KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal (19 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
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Later, after they dropped Bill and his client off at the
hospital, the others returned to the PCPS office. Tom would return later to the
hospital to sort everything out, but right now he needed to reunite his guards with
their clients. When they arrived inside, Tom thanked Scott and Dan for their
help. He shook their hands and everyone continued with their business. Within
minutes, Britney and Scott were in the car and on their way back to the hotel.

“So what happened?” she asked.

“It was nae anything really. Just a wee bit of trouble, but
it’s all fine now.”

“I’m not stupid. What really happened?”

“I never said yer were. A guard was attacked and we had tae
go rescue him! It’s nae big deal and it’s over now.”

“Yeah, I’m sure there’s more to this story than you’re going
to tell me, but I suppose there’s not much I can do.”

“There’s nae anything fer yer tae worry aboot.”


“I’m heading back tae the hotel fer a rest. I’m thinking we
probably will nae go in tae work today, unless yer really need tae fer a couple
of hoors.”

“No, it’s fine. I can do a little work on the laptop and can
catch up tomorrow.”

“Okay, guid.”

When they walked back into the suite, Scott turned to

“I’m going tae take a quick lie doon. Yer have work tae do,
but I do need tae talk tae yer later.”

“Okay. I think I know what you’re going to say.”

“Aye, I’m sure yer do. Get on with yer work and I’ll see yer
later,” he said, as he went inside his room and shut the door.

A couple of hours later, Scott stepped out of his room,
walked to the couch and sat down next to Britney. She was working on her
computer. As he sat down, she finished what she was doing and turned towards

“So, what was all that aboot last night?” he asked her.

“I don’t know what to say. I think I had too much to drink.”

“Aye. I’ll give yer that. But, yer had nae been drinking
earlier in the evening when yer asked me put lotion on yer back.”

“Okay, you got me. I like you and I wanted you to notice

“But yer know I’m with Katie.”

“Yes, I do, I’m sorry. I’m attracted to you and I’m just
lonely at the moment. I just thought we could have some fun and see where it
might lead.”

“I love Katie. We’re getting married, I could nae do that
tae her.”

“If you were single, do you think you might want me?”

“I cannae answer that, Britney. I’m nae single.”

“She’ll never know Scott. Let’s just see how it goes. I want
you and I know you want me.”

“Sorry, but I would know.”

“Just tell me. What is it you see in her? I’ve seen the
pictures you have of her, so I know she’s pretty, but I’m pretty too. What is
it exactly about her that you love so much?”

“Nae sure how tae explain. I guess yer just know when yer
meet the reet person. It will happen fer yer one day, too.”

“I doubt it.”

“It will, but listen, this is important. I’m happy tae keep
looking after yer and I need tae finish this job here tae collect my money.
But, if anything like last night ever happens again, I’ll have tae talk tae Tom
aboot getting another guard assigned tae take care of yer. Do yer understand?”

“Yes, I understand. I just don’t see why we can’t at least
have some fun. It is pretty boring here.”

“I know, but there’s some things I cannae do. I do like yer,
but I would never do that.”

“Okay. I’m going to get on with some more work in my room.”

“Reet. See yer later.”

As she walked into her room, her mind was still scheming.
She was thinking about how to change his mind. She thought all she needed was
for him to be with her once and he’d see how good it could be. She heard and
understood everything he said, but she was sure she could still have him. Surely,
even he could have a moment of weakness and when he did, she would be ready to
take advantage. It wasn’t over yet.

Chapter 15



It was mid-September and Scott kept very busy with
additional security checks. As each day progressed, the news in the city became
worse every day. There were increased numbers of kidnappings and assassinations
of Westerners, local politicians and police officers. Everyone living within
the confines of Baghdad was on edge. Scott felt stressed. He checked and
rechecked, performed extra security checks, intelligence work and nightly
surveillance. He felt on edge. A feeling he was completely, unaccustomed to. The
last few days he felt a presence. He believed they were being followed and it concerned
him. He made a few sharp turns hiding them from sight and managed to lose the
car that tailed them, on both occasions. The uncertainty of not knowing if they
were truly being followed ate away at him. He mentioned nothing about it to

As the month progressed, the violence increased. They
continued to witness more roadside bombs and other violent incidents every day.
The sound of gunfire and explosions were heard every night. It was something
that surprised them, but had become part of every day or night life.

