KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal (14 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
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“Either next weekend or the weekend after. It’s been a few
weeks since we had a break. Would you like to come with me this time?”

“Nae. That type of place is nae fer me.”

“Really? Why not? Surely you’re not going to go all the way
back to the States again for only two days.”

“Aye, I might. I just want tae see Katie. I miss her… I do
have another idea though, but it depends on which weekend yer decide tae go.”

“What difference does it make?”

“Well it’s her birthday on the 12th of August. So if yer go
nae next weekend, but the weekend after, then I can arrange a special birthday
surprise fer her.”

“You should ask her to come across to Dubai. You have to
believe me, it would make a great birthday present.”

“Nae. I appreciate it, but I have something else in mind.”

“What is it?”

“I cannae tell yer, it’s a surprise. But, please let me know
when yer make yer mind up fer sure which weekend yer going, so I can make

“So, what’s it worth? What do I get if I choose to go on the
weekend that suits your surprise, birthday plans?”

“I’d be very grateful. I’ll owe yer a favor, anything yer

“Sounds interesting. Anything?”


Britney’s mind was working overtime. She knew he was a man
of his word. Maybe she should do this, and make him pay her back the way she

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Great, thanks.” Scott said. He still had no idea that her plans
for him were anything other than friendly.

Later that night Britney’s hotel details were all arranged
for her mid-August long weekend break. She passed the details onto Scott and he
arranged for the flights out of Baghdad. He’d also booked his own flights and
set everything in motion for his surprise for Katie. He’d been working on part
of the surprise for a while. He had initially planned to do it at Christmas,
but things changed. Due to his absence, he just felt the time was right, now.
At around midnight, after Britney headed to bed, he sat on the couch in the
main room and called Katie. He wasn’t that tired. He’d only been up for a few
hours, and was looking forward to talking to her.



“Hey, gorgeous, how are yer?”

“I’m good, baby. I hear you had some trouble last night.
What happened?” she said, holding her anger about Britney back, not wanting to
vent on him.

“Aye, it was horrible. It was a terrorist attack on our
hotel, with cowardly idiots shooting innocent people.”

“Oh my, Scott. She didn’t tell me that.”

“Aye, there were three people killed and lots injured. They
never got up tae our floor, but I was ready and waiting, if necessary.”

“I can’t believe this. Will you come home, please?”

“Yer know I can’t. I have tae finish the contract tae get
the money fer our new haem. I saw how much yer loved it. Plus, yer know I
dinnae quit anything.”

“You are so stubborn and I don’t care about the money. I
just want you.”

“Aye Katie I know. I want yer too. But, we need money tae
live and this is what I do. Just trust me, everything will be fine.”

“I do trust you, but hearing things like this, just scares
me so much.”

“I’m sorry. I promised tae tell yer aboot what happens here,
but it’s difficult fer me tae do, as I know it will upset yer.”

“I know. I’m glad you tell me. Oh, and by the way… that girl
over there has a crush on you.”

“Nae, dinnae be silly.”

“I know you don’t notice these things, but trust me she
wants you. So just be careful, please.”

“Okay, will do, but I really think yer making a mistake.”

“I’m not trying to fight with you. I just know what women
are like. I know you are true to me, so I am not worried or mad at you. I just
want you to watch and be aware.”

“Okay, I believe yer. But, I just have nae noticed it. I’m
glad yer know yer have nae anything tae worry aboot. I love yer, Katie.”

“I know.”

“Hey, I do have some guid news. Britney’s going away again
fer another long weekend tae Dubai. Nae next weekend, but the weekend after, so
keep that weekend free, from Thursday through tae Monday.”

“That’s great! Are you coming here?”

“Nae, it’s a surprise, just keep it free. I’ll tell yer more
as we get closer tae the date.”

“I’m not going to Dubai with you and her.”

“Come on, yer should know me a wee bit better than that.”

“Okay, sorry. I’m just still a little shocked at hearing her
talk about you that way, earlier.”

