Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (15 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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Hayley’s knees trembled at the deep, sexual tone of
his voice. This man was absolutely perfect in every way. She fought
back an embarrassing shudder of arousal. “Actually, Angel

Ben cut her off by leaning down to capture her lips
firmly with his own. “I don’t want to know, at least not yet.”

The kiss had been brief, but it rocked her from head
to toe. She stared breathless into those blue eyes and knew no
other man would ever compare to the sexual appeal this man had
without even trying. He was better than anything her imagination
had come up with over the months.

Ben chuckled at her frozen awe. Taking her hand and
gently pulling her in against his chest, he whispered in her ear,
“Dance with me.”

A giddy smile spread across Hayley’s lips as he drew
her close. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this
affected by a man. As his hand ran tenderly along her back and he
swayed her slowly to the music, Hayley said, “This song isn’t
exactly romantic.”

Hard rock blared throughout the club, making the
floor vibrate. People pushed and shoved on the dance floor, yet Ben
continued to move unhurriedly with her on the outskirts. “I don’t

She had to duck her head and lean it on his shoulder
to hide just how ecstatic his simple comment made her. She easily
tuned out the loud music and pulsating bodies, concentrating solely
on Ben.

Her body was so attuned to his that she could feel
every inhale of breath, every shift of his feet. She wanted to
cling to him and never let go. Online, he’d appeared to be her
perfect match, but she’d always feared there was some catch. Now,
in his arms, she couldn’t find a single flaw. He was everything
she’d hoped for and more.

“I finished that book,” he said huskily in her

This brought her head up. “You finished already? You
must have a lot of time on your hands.”

He shrugged. “My job had me working the midnight
shift this week. There was plenty of downtime to read.”

In their past discussions, Ben had mentioned being a
computer programmer. He’d been working on a major project that went
into effect two weeks ago. Once he trained the morning crew on how
to use the program, he’d said he would be moving on to the night
shift. “So I take it that means things went well with your

He smiled. “It did. I’m touched that you

“I remember everything you tell me.” As soon as the
words were out of her mouth, the air around them seemed to heat up.
She felt the warmth travel up the back of her neck, felt it where
his body pressed along hers.

“I have a room in the hotel next door,” he said
softly. His eyes danced along her face as if searching desperately
for her reaction to such a bold statement.

If she’d had any question as to the full meaning of
that comment, his cock stirring with the beginnings of an erection
would have been answer enough. “Okay,” she agreed breathlessly. She
liked the fact that he was turned on by her attention to him and
the details of his life. She would give him all the attention he
could ever want if given the chance.

When he took her hand and led her from the club, she
didn’t feel the slightest hint of reluctance. It might be foolish,
but she trusted him. She felt she knew him better than she’d ever
known anyone else. He’d seen into her heart, and she trusted him
with it.


As Hayley entered Ben’s hotel room, she let her gaze
travel over the attractive maroon and gold setting. She took in the
paintings that decorated one wall and the large marble counter of
the mini-kitchen. “This place is beautiful.”

His arms snaked around her waist, and he drew her to
him from behind. “I’m not interested in the scenery. I’m interested
in you.”

Her eyes fluttered closed as he brushed a fallen wisp
of hair off her neck and replaced it with his mouth.

“I didn’t wait all these months to admire my hotel
room.” His lips traveled along her exposed shoulder as his hands
splayed across her velvet-covered stomach.

“Neither did I,” she whispered back breathlessly.

“Good.” His hands retreated from her stomach. They
moved along her waist and around her back until they reached the
lacings of her corset.

Hayley held her breath as the knot at the bottom was
loosened. She could feel heat emanating from his body, his presence
dancing along her skin like a flame licking along kindling. “I
don’t sleep with men on the first date.” She was proud to have
gotten the joke past her lips without her voice trembling overly

“You’ve had sex with me a million times in your
mind,” he said on a chuckle. “We’ve talked through every detail of
what we would like to do with one another.” He pressed another kiss
to her shoulder as his fingers slid through the lacing of her
corset, the ribbon sliding through the eyelets of the garment. “I
Pride and Prejudice
for you.”