Britney’s project for work was coming along very well and
her company said they were pleased with her progress. She had been focused on
her job and had not bothered or pursued Scott lately. It was just a front. When
alone, she would smile at how clever she was, at the seductive methods and
schemes to get him into her bed and have what she really wanted. Britney still
wanted Scott.


Back in Ohio, Katie and the girls’ summer break of camping
and having fun came to an end. They all returned to school and their everyday
routine. Katie loved her summer with the girls and also loved the chance to be
with her students again.


Late, Friday afternoon, Scott and Britney were at her
office. He performed all the security checks, had spoken to other guards and
detailed which route to use back to the hotel. He walked into her office to ask
how much longer she would be working.

“About an hour,” she responded.

Scott knew he needed gas and the tank was a little lower
than usual. This city was not a good place to run out. He told her he would
fill it up and come right back to collect her. The station was five minutes away.
 He checked the car before he stepped in and drove off. When he arrived, he was
shocked. The station was deserted! It was evident it had been attacked. Windows
were boarded up from what seemed to be heavy gun fire or a small explosion. Bullet
holes peppered the walls and most of the pumps. This kind of thing happened so
often, it had not been reported. From the looks of it, the attack was a few
days ago. He knew there was nothing he could do. He did not get out of his car,
but continued to drive further to find another station. He knew Britney would
be ready to leave soon and was unguarded at her office.

He found himself in unfamiliar territory, miles away from the
known area. As he looked for a place to turn around, he heard what seemed to be
a popping sound coming from the back of the car. He turned around to locate the
origin, just as the back windshield shattered. “Shit,” he thought, the sound
was gunfire! He could see a guy leaning out of the window of the car directly
behind, shooting at him. Scott floored the gas pedal and tried to outrun his
attackers, still heading into an area he did not know. It was going to be
tricky. He turned down small streets, making quick sharp turns, but he could
not lose them and they were still firing at him. He realized it would be a struggle
to lose them if he could not fire back… and, he was low on gas. He spotted an
alleyway. It was a good position to stop the car and give him some cover. Scott
spun the car around at the entrance to the alley, coming to a complete
standstill. Grabbing his gun, he jumped out of his car and started to fire at
the car and men that were firing at him. He shot out the front tires and front windshield;
the oncoming car came to an abrupt stop. He didn’t believe he hit them. Four well-armed,
masked men, all with silenced, automatic-weapons got out and took-up positions
behind their car. As they continued firing at him, Scott knew he was
outnumbered. His car was being shot up badly. He decided it was time to make a move.
He shot a few rounds to force them to take cover, and backed down the alley. It
was hot and the bright sun was making him squint. There were sounds of people
shouting in the distance and the smell of burning rubber was strong. As he moved
away, he tried to work out if they were the ones he felt had been watching him,
or maybe a new bunch targeted him when he was looking around at the shot up gas

He dismissed his thoughts. The most important thing right
now was that Britney was on her own and he needed to get back. She’d have
expected him by now and she’d panic. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to make
a phone call as he was being followed too closely and being shot at. He turned the
next corner and crouched down, waiting to see if they still followed him down
the last alley. Soon, he got his answer. Two men came running down the alley
towards him. Scott set his sights and squeezed the trigger, twice, taking them both
down. The other two stopped, looked and retreated. They began to look for cover
to continue their assault, he didn’t have time nor did he want to get involved
in this. He needed to get back to Britney’s office, so he moved quickly through
the network of alleyways. There were many kids that played in the alleys. He
felt terrible that he had to shoot. He hated it! He just wanted to get out of
there. After he rested for a minute, when he thought he was out of immediate
danger, he reached for his phone. “Yer have tae be kidding me!” It must have
fallen out of his pocket again! He couldn’t believe it, but he couldn’t risk
going back towards his car. He knew he must try to get back quickly; he
couldn’t be that far away, maybe two or three miles. He knew that he’d
recognize something soon and would find his way.