“Just trust me. Yer surprise will be worth it and it will
make yer forget aboot everything else.”

“I love you. I can’t wait to see you.”

“I love yer, too, Katie. Try nae tae worry aboot anything
and keep looking forward tae yer surprise.”

“I’m looking forward to it already.”

“Guid, yer should be. I’m going tae go tae bed, but I will talk
tae yer soon.”

“Night baby, stay safe. I love you.”

“Love yer more.” He quickly hung up the phone.


He hadn’t done that for a while. She smiled. She’d been mad
all day although not at him. Somehow he always made everything seem better. She
knew the surprise would have something to do with her birthday. But, she had no
idea what it was. It was exciting though. First she would see him, then find
out what he was going to do. It was going to be a long two weeks, but she knew
she was going to see him again soon, and that would keep her going.

Chapter 11



As the time grew closer to her birthday weekend, Katie grew
more and more anxious to see Scott. Her divorce was now final and for the first
time in ages, she felt free. Scott had promised the day before she was due to
leave, he would send e-tickets for her flight. She knew he’d have to send them
to her soon. Where she was flying to meet him couldn’t be a complete surprise
as she would have to board the plane! But, what they’d be doing when she got there,
would be. It was Wednesday morning, before her big weekend and Scott told her
during their conversation, that he was about to send her an email with her e-tickets.
When she hung up, she hurried and turned on her computer to find out where she
was going. She had no idea and was so excited. She clicked on the email revealing
her tickets and itinerary.

“Oh, my god! I can’t believe it,” she said, not being able
to look away from her destination.

The tickets were to Glasgow, Scotland. She wanted to hug him,
right now. She’d always wanted to go to Scotland, even before she’d met Scott. He
knew she’d never even been out of the United States. She was beyond excited!
Katie quickly ran to the bookshelf and grabbed her big Scottish travel guide
book. She gasped as she looked through the breathtaking, stunning pictures. The
landscapes and architecture were so different from anything she’d ever seen and
there were castles too, lots of them. She would be stepping into the past. The
bonus was she would be there with Scott. The icing on the cake was that she was
going to visit his homeland. She hurried to start packing.

The violence had not slowed or calmed down in Baghdad at all.
It was getting much worse every day. Scott was under a lot of pressure to make
sure Britney was safe. Each day they encountered more incidents on the roads. Every
type of bomb and rocket landed closer to their hotel and there was a rash of
suicide bombings aimed at Green Zone check points. Everything was far from
ideal. Still, they managed to avoid any direct trouble and both remained
physically unhurt. Scott was thankful he still hadn’t needed to fire a single
shot. Scott and Britney both looked forward to their weekend break.

Scott had planned the journey for Thursday evening. He made
plans, the same as the last trip out of Iraq. Scott would accompany Britney to
Kuwait and make sure she safely boarded her flight to Dubai before catching his
flight to London. This time, he’d only have the short one-hour trip up to
Glasgow instead of the grueling transatlantic venture. He would arrive in
Glasgow early Friday morning and get the rest of Katie’s surprise ready before
he met her at the airport early that afternoon. Everything was going smoothly.
Britney arrived safely in Dubai, Katie was making her way across the Atlantic and
Scott was in Glasgow putting his special birthday plan into place.

At lunchtime, Scott drove into the airport parking lot. He rented
a car when he arrived earlier in the morning. He needed to rent a car since
he’d sold his own car a few months before when things started to get serious
with Katie and he knew he’d be staying in the U.S. He had left his car at a
friend’s house, who had taken care of all the details for the over the internet

Scott planned to show Katie around a few of his favorite local
sights that afternoon, before going to their hotel. He didn’t make a lot of plans
for later. He knew she’d be tired after her long flight. They would be leaving
tomorrow for the real place where he wanted to surprise her.

While Scott sat in the arrivals area, all he could think
about was what Katie’s reaction would be to the surprise he planned for her. He
was confident she was going to be very surprised and happy. She would smile
that beautiful smile that he loved so much.

