KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal (20 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
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“Hi, is this Tom?”

“Yes. Who’s this?”

“Tom. This is Katie Johnson.”

“Katie, I was about to call you. I’m here with Britney at
the hotel. We are concerned about Scott, and…,” he was interrupted.

“Tom, he just called me. He was ambushed and doesn’t have
his phone. He said he was borrowing a local man’s phone, he was on foot and he
wanted you to send someone to Britney’s office to get her, but I suppose you
already have her if you’re there at the hotel with her. He also said he was
fine and he was going to head back to her office, but didn’t know how long it
would take because there were people after him.”

“Oh, Katie, that’s great news! We know he’s okay then. I’ll
get someone back up to that area to look for him and even if they don’t find
him. I’ll make sure there’s someone there to meet him when he gets back to
Britney’s office.”

“Thanks, Tom. Please keep in touch and keep me updated.”

“I will, Katie. Same with you, please call me if you hear
from him again. Thank you, bye.”

Tom turned to Britney who had come to stand next to him
after hearing him talking to Katie.

“He’s okay. He was attacked, but it sounds like he’s trying
to get back to your office.”

“That’s a relief. How did he call Katie?”

“He borrowed a local person’s phone. Scott will tell us what
happened, when we find him.”

“Are you going back?”

“Yes. I have to go. I don’t have any guards to spare

“Can I come with you?”

“I don’t like it, but you’re going to have to. Come on,
let’s go find him.”

It took forty minutes for them to get back to her office. It
was after 9:00 p.m. and dark. There was no sign of Scott yet, so they went
inside the building and waited in her office.

“I really want to go out and look for him, but I can’t leave
you and I have nobody free to watch you,” Tom said, to her as she sat down.

“I’m a big girl.”

“Not here, you’re not! You need a babysitter, just like
everyone else, who doesn’t know what they’re doing.”

Britney found his attitude quite patronizing. He was not at
all like Scott.

“I just want him to be safe,” she said.

“Me too, but even if I went and looked for him, he would be
impossible to find. He will make his way through the shadows for cover. Finding
Scott right now, would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. He is a
highly-trained Special Forces soldier. If Scott Maclaren does not want to be
found, he will not be found. Trust me, Britney he knows what he’s doing. He will
turn up soon.”

“I hope you’re right.”

About twenty minutes later, Britney was startled by a
tapping sound on her window.  It was Scott. He arrived at the office building,
saw that her light was on, looked through the window and saw her and Tom. He moved
quickly to the main door, pulled it open and met them in just inside the lobby.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” said Britney, as she hugged him.

“I’m fine. Did Katie call yer, Tom? I managed tae call her
and asked her tae tell yer what happened.”

“She did. I had already picked up Britney when Katie called
me. It was good we knew where you were heading, though. Britney was already
with me when she called.”

“Scott, I remembered what you told me when I first got here.
If we ever got split up and something didn’t seem right, I was to call Tom,”
Britney said.

“That’s guid. I’m glad yer okay. I was worried aboot yer
being on yer own.”

“So, what happened, Scott?” asked Tom.

“I went tae get gas, but our normal station was completely destroyed
so I searched fer another one. A car with a number of masked men started
shooting at me. They blew oot my back window and hit the car several times.
They used silencers, Tom. I did nae realize they were shooting at me, until the
car was hit a few times. I tried but could nae lose them. I bailed oot of the
car, took cover and shot back. I hit two of them. As soon as I got the
opportunity, I left the area. But, the others followed fer a while. I managed
tae finally lose them in the back streets. When it was safe, I tried tae call
yer, and realized I’d lost my phone. It must have fallen oot of my pocket when
I jumped oot of the car or when I was running doon the street, taking cover and
returning fire. I dinnae know. I managed tae talk some locals into using their phone.
Katie’s number was the only one I could remember.”

“Do you remember exactly where the car is? We’ll can try and
retrieve it tomorrow,” said Tom.

“Aye, I think so.”

“Good. Well Scott, you’ve had a busy night. So, let’s get
you back to your hotel and we’ll take care of all the other things tomorrow.”

“I need a better place tae keep my phone. My pockets are
just nae cutting it.” Scott and Tom both laughed.