Scott had been gone for an hour now and Britney was worried.
She knew something went wrong and remembered the emergency plans Scott drilled
into her. She called Tom and told him what happened. He told her he was on the
way and about forty-five minutes later, he arrived at her office.

“Still no sign of him?” Tom asked, as Britney approached.

“No. Scott hasn’t called yet. The gas station is only a few
minutes away. Something must have happened.”

“Britney, show me where the gas station is.”

They left the office and took Tom’s car, arriving at the gas
station within just a couple of minutes, it was destroyed. Tom got out briefly having
a look around.

“Well, he certainly didn’t get gas here. This place has been
like this for a while. Has he been anywhere else around here to get gas that
you know of?”

“No. I don’t think so. This is the only place we ever got
gas around here.”

“He must have gone to look for another station. I suppose he
could have run out of gas if he didn’t find one in time, but surely he would
have called,” Tom said, getting back into the car.

“I suppose so.”

“We’ll drive down this road for a couple of miles.
Hopefully, we will find him. If not, I’ll take you back to your hotel and we’ll
start a search.”

“I want to help search.”

“That’s very nice of you, but I feel a lot more comfortable
with you safe in the hotel. Besides, it is one less person for us to look after.”

She was not happy, but did not argue. There was no point. Nothing
she could say would make any man like Tom realize that she could be useful. They
found no sign of Scott’s car. Tom turned around and drove Britney back to the
hotel and stayed to organize a search party.

About the time Tom and Britney arrived at the hotel, Scott
struck up a conversation with a local group of men near a café. He never
interacted with the locals; it was easier to blend in. But, today, he needed
help. This particular group of people seemed friendly and willing to help. They
did not speak much English and his knowledge of their language was limited. He seemed
to somehow relay that he needed to use a phone that could call America. One of
the locals said he knew someone who had a cell phone that you could call
America on and he went to find him. Scott was wary, but desperate and they
seemed to have good intentions. He made them understand he was willing to
barter in exchange for the use of their phone and they were very excited. He
needed to call Katie because he did not know Tom’s or Britney’s number off the
top of his head. All of his information was in his cell phone, another reason
he was so angry he had dropped it again. He would have to call Katie and ask
her to get a message to Tom. He did not want to do it this way, but there was no
other choice. A few minutes later, the local man came back with a big, older
man. He kept saying that his phone called America. Scott offered to trade one
of his knives to make a quick call and the man agreed.


“Hello,” answered Katie, sounding happy.

“Katie, listen tae me! This is important! I only have a
minute. If yer can, get a pen and write some information doon.”

“Okay, I have one here. What’s wrong, Scott?”

“Katie, I got ambushed and I’m oot on foot, but I’m fine.
Dinnae worry aboot me. I need yer tae call Tom and let him know that he needs
tae send someone tae Britney’s office tae get her. I lost my phone with all my
numbers on it and all I knew was yer number. I’m borrowing a local guy’s phone
and he’s going tae want it back pretty soon. Tell Tom that I’m going tae make
my way back to her office, but I dinnae how long I’ll be, as there are people
following me. As I said, I’m sorry fer doing this tae yer and I really am fine,
I’ll talk tae yer later. I love yer.”

Katie didn’t get the chance to say anything back. She was
writing as fast as he was talking and as he was saying the last few words, she
could hear many foreign voices in the background and they sounded angry. She
was scared, but he said not to worry, that he was okay and that she needed to
call Tom. Scott gave her his number for emergency purposes so she called him immediately.

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KILTED DESIRE - Sands Of Betrayal
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