Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (16 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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The rough invasion sent tremors through her body,
causing Hayley to cry out. “Harder, Ben,” she requested with
boundless need. “Harder.” She lifted her head enough to watch as he
drove himself into her, hard thrust after hard thrust.

His strokes were fast and unyielding, his body
pounding into hers with vigor.

Reaching up, she grabbed onto his neck and pulled him
down to the bed. His weight on top of her was an intoxicating rush.
Gripping his hair, she yanked his mouth down to hers for a rough

While their mouths battled for control, she wrapped
her legs tighter around his waist, helping to pull him deeper
within her body. Her hands moved to his back, and she raked her
nails down his spine in an attempt to keep herself from climaxing
again. Clinging to him as an outlet was all she could do to hold
her orgasm at bay.

He hissed into her mouth as her nails clawed along
his back in harsh tracks. With a sound of pure arousal, he pulled

Hayley found herself being lifted onto her knees. Her
eyes widened when she realized his intentions. She’d never had a
man take her from behind. She’d admitted as much to him in one of
their chats. She’d also told him the thought of something so primal
turned her on. Apparently, he intended to show her just how much
fun it could be.

She arched back against him in her silent permission,
and a moment later, he forced his way back inside of her slick

She inhaled sharply as his cock stretched her to
accommodate his size. This angle was much deeper, sending a dull
throb of erotic pain through her womb. She moaned in desire and
began moving against him. “I want you to finish like this,” she
panted. If she was going to do this with him, she wanted to toss
out all inhibitions.

Grasping her hips, Ben thrust into her with enough
force to jar her body. He pulled out and repeated the action. Over
and over again, he invaded her body, sending warm rushes of
pleasure through her.

When he reached a hand around her to stroke her clit
in time with his thrusts, Hayley nearly collapsed. His hand wrapped
around her hip to control the angle and depth of his thrusts was
the only thing that kept her upright. Her orgasm started out deep
within her belly and spread. Her muscles clamped around him as wave
after wave of euphoria slammed into her.

While she rode out her pleasure with a dissolute cry,
Ben tensed behind her. She felt his cock twitch as he began
emptying himself into her depths. She moaned in approval, closing
her eyes to fully absorb the sensation of his orgasm.

She waited until she was certain he was finished and
that she had milked every last drop of him before collapsing to the
bed. She was on birth control, something they’d discussed in
advance, so there was no uncomfortable discussion about protection.
There was only pleasure and fulfillment.

Ben fell beside her onto his back, his chest rising
and falling in rapid gasps.

She laughed and reached a hand out to stroke his
ribcage. “You okay there?”

He rolled to face her, a grin on his lips. “Never
been better.” He reached a hand up to run his fingers through her
tousled hair. His hand then moved to caress her cheek. Cupping her
face against his palm, he pulled her to him for a surprisingly
gentle kiss.

Hayley closed her eyes and returned the affection,
her heart melting at the tenderness bestowed upon her after such a
vigorous activity. She turned toward him as well, curling up
against his torso. Her mouth never left his as her hands stroked
along his chest and then down his waist. Finally, she lowered them
to his half erect cock and stroked him ever so gently.

He groaned into her mouth, arching his hips toward
her hands. “Is it wrong that I want you again already?”

“It would be wrong if you didn’t.”

Ben rolled her to her back and positioned himself on
top of her. Unlike his movements earlier, he entered her body with
a slow, gentle rotation of his hips.

The unhurried movement sent tingles along her already
sensitive flesh. She arched underneath him, her mouth still pressed
to his. To her amazement, he continued at his leisurely pace. A
complete switch from their frantic mating of before, Ben made love
to her. This time it was about passion and emotion rather than
lust. She could feel it in his tender kisses and affectionate

Despite the lack of vigor, this orgasm approached
just as quickly as the first. “Ben,” she gasped into his mouth.

His thrusts became deeper at her desperation but no
less tender.