“Yes, you do, but everything worked out okay. You did
everything right again! You trained your client well. In the thick of it, you
got a message to us about where you were ultimately heading. There’s not much
you can do about being attacked by a car full of armed men. So, we lost another
car, but that’s pretty normal for this city. I’m really glad you’re on our side,

“Thanks, Tom.”

“I’m pretty sure Britney’s a big fan of yours too. She was
very worried about you. I think you’ve made a good impression,” Tom said, as he
smiled at Scott.

“Aye. We get along fine, most of the time that is.” he said,
with emphasis and a smile.

Britney was a little embarrassed. She didn’t realize it was obvious
that she liked Scott, but she didn’t really care.

Half an hour later, Tom dropped them back at the hotel. He would
return in the morning, so he and Scott could locate the abandoned, shot-up car.
Scott was very tired and moved slowly as he and Britney made their way back to
the suite.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, as they entered the room.

“I’m okay. Just a wee bit tired. I think I’ll just have some
water and then go tae bed.”

“Scott, go ahead and sit down. I’ll get you some water.”

He sat down on the couch and stretched out. It had been a
long, eventful night and he was tired and aching. Britney brought him a bottle
of water and sat beside him.

“You look like you’re in pain. Where are you hurting?”

“I’m aching all over. I’ll be fine, though. I just need a
wee bit of water and some guid sleep.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Nae, it’s fine, I’m just tired.”

“You look so tense,” she almost whispered, when she noticed
Scott’s eyes were almost shut. She leaned closer and started to massage his
shoulders. He moved forward and she knew he intended to stand up. This was her
chance! She was aware he wanted her to stop, but, it must have felt good; he
hadn’t gotten up or moved her hands. Maybe, this is what he needed. She relished
the thought that she found his moment of weakness. She moved her body closer to
his. His head tipped slightly forward, her hands moved from his shoulders up
and alongside his neck. As her fingers pressed deep into his muscles, she felt
him relax under her touch.

“Thanks fer that. It did help,” he said, as he abruptly stood
up and walked away. He knew that he should have stopped her straight away and
felt guilty. She would get the wrong impression. He was exhausted, but that was
not an excuse in his eyes.

“Where are you going? I’m not done. I have really strong
hands and I can help you relax. I can finish...”

“I know yer have strong hands. Yer did a guid job. I
appreciate it, but I should really go tae bed now and call Katie.”

“Let me give you a real massage all over. You can use my
phone to call Katie.”

“Nae, it’s fine. I’ll use the room phone. It will be a quick
call tae tell her I’m okay.”

“What are you scared of, Scott? I just want you to feel
better. I realize it’s been a hard night.”

“I’m nae scared. I just dinnae want tae encourage yer or
lead yer on,” he stated, as he dialed Katie’s number.

“Hello,” Katie answered nervously.

“Hey, baby. Just letting yer know I’m fine and back at the
hotel. I dinnae have my phone back yet, so I’m using the hotel phone. I cannae
talk fer long, so, I will explain everything tomorrow.

“You scared me again! But I’m just glad you’re okay. How are
you feeling?”

“I’m pretty tired. It was a long night.”

“I bet it was. Tell me everything when you can.”

“I will. But, reet now, I need tae go tae sleep. I love

“Love you too. Goodnight and sleep well.”

Scott put the phone down and looked at Britney who was

“I’m going tae bed now. See yer tomorrow.”

“You’re sure you don’t want me to give you a massage? Scott,
you do need it. Believe me, I know. Your shoulders are very tight.”

“Aye, I’m sure. I dinnae doubt fer a minute that it would feel
guid, but it would nae be the reet thing tae do. Just try and get some sleep
and I’ll see yer tomorrow.”

“Okay, then. Goodnight.”

She was disappointed. Her hands were on his shoulders and
she knew he was enjoying it. If only he’d have stayed sitting there a little
longer. She’d have relaxed him and moved on to other areas. It was a start.

