Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (42 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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Bryce joined the chat room a few days later and was
pleasantly surprised. He always associated chat rooms with lonely
people who couldn’t get a date. He didn’t think some faceless woman
in cyberspace could turn him on. But he found himself enjoying the
online sessions. Will was right, no strings attached and little
worry about rejection helped him in more ways than he could have
imagined. After his divorce the last thing he wanted was to be
tortured in the singles scene again. The chat room stroked his

When he figured out that Ice Queen and the
indomitable Lara Logan were the same woman, he realized that it was
time to get back into the game. She had a body that just wouldn’t
quit and a razor sharp mind that turned him on. Her adventurous
side sealed the deal for him, and once he set his sights on bedding
her he refused to let anything get in his way. Bryce knew that
underneath that cool exterior, there lay an undercurrent of heat
that he was incredibly attracted to. He knew she felt it too,
especially when he caught her glancing his way in the hallway at

It was going to be hard as hell working side by side
with Lara all day tomorrow. But he hoped he could use it to his
advantage and get her as turned on as possible before he met her at
Teak’s. Bryce also hoped she wouldn’t back off when his identity
was exposed, but he had a feeling she needed this release just as
much as he did.


After work, Lara went home to her Lincoln Park condo.
She dropped her keys on the entryway table and took her favorite
dishes from the neighborhood Chinese restaurant to the kitchen. She
turned on the news and ate her Lo Mein, willing herself to relax.
Part of her looked forward to spending all day working with Bryce.
Being that close to that man for such a long period of time
certainly added to the sexual tension she felt about Saturday
night. After she finished her dinner, she decided to take a long
hot shower, hoping it would calm her nerves.

As she stepped out of the shower, she slathered on
some of her favorite body oil. She rubbed it all over her body,
paying special attention to her breasts. She watched in the mirror
as she tweaked her nipples until they stood erect. Lara hoped
BuiltFor3 and his friend would live up to her expectations tomorrow
night. She ran her hands down to her stomach, then lower. She could
feel herself getting wet, so she slipped two fingers inside her
cleft, drawing out the moisture and rubbing her own clit. She
watched in the mirror as she strummed herself. She leaned against
the wall, spreading her legs to get better access. Lara started
imagining taking two men at the same time while she continued to
stimulate the sensitive nub that was now starting to throb, edging
her closer to release. She wondered what it would be like to have
one cock in her mouth while the other one filled her pussy,
slamming in and out of her. At that moment she started to come,
gripping the bathroom counter for support. For a brief moment in
time, all she could do was breathe deeply and relish the feelings
that radiated from her core throughout her body. She bit her lip
and knew that it was a brief taste of tomorrow’s pleasure. She
shivered as her orgasm started to ebb, relishing the thought of two
men fucking her. Sure, she felt nervous about it. Who wasn’t a
little nervous about making their dreams a reality? But something
inside of her told her it was time to branch out.


The next morning Lara sat behind her desk reviewing
some client emails when Bryce strolled into her office.

“Morning. I’ve set everything up in the conference
room. We’ve got a ton of paperwork to go through today. I also
brought coffee and donuts, if you’re interested.”

“Thanks, I’ll be there in a minute.” Lara replied.
Damn. He smelled good. He looked edible too. He wore a crisp, white
long sleeve oxford shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders.
His jeans fit nicely, not too tight or loose. She finished sending
the last email and headed to the conference room, following the
delicious aroma of coffee. When she entered the room, Bryce stood
with his back to her, gazing at the view of the city from their
vantage point on the twenty-seventh floor. She noticed how his
jeans cupped his ass.

“Nice view, isn’t it?” Lara asked.

Bryce turned around and looked at her. “Yes, yes it
is,” he said as his eyes travelled down her body.

Oh. My. God. If this is what today is going to be
like I don’t know if I can handle this. I am going to stay calm,
cool and collected. I am the Ice Queen, right? Even if I want to
undress him and ride his cock on top of the conference table.
She took a deep breath. “Well, shall we get started?”

