Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (18 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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He barely looked up. “Reese is my middle name. My
first name is Ben. You know that.”

Hayley felt as if she’d been punched in the gut.
“Wait! What?” Her foot slipped and she nearly collapsed to the
floor. “I never knew that! Since when…well, obviously since always,
but how did I not know…” Had she always been this clueless? She
supposed Reese’s personal life had never really mattered to her
before now.

He reached a hand out to steady her. “My first day of
school after moving here, your brother heard my mom use my middle
name. He thought it was hilarious. He tormented me that whole
morning. Recess came and I gave him a bloody nose. We’ve been best
friends ever since. I never realized you didn’t know that

She stared at him in fascination. He wasn’t a liar.
She just hadn’t been paying close enough attention. It was just
like her brother to still call Reese by his middle name. He’d
sarcastically been calling her Angel since they were children,
hence her own screen name.

“Ben,” she said softly. “Benjamin Reese. I like it.”
Pushing off the counter with a smile, she sauntered toward the
doorway that led to the pool. “I feel like taking a swim until
Charlie gets back. Feel free to join me if you wish.”

Lifting her shirt over her head, she revealed a
skimpy bikini. She did nothing to hide the bruise on her thigh. As
she swept confidently out of the room, she smirked in victory as
his eyes hungrily followed her every move.



Chapter Seven


Hayley stood frozen under the clock in
watching with baited breath as Reese strode across the room to

“Angel,” he greeted. Before she could speak, he
cupped her face in his hands with a crooked smile. The kiss he
pressed to her lips was passionate and full of unspoken emotions.
“I love you,” he confessed when he pulled back. “I wanted you to
know that before…” Reaching up, he pulled the mask from his

She studied his all too familiar face and felt her
heart melt. She wanted to weep with relief that Ben truly was
Reese. “I love you, too.” Taking a deep breath, she reached for her
own mask. She knew it was time he knew her identity.

Reese suddenly grabbed her hands, stopping her. “Let

Nervously, she lowered her hands, letting him take

Reese paused. Then he gently untied the ribbon
holding her mask in place. The concealment fell from his fingers to
flutter to the floor.

Hayley kept her eyes on his, her heart pounding
wildly as she surveyed his reaction. This man had the ability to
break her heart. All he would have to do was reject her. She didn’t
think she would ever recover from it.

At first, his expression was stunned. Then he looked
nearly anguished with relief. “I thought it was you.” Grabbing her
face, he kissed her again, his mouth hard on hers. “You have no
idea how badly I wanted it to be you.”

When she could finally pull herself away from his
kisses, she gazed lovingly up into his blue eyes. “As badly as I
wanted it to be you?” Then her eyes widened in surprise. “You
thought it was me?”

He nodded with a chuckle. “Your game of twenty
questions was a bit odd. Then the flirting…I almost died of
embarrassment.” He grinned and brushed her hair away from her face.
“It was your reaction to finding out my name is Ben that got me
thinking. Then I saw the bite on your thigh…”

Hayley grinned with delight. “You thought you knew,
and you still loved me?”

“I do.” He lowered his mouth to hers for a tender
kiss. “Do you still?” His brow arched in question.

“I do,” she assured. “I was a little conflicted at
first, but you helped convince me in your truck the other night.”
At his sheepish grin, she said, “Now all that’s left to be said
is…take me back to your place so I can tie you to the bed and have
my kinky way with you.”

He groaned with desire. “Not sure I’ll ever get used
to hearing Charlie’s little sister talk like that, but I think I
like it.”

“You’re about to like it even more,” Hayley promised
with a wicked grin. With that, she took his hand and led him from
the club.


The End



Other Books by Melissa Hosack:


Indecent Encounters

Master of Mine

Virgins Behaving Badly






Raven McAllan


Copyright © 2012




Chapter One


“Hey girls, gotta run.” Maggie grabbed her parcel and
waved with her spare hand. “Be good, see you all tomorrow.” She
dashed out, mentally calculating her timings in her mind.

