Just Tell Me (The Justice Series) (5 page)

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t did look good, it was a dark shade of red and covered her hips perfectly, she smoothed her hands over her breasts, and her nipples were hard with anticipation.  They were clearly visible through the silk fabric, she pulled the material together and it fastened round her waist with a delicate tie. 
Well if that doesn’t do it I don’t know what will. 
She was determined to have a night of passion even if he felt inclined to be the gentleman and assumed she wanted to wait. Assumed she cared about the infidelity.

Daniel walked into the large bedroom; the queen sized bed was big enough to put enough space between them he thought as he stepped out of his trousers. 
God this is so hard
, he just wanted to have her, to touch her and make love to her, and yet he wanted to respect her wishes.  The way she had trembled under his touch on the patio had turned him on, never had a woman had this effect on him.  He knew one more caress and she would be his, he couldn’t hold back and the strength of his longing scared even Daniel.  He could sense she was nervous but she had no idea how she made him feel.

is iPod started played that song from the Lost Boys album and he almost laughed at it, reminding him of how they had shared the moment on the train. He turned on the bedside lamps, sat on the bed to unbuttoned his shirt, and as he reached down to remove his socks, he could sense her returning into the room.  Glancing up, he was memorised by her stood by the doorway, in the perfect short red dressing gown.  Her hair was loose and she ran her hand through it, looking a little self conscious as she stood in the light.  She started walking towards him, he could see the mound of her breasts, catching glimpses of her skin through the gap in the fabric and he felt himself get hard as she stood in front of him.

“Nicole” he whispered, unable to speak as she climbed onto the bed and straddled him.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and knew she wasn’t wearing anythi
ng else under the short fabric. Powerless to resist he reached out for her, kissing her strongly and finally allowing his hands to caress her body, resting them gently on her hips.  “Oh God.  Are you sure about this?  I know I won’t be able to control myself”.

“Well don’t” she looked him in the eye and smiled, his hands were
still on her hips and she needed him to touch her, she felt more confident now as she could sense how much he wanted her. “Just make love to me Daniel” She pulled him closer and kissed him, her tongue found his and he ran his hands over her body, her skin was soft and she felt perfect under his hands.  He carefully untied the slip, pulled it down over her shoulders and his lips trailed down to her breasts. She watched him, their eyes connected and she whispered his name as he ran his tongue over her nipples.  He kissed her lips lightly this time, watching her as he ran his hand up her thigh, it had to be slow and he needed to keep some control. His fingers teased her as he slowly stroked her, pushing his fingers inside her and he could feel how much she wanted him as she moaned in pleasure and responded to his touch. 

Nicole reached down and felt dizzy with excitement as she ran her hand down his stomach, she could feel how hard he was as she touched him and she felt his body tense with pleasure.  It had been so long since she had felt like this, so long since she had sex. 
The attraction she felt for this beautiful man took her breathe away, the need to feel him inside her was obsessive. She pulled his underwear down and watched his face as she slowly teased the tip of him, his eyes focused on hers and she gasped as he grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him until he was deep inside her. 

Daniel was
unable to speak as she slowly moved on top of him, he had never experienced sex like this before, and usually he was in control.  Now he was powerless as she sat on him, and emotionally connected with her in a way he had never experienced before, he could sense what she needed from him. As he ran his hands over her breasts he felt her nipples underneath his fingers she gasped as he played with them, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer and he felt on the brink of losing himself to her. 

He found the strength to flip her onto her back and she gave into him, she wrapped her legs round his body and lifted her hips so he could be deep inside her.  Finally he was in control and he kept his hands on her leg lifting it higher
, trapping her underneath him as he moved slowly and masterfully inside her.  She arched her back moaning in ecstasy, and he watched her face as she climaxed, feeling her whole body tremble as in that second he also lost control.  He felt as he was in another world as they came together, breathing in each other and their sweat mixing as he buried his head into her neck. 