“I’m ready whenever you are.” He seemed to be smiling
at a joke that only he knew the punch line to. “It seems that our
client has been a very bad boy. Not that being bad isn’t sometimes
good.” Bryce stared deep into Lara’s eyes. “Wouldn’t you

“That could be a fair statement in certain
situations,” Lara replied. What was he talking about? Was the man
reading her damn mind? This was going to be one hell of a day. The
sparring with Bryce was a total turn on. The fact that it was
Saturday and they were the only ones in the office also turned her
on. But she needed to focus. First, work. Then, threesome. She had
her priorities.

For most of the day, they worked in a companionable
silence. They traded files and made notations on documents. Bryce
ordered sandwiches for lunch, and they ate them together while they
slogged through all of the paperwork. It was late afternoon when
Bryce dropped the file he was reading and stretched back in his
chair. Lara eyed his male form. He unbuttoned his shirt a few
buttons. She saw some of the crisp black hairs on his chest,
peeking out from behind the shirt. The thought of unbuttoning his
shirt even further and running her hands across his chest caused
her to inhale sharply.


“What do you say? Are we done for the day? I don’t
know how much more of this I can take,” Bryce said.

“Sure. We made good progress. I’m good to go, if you
are,” Lara said hurriedly.

“Well, let’s wrap it up then. I bet you’ve got some
great plans. It is Saturday night, after all.”

“Oh, I’m not doing much,” Lara said, avoiding eye
contact. “Just meeting a few friends for drinks.”

Bryce couldn’t help but notice her blushing. “Really?
That sounds like fun. That’s exactly what I’m doing. Maybe we’ll
see each other.”

Lara’s face reddened even more. “Who knows? I don’t
get out much and neither do my friends. We’re just going to have
some wine and relax.”

“Same here. Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t
do,” Bryce said.

“Uh, thanks. See you Monday,” Lara said, gathering up
her things. As she walked out of the conference room, Bryce eyed
her and realized that he was looking forward to this evening even
It’s just sex. Calm down. Just because she’s smart and
beautiful doesn’t mean you have to jump into a relationship with
her. Plus, you work together. Bad combination
. He tried to talk
himself down. But his erection had other ideas.


Lara sat at the bar, watching the people around her.
It was just before seven in the evening. The piano player tapped
away quietly in the corner of the room. She wanted to be a little
early in hopes that she would be able to have a little bit of wine
and relax. Most of the patrons seemed to be couples that were out
enjoying a romantic evening. Lara sipped her Cabernet and wondered
if she really was ready. What if she wasn’t attracted to BuiltFor3
and WillSpankU? She almost laughed when she realized that she
didn’t even know their real names. What was she thinking? What kind
of person did this? Was she really going to have sex with two men
whose first names she didn’t even know? Maybe she was making a
mistake. She eyed the door. Just then, two very handsome men walked
in. She blinked. One of those men looked disturbingly similar to
Bryce. Oh shit no, she thought. I’ve got to get out of here. He’s
going to see me. What if he sees me leave with two guys? I’d never
live it down at the office.

Bryce scanned the bar. He made eye contact with her
and started walking over her way. The man with him followed.

“Well, hello there, darlin’. How are you doing
tonight?” Bryce asked her as he slid into the seat beside her.

“I’m great. Just waiting for some friends. How are
you?” Lara managed to ask.

“I’m just glad this weekend suddenly started looking
a lot better. Will and I were looking for some fun. Looks like we
found it.” Bryce looked into her eyes, with the hint of a smile on
his lips.

“Will?” Lara almost squeaked.

Bryce nodded to the chair beside Lara that his friend
slid into.

“That’s me. But you can call me WillSpankU if you’d
like,” said the gorgeous man on her left. Lara trembled.

“But that means you’re…”

Bryce leaned toward her. She caught his delicious
scent as he whispered in her ear. “BuiltFor3. What do you think
about that?”

The butterflies in her stomach swirled at full force.
“All this time. You?”

“Yes. Me. Remember the time in the chat room that I
told you I wanted to taste you and make you explode on my

“I do,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

“I’m going to make that fantasy a reality tonight,”
he said in her ear. “Among other things. If you’re up for it, that
is.” He drew back and looked in her eyes again. She could see the
question in his eyes. She caught a glimpse of something else, too.
Desire. With a hint of tenderness.