Twenty minutes to get home, if the Gods were good and
the traffic on her side. Ten minutes to shower and dress in
something better than running gear, and ten to change keyboards.
How the hell she had to buy new ones so often she had no idea. Must
have something to do with what she typed, too much hot stuff
burning them out or something. She giggled to herself as she
finished calculating her timings—and three minutes to start her PC.
Loads of time, she hoped. She might even be able to slip a cup of
coffee and a biscuit in there somehow. To remind her she’d not
eaten since lunch time—hours ago—and that was only a miserly
gluten-free salad, her tummy rumbled. She was hungry.

Her clit clenched. Yeah, yeah, she thought, I’m
bloody hungry, and not just for food!

Last week she’d been late. By the time she’d logged
on, the dismal message flashed across the scene.
Session no
longer available.
She had sat on the floor and cried, and then
headed into the bedroom for some hot, heavy, sweaty, but ultimately
not very satisfactory play with her vibrator. Yes, she climaxed,
but she felt empty. There was nothing like having a thick, hard,
pulsing cock inside her—to be precise, one specific thick, hard,
pulsing cock—or this weekly period on the computer to make her come
in a way to be satisfied. At least until the next time she logged
on for her session. She needed these weekly half hours to keep her
sane, help her continue.
Session better be available this

For once it seemed all the gods heard her pleas and
decided to humor her. She was home, showered, changed and had fixed
her new keyboard well within the time she’d allowed. To her
delight, she’d even managed the coffee and a rather stale
gluten-free bun, before she logged on.

“Come on, come on,” she muttered, as the screen went
through its usual incarnations before the magic words appeared.

Session is about to begin. Please enter your

With a giggle, Maggie typed…

Incorrect password. Please recheck.

What? No, no way, please don’t do this to me, Maggie
thought as she feverishly retyped.


“Oh shit, bugger and hell,” she said out loud, and
rolled her eyes as she carefully deleted

And changed it to

The screen changed, the cursor hovered.

Maggie mine? How are you? Sorry I had to go before
you came last week. I hope you came later, even though we weren’t
together. I did.

She smiled even though she knew he couldn’t see

Yeah, not very good though, plastic is no substitute
for the real thing. I need this session, it makes things so much
better knowing you’re there, I can almost forget it’s not you
fucking me—almost. How are you?

Doing not bad at all, yeah, sorry about that, you
were late, I couldn’t wait. Great poetry eh?

She rolled her eyes. He was no poet, not with words
anyway. He hadn’t finished his message.

Did you use the vibrator I sent you? Rub it over
your clit? Put it inside your pussy, move it deep inside you, turn
it to high, feel the vibrations, pretend it was my cock? Was your
butt plug in, filling you every which way, reminding you of what we
can do together?

The cursor hovered like a demented gnat.

Maggie blushed. She still wasn’t used to his frank
words written down for her to read. She could imagine his
voice—deep, dark and gravelly—speaking them. They sent tingles
spiraling through her. She shifted in the chair, feeling her
arousal increase, her pussy get damp and her nipples peak.

Answer me. Did you? Was it? Did you pinch your
nipples, or use the chain? I can visualize it so well. Those
gorgeous breasts, with your nipples held firmly in chains, standing
up and begging for attention. Your clit rosy, your lips, all of
them, red and full. Or was your ass feeling neglected as you filled
your cunt with my present?

I’d rather feel it full with his cum, Maggie thought
as she felt her juices soak her thong and coat her leg. Or his

He was typing.

Maggie? Do you want this session to finish? Answer
me now. My cock is twitching, I want to come. You need to tell me
what you did. And what you are doing now? I hope you didn’t put any
underwear on, kept yourself open and bare. Did you wax? Am I
imagining that beautiful bare cunt properly? Lean back in the
chair, let your beautiful hair spill down your back, that gorgeous
red streak, a reminder of your glorious lips? Are your legs open?
If I was with you, would I be able to see you, bare, open and
ready, your juices coating you, making you ready for me?

