Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (40 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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Stood in her living room, without even
letting the man undress, she was fucking a stranger and oh how she
had missed this. His hands on her bare ass, he pumped into her,
sounding out every thrust with a savage grunt that made her grind
even harder against him.

A few steps carried them over to
the wall where he banged Melissa fiercer still with her clenching
and clutching where her body met his. His thick cock filled her to
the brim. That alone was enough to bring her to the edge of orgasm
but when he started to suck on her neck, she burst right apart. The
blinding intensity of her climax dimmed everything but the
sensation of drenching his cock in her cum. Carried away to that
distant, floating ecstasy of satisfaction, she barely registered
the sharp nip at her neck and Daniel’s primitive roar of


“You bit me?” Melissa checked her
reflection in the bathroom mirror as she freshened up. If she had
any sense she would throw this freak out right now but everyone in
town knew she didn’t think clearly when it came to sex. She ran her
fingers across the two small puncture wounds on her neck, slightly
worried that she found it such a turn on.

Daniel appeared behind her in the mirror
and brushed her hair away to expose the wound. “Sorry. I got
carried away.” He bent down to lick the pinpricks of blood spotting
her skin, and shivers of renewed lust shot up her spine with every
swish of his tongue across her flesh. “Do you want me to go?”

“No.” Something inside her didn’t want
this night to end. She needed this, needed him, to remind her of
the woman she could still be. “I want to see you naked.”

He cocked a brow in surprise at her
request but proceeded to shed his clothes. With lightning fast
compliance, his shirt and jeans fell to the floor to leave him
naked before her. This time she was calling the shots and it gave
her a sense of power to have him at her command. Though his skin
was pale, he had a beautiful body; a perfectly sculpted landscape
of delineated muscle and masculinity.

“Your turn,” he said, apparently not
totally at ease with her attempt at dominance. Her first instinct,
defiance, was soon bullied into submission as she watched his cock
harden with desire for her—an equally powerful

Lifting her shirt by the hem, she pulled
it over her head and shook her hair loose. Instead of reaching for
him immediately, this time she played hard to get and rebuffed him
to step into the shower.

But he wasn’t easily put off. “Good
idea. I think I’ll join you.”

In the tight confines of the
cubicle their naked bodies were almost touching anyway but when he
leaned in to turn on the water pressure, her nipples hardened
against the wall of his chest. He didn’t respond but squeezed a
dollop of shampoo into his hands and proceeded to lather it into
her hair. Melissa closed her eyes and gave herself over to the feel
of his hands; the soft pressure of his fingers working on her scalp
may as well have been in her pussy, for the reaction down below was
just the same. She squirmed under the torrent of water as he rinsed
out the soap with a business-like manner, ignoring her obvious
predicament. A squirt of shower gel over her breasts was just as
efficiently worked over her skin and down her belly. She opened her
thighs to let his hand slide between her legs and only then did the
aloofness waver.

His fingers slid into her pussy
with ease, plunging deep to circle her clit. Melissa’s knees almost
buckled beneath her as he pulled her back to that sense of bliss.
And then he stopped. “My turn,” he said as he took her place
beneath the stream of water. He lathered himself up, and feeling
cold and frustrated, Melissa left him to it. She wrapped her hair
up in a towel, wound another around her body and walked toward the
Men and their

Something wrong?”
Following her into the bedroom, he actually
looked concerned.

I don’t appreciate being made fun
of.” The heat of anger burned in Melissa as she stood there
thinking she had gotten herself into another situation where she’d
ended up as the source of amusement. His furrowed brow pushed her
for an explanation. “You got me all hot and bothered then dropped
me like a stone!”

Ah. It’s called foreplay. Surely
you’ve indulged before?” The lop-sided smile infuriated her because
it merely increased his attractiveness.

“Well, it’s been a while, but I thought
foreplay lead to the main event?” She didn’t know where the sudden
horniness had come from but she desperately needed to satiate the
ravenous appetite she had developed.

