Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) (9 page)

Read Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) Online

Authors: Cyndi Raye

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)
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“Bring Maggie if you can. It’ll keep Sara occupied so we can talk.”

He hung up the phone when Sara came out on to the front porch with a tray. “Coffee?” she asked, then set it on the small table.

“That was Jake, we’re going to meet him today.”

“Oh dear, just as I thought. I over slept and forgot to get the coffee bar going this morning, but we were out until almost daylight. Am I going to get thrown out the door?”

Josh laughed. “That’s nonsense. We’re a bit slack when it comes to Inn keeping.”

She agreed. “We’re terrible Inn keepers.”

He laughed and got right to the point. “I made reservations to go swim with the dolphins today,” Josh told her. “Want to go?”

“You’re trying hard to work that itinerary down, aren’t you? I would love to go.”

“I told you, two weeks is all it will take to wrap things up.” Maybe he shouldn’t put it that way.

The guy with the book reader came through the front door. He sat in a wicker chair at the opposite side of the porch. With his head down, he seemed intent on ignoring everyone else.

Sara looked at Josh. “He’s very quiet,” she told him as she leaned in and whispered in his ear. “This morning he came looking for coffee. When I said I had to brew some, he leaned against the counter and waited, his nose in his reader, not saying another word. It seemed rather creepy.”

“Forget him. Let’s get ready to go. I’d like to leave with-in the hour.” Josh didn’t want to draw any attention to the book reader. The camera’s were in place, so any sudden wrong moves and Art would have to deal with him.

Josh also warned Shepherd to steer clear of Sara. That’s when Art laughed and told him to get lost, he’d do what he wanted. He soon changed his mind when Josh grabbed him by his scrawny neck and threatened to have him taken off the case. The little twerp, as Josh liked to call him, shut his mouth fast. He knew Josh had more time and authority in the agency. Since then, he kept to the shadows, exactly where Josh wanted him to stay.


Josh clasped Sara’s hand as they once again strolled down Duval street towards the docks. She threw a bag over her shoulder, her hair tied back with little wisps of it falling loose around her face. He loved the way she dressed for every occasion. This time she wore a pair of causal shorts with a simple pullover shirt that clung to her and a pair of slip on nude sandals that looked as if she were almost barefoot. Her long legs kept stride with his and she almost bounced with anticipation. He grinned to himself.

She suddenly turned her head and gave him a smile that made his heart stop. It was possible he was the luckiest guy in Key West. “I can’t wait to swim with dolphins,” she told him, squeezing his hand. “It’s one of my top five on the list.”

“Tell me what else is on your list,” Josh teased.

She shook her head, laughing. “I told you too much already. What you didn’t see is the side two. I’m not sure how you are going to complete it in two weeks if you only have half the list.”

He stopped and swung her to face him. “I know where you keep it,” he said, moving his hand towards her back pocket.

She shook her head, stepping back. “Ah no, I moved it.”

“Must I use my search and find skills to get that list in my hands?”

She dropped his hand and started walking faster. “No sir, you let me handle the list. I’ll let you know when we come close to the end.”

It didn’t take Josh long to catch up to her and steer her down a side street to the docks. After talking to one of the men inside the office, he came out with a set of keys. He guided her towards a sleek looking speed boat tied to the dock.

“Whoa! That’s yours?” she asked, surprise in her voice. He didn’t want to tell her it belonged to the agency. “What did you say you did for a living?”

“I didn’t say,” Josh answered. “I’m borrowing it from a good friend, it’s not mine.”

He helped her step down in to the scarab, the one specifically used for under cover work.

“Where’s Crockett and Tubbs?” she joked.

He started the engine, its thunderous roar making her jump back. He smiled, knowing she never expected it to be so loud. He was hoping he could keep her questions at bay if she had to shout. It didn’t work.

She made her way to the passenger seat, settling herself in and stuffing her bag in the middle console. He began to back the scarab from the dock, the engine rumbling much like a hot rod rolling down the boulevard. He took it easy until they were clear of the docks and land. “Better put your seat belt on,” he told her.

She stared, her eyes wide. “A seat belt? On a boat?”