He slowly rolled onto his side
as he became soft inside her “God” he sighed “I have never had sex like that in my life”.   Nicole was speechless, she didn’t know what had come over her, she looked at his perfect face and she had never felt like this before.
Oh shit I think I’ve fallen in love with him.  Damn it!
  Daniel stroked her hair and watched her silently, she winced as his hand stroked her back, the pain in her rib was stabbing her again, and he glanced round and saw the remains of the bruise.

h Nicole” he looked at her, genuine concern in his eyes “I want to meet this Andrew, what’s his last name?”

She shook her head “Andrew Black, h
e’s insane, he would kill you if he knew we were together now” she heard her Blackberry buzzing in her bag “That’s him now, if I don’t answer he will keep ringing until I do and he will just get angrier”. He could sense the fear in her voice and she climbed out of bed to find her phone. He lay back in bed, his mind was reeling.  He had to do something; she was the only woman he had ever met that he had such a connection with. 

She typed a reply on her
Blackberry and climbed back into bed, her body was shaking and he curled her up in his arms, the tears rolled silently down her face onto the pillow and he felt her pain as he kissed her face tenderly.  They fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.  As the first light came through the windows of the penthouse they made love again, this time slowly, taking in every inch of each other and fell asleep again. Entangled together until the reality of the alarm clock woke them in the morning. 


Chapter 3

Nicole stretched out on the bed and Daniel looked round at her, a smile on his lips as he was putting his shirt on
“Oh I don’t want to get up, you know I have never done anything like this in my life before, slept with a strange man or had a one night stand”.

“I didn’t think I was a stranger anymore, anyway you seduced me re
member” he teased, watching her as she lay wrapped in the sheet.

“Don’t look at me like that or I am not getting out of bed” she smiled at him but knew it was time to get up.  She ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower.  Her heart felt as thought it was going to break; she couldn’t go back to Andrew not tomorrow, not ev
er.  Work loomed in her mind, today was about impressing the partners and the reality of the day ahead hit her. 

She heard the room service breakfast arriving and put on the red gown, fastening it tightly round her waist and she felt self conscious in the cold light of day. 
30 minutes before she had to be back down for the course, she checked her phone it was flashing its angry red. Daniel was already dressed in a shirt and tie, sat at the small table in the penthouse and pouring coffee, a paper in his hand.

That tie matches your eyes” He looked so gorgeous with his dark hair and tanned skin. He glanced up from his coffee and paper, smiling at her as she sat down in the red dressing gown.  She longed to kiss him again, but she felt shy in the light of day.  It was a one night stand, she didn’t know the protocol for these situations, and should she have crept out of the room in the middle of the night? Was she outstaying her welcome?  Nicole felt uncomfortable with her thoughts, she sat down quietly and picked up a slice of toast; she was starving and buttered it.  Her robe slipped and Daniel stopped reading his paper to appreciate the slim line of her upper thigh. 

“I can’t bear this” H
e spoke, he didn’t want to break the spell and talk about Andrew and her situation “I can’t even eat my breakfast while you are wearing that” His intense blue eyes met hers and he put his coffee and paper down as he stood up.  He bent down in front of her, falling to his knees as he kissed her passionately. 

Nicole tasted
coffee and marmalade mixing with his signature smell of wood smoke, pinecones and horse leather. 
I must find out his aftershave
she vaguely thought, kissing him back. She ran her hands through his dark hair, his hands found her robe belt and expertly undid it. 

“Nicole you are gorgeous” He
ran his hands down her body making Nicole take an intake of breath, she ran her hands down his neck, her hand traced his neckline, feeling the stiff shirt fabric. “The most gorgeous woman I have ever met” She doubted this and the reality that she was probably one in a long line of women broke the spell.

“I’ve got to go Daniel” Nicole murmured,
smiling as she pushed him away as his fingers travelled down her body, his Blackberry started ringing from his shirt pocket and he broke away to answer it.

“Oh shit I’m sorry, I’ve got to take this” he walked away into the bedroom talking about corporate identity.  She took the opportunity to get dressed even th
ough she really wanted to stay,  she wanted to be with him all day but she wasn’t going to just sit and wait for him either, she had work to do.  Life went on.  Daniel finished on the phone and was apologetic as he came back through but seeing her fully dressed he kissed her tenderly, he looked into her eyes and caressed her cheek with his hand as she wrapped her arms round his waist. 

