Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (40 page)

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made that sound again and his zombies started coming out of the woods. This time he had brought back dead animals with him also. Michael had brought his zombies here to eat away Albedo’s flesh. He moved away from him, giving his beast room to devourer Albedo. This was the end for Albedo. He tried to use the Elder; but his worst fear had come true, it had failed him. Albedo was out numbered, lying in his blood and these zombies were ready to finish him.
Why can’t I use that power? I know it’s inside of me, if I can only find it, I can save everyone
. He wanted desperately to find that power again, for the few second he held it, he felt invincible, able to do more than he could ever have imagined. This power was much stronger than the Reawakening.
Why can’t I use it again?
Inside he blamed himself for letting Ethan’s mother die, if only he was stronger, if only he could use the Reawakening once more… Out of desperation he called for Aleister, if he could communicate with him then it should be vise versa.
Please help me, just one more time lend me that power again

The voice in his head came back. _ That’s all you had to say. _

Albedo’s eyes were slowly glowing now. His nails and fangs grew and became sharper. He could feel the massive energy rushing in his body. The wound in his stomach had healed completely, instant regeneration, his skin was now regenerated back fully. 

“Albedo no, if you use that power again, It will take you in a place you won’t be able to turn back from! Don’t except this power, it’s too dangerous!”

Albedo looked back to see his teammate behind him. His eyes started going back to normal as he stared into Sonia’s eyes. She grabbed Albedo and the others came closer to him.

“How did you guys find me, I made sure to use my power so Angelione can’t track me,” said Albedo.

“You’re not as good at hiding your track as you thought. And besides the forest fire that you cause made it easier to find you. Just because you control the Excitaret Quad doesn’t mean you know how to control it properly.” Angelione saw how Albedo was changing; he saw how blinded Sonia was to noticing the changes in him, in his heart. Albedo had tasted a power he’d never felt before, and he wanted more of it.

“C’mon you tw
o, we have company,” said Dante as he saw the zombies coming closer.

Axil gave Albedo a hand on getting up. The zombies started making noise as they were ready to eat.

Angelione’s worst nightmare was here, a Bloodhound was manifesting in front of his eyes. 
I can’t allow him to fully transform
. He could hear Michael making that noise again, that savage animal noise. His mind was going mad, he was no longer himself. “Albedo,” said Angelione. “We’re going to create a path for you. I want you to use the Elder to kill him. Can you do that?”

Albedo nodded his head. He had never killed before but this was something he had to do. Dante went first and froze the ground; his ice reached the zombies and froze their bodies. Axil went second followed by Angelione. Michael was not going to sit and watch his zombies get destroyed. As he was about to attack Axil, Angelione swung his sword at him. Michael blocked it with his arm; his arm was as strong as Angelione’s sword.
It’s a good thing he’s not fully transformed. I doubt that he’s even half way transformed; this must be his premature stage

saw his chance and jumped and smashed the frozen zombies with his fist.

“Albedo, are you ready?” he nodded yes to Sonia.

She now ran towards Michael, his zombies were all gone now thanks to Dante and Axil. Michael swung his right arm against Angelione, but Dante was there to counter with his ice sword. While occupied Axil came from behind and smashed Michael in the head. His head felt as strong as steel.

“Move now!” they all got away from Michael as Sonia used her blaze of fire at him. She looked back to see that Albedo wasn’t ready; he needed more time to concentrate.
“Albedo, relax and focus.”

Albedo closed his eyes and relaxed, only thinking about Sonia. He could now feel the Elder’s light engraving his arms. Sonia’s fire was decreasing now; she couldn’t keep using it forever. Angelione noticed Albedo was
finally ready and quickly told Sonia to move out of the way.

Albedo thought about all the horror Michael had committed and was ready to make him pay. He ran fast towards Michael, and Michael as well ran towards him. Michael swung his left hand towards Albedo, but Albedo blocked it and his right hand connected with Michael’s stomach, paying him back for the hole he had gave him. Albedo’s Elder was stronger and faster than Michael’s premature stage Bloodhound. Michael screamed in pain and fell on the ground; at that point Albedo could feel that urged again, the urged to
kill. He didn’t like that urge. He didn’t like how it made him feel. He stopped and was now fighting with himself as he started to lose control of the Elder. The light in his hands were fading away. Michael saw his chance and kicked Albedo away from him. His wound was beginning to regenerate itself.

Angelione saw that
Albedo was occupied in his mind.
It’s the killer-lust, it’s trying to dominate his mind
. He had to finish this, he gave Sonia a signal and she threw her chains around Michael’s neck. Axil grabbed one end and helped her pull.  Dante and Angelione came in front of Michael, while Axil and Sonia pulled. Dante wasted no time freezing Michael’s body. Angelione raised his giant sword, “It ends now!” said Angelione as he pierced his sword into Michael’s chest.

Sonia shouts at Albedo to get up, to use his explosion to finish Michael, with his Elder his explosion would be enough to finish him. Michael’s body started to thaw now and Albedo needed to hurry. Albedo got up and focused his mind, lucky for him his Elder was still there. He used his fire and his explosion ball was at least five times as big as his head, much bigger than the last time he used it. He released it towards Michael. Sonia and the others got out of the way fast.  The fire ball hit Michael’s frozen body, creating a massive explosion. A few minutes passed and the dust was gone and they realized he had done it, they killed Michael. Angelione checked on the others and saw they were alright.





they killed Michael, the town’s people threw them a banquet at Frank’s house, which lasted a few hours. Frank had fully recovered from his injuries. They were ready to leave and had their bags in their hands.