He started gathering speed. “Trust me, you will want to put it on.” She looked into his eyes, confused, reached down and fumbled with her belt.

“Hold the wheel,” he told her. She grabbed it gently and it pulled back and forth until she had a better grip. He reached across and clasped the belt, the scent of her rising through the air along with the sea breeze. He leaned back as he took back the steering, his hand wrapping around the throttle.

“Ready?” At her nod, he pushed the throttle forward, picking up speed as noise of the engine boomed through the air. Before long they were gliding and bouncing through the water, leaving a frothy trail of white foam behind. The sleek craft cut through the water, making its own waves as its front end riveted through the air to come back down, kissing the water for a split second and like a dolphin, lifted back up again.

Josh needed the speed, he accelerated the throttle to go faster, his tensed up muscles relaxing after a lifetime of having to always be on alert. He lifted his face to the wind, embracing the wind as the machine cut through the water faster and faster. He glanced over to see Sara lift up her hands in the air as if she were on an amusement park ride. “Woohooo,” she yelled, turning and yelling to Josh.

He kept pushing the throttle to go faster and faster. He loved the thrill and freedom and could tell from Sara’s reaction she did too. He couldn’t seem to stop, getting caught up in the speed until he heard Sara call out to him.

“We better slow down,” she said gently, searching his face. “Are you all right?”

Looking down at his hand, his knuckles white on the throttle, Josh forced himself to slow the craft. Sweat beaded across his temple. He took all the intense pent up energy and released it. “Did I scare you?” he asked her.

She shook her head, reaching out her hand to cover his. She absently began to rub his knuckles. “You seemed to be in another world. I didn’t want you to forget where we are.”

He breathed in the salty ocean air. “Man, that felt great!” He looked at her and laughed out loud, leaning back in the low seat.

“I loved it!” Sara shouted. “It’s as if I’m in a movie with a secret agent man. My secret agent,” she told him, laughter making her eyes twinkle.

Josh sobered, realizing at some point the truth would come out. For now, he had to be careful. He hoped when the time came she wouldn’t be too hurt or angry.

The boat cut through the water at a slower speed as it came upon the seven mile bridge. Josh rode parallel to it as they made their way towards the Dolphin Rescue until he noticed a larger vessel ahead.

“There they are,” he told Sara. “Jake and Maggie are just ahead and it looks like they have company.” He hit the throttle a little harder and the sleek scarab pulled alongside the other craft.

Jake did a double take. “Impressive!” he mouthed, nodding to Josh. The two women on the boat stood up too. “Wow, can we ride with Josh?” the red head asked, waving to him. He grinned at the two brothers and shrugged.


Sara did a double take when she saw Jake at the wheel and beside him stood another man who looked almost identical. Jake’s hair was a bit longer and he looked more rugged than the other guy.

“They’re twins, Sara. That’s Jon.” Josh must have seen her confusion. He reached across with one arm while keeping the other steady on the wheel. He helped balance Maggie as she slung her leg over the other vessel and jumped down to the speed boat. She crawled in the back seat of the scarab as the red head followed. The two reached for their seat belts and gave each other a high five.

“Hi Sara, this is Abby,” Maggie told her. Sara turned to wave hello and watched as Maggie blew a kiss to Jake and Abby waved to his twin. Sara eyed the twins as Josh cranked the throttle and took off with their beautiful women. Her gut reaction said they weren’t real thrilled to be left behind.

Sara sank in to the seat and enjoyed another speed ride through the water. It was glorious and so much fun as Maggie and Abby shrieked every time Josh raced through the water. He looked over at her at one point and she mouthed the words ‘show off’ to him. He raised his brows and pushed the throttle even more.

She was having so much fun, Sara wasn’t sure if he could top this day. They didn’t even get to the dolphin swim yet. Finally, he slowed down, allowing the Hatfield men to catch up. Slowly, they made their way to the docks, the rumble of the speed boat engine the loudest as it crept in to the dock. Jake’s boat finally pulled up beside the power boat.

Josh tied it to the dock and helped them out, a man looking like a peacock with three ladies on his boat. He held on to her a little longer, his mouth lightly brushing the top of her head. “I had the most fun with you alone,” he said for her ears only. She turned and lifted a hand to his face.