As Katie departed the plane and was walking to customs, she
couldn’t hide her excitement. It was slightly cloudy outside, but it wasn’t
raining. Scott had told her many times that Scotland wasn’t as warm as Ohio.

Most airports were pretty much the same, but hearing so many
people talking with the same accent as Scott made her grin. In fact, she
couldn’t stop smiling! She was also smiling because she knew Scott would tease
her about needing a suitcase for a two-day trip. She couldn’t do what he did
when he came back to the States and just bring a backpack onto the plane. She couldn’t
wait to see him and enjoy some of his country with him. It was going to be the
best birthday ever, she thought, as she grabbed her case from the carousel. As
she walked through the customs area, she panicked. She had packed some very
sexy, racy underwear that she’d bought especially for this trip. What if they went
through her suitcase and pulled those out for everyone to see. Luckily, she and
her bag were not chosen for inspection and she strolled through without
incident, pulling her purple suitcase behind her. She made her way to the area
where Scott was waiting. She was almost with him. She was wearing jeans, a
t-shirt, and a purple zip-up hooded sweatshirt. Scott warned her about the
weather and always joked that there were about three sunny days a year. As she
exited customs, Katie didn’t see Scott in the waiting area. She spotted a
vacant seat where she could sit and wait, and was about to head towards it when
a pair of hands grabbed her waist from behind. She was startled, but a
recognizable kiss was placed gently on the side of her neck.

“Hi, gorgeous! Welcome tae Scotland.”

She turned around and wrapped her arms around him, before
kissing him.

“Hello. It’s great to see you.”

“Great tae see yer too, baby. How was yer flight?”

“It was good. I’m a little tired, but so excited.”

He smiled and grabbed her suitcase. He reached to hold her
hand and looked into deeply into her eyes.

“Let’s get oot of here. I have a lot tae show yer.”

Before long they were driving in Glasgow traffic. Katie was
fascinated with everything; the cars were different, much smaller. No sign of
any pickup trucks, even the big semi-rigs looked different. They drove on the
opposite side of the road and there was even a difference in the traffic lights.
Her beautiful face beamed, eyes sparkled and she looked continuously at all the
things around her.  Scott smiled.

“What do yer think?”

“It’s so different. I thought the traffic in Columbus was
bad, but this is crazy. I’m glad I’m not driving.”

“Aye, I know, I dinnae like the traffic. We’ll be oot of the
city soon.”

“Where are we heading?”

“I’m going tae quickly show yer my haem toon then we’re
going tae go across tae Edinburgh so yer can see the sights and we’ll stay in a
hotel there tonight. It will nae take long tae get there, I know yer tired.”

“Sounds great, I can’t wait.”

It didn’t take them long to see the sights of Clydebank; it
was a fairly small town. Scott showed her the street and house where he grew
up, his school and a few other places that gave her more insight about his childhood.
They visited the cemetery where his parents are resting, side-by-side. Just
after Scott joined the Army, they had been killed in a road accident by a drunk
driver. He was devastated and it took him a long time to come to terms with the
loss. He rarely spoke about it, because it wasn’t a subject he really liked to
talk much about, even after so many years. Scott’s younger sister was a very
strong believer in peace and a member of many anti-war movements. She took
their parents’ deaths very hard too. When Scott joined the Army, she refused to
speak to him, not even at their parents’ funeral. Many times he tried to restore
their relationship and tried to contact her over the years, to no avail. Eventually
he admitted defeat. It was very hard on him as she was his only family member
left. His grandparents in Ohio had died a few months after he’d started seeing
Katie. His Grandmother first then his Grandfather followed within a few weeks.
Scott believed he died from a broken heart, missing his beloved wife. He took
their passing very hard too.

Scott was quiet. They placed flowers on his parents’ graves
and then continued their journey to Edinburgh.

“Thank you for showing me your hometown and for letting me
come with you to your parents’ graves,” she said. She could see he was visibly

“Nae problem. I just want yer tae see as much as yer can
while yer here.”

“Are you okay?”

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