Lara knew at that moment that she wasn’t going to
back down. She smiled at Bryce, then turned to Will. “This is going
to be an interesting evening.”

The three of them decided to stay and enjoy a glass
of wine. Will presented the perfect foil to Bryce’s overwhelming
dark sexiness. He had bright blue eyes and blond hair with a
swimmer’s lean body. He told her all about being a computer nerd
and how he started moderating chat rooms for extra money in
college. Now he just did it for fun. Lara found herself laughing at
some of the tales Will told about his awkward teenage years, which
Lara could relate to. She found herself relaxing with both men,
even as the sexual tension mounted.

An hour later, all three of them finished their
glasses of wine. Bryce stood directly beside Lara. He cocked an
eyebrow at her, not saying a word. She took a deep breath and

“Why don’t we head back to my place? I can drive you
there and bring you back to your car later,” Bryce said. The way he
looked at her made her stomach do flips.

“That sounds fine. Let’s go.”

Bryce drove a two-door Mercedes that smelled of clean
leather. He helped her into the car and drove the short distance to
his condo as Will followed behind them. As he drove, he held her
hand for a moment before drawing it up to his mouth and kissing her
palm. The tension between them was thick, and Lara felt her pussy
tingling and tightening. When they pulled into his parking space,
Bryce cut the engine and looked at her, shadowed by the darkness of
the car and waning sunset. He slowly took her face in both of his
hands and leaned forward to kiss her. As their lips met, he inhaled
her scent and groaned. He pushed the kiss further, opening her lips
with his tongue and holding her head still as he expertly took
control of her mouth. After a few moments, he drew back. “I’ve been
wanting to do that for months. Just so you know.”

“I’m glad you finally did,” Lara said, blushing

When Bryce and Lara entered into his condo, they
found Will on the sofa, listening to music with the volume turned
down very low. The room was dim except for a few lit candles.

“Glad to see you guys finally made it inside. There
isn’t exactly enough room in that car of his for three people,” he
said good-naturedly.

“Were you worried you weren’t going to get your
turn?” Lara asked.

“I’m a patient man. I usually get what I want sooner
or later,” Will said as he winked at her.

Lara felt Bryce behind her. He wrapped his arms
around her waist, pushing his erection against her backside as he
kissed her neck. She leaned back against him and closed her eyes.
The next thing she knew, Will was in front of her, caressing her
breasts through her dress. She opened her eyes and watched him as
he tweaked her nipples, teasing them into hard little nubs.

“Bedroom. Now,” Bryce whispered.

Will took Lara’s hand and led her to Bryce’s large
bedroom. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room with
a nightstand on each side. On the wall opposite of the bed there
was a dresser with a large mirror hanging above it. There were more
candles on the nightstands and the dresser, giving the room a
mesmerizing glow. The whole atmosphere of the room seemed inviting.
Suddenly, Bryce spun her around and kissed her on the mouth. He
backed her up until the back of her legs came in contact with the

“Get on the bed,” he commanded her after he finished
plundering her mouth with his expert tongue. She obliged, never
taking her eyes off Bryce. He looked through her with a desire that
almost took her breath away.

As she situated herself on the bed, she felt Will
directly beside her. “God, you are beautiful. Much better in
person,” he murmured while lightly tracing a line from her knee to
her upper thigh. His fingers inched up underneath her dress, and
she found herself spreading her legs for easier access. He touched
her soft mound through her underwear. As he did that, he leaned
over and kissed her nipple through her dress. All she could do was
lay back and enjoy the sensation of being caressed.

“Why don’t we get you out of this dress?” Will asked.
She nodded, and he helped her slide the dress down her body before
tossing it into the chair in the corner of the room. She wasn’t
wearing a bra and the cool air caused her nipples to pucker. Bryce
settled on the bed beside her. Shirtless. The top button of his
pants was unbuttoned, exposing a thatch of hair just above the
waistband of his boxer briefs. She saw the outline of his erection
and reached for it almost without thinking. She stroked him through
his underwear for a brief moment, and then pulled them down,
revealing his large cock. Lara wrapped her hand around him and
reveled in the feel of it, along with the sharp intake of his
breath. She leaned towards him and got on her knees, stroking him.
With her other hand, she gently cupped his balls.

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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