“I doubt you can top this day,” she whispered so the others couldn’t hear. They were a lively bunch and she didn’t want to share the moment with anyone else.

He looked in to her eyes and opened his mouth as if he were going to say something. Then he turned away and began to walk towards the others. She reached in and retrieved her bag and slung it over her shoulders as the couples walked towards the dolphin center. Laughing and teasing each other, Sara joined in the fun. She smiled to herself, so glad she came along.


“Girl, you are going to knock his socks off!” Abby told her. “I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“You’re gonna be surprised how she gets her clothing,” Maggie told her. “I swear I’m so jealous.”

Sara laughed, stuffing her shorts and top back in the bag. They were in the bathroom dressing for the dolphin swim. She told Abby about her business and how she got free things, never tiring of telling the story. “I accomplished it by myself and makes me proud of my business.”

“Oh Sara, that’s amazing. Like I said, Josh will be speechless when he sees you!”

Sara glanced in the mirror on the wall, doing her little jig and kicking up her foot with a haughty laugh. “I guess I do look a little saucy, don’t I?” She picked up the long thin cotton scarf, wrapped it around her hair and tied the material so it trailed down her back gypsy like. She turned back one last time. The safari style one piece suit had elephant inspired print with a slight ruching detail at the bust. She turned around to see a unique cut out across the back, open in three areas. It looked like bands holding her suit across her back.

Sara looked at her new friends. “You two don’t look bad either.” Maggie wore a two piece bikini, her slim gorgeous body and shoulder length dark hair making her appear model like. Abby, gorgeous in a one piece suit that fit her tall frame. They were both very beautiful women, but they didn’t act like they knew it.

“Oh I look like a plain Jane compared to you Sara,” Maggie complained. “You are ravishing!”

The three left the confines of the bathroom and walked towards the marina arm in arm. A low whistle came from a small grove to the left. The three turned and waved and started towards the men. They walked in to the Veteran’s Garden, where lush foliage, plants and flowers encased a tranquil waterfall against a reflective pool.

“We have about thirty minutes until your swim,” Josh said. “May as well enjoy the scenery.” The couples walked through the garden, each at their own pace.

Josh and Sara stood near the water’s edge, the sound of the waterfall blocking out all other sound. “You drop me to my knees,” he told her, his face so serious it scared her as he repeated what she told him last night. His eyes looked deep in to her own and it drew her in so she couldn’t look away.

“I said it first,” she tried to tease him, but he didn’t take the bait. He lifted his hands to her face, cupping her cheeks and tilted her mouth to his. “We have to get through the itinerary soon. I doubt I can wait much longer.”

She smiled in to those dark, desperate eyes and placed the palm of her hands on his chest. “Who says the itinerary has to be in order,” she told him, breathless. “I don’t want to play this game any longer.”

“Promise?” he groaned, his warm breath against her ear. “I want you right now.”

“Right now?” she teased. He was so intense, it took her back. She was afraid he would pick her up and carry her off somewhere. How would she explain that to the girls.

“You two ready?” Jake shouted from across the pond. They were so caught up in each other, Sara forgot where they were for a moment. She jumped back, almost ripping her gypsy band from her hair.

“You’re scaring me, Josh,” she whispered and shuddered. “I was married for years and never, ever had these kinds of emotions before. I’m not sure I can handle it.”

He dropped his hands to his sides. “You better learn,” he said. “Because this is only a taste of what’s coming.”


Josh, Jake and Jon stood at the far end of the lagoon while the women took turns with the dolphins. Sara stood on a platform that submerged in to the water. The trainer, by her side, showed her hand signals and slowly allowed her to signal to her special dolphin. She shrieked with delight when the dolphin let her take his dorsal and pull her through the water. Josh grinned from where he stood watching.

“Sara and you an item now?” Jake asked.

“Not sure yet, I’m working on it.”

“She doesn’t know who you are, does she?” Jon questioned.

Josh shook his head. “I’m trying to find the best way to tell her, if at all. The problem is her brother.”

“Jake filled me in some. The question is how much do you want her to know? What if it doesn’t work out? Have you given those things much thought?”

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