Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) (10 page)

Read Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) Online

Authors: Cyndi Raye

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)
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Jon, a doctor, seemed to have a strategy for everything. He liked to take over when things got out of hand. They met when he was posing under cover last year and the three of them became fast friends, almost like brothers.

“The purpose of this meeting is for you to tell me what’s going on with my Inn,” Jake interrupted.

Josh drew his hand through his hair. “You’re right. I get so caught up in thoughts about Sara, I can never think straight any more. Everything is messed up concerning her.”

“That’s how it starts,” Jake said.

“Yep, it’s true,” Jon added.

“Are you serious?” Josh asked. The two nodded. He turned away a minute and watched her. She stood on the dock while Maggie took her turn. She looked up as he gazed at her, wondering what to do about her. Her hand flew up and she blew him a kiss. He quickly turned back to the others.

“See what I mean. She’s in love with you.”

“Shut up Jake. You don’t know.”

The twins looked at each other, then both shrugged at the same time. “Whatever,” they both said.

“Now back to my Inn.”

“Seems we have a visitor that worries me and the agency as well,” Josh explained. “I suspect something big is about to happen and I have to be on call in case Sophie needs my help.”

“What does that have to do with my Inn?” Jake repeated.

“There is a guest at your Inn who works for Darian Lane, a big time hood. Morgan’s team is undercover right now, along with my sister. With all the rentals in Key West, why did this guy Smith choose your Inn and how did he get in? According to Sara, she tried to rent a room and the whole town is packed full. Can you find out when he made reservations? I need to know more to see if I can correlate it to something major happening in the drug world.”

“Hm, it makes me wonder why my manager and housekeeper ran off like they did. I’m guessing they were paid off perhaps?”

Josh nodded. “My thoughts too. I really need your help, Jake. I’m aware you’re not an agent but you guys did a great job working with us on the stake-out last year. I trust you both. I’m afraid there may be a rat in the agency. I can’t trust anyone else.”

“You told me you were retiring?” Jon mentioned.

“As long as my sister may be in danger, there’s no way,” Josh grumbled. “Let’s keep this quiet for now. I want no one else in the line of fire.” He gazed back over to Sara. He was falling hard for her and yet he had to keep her safe. He knew how ruthless men like Darian could be. He vowed to keep Sara away even if he had to lie to her to do so.


“Sara, you crack me up,” Abby said, making a face in the mirror. The girls were getting dressed after frolicking with the dolphins the past few hours.

“I can’t help it, Abby. I make lists for everything.”

“Yes, but an itinerary in Key West is so funny! No one worries about time here. You need to chill and relax and live a little.” Abby gave her an understanding smile.

“Perhaps you’re right. But here’s the thing, Josh wants to help me get through the list. I can’t tell you why.”

Both women turned to stare at Sara.

“Oh no, Sara! There’s no way you make a statement and not tell us why you said it, right Maggs?”

Maggie nodded. “Exactly, spill it.”

Sara actually blushed and began to dig in her bag. She pulled out her list and began to hand it to the girls. “Promise me you won’t laugh at me any more for making a list.” She waited until they both nodded and handed it over. Maggie grabbed it and began to read out loud.

“Oh my, body paint! Destiny’s Art does great work. I’ll go with you. Abby, want to walk naked in Key West after getting body painted?”

“Yes, I’ll do it!”

Sara giggled. “Really? You would both go with me? I really want to have it done.”

“Ha, it’s gonna be freeing as far as I can see. We’ll have to do a girl’s night out. Hey, how about tonight? I’m free, how about you, Maggie?” Abby turned to her friend.

“I already spent too much time away from work. I really need to get back. Perhaps next week.”

Sara and Abby both moaned, so Maggie changed her mind. “Oh, I guess one night won’t hurt.”

Sara took her list back and shoved it in her bag, glad she didn’t need to explain the one about boinking the best looking guy in Key West. They never read down that far after finding the body art. “Well, if we’re going to hit the town tonight, then I need to find something else to wear. Oh wait, perhaps I don’t.” She chuckled. “What do we wear before we get painted?”