Chapter 16



The following day, Scott and Tom returned to the scene. There
was no trace of the abandoned car, or his phone. Scott easily located the area
where he left it, but everyone agreed it was most likely stolen. He was now on
his third car and supplied with yet another cell phone. The continuing troubles
in Baghdad were getting worse. Recent reports stated that violence in the city was
the worst in over five years.


It was October, only six weeks to go on his contract and
Scott would be going home for good. Of late, Britney was working hard and wasn’t
giving him too much trouble, although she was still biding her time for just
the right moment. She knew time was running out and was determined that she was
going to try at least once more. Scott was under a lot of pressure to keep her
safe. He was still concerned that people were watching them and that they were
being followed from time-to-time and targeted. He found himself double and
triple-checking everything, as well as second-guessing himself when it came to making
decisions. This was unlike Scott.

Late Tuesday evening, after having finished another hotel perimeter
check, he sat down on the couch next to Britney.

“Do yer fancy going away fer another weekend? I know I could
do with a break afore we finish up the last few weeks.”

“Maybe. Would you like to join me? We could go to Dubai or
anywhere else in the region you’d like to go,” she replied, not missing a
chance to try again.

“Nae. I really need tae go haem tae Katie fer a while, tae
recharge and be fresh fer the final stretch.”

“It’s too far to go for just a weekend, Scott. You were
exhausted when you came back before. If you want a real, true break, and some
relaxation, let me take you to a nice resort for a few days. I would like to
say thank you for keeping me safe.”

“Nae, thanks. I just need tae get away and tae see Katie.”

“I wasn’t planning on going away again, but if you come with
me, I will.”

“It’s okay. Dinnae worry aboot it. It was just an idea.”
Scott said, as he retreated to his room. He didn’t want to get into an argument
or worse, agree to go somewhere with her. He would talk to Tom tomorrow and see
if it was possible to get away for a few days.

The following day, Scott spoke with Tom. He explained that Britney
didn’t have plans for a break and he needed to get away for a while. Tom
understood the pressures of the job. He offered to personally look after
Britney for a few days if Scott wanted to go. Scott called Katie right away.
They both were excited and looked forward to him coming home. On the other hand,
Britney didn’t take the news well, at all.

“What do you mean, Tom is going to stay with me?” she said
when he told her later that night that he was heading home and gave her the
rest of the details.

“Aye. Tom will come here and stay with yer. Nae anything
will be different fer yer. Yer will be just as safe as yer are now. Nae anything
different at all.”

“It will be different. I can’t believe this. I don’t like
him! Scott, you are the one who makes me feel safe,” she protested.

“Yer will be fine with Tom. He’s the boss. He knows this
place better than anyone.”

“I don’t like it,” she continued, to complain.

“What’s the problem?”

“He’s not you! I just won’t be comfortable with him.”

“Sorry, but yer going tae have tae deal with it. I need a
break tae make sure I’m fully focused tae finish up the last few weeks. Yer
have tae understand, it’s in yer best interest fer me tae be fresh and rested.
I need a break!”

“I do understand that you need to get away. I just think
there is a better way. You know what I think. So, when are you leaving?”

“Next Thursday,” he stated, very matter-of-factly.

“Okay,” she said, as she stormed to her room.

She did think about taking her own trip after she failed to
persuade Scott to change his mind. But, she eventually decided to stay. Thursday
evening came and Tom arrived at the hotel. Scott thanked him and left for his
long weekend break. This time he drove himself to the airport due to the increasing
shortage of security guards.


Friday evening, Scott stepped off the plane in Columbus. He
looked forward to the feel of Katie nestled in his arms. It had been too long.
His heart jumped and he smiled when he saw her. He opened his arms wide to hug

“Hey, gorgeous! I missed yer.”

“Hi babe, I missed you, too,” she replied. It had been
nearly two months since their trip to Scotland and his romantic proposal.

“I just really needed tae hold yer fer a while,” he said,
with a tired, weak smile. He continued, “With all that is going on back in Iraq
reet now, it feels guid tae get away. It has become very stressful keeping
ahead of things. I am physically and mentally exhausted. Some guid sleep and
holding yer is all I need tae keep me sharp, tae fulfill the rest of my
contract. Then, I will be haem with yer and the girls.” Scott said, as they
made their way through the airport.

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