“It was a good book,” she protested. Her complaints
were cut abruptly short when his teeth nipped at her shoulder.

“Then perhaps you’d like to call me Mr. Darcy while I
fuck you. As far as you know, I could be.”

“Mr. Darcy would never say fuck.” Hayley was glad
she’d gotten her retort out quickly, because a moment later Ben
managed to free the laces of her corset. She was rendered
speechless as the fabric fell away, exposing her breasts as it
fluttered down to her waist.

“True,” he murmured against her ear. “I’ve got a much
darker side than Mr. Darcy.” As he spoke, he grabbed the waist of
her skirt and yanked hard enough to jar her entire body. His stiff
tug caused the dress to slide down her hips and pool at her

A sharp gasp escaped her at the violent jerk at her
clothing. She was too busy being startled by the sudden movement to
be embarrassed at her near nudity.

“That’s much better,” Ben exhaled into her ear. He
wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her against him. The other
he let travel up her ribs, along her abdomen, and finally across
her breasts. His fingertips caressed her nipples, coaxing them into
hard nubs.

Heat pooled between her legs, and she had to bite her
bottom lip to keep from whimpering.

Ben seemed to be having just as hard a time schooling
his reaction, because he groaned low in his throat, his breath
shifting the hair next to her ear. “You have no clue how badly I’ve
wanted you.” The hand on her waist skimmed down her belly until it
reached her panties. Ever so gently he began stroking her through
the lace fabric.

“As badly as I’ve wanted you,” she answered.

“Please don’t deny me, Angel,” he whispered almost
desperately. “I need you. You have no idea how much I need

Hayley let her head fall back against his shoulder as
he pinched her nipple between two fingers and tugged lightly at the
puckered flesh. “I want this, Ben.” Her assurance came out stilted
and breathy. “I want you.”

He seemed to need no more encouragement than that,
because he spun her to face him. His mouth descended on hers in a
hungry kiss. His large hands tangled in her hair as he began
tugging at bobby pins.

She gasped into his mouth at the tantalizing mixture
of pleasure and pain as he frantically worked to get her hair free.
She’d never had a lover push her to that line, and she was finding
it to be quite heady. She let him pull at the pins without protest
until her hair cascaded around her shoulders and fell down her

“You’re so beautiful.” Bobby pins hit the floor while
he spoke. “I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found someone as
smart and funny and breathtaking as you.”

He began kissing a path down her neck, his lips
leaving behind a moist trail that brought goose bumps to her skin.
He continued downward until he reached her nipples. Taking one into
his mouth, he rolled it gently around his tongue.

Just when Hayley thought the sensation couldn’t get
any better, he clamped his teeth around the sensitive flesh.

His tongue flicked repeatedly over the tip of her
nipple while his teeth held her prisoner. As he did this, he curved
his fingers into the bikini string of her panties and yanked them
down around her feet, leaving her in nothing but her mask.

She barely had time to register the cool air on her
exposed flesh before he dropped to his knees in front of her as if
someone had suddenly taken his legs out from under him. She lowered
her eyes to the top of his blond head in time to see him lean
forward to run his tongue up her inner thigh. Her exhale came as a
shudder and her legs quivered with anticipation. “Ben…” Whatever
she’d been about to say broke off, and her head fell back as he
caressed his tongue along the folds of her pussy until he reached
her clit.

With a predatory growl, he grabbed her thighs and
pulled her against his mouth. His tongue began to flick and tease
as he devoured her.

Hayley had to reach out and grab onto a nearby bureau
to keep herself upright. A helpless whimper escaped her parted
lips, and her eyes nearly rolled back in her head. By their own
will, her hips began to rotate toward his searching tongue. In a
matter of half a minute, she felt an orgasm approaching fast. With
a panicked sound, she pressed at his shoulders. “Ben…Ben…stop. I’m

His hands came up to cup her backside, and he pulled
her aggressively back toward him. He continued to suck at her
swollen clit as he lifted her right leg up to toss it over his
shoulder. This gave him a better angle, and he released her
backside with one hand to ease two fingers inside of her.