Hard and naked, Daniel walked toward
her. “Patience. I can literally go all night and I don’t want to
burn you out.” The wicked grin told her he was serious and a new
surge of liquid dripped down her thighs in anticipation.



Chapter Four


The smell of her musky arousal
filled his nostrils and hardened his cock but he wanted to explore
every inch of that luscious body before he came again. He spoke the
truth. He could fuck her until the sun came up and he fully
intended to do so.

All I want is to make you feel
good,” he said and kissed her softly on the mouth. He wasn’t
totally unselfish. He wanted to experience the slowed down version
of a night between the sheets too, and he believed Melissa was just
the person to accommodate his desires. “Tell me what you want,” he
whispered into her ear and felt a shudder zip through her in

“Lie on the bed.” She took him by
surprise with the command.

“As you wish.” This faux sub role was a
complete turn-around for Daniel. His partners expected the
aggressive, dominant side of him that he didn’t exactly revel in.
It made a change to have a little give and take in the bedroom and
he was quite happy to lie back and enjoy whatever Melissa threw at

She straddled him, trapping him in the
heat of her inner thighs, and rocked her smooth pussy against his
throbbing cock. Every movement drew attention to her full breasts,
bobbing so close he could almost taste the sweet pink buds leading
him into temptation. Unable to resist, he palmed her breasts with
both hands, testing the weight and imagining his face buried
between the soft mounds. Lifting his head from the pillow, he drew
one tip into his mouth, sucked hard enough to make her gasp, then
released her with a pop. Melissa pushed him back down onto the bed
and shuffled her bottom back down his legs.

When she settled herself between his
thighs and licked her lips, his cock jerked in anticipation. But
there was something about the sultry look she shot up at him that
halted his lusty train of thought and redirected it to a faint
memory. He frowned trying to remember just where he had seen her

She frowned back at him. “I don’t want
you staring at me.”

What?” It seemed ridiculous. Of
course he was going to watch her giving him head. That was half the

She reached into the bedside cabinet,
pulled out a silver silk scarf, and proceeded to tie it around his

“Well, this is interesting.” He couldn’t
keep the sarcasm from his voice but he let her carry on

Sight restricted, he had to let his
other senses take over—the smell of her shower fresh scent mixed
with her arousal, the taste of her still on his tongue, the sound
of rustling sheets as she repositioned herself, and the touch of
her tongue licking a path from his balls to the head of his

She circled the tip, teasing him until
she called forth the first sign of cum, and then sucked him into a
vortex of whirling tongue and friction. Relentless lips pulled him
ever closer to nirvana, leaving him powerless to hide his body’s
reaction. It wasn’t the cum squirting into her willing mouth that
concerned him, but the fangs which popped out to show their

The bed moved as Melissa adjusted her
position once more and he felt a light tug on the blindfold. He
heard rather than saw her reaction to the evidence of his real

“What the fuck?” She scrabbled away from
him and Daniel ripped the cover from his eyes.

“Let me explain—”

Melissa backed toward the door, her eyes
wide with fear and confusion. “W-who are you? What are you?”

Here it came, the reason he could never
have a normal relationship. “I’m a vampire, Melissa.”

“A vampire?” If not for her tight grip
on the door handle, he would have sworn she was mocking him.

Yes. A real life, blood-sucking,
one-hundred-and-twenty-eight-year-old vampire.” Realizing he
probably scared the daylights out of her, he was compelled to
justify the predator within him. “I only drink from willing

“Oh, well that’s okay then, isn’t it?”
At least while she snarked back at him she wasn’t running in the
opposite direction.

Careful not to frighten her, he moved
slowly to the edge of the bed. “I would never hurt you. I would
never hurt anyone. I don’t stalk my prey. I don’t glamour anyone
into doing anything they don’t want. I simply use those chat rooms
to meet women who want to be bitten. There’s quite a fan club for
us creatures of the night and many a willing participant. You know
yourself what a turn on that can be.”