She could hear his ragged breathing against her ear
and knew he was just as close to the edge as she was. Reaching
down, she grasped his backside to pull him as deep inside of her as
possible. The orgasm that followed was indescribable. Her whole
body quivered with release, and she cried out into his mouth.

Simultaneously, he came with a quiet groan. “Angel,”
he whispered against her lips. “My little angel.”

Hayley clung to him in the darkness. She never wanted
to let go of him, her perfect man. Yet she did something incredibly
difficult. She pulled away from him and managed to climb out of the
bed to collect her clothing.

When Ben noticed her slipping back into her dress, he
propped himself up on an elbow, a comical expression of shock on
his face. “You’re leaving?”

Hayley smiled affectionately and tapped at her mask.
“I’m doing what you suggested, leaving a little bit of mystery to
our relationship.” Moving back toward the bed, she leaned down to
give him a firm kiss. “Next week. Same place. Same time.” With
that, she swept out of the room.



Chapter Four


“You’re in a good mood,” Charlie observed the next

Hayley shrugged with a smirk. “I had a good night.”
She would never in a million years tell her brother that she’d
hooked up with her online boyfriend for a night of wild sex.
Somehow she thought big brother wouldn’t approve.

Adjusting the strap of her bikini top, she followed
him through the back of his house to the pool beyond. “Is it wrong
for a girl to be in a good mood?”

Charlie shook his head, relenting. “Absolutely not. I
just find it odd that my two favorite people in the world both show
up with ‘cat that ate the canary’ grins on their faces. I’m
starting to feel jealous.”

“I take it Reese is here?” She rolled her eyes in
amusement. “Reese is always here. I don’t know why I even

Reese Daniels was her brother’s best friend. The two
of them had met in first grade and had been attached at the hip
ever since. Reese had been a constant in her life since before
she’d gone to preschool. She would find it odd if he

Dropping her towel to a nearby lounge chair, Hayley
greeted Reese with a friendly wave. “I hear you’re in a good mood

He looked up from skimming leaves off the top of the
pool and offered her a bright smile. “Hey, baby sis.”

Charlie grabbed a second skimmer and began cleaning
off the opposite side of the nearly spotless pool. “He hooked up
with some chick last night,” he explained.

Hayley crinkled her nose in disgust. Hearing about
Reese’s sex life was just as unappealing as hearing about her
brother’s. “I don’t think I even want to know.”

“You don’t,” Charlie confirmed. “It’s completely
messed up. He met up with some girl he found online. He doesn’t
even know her name, yet he…” He shook his head. “Well, let’s just
say this girl was insane. Check out his back.” He nodded in his
friend’s direction.

Hayley arched a brow but gave a little chuckle of
amusement. “Well, turn around. Let’s see it.”

Rolling his eyes, Reese turned his back toward them
to show off rows of angry scratches running down the length of his

“Ouch,” she commented.

“You should see the marks I left on her,” Reese said
with a wicked chuckle. “Someone’s definitely sporting an ugly
bruise on their inner thigh this morning.”

Suddenly the joke wasn’t funny anymore. Hayley froze
and stared at Reese in horror. No. It couldn’t be. There was no way
she had slept with her brother’s best friend without realizing it.
It was impossible. She would have recognized him…right?

She’d been about to remove her shorts, but now she
hesitated. The bruise on her leg would be visible around her bikini
bottoms. With trembling fingers, she tightened the string on her
shorts. Trying to appear as if nothing had changed, she approached
the pool.

She was just dipping her toe into the water when
Reese gave a low, sensual chuckle in response to his comment about
the hickey he’d left behind on his lover’s thigh. The familiarity
of that sexual laugh sent a shiver down her spine. She stumbled and
one of her legs slipped into the pool. She would have fallen
headlong into the water had she not reached out at the last second
and gripped onto the lip of the pool. Instead, she was awkwardly
half in and half out of the deep end as she struggled to right
herself on the cement patio.

“You okay there?” Reese asked with concern.