Hayley’s second hand shot out to press against the
wall for support. Her head slammed back against the purple pastel
wallpaper in an effort to hold off her orgasm. “Ben!”

He chuckled at her reaction. His laughter sent a
vibration tingling through her sex while his fingers plunged deep
inside of her with unrelenting swiftness. He used her reaction to
the pulsations to his advantage, humming softly in the back of his
throat to keep the pleasure coming.

The orgasm slammed into her hard. Unable to fight it,
she reached down to grip his hair in her fist, using it as
something to hold onto while tremors shot through her body. She
rode out the sensation, thankfully grinding her hips against his
mouth as he guided them to do so.

When her orgasm was nearly subsided, he turned his
head and bit her inner thigh. His teeth sank momentarily into her
flesh before he pulled back to leave a tender kiss against the mark
left behind.

Hayley cried out in surprise. It quickly turned to
pleasure as a shock of sexual excitement zinged through her body.
Slowly, the tremors subsided, leaving her legs feeling weak and

Laughing, Ben climbed to his feet. Taking her into
his arms, he put a hand to the back of her head and pulled her to
him for a kiss.

She could taste herself on his lips. Whimpering, she
deepened the kiss. She edged her tongue into his mouth, feeling her
arousal spike at the flavor.

Eventually, it was Ben who pulled back. “I had to
start with that. I promised you yesterday I would work you up into
a frenzy until you pulled my hair.” With an easy smile, he added,
“I fulfilled my promise. Now it’s time to get down to the real



Chapter Three


Ben left the lights off as he led Hayley into the
bedroom, the only illumination coming in the form of a sliver of
moonlight that lit the room enough for her to see glimpses of his
mask-covered face but nothing more definitive. Her knees were still
shaking from the explosive orgasm, but her hands were steady. By
taking charge and getting things started, he had eliminated the
awkward uncertainties and left her filled with sexual

Her hands automatically went
to his belt buckle. With a wicked smile, she began pulling it free
of the clasp. “Show me what you got,” she dared. Never before had
she been so bold, so self-assured in the bedroom. Their months of
talking had given her the opportunity to get to know him like she
had never known a man before. She didn’t feel shy or timid. She
knew him too well for that.

Ben chuckled deep in his throat at her challenge.
“I’ve got plenty of things I wish to do to you. Don’t worry.” He
toed off his shoes and kicked them to the side. “I doubt I’ll have
time to get to all of them tonight, so we’ll have to do this in

Excitement rushed through her body at the promise
that statement held. She managed to get his belt open in the dim
lighting and began yanking it from the loops of his pants with
determination. “We’ll have to make this a weekly occurrence then,
won’t we?”

He opened his mouth to answer, but Hayley slid her
hand along the front of his pants, rubbing her palm against the
stiffness hidden beneath. He growled in animalistic pleasure at
that simple touch. Reaching up, he yanked the cape from his
shoulders with one hard tug. Then he began fumbling with his shirt,
frantically sliding buttons free to expose his chest. “If I’m not
inside you in the next thirty seconds…”

Hayley stroked her hand along his thickness once more
before moving to the button of his slacks. “Then be inside of

Together, they stripped him of his clothing.

Ben nudged her down onto the mattress of the large,
four-poster bed. He kept her on the edge with her legs wrapped
around his hips while he stood above her. Positioning himself at
her opening, he slid easily into her welcoming depths. “Fuck,” he
growled under his breath, and a long groan escaped him.

She squirmed underneath of him, encouraging him to
continue. With a little guidance, she got his hips moving in tandem
with her own.

He thrust against her in time to each arch of her
hips off the bed. Leaning forward, he supported his upper body on
his palms and braced his feet firmly on the floor. Each one of his
thrusts was slow and measured. He used them to slide himself deeper
and deeper until he had her writhing beneath him. Once he had a
rhythm going, he straightened. His hands grabbed her hips and he
pulled her harder down onto his cock.

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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