The girls shrugged as they left the ladies room arm in arm once again to meet up with the guys. Sara waved to them as she boarded the speed boat with Josh. “See you tonight!”

Josh decided to take it easy going back and they skidded a few feet and the boat glided through the water at a steady pace. “What’s on for tonight?” he asked.

“Well, Abby, Maggie and I have a date with destiny.”

“Girls night out?”

She nodded. He was silent most of the way back and she enjoyed riding in the speed boat with him. At one point, Josh reached over and held her hand, his thumb absently rubbing softly over her own.

He began to laugh. “Let me guess. Body paint by Destiny’s Art?”

“How did you know?”

“I memorized every item on that list, remember?” he told her.

She laughed. “Thanks for introducing me to Abby and Maggie. It feels so good to have some friends to hang out with.”

“I’m glad you like them. I had a really nice afternoon too. It’s been awhile since I hung out with Jake and Jon.”

“You should do it more often. Why don’t you have a guy’s night out too.”


Sara couldn’t wait to get back to the Inn. A long, hot soak in the garden jacuzzi sounded relaxing so that’s what she did when they returned from the dolphin center. She needed to get through the daily meet and greet and get ready to go out.

Josh disappeared and she didn’t see him again until the meet and greet. He mingled with some of the guests and spoke quietly to Art Shepherd in the far corner of the garden. She noticed the two elderly couples were back in the same seats they occupied before. With a glass of wine in their hands, they talked a bit amongst themselves but seemed content to relax.

The guest who always had his nose in his book reader came out and stood next to Sara. The hairs on the back of her neck raised up. A sixth sense prompted her to tread lightly and she didn’t understand why. This guy seemed very odd and Sara looked up to see if Josh was close by. Both him and Art stopped their conversation and looked her way.

Josh actually took a step forward, but she noticed Art clasped his arm and stopped him. That’s strange, all of a sudden they seem like good friends instead of rivals. Sara shrugged, deciding men were too difficult to figure out. All she really had on her mind at the moment was her night out with the girls.

So she turned to the book reader guy. “Hi, Mr. Smith. Can I get you some wine or a beer?”


“Well, how can I help you?”

“I’m good.”

She thought it odd that he stood beside her, looking out in to the garden. She looked at his profile to see what he was staring at. She noticed his eyes darted back and forth, watching Josh and Art for a moment. His gaze circled the gardens but always returned to the two men. He made her uncomfortable. “Mr. Smith, you seem troubled. Is there something I can help you with?”

“No, I’m fine.”

She sighed deeply. He must have heard her because he finally turned his head and looked at her as if seeing Sara for the first time. Cold, calculating eyes looked through her. “Excuse me,” he said and walked back inside.

She didn’t know why but the guy gave her the creeps. She couldn’t wait until he checked out.

It wasn’t long before Josh was by her side. “Did he bother you?” Josh asked.

Sara shook her head. “No, but he is a strange fellow. I need to see when he’s leaving. The guy is very weird and gives me the chills.”

“Sara, for now, stay clear of him until we find out more about him. Promise?”

She giggled. “Oh come on now, Josh. I’m not worried about him, he’s just a bit strange.” Although she had to admit he did scare her a little.

He put his hand on her arm. His face serious, his voice low, Josh said, “I need you to promise me you will do as I say.”

She stepped back, surprised at the intensity in his tone.

“Please Sara, I’ll work on finding out about him, but in the meantime I need you to stay away from that guy. He may be a criminal.”

Her eyes widened. “A what! Criminal!” she whispered. “We can’t have one of those here!” Her gaze went to Art, who lurked in the far end of the gardens and back to Josh. “How would you know he may be a criminal?”

She watched him run his hand through his hair, beginning to realize he did that when he stressed about something.

“If you must know, Art Shepherd is a cop. He’s working under cover and he’s keeping an eye on Smith. The guy name isn’t even real.”

“John Smith does sound fake, doesn’t it? Josh, are you a cop? You never did tell me what you do.”


“Then how do you have access to this information?”