“So Nicole what are
your plans for tonight again?” he teased her, but Nicole knew she couldn’t avoid a second night out with the team.

“I have to go for dinner Daniel
, with the partners and some potential clients, but look why don’t we meet up later? I think we will be going to that private club round the corner from here, you know the one? I think it’s called FuFu” 

“Come back up here before you go out? 
As soon as you finish?  Nicole I just want to say” he stopped, searching her eyes
, this was silly
I’ve only known her a couple of days
“I want to say erm.. Thanks for the meal?” he raised his eyebrows at her and she stared back at him quizzically, he knew it was a lame thing to say and that he really wanted to tell her he was falling for her, but he couldn’t get the words out. 

Nicole ran to her room before anyone could see her doing the walk of
shame in the hotel corridors, she felt amazing and the surge of excitement in the pit of her stomach wouldn’t go.  She quickly changed into a cream blouse and tailored suit ready for the teambuilding morning and presentation she had to give later. She noticed her phone as it flashed angry red lights at her, she hadn’t checked it since the night before. Andrew’s latest message flashed at her. 


Why?  What did he want with her?  She felt anger as the ho
ld he had over her had broken, she suddenly saw everything differently. So what if she lost her money in the flat and had to move back in with her parents, what was the worst that could happen?  She could work out the finance, anything to get rid of him. 

knew she had to go out with work tonight but really she wanted to go back to Daniel’s hotel room and spend every last minute with him. Last night had been amazing, she replayed the moments in her head, and knew she wouldn’t concentrate on anything until she saw him again tonight. She wished she could just leave Manchester behind and stay with her beautiful stranger forever.  Close away the past and start a new life here but it wasn’t viable, her legal head scalded her, she checked the time and realised she was going to be late for her team building day as she ran down to the conference room. 

The day was spent writing meaningless words in boxes on the whiteboard and she tired of having to explain to her inquisitive colleagues that she had a migraine last
night but was feeling fine now. Stacey looked terrible, she confided they had been out until gone 3am last night and didn’t think she would be able to go out again tonight.  Nicole laughed remembering Stacey’s iron resolve for cocktails only the day before, that seemed so long ago.

felt different after spending the time with Daniel, she couldn’t place it but part of her had changed in a way she had never experienced.  He was the most amazing man she had ever met and she had never felt this way about anyone, she couldn’t concentrate on the day, it was so out of character.  Usually she was focused on work but her mind kept going back to this morning, last night and Daniel, he made her feel beautiful, she smiled to herself. She forced herself to concentrate on the day ahead, she wasn’t going to be distracted by a man, work was still important to her and she focused on the day.

Daniel sat in the penthouse
, his laptop open and a spread of paperwork covered the oak desk, he should have to gone to the office but he wanted to stay in this suite with the memory of Nicole lingering. Last night was amazing, the best night of his life.  He didn’t expect her to walk in and seduce him like that and he couldn’t have stopped her even if he had wanted to, she was so beautiful.  He smiled to himself and looked out of the window towards the castle, the hoards of tourists wandering about in the car park distracting him momentarily. 

, I find Nicole so intriguing
so different from anyone I have ever met
. He thought, and he felt a connection with her and he needed to see her again, he wasn’t lying when he told her she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met, the more he saw of her to more he felt it.  The issue with this Andrew would be resolved; he had checked her Blackberry when she was in the shower, it had pinged and he automatically picked it up, glancing at the unanswered text messages. Andrew Black. Manchester barrister.

Daniel googled him and looked at the unassum
ing man who stared back at him, this was Andrew?  He looked smaller than he imagined and his pinched features looked bitter, how could he treat Nicole like this?  He had everything Daniel ever wanted and he hated him for it. 

checked his watch. It was 10:30, he had lots of work to do but for the first time in his working life he couldn’t think about anything other than Nicole
.  This is ridiculous I’m like a schoolboy with a crush.
He forced himself to look at some contract paperwork, the words swam in front of his eyes. He wondered what tonight would bring and his mind started to think about another night in the hotel room and her beautiful warm body lying naked next to his. Her laugh and the way she looked at him. He hoped he could encourage her to stay another few nights, he would tell her who he was and convince her to leave Andrew, it was a small amount of money, and he could write a cheque without thinking about it. Was it too soon? He had only known her a few days and he remembered his ex-girlfriend Clare’s words. Too intense.  Was he being too intense again? 