There was a pause.

Answer me, Maggie or I’m going. Are you fucking
yourself as we type? Shall I tell you, my cock is hard, my pre-cum
is showing? I’m imagining my fingers in your ass, my cock in your
cunt and my teeth on your breast?

She answered him, succinct and to the point.

No—and yes, and oh yesss.
Her body shook with
the thought of the erotic picture he was painting

There was a pause.

The screen filled again. Large bold letters.

Yes, what?

Maggie groaned and moved her hand from her clit to
the keyboard.

I put on the chain; I used my vibrator and made
myself come. But it was nowhere near as good as when we come
together. Yes I used the butt plug… the small one; I’m not brave
enough to use the other one yet. I want to feel you more than that.
Yes, my legs are open, yes, I’ve waxed, and yes, I’m wet. Oh shit,
I so want to see your face. Watch your expression as you come, as I
come. I want to feel you in me. See those deep dark eyes flash as I
take you in my mouth and milk you. Spend hours together, coming
over and over.

Maggie took a deep breath, and her hand strayed to
her clit again. Would he understand how much effort it took for her
to write so frankly? To bare her soul to him, even in print, and
not face-to-face? Not for the first time she was relieved they had
no cameras on their computers.

Don’t lie, Mags, you’d love to watch him come, see
his cum all over him, imagine you were licking it off him, she told
herself. And maybe you’d be so turned on, you’d forget the camera
and come for him, just like you would if he was here and not on a

She waited, but the cursor stayed stubbornly in the
same place. She put her finger inside her pussy, used her juices to
coat her clit, and felt her breath hitch. One-handed, she typed…
Getting close.


“C’mon,” she muttered under her breath.
Type to
me, tell me what you’re doing, let’s come together.


Bugger it; I’m going to come… You’ve made me hot wet
and ready…

Still nothing. Then slowly the cursor moved

Session interrupted. Retry later.

What? That was too unkind. Later would be too late.
She needed to come now. Hastily she scrolled back to his last
erotic words…
Shall I tell you, my cock is hard, my pre-cum is
showing? I’m imagining my fingers in your ass, my cock in your cunt
and my teeth on your breast?

She thought of the lovely sensation of his cock in
her mouth. She could almost taste that special saltiness, as his
cum erupted.

The thought was enough, and Maggie came with a shout.
Thank goodness no one else was in the house.

Slowly, very slowly, her breathing returned to
normal, her color subsided, and her shaking stopped.

She looked back at the screen.

Session required next week?



Chapter Two


“So, what did the lion do, Lissy? Was it scary?”
Maggie asked the small girl bouncing up and down beside her. How
she loved these kids, enjoyed the time she spent with them.

“Nah, don’t be silly,” she rolled her eyes at Maggie,
the way a child responding to a particularly stupid adult did. “It
wasn’t real. It was a person in a suit. My mummy said it reminded
her of daddy, all big and growly, pretending to be dom-dom-inanny
or something but soft inside. I don’t know what she meant but she
went pink and sniffy. When will my daddy be back, Aunty

Maggie felt her heart clench. “I don’t know, love. I
wish I did.” And she must remember to ask her sister about her
dominanny husband!

Lissy sighed. “So do me and Cara and mummy. It’s hard
but we need to keep our chins up mummy says, cos at least we have
each other. What do you have, Aunty Maggie?”

“Er, you two as well,” Maggie said hastily. Well, she
couldn’t say a vibrator, a butt plug and a weekly session!

“Well duh?” The other small girl—Cara—said. “We know
that, but why don’t you have little girls as well? They could get
into bed with you and do stuff.”

Yes, well, Maggie thought, amused. Probably not the
sort of stuff she was thinking about. She ignored the pain the
innocent question sent to her heart.

“Ah well, I don’t, which is why I borrow you two
every so often. Now look, here’s mummy.” Her sister rushed up,
hands full of carrier bags.

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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