She reached up to trace his mark
on her neck. “Does this make me a vampire now too?” If the thought
terrified her it certainly didn’t show. She looked more as if she
was already making plans for her undead future.

“No, don’t worry. That takes all manner
of blood-letting and swapping before a transformation can take
place.” The flicker of interest lighting up her face was unexpected
but welcome. He could only dream that someday he would find a woman
who permanently welcomed his world into hers.

“Oh.” The door handle dropped as Melissa
let her hand fall away and she cocked her head to one side. “Why
me? I mean, if you have all these women offering themselves as a
midnight snack then why pick me to spend the evening with?”

A question he had asked himself many
times over the course of the last couple of hours and one answered
with every bout of fantastic sex. “We made a connection. One that
wasn’t based on sex or blood but loneliness.”

“That makes me sound like a total sad
case,” she said with a grimace.

“You know what I mean. We have common
ground—the no sleeping and the snarky sense of humor—and I guess I
thought you were someone I wanted to get to know better.” He
shrugged his shoulders, praying she would prove him right in the

“I think we got to know each other
pretty well already, don’t you?” The hint of a smile gave him a
glimmer of hope.

He patted a space beside him. “In that
case, pull up a chair and spill whatever big dark secret it is
you’re keeping from me.”



Chapter Five


Melissa’s head spun with all the events
of her crazy night. Would she ever learn the dangers of casual sex?
Only she could hook-up with a cyber-vamp and invite him into her
home. Logically speaking if he wanted to use her like a juice box
and suck her dry he could have done so at any point of the night
and not waited to explain the pointy fangs, which she found
disturbingly sexy.

Somehow she found the prospect of
sharing her personal details more scary than a bitey dead man
sitting naked in her bedroom.

“I keep thinking I’ve seen you somewhere
before.” He couldn’t know how much that hurt to hear. Who hadn’t
seen her?

She dropped her face into her hands and

“Are you okay? Did I say something
wrong?” Serial killers didn’t usually concern themselves with their
victim’s welfare before they gorged on their entrails, so she began
to relax a little.

Peering out from behind her fingers, she
took a deep breath and launched into her sordid history. “You’ve
probably seen me on the Internet, the whole town has. My ex filmed
me giving him a blowjob and posted it all over the Internet.” She
hid her head back in her hands.

“Oh. Oh yeah—” She could almost see the
video flickering in his head. “You’ve changed your hair since

No comment on her technique or of what a
dirty slut she was made a refreshing change. “As disguises go, it’s
pretty crap.”

“And this is the reason for your
sleepless nights?” He apparently intended to prolong her agony.

“Let me see, I’m a target for perverts,
my parents disowned me and I lost my job, so yeah it’s fair to say
it’s causing me a little stress right now.” The guilt and
embarrassment heaped on her by family and friends over something
that should have been a private moment was a burden she couldn’t
seem to crawl out from under. That douche Rob had ruined her life
and all because she dumped him for cheating on her. Of course,
whilst she endured tuts and stares, he peacocked in slaps on the
back and fist pumps from fellow douchebags. Life sucked. “You know,
Daniel, if you ever feel the need to go hunting I have the perfect
specimen for you to take down…”

Daniel’s deep belly laugh roused her
from her funk. “I promise he’ll be first on my list.”

“Good. Then maybe I can start enjoying
myself again.”

“You’re not enjoying yourself now?” She
looked deep into those mesmerizing blue eyes and realized she

“This is the best night I’ve ever had.”
She leaned in for a kiss and his lips met hers in a gentle caress.
His embrace was so soft, so tender, her heart and defences melted
under his spell.

Momentum carried them down onto the
covers as the kiss evolved and passion took hold. Daniel’s tongue
sought hers in a sexy dance that relit her fire and made her ache
to have him inside her once more. Lying side by side, they joined
their bodies together in one slow, sleek movement. With unhurried
strokes, Daniel filled her with his cock, each thrust reaching
deeper into her core than the one before.

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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