Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) (7 page)

Read Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) Online

Authors: Cyndi Raye

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)
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Every time she walked away and started a conversation with someone else, Art followed her, interrupting so no one could get a word in but him. He even put his arm around Sara’s waist at one point. She stared him down and he removed it right away.

The guy seemed to be stalking her! She needed a break. Excusing herself, she walked up the path and in to the kitchen, hoping that he would stay put. She was just about to set the untouched glass of wine on to the table when Josh came through the door.

Startled at first, she let her eyes drift down over his body. He wore a casual tight t-shirt with a pair of cut off jeans that hung just right and tight as far as she was concerned. Josh began to grin. His brow rose as he leaned against the door frame. “Do I pass?” he asked her, amused.

“Josh, we need to talk.”

“Yes, we do,” he agreed. “I’m sorry I’m late. I had some thinking to do.” He pushed himself away from the door and strolled across the room to her.

“I’m concerned because you promised your friend Jake that you would be here to help and then I couldn’t find you anywhere. About what happened earlier, I’m sorry if I did something wrong,” she said in one breath, unaware she crossed her arms tight against herself.

His dark eyes lingered on her face then moved down her body. “You look hot.”

Her hand flew to her cheek, forgetting she dressed to entice him earlier. He knew just what to say to make her feel good about herself. That still didn’t change things. “Don’t change the subject, what did I do wrong?”

His eyes widened and he gave her an incredulous look. “Wrong? Baby, you did nothing wrong. It was me. I needed to work out my demons and I’m sorry for walking away from you like I did.” She noticed how he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “We need to talk later, after the afternoon delight out there ends.”

She smiled at his remark. “I’m relieved.” She needed to come clean about her ex if she were ever to have a decent relationship again. She didn’t even know if this would go anywhere, but she wanted to be up front and honest from the very beginning. “I have my own demons and maybe I need to explain some things to you too.”

He looked in to her eyes. “Baby, don’t ever think for one moment that I don’t want you.”

He had no idea how much she needed to hear a man say that without a ‘but’ afterwards. She began to take a step forward.

He stepped back, his hands still deep in his pockets. He shook his head. “No, Sara. I’m afraid what I have to tell you may change your mind about me. So let’s just get through this afternoon with our guests so we can talk later.”

“That sounds like doom and gloom,” she teased, determined that nothing would stop her from the elation she felt at that moment. How could she be upset after what he just said? What could be so bad that she would change her mind about him?

“What’s he doing here?” Josh roared when he glanced out the window. He turned to her. “Do you know who that little twerp is?” She began to open her mouth then clasped it shut when he didn’t wait for an answer. He stomped out through the French doors, determination and anger seething from him with every step he took.

Sara ran in to the gardens. “Josh, wait!” She stopped when Josh came face to face with Art Shepherd. The ‘twerp’ held out his hand but then stuffed it in the pocket of his yellow pants.

“What are you doing here?” Josh demanded. Sara could hear the anger in his strained voice and looked around to see if any of the guests noticed. The old couples were talking and yawning at the same time. The young couples walked down the path to the street. One lone man sat by the pond, a book reader in hand, oblivious to his surroundings. No one was paying attention to the two men about to go at it in the gardens of the Inn With No Name.

Sara stood at the edge of the garden cautious of an outbreak. If Jake got wind of a fight in the gardens between two guests, she’d be thrown out on the streets. The two were friends, but let’s face it, bad publicity is not something any owner wants. She bit her bottom lip, unsure of what to do. So far, the two just stood face to face, talking. Josh raised his voice on occasion, but she couldn’t make out what they talked about. She thought about moving closer, but stayed put.

She didn’t want any drama today, so she turned and starting taking the leftovers from the buffet in to the kitchen. Sara wanted to know why Josh reacted to one of the guests the way he did. As far as she remembered Jake put her in charge. Josh needed to do some explaining.

As she cleaned up the kitchen, an angry Art Shepherd stomped through the kitchen and out the front door. Sara looked up to find Josh standing at the French door, eyes on the back of Art’s head as the man left.