His mind wandered to the weekend, he could take her to his
gatehouse on the family estate, Hambelby.  They could spend the day riding and Daniel could cook his signature dish of wild venison which he had shot himself, he instinctively knew she would love that, her passion for good food was as strong as his.  They could pick some vegetables from the market garden and he hoped the asparagus was ready to pick, they could drink wine and listen to Depeche Mode, he smiled when he thought of their shared love for music and he could fuck her in every room in the house.  No not fuck, he wanted to make love to her and he laughed out loud at his change in linguistic preferences, he hoped he had read her right and hadn’t created someone in his head that didn’t live up to this reality. It seemed too good to be true.

Was she for real?
Daniel had never taken anyone back to his house or Hambelby before. He had converted the gatehouse into his own retreat, away from the busy city and his occasionally overbearing parents. They still lived in the castle on the estate as had all his family right down to the founders of the estate in 1430.  He rarely used his title, they were old money and it was in all their blood and so everyone took it in their stride.  His dad still drove his old Landover round the estate, with baler band in his pocket occasionally used instead of a belt and a motley collection of hunting dogs at his side. 

mother was warm and welcoming. Her passion was entertaining, and despite not being able to cook a thing herself, she loved holding extravagant dinner parties which seemed to involve every caterer in the county.  He smiled as he thought of her holding a gin and tonic while she commanded her army of cooks and serving staff.   She also liked to sit and discuss Daniel’s life at every opportunity much to his annoyance. It usually revolved round who he would marry and when would he be settling down. Once after too much brandy, he had never brought a woman home to meet the family, was he gay?  Daniel wasn’t sure how to take this one, and he found himself stuttering his denial while wondering what planet his parents were actually on. 

He had met someone once, a long time ago, Daniel thought about Clare for the first time in months, he had become c
lose to her and spent weekends at her flat in Edinburgh.  She was fun and attractive and seemed to like being with him, he had started to relax in her company and was almost ready to take her home to meet his family. His mind tried to push away the image of her with someone else. The night he turned up at her flat unexpectedly and she had come to the door, her hair was tousled and she had a mans shirt on, it never even struck Daniel as odd until he heard a voice calling her back to her bedroom that he realised the situation he had discovered. 

The only girl he had allowed himself to become close to, and he had felt his heart break from sadness and pride.  She had met him afterwards in a café, she told him she couldn’t deal with his drinking an
d his mood swings, and she said he was too intense, needy and possessive.  Daniel couldn’t understand her, he had everything a woman could want, they threw themselves at him at every party he went to and yet she had chosen to be with a waiter of all things, a penniless waiter.  He had heard that they had become engaged not long after he had caught them and he knew that she had been seeing him much longer than she had admitted.  He thought about his parents and was glad he had never taken Clare to meet them; it would have only fuelled the shame and led to more questions.

His parents
were getting old, they drank too much, they wanted to see their only son settle down and the family lines continue.  Being gay would have broken their hearts, he knew that, but they should have no concerns, Daniel loved women as his reputation in Hot magazine proved.  “Britain’s Most Eligible Bachelor” two years running.  He couldn’t shake the feeling that once a woman scratched underneath the surface, all they found was dark emptiness.  He knew he could drink too much, to escape the intensity of his emotions that he was unable to explore sober, but with Nicole it had been different, he could be himself. The phone rang sharply and he picked it up and spent the next 40 minutes discussing a contract they were working on, taking his mind off Nicole. 

It was gone 5.00pm by the time the course finally finished and everyone was relieved it was over.  They congregated at the bar, queuing for drinks ready to start the night. 
Come back up and see me?
Daniel’s words, did he really mean it?  She looked around her, everyone was talking and she wouldn’t be missed, she needed to see him again and felt giddy with excitement.  As she started to walk to the lift the senior partner stepped in front of her, he was old enough to be her grandfather.

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