Hayley stared into his blue eyes with her leg dunked
gracelessly into the pool and was unable to find her voice. Her
heart was in her throat as she carefully studied him.

She attempted to block out the familiar man she’d
known her entire life, the man she’d never had a sexual inclination
toward. Instead, she envisioned him with a mask, his blond hair
falling over his forehead. She pictured his mouth as it pressed
against her own, as it suckled her breasts. The vision of her body
wrapped around his was so vivid that her exhale came as a harsh
gasp. “I…I’m fine.”

She was far from fine. How could she have let this
happen? He was her brother’s best friend! Silently, her mind
screamed with dismay and panic. Reese treated her like a little
sister. In all the years they’d known each other, they’d never once
even flirted with one another. Never! How could she have been
careless enough to have sex with her brother’s best friend?

Standing at the edge of the pool, Hayley closed her
eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to collect her thoughts, but
all she could see was a visualization of Reese as he thrust roughly
into her.

Her eyes snapped open, and she gave a gasp of horror
at the arousal that flared to life. It was something that needed
dousing immediately. She could not entertain thoughts like this
about Reese.

Taking a running start, she leapt into the air. When
she hit the water, she let herself sink to the bottom. Resting
there in privacy, she tried to staunch the traitorous thoughts
running through her mind. She had to end this.


Hayley sat at her computer, staring at the monitor
with a disconsolate expression. She’d thought she’d found her soul
mate in Ben. Everything about him had been perfect…except for the
fact that he was a rotten liar going by a fake name and her
brother’s best friend.

She stared angrily at the words on the screen in
front of her. “I miss you,” she read aloud with a snort. “I bet.”
Her fingers tapped violently at the keys as she responded.
why did you lie and tell me that Ben was your real
name? Huh, Reese?
Her finger was poised over the key that would
send the message off. She hesitated and then deleted the entire
I miss you too.
Those four words were sent off before
she had a chance to retract them.

God, did she miss him. She missed the light, happy
sensation that just talking with him brought. She missed the
feeling of companionship and camaraderie. Ben had gotten her like
no one else.

A sniffle was the only warning to the tears that
sprang unexpectedly to her eyes. Life was just so unfair. She’d
found the perfect man only to realize too late that he was
unattainable. Even if she could get over the fact that he was like
family, Reese always treated her like an innocent, impressionable
child. There was no way he would be able to do the things he’d done
with her again once he knew she was the face behind the mask. In
fact, he would probably be disgusted.

With an angry snarl, she slapped the laptop away from
her. A sob bubbled up from her throat, and she pressed a hand to
her mouth to stifle the sound. Life just wasn’t fair sometimes.

The happy ping of the computer telling her she had
another message finally drew Hayley out of her misery and
self-pity. Reaching toward her laptop, she slid the device back
toward her to read the next message from Ben.

I need to see you again. Soon.

She gave a laugh full of irony. Oh, he’d already seen
her since their sexual encounter. He just didn’t know it.
wait until the weekend?


The answer was so simple and yet, Hayley could sense
his urgency. Had this afternoon not ruined things for her, she
would have been feeling the exact same way. Sitting back in her
seat, she gnawed at her bottom lip.

She knew she had to end things with him, but doing so
would be difficult without changing her screen name, email address,
and other online information. If she told him she didn’t wish to
speak to him anymore, he would want an explanation. Did she dare
fill him in on their little mistake or would that make things too
awkward between them?
I thought you were working midnight

I am. We can meet at Masque tomorrow evening for
drinks beforehand.

Is that all I am, a booty call?
Her fingers
jammed harshly on the keys. How was it that she’d found everything
Ben did to be perfect until she realized he was Reese?

I wasn’t looking for sex, just drinks. I want to
hear your voice again.

She fought to keep her heart from melting at that
comment. He wouldn’t be saying such a thing if he knew who she was.
Uncertainty filled her as she thought over her options. If she was
going to reveal her identity, it was probably best to do so in
person. It felt wrong to do such a thing over the Internet.

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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