“What’s all that about,” she asked.

He shook his head and helped clean up in silence. Sara wanted to run gentle fingers over his white knuckles, knowing he tried to keep his temper in check. All of a sudden he stopped and turned. “It’s important that you don’t see anger right now. I don’t know what happened in your past, but I know it wasn’t a good thing. I don’t want to cause you any distress, so let’s forget this incident ever happened.” He ran a hand through dark hair and rubbed the back of his neck.

She wanted to reach up and sooth his weary soul. “It’s none of my business, however, Jake put me in charge so here’s a warning. Behavior like that comes with consequences. Don’t let it happen again or I may have to ask you to leave.”

His head flew up in surprise when she said it, until he saw her grin. He smiled, the lines fading from around his eyes and took a step closer. “Forgive me and let me make it up to you.”

“Nothing to forgive, but if you insist, how do you want to make it up to me?” Sara dried off wet hands and glanced outside to see the older couples leaving the gardens.

“I have an idea. Let’s get out of here for a while, go on an adventure. I’ll meet you out front in twenty minutes.” With those words, Josh dug in his pocket and pulled out a cell phone as he left the room.

“I thought we’re going to talk?” she called after, but he didn’t hear. She wondered what he had in mind and went back to the bedroom room to freshen up. She gazed at herself in the mirror and then discarded the leather skirt and top. An adventure called for something carefree and fun and flat shoes.

She began pulling clothes from the drawers until she found her deep open back halter top, matching it with a white denim skort. Throwing on a pair of flat rope sandals, Sara once again did a little dance in front of the long door length mirror. She grabbed a small black purse with a long gold chain and headed to the front door.

Josh was nowhere to be found, so she sat on the wooden swing, rocking back and forth. Just then Art Shepherd opened the white gate. When he noticed Sara on the porch swing, he hesitated for a brief second, but then nodded and went inside.

What ever went on between the two of them had Art walking a chalk line. She didn’t think Josh just got that angry out of the blue, not like-no, she wasn’t going to think about the ex, not any more!

She would think of the good things in life. The past needed to be put to rest, that’s why she came here. This new life would be full of promise by surrounding herself with positive people. That’s what drew her to Josh, Sara knew. The man seemed so gentle and fun and exciting. She may be falling fast. She couldn’t believe it could happen so quick. That happened in fairy tales and on television, neither which were true life.

Of course, she knew nothing about this man. He could be some kind of government spy or secret agent. Sara threw her head back and laughed aloud. She couldn’t wait for Morgan to get back. He’d get a kick out of that one. His sister, hanging out with a secret agent man! What an adventure that would be!

She opened her eyes to find Josh leaning against the post, dark eyes staring in amusement. She jumped up off the swing and started down the steps.

“Which way,” she asked, her steps a bit lighter. She turned with a bright smile.

“This way.” He took her elbow as they crossed the street. and walked a few blocks until the Butterfly Conservatory came in to view. Sara thought they were just walking by until Josh steered them towards the entrance.

“We’re going in? Lovely!”

Sara had a blast as she walked along the beautiful gardens and foliage filled with many species of butterflies. The domed ceiling let in natural light as they strolled through the foliage, careful not to step on butterflies resting on the ground in front of them at times. She didn’t think Josh seemed very impressed, but every time she looked up, his eyes crinkled a bit at her excitement. Colorful birds also lived in the habitat as they walked through the tropical paradise. She squeezed his arm. “Thank you.”

He led her in to the gift shop and that’s when a grand idea began to form. The Inn needed major improvement and she may know just how to help. Sara excused herself and met with the proprietor, keeping Josh waiting for over twenty minutes. He leaned up against a display case and she glanced over in surprise when she realized he didn’t look annoyed because she took so long.

Then he walked over to her. “I’ll be outside waiting. I have to make a phone call.” Sara nodded, wondering why he always left to make calls. Maybe he was a secret agent man after all. She smiled again at those crazy thoughts and watched a hard, sexy body go through the exit.