“Art is my cousin, but we’re not too crazy about each other. He warned me about John Smith, in case he had to make an arrest.” Josh stuffed his hands deep in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “He told me instead of you because he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s tailing Smith right now.”

Sara frowned. “Well there goes my theory.”


She nodded. “Yep. I thought perhaps you were my secret agent man.”


Chapter 6


Destiny’s Art was smack dab in the middle of Duval Street. Luckily, Maggie made an appointment for the three of them so they didn’t have to wait long. Sara came prepared, her designer bag slung over her shoulder. She wasn’t about to be exactly, totally naked. She didn’t mind going topless because what she planned would cover it all up but the bottom part, well, she could be a bit shy in that department. She breathed a sigh of relief when Maggie and Abby thought the same way.

The three sat side by side on stools while their artist’s prepared them for the artwork. Maggie giggled. “Did you see the men’s faces when we left,” she mentioned. “They looked like three lost puppies.”

Abby laughed. “Jon told me he really didn’t like me running around topless if he wouldn’t be here to protect me!”

“Jake told me if anyone touches me, he’ll tear them up,” Maggie said. “He’s so protective.”

Sara smiled. She remembered Josh’s face as she walked away from the Inn. “Have a good time,” he told her, his eyes looking a bit lost. It made her sober a bit, realizing that he genuinely cared. He also seemed distracted, as if he were worried about something. She had a suspicion there was more going on in his world than what she realized.

“Sara doesn’t have to worry,” Abby giggled. “Joshua probably has his men lurking in the back alley’s, watching her.”

She looked up, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Um. Did I spill the beans?” Abby asked.

“I think you did,” Maggie told her.

Abby glanced at Maggie, back at Sara and bit her bottom lip. “You really don’t have a clue, do you?”

Sara shook her head. “I have no idea what you are talking about? Why would Josh have men lurking in the shadows? What does that even mean?” All of a sudden she felt cold.

The body artist began to paint Maggie. She tried to be still while the artist worked on her first. “Abby, you may as well tell her, she’s the one for him. I don’t understand why he never told her.”

“You’re probably right. Sara, I find it surprising myself you didn’t know. Didn’t he tell you he’s an undercover agent?”

Sara closed her eyes as the artist began to place paint over her shoulders. “He’s what?” she whispered.

“It’s how we met him, Sara. He worked undercover as a homeless man, along with my parents for almost ten years. He helped to bring down one of the biggest criminals in Southern Florida.”

Sara opened her eyes and stared at Abby. She didn’t want to listen to this because if she heard any more she’d know he lied to her, over and over again.

“Sara? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Abby looked contrite.

She shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’m glad you told me. I even asked him straight out if he was a secret agent. There were a few things that made me wonder about him and he denied it.”

“Josh isn’t very open, but I thought you knew,” Abby told her.

Maggie spoke up. “He travelled to Key West because he struggled with himself, trying to figure out what to do next. I’m pretty sure he has no intentions to go back under cover. So why did he leave you hang, Sara? You two seem to really hit if off?”

She shrugged, unable to say a word in case she would burst in to tears. She looked down at the artist as she painted, trying to take in what she heard, her mind in a fog.

Josh told her he was not an agent. She even came right out and asked him and teased him about it later. He had every chance in the world to tell her. She even asked him if he were a cop and he denied it.

“Why?” she said out loud.

“Why what, Sara?” Maggie said.

“Why not tell me
? I even had my suspicions and teased him. He told me he cared, but hiding something important like what he does for a living is too much. I mean, how do you care about someone and hide it from the person you supposedly care for?”

“Perhaps he has his reasons. Can we let him tell you? I’m sorry,” Maggie began. “We probably should have let it up to him, but like you said, someone who really cares shouldn’t hide impertinent information from you. I honestly believed he already told you since he was about to retire.”

“I did too,” Abby chimed in. “I’m sorry Sara. Please don’t look so distraught. Let’s forget it and have fun.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Sara stumbled over the words. She concentrated on the artist, trying to push Josh out of her mind. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to yell and scream or break down. Either way, she made a vow to herself to have fun and deal with it another time. Joshua Eden would not break her, no man would.

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