As you can see our town is not doing too well when it comes to providing the Queen with food. Our land has died out and we can barely feed ourselves. The little food that we have is for us, and the Queen no longer protects us since we are now useless to her.”

“Pity,” said Aleister carelessly as he went and sat at the bar on the stool. He sat there and the waitress came to get his order, her nametag read Abigail. Vincent and Dmitri joined him.

“Is there anything else I can get for you gentlemen?” said Abigail nervously. Abigail was the owner’s daughter; she had seen Aleister walk in with his friends. She thought he was handsome! She had developed a crush on him as soon as she’d laid her eyes on him. She looked nervous, her
voice was shaky and inaudible, her face was red, she was being sluggish, and often times her fingers will play and fidget when fondling the menu from them.

“No, that will be all,” said Vincent after noticing Aleister ignoring her question.

“Where are you guys from?” asked Abigail but timidly.

Aleister did not answer her question, but Vincent did not want to be rude and answered, “Out of town, we are bounty hunters,” he lied. “We’re just passing through.”

Dmitri had a similar attitude to Aleister. She continued to try to talk to Aleister, but he continued to ignore her. She was beautiful, a very nice girl too. After she noticed she wasn’t getting a word out of Aleister, she left to get their food.

“Vincent, remember what master Aleister told us, talk to no one,” said Dmitri as he leaned over and whispered it in his hear.

“Just having a little fun!” replied Vincent with a smile on his face.

Abigail came back and presented them with one of the chef’s specialty, lemon cake and blood stew. They ate and replenished their thirst.
A few minutes passed and the dinner got back to talking again.

As Aleister was about to take a bite of the lemon cake, he stopped
. Trouble
, Aleister felt something uneasy approaching; he could sense these men from a mile away. He looked at Dmitri and Vincent and said quietly, “We’re going to have company.”

Company? What company? I don’t see anyone

looked outside of the door but saw no one coming. A few minutes passed by and a group of men walked in, the diner fell silent once again. The two men who held their swords at Aleister’s face were nowhere to be found, cowering on the other side of the room.
What a bunch of cowards. If only they knew the person they held that sword to earlier, was none other than Aleister.

These bandits had knives and swords around their waist. Their clothes looked torn and tattered as if they hadn’t been washed in days. They looked rough and tough, parts of their faces, that weren’t covered up with bandanas, had cuts and scars.  The local diners were frightened; “They’re back,” one of the local diners whispered. These were the types of bandits who stole and killed just for the fun of it. There were about fifteen of them. They sat down and demanded drink and food.

The leader of the bandits noticed Abigail, “Hey, you over there! Come here.”

Vincent and the others recognized his face from a wanted picture. His name was Alvin, a known bandit with a bounty on his head, wanted throughout three Kingdoms. He was about five foot seven, with long black hair and black eyes.

Abigail walked closer to him. “What can I get you gentlemen?” she said with a smile, not wanting the fear to overpower her.

“You see, we have a problem, Abigail,” said Alvin with a smile.

“What seems to be the problem?”

“What I want is not on the menu! Isn’t that right boys,” his men laughed and nodded yes.

“What is it that you’re looking for? Whatever it is I’m sure we can make it,” said Abigail.

  He grabbed her with force closer to him. “What I want is you, beautiful!”

Aleister looked carefully.

Alvin’s breath reeked of alcohol and all sorts of different aroma to it. The people wanted to help
Abigail but there’s nothing they could do against these guys. Her father, the owner, rushed in to save his daughter, but one of Alvin’s men pulled a sword to his throat. The old man saw his reflection on the sword and started shaking.

“If you come any closer, old man, I will kill you. Your daughter is coming with us, like it or not!” said Alvin.

“Please I beg of you, let her go,” pleaded her father.

The man holding the sword to his throat punched the old man in his face. He fell to the ground with blood springing out.

Aleister continued to eat; he did not want to get involved. Not wanting to bring any unnecessary attention to himself. The cake tasted pretty good actually and so was the blood stew that he desperately needed.  He was only disappointed she had not had the chance to bring him the rest of his food. His plan was to eat, sleep and leave this place the next day. Unfortunately for Aleister he once again found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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