“This is goodbye huh,” said Albedo.

Ethan was in front of him and wanted to cry. 

“I heard the town’s people made you their healer, that’s good.”

Ethan was at a loss for words, for the first time in his life people liked him for him.

“Thank you for your help, thanks to you guys this town can now move forward,” said Frank. 

“Maybe one day you guys can come and visit,” said Dante.

              As they were leaving out of the door, “Hey Albedo wait,” said Ethan, still a bit nervous. “Can I ask you something? What… what is your dream, why do you fight so hard?” 

Albedo turned around with the smile, “My dream is to create a world where people like Michael don’t have their ways,” said Albedo proudly.
I want let you control me Aleister, I will find you and destroy you.

Tears poured out of Ethan eyes and he bowed down all the way to his knees in gratitude, “Thank you for your help! One day… I’ll become the world’s greatest healer Albedo!”

Chapter 21

Blue Mountain


few days passed and Albedo was feeling like his old self again. He had not told his parents what he knew about them; he wanted to wait for the right time for some reason. Sonia had convinced him to stay home and get some rest. Dante had left to see his family, while Axil stayed at the castle to continue on training. Dante had asked him to come with him, but he refused. Dante wondered if the guy even had a life outside of the castle, always training. Angelione and Sonia went to see the King, determined to know more. They reported what happened on the mission.

“I see, you said his power might be as strong as Aleister?” said King Victor.

“My lord, we have the right to know the truth!” Angelione desperately wanted to know more about Albedo.
Was he really like Aleister
? He knew King Victor was keeping a secret from them.

Today Sonia
wore a sleeveless snow white dress that ran from the bottom of her knees to the top of her chest. A silk scarf, the color of the morning sky, was wrapped around her waist, held by a silver pendant on her left side. Sonia wasn’t interested in hearing what Angelione thinks Albedo is; she would rather not know the truth. The thought of Albedo being one of them, is just… too much for her to think of. There’s no way he could be a eradicator like one of them.  No way could he be like Aleister, a blood thirsty beast of nature.

“I suppose it’s time I tell you,” said
King Victor.
They all ready witnessed it from them self, keeping the truth from them now makes no sense
. He took a deep breath. “He’s one of them, one of the five Kings of Awakening.”

The news was a bit shocking, but not so at the same time to them after they had seen what Albedo did.

Sonia’s eyes were staring at the ceiling as the tears started covering her eyes. She knew the truth but wasn’t sure if she wanted to accept it. She didn’t want to pay attention to what the king had to say and had no plan on accepting this lie about Albedo.
I refuse to believe

              “That’s why Aleister is after him.”
it all makes sense now, but if he’s one of them, that mean he’s not Dragan’s son by blood
? “But how is that possible? The five Kings of Awakenings were sealed away almost fifty thousand years ago,” said Angelione. He looked at the king in bewilderment, wondering why he allowed Albedo to live this long.
What have you done my lord, if the other king finds out you’ve been protecting Albedo, they will unleash their wrath upon us. He’s a demon just like the others, history has told us so.

“You are right about that, but you see, someone broke their seal seventy years ago, or should I say part of it,” said the king.

Broke the seal
? Wondered Angelione. 

The king continued, “But something went wrong; they managed to awakened Aleister and Albedo only. It must have cause Albedo to lose his memories and his power. The seal must not have the same effect on Aleister, because he still has his memories. When we found Albedo, he was just a baby. At first we were not sure who he was, but we knew he was special.  As time went on, Dragan and his wife grew to love him. When we realized his true identity, it was impossible for us to kill him. He was a joy to be around, and soon Dragan adopted him as his son. You both met him yourself; you know how special he is. He’s special in every way. Sometimes I think back and can’t imagine he’s one of the
m. They emitted so much chaos in this world. So much blood has been spilled by their hands. But I believe Albedo is different.” The King closed his eyes and opened them back up, “if I can find a way to kill the others without killing Albedo ….. Then it’s a chance I’m willing to take, that’s why I had you go after Aleister.”

They watched Sonia excuse herself and leave the room peacefully. She looked as if she’s been stabbed in the heart.

“Is she alright Angelione?”

“I believe that she was falling for Albedo,” said Angelione.

“I see.” The king stood by the window and leaned on the wall with his hand. He wanted to talk to Sonia but he had no time for her love affair. “It was selfish of us to let him live, but it was the right thing to do.” 

“So is that why you chose to focus on Aleister so much, because Aleister is naturally evil? It’s true that there’s good inside of Albedo, but there’s also evil. The Excitaret Quad might prove to be too strong for him to control. I have seen it myself almost consuming him, becoming just like Michael. The Bloodhound turns its wielder into a salvage animal with no conscience, but the Reawaken does almost the same.” Angelione thought about how strong Aleister was, how he deflected his lightning. 
Damn you Aleister, not only were you strong enough to deflect my lightning, but your short sword was strong enough to go against my sword. During out fight it should have broken against my sword. Who crafted your sword?

“About the Bloodhound named Michael, are you certain that it’s dead?” asked the king.

“Yes, I made sure myself. May I ask you, how did Frank and his family managed to live in north Inferno without being detected?”

“Frank did many service for this land, he wanted a quiet and peaceful life, so I allowed him to stay, just like your master Dragan.”

The king noticed Angelione had something else on his mind and asked him what was bothering him.

“It’s Aleister’s sword, I still can’t figure out why it was stronger than mine. My sword is much bigger than his, it should have shattered when we fought, but somehow his sword felt impenetrable.”

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