Josh spoke in to the phone. “I’m not sure what you are doing and could care less, I’m not working right now, only helping out a fellow agent.” He couldn’t seem to make them understand that he didn’t want to go back under cover. Not any more. Those years were over and done.

Now that he met Sara. Josh ran a hand through thick hair, his other resting on the cell. He put some serious thought in to starting a detective service. Then he could come home every night and leave the undercover work to men like Morgan because he just didn’t have a taste for it any more.

Josh listened to the man on the other end of the phone but still refused to take any new cases. He couldn't mention what Morgan was doing and that he wanted to stay close to Sara, just in case. Even though Sophie went deep under with Morgan, there could be a chance whoever leaked information may blow their cover. Then all hell would break loose and he’d have to go in. But he couldn’t tell anyone. Not yet.

“Look, I appreciate the offer, but no thanks. Right now, I’m just living it up, getting Key West wild without interruptions.” He stuck his phone back in his pocket just as Sara came out of the conservatory holding two bags of stuff.

“You won’t believe what I’ve got,” she said, excited.

He loved her zest and excitement. He stuffed his hands back in his pockets and leaned back on his heels as she rummaged through the bags.

“Here are several books that we can display in the foyer. The guests will love them.” She picked up a pile of brochures. “I’m having discount coupons made for our guests. They’ll get a special rate that can be had by staying with us. Plus I’m going to offer wedding packages, along with anniversary and engagement surprise packages! By the time I get finished with all the plans I have for the Inn, it will be making a fortune.”

“You don’t want to drag those heavy bags along where we’re going,” Josh told her. “We’ll drop them off first because I have more surprises for you. Let me take them for now.”

He took the two bags and the smile he received was worth lugging the heavy gift bags to the Inn. After depositing them inside, they continued toward Duval street.

“We’re not doing the Duval crawl again, are we? I doubt I can keep up today.”

“No Sara, I have something much more fun in mind. Although it may involve at least a glass of champagne.” He folded her hand in his as they walked down several side streets towards the Key West Bight. “I want you to see some old Key West charm.”

They entered an open bar where sweet ocean breezes stirred the late evening air. Tall ships docked close by and Sara looked up in amazement at the giant vessels. “I’m going to take you on a sunset sail,” he whispered in her ear. Standing behind her, she shivered when he touched her shoulders.

She turned. “That’s on my itinerary,” she whispered back.

“I know it is.” Josh went to pay for their passage. When he came back, she was still looking up at the tall ships, arms wrapped around herself.

“Come on, time to have some fun.” They boarded the wooden schooner, built some time back in early 1900. When they set out to sea, he watched the excitement on Sara’s face as she took in the captain and mate setting the sails. There were a few others on board, but it wasn’t crowded like some of the ships in the water. He wanted her to see an authentic ship, not some reproduction party boat.

It was a majestic ship, its towering masts and white sails billowing in the wind. He watched Sara as she took in the fresh sea air. She stood at the deck, clutching the wooden rails. “I can’t wait to see the sunset from here,” she said. “Thank you for this. I forgot that I read my itinerary to you.” She glanced at him with a heart beat away from heaven smile on her face.

He leaned over. “I’m going to help you with your itinerary,” he said in a low voice. She gazed up, blue eyes filled with excitement. The lull of the crystal aqua water and the soothing ocean waves drew them in closer. “We’re going to cross off every single item on that list until there’s none left.”

Her eyes widened. She parted her lips and her tongue came out, striking the side of her mouth. It was all he could do not to take her right there. “Even the one thing on the list I didn’t know if I accomplished when we got drunk?” she said, her voice just above a whisper.

He nodded.

She blushed.

“It could take me a year to do every single thing on the list.”

“Two weeks.” At the most, if he could last that long.

Sara threw her head back and laughed out loud, blonde hair blowing in the salty ocean breeze. She leaned back a bit and then became enthralled when the crew released the homing doves. She turned all of a sudden. “I want to see the captain.” As if she just thought up something new, Josh followed along through the small crowd to the helm. He loved how she embraced every little adventure.

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