Just Tell Me (The Justice Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Just Tell Me (The Justice Series)
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“Anyway I don’t know why I’m telling you all this
” she waved her glass in the air as she spoke, barely smiling through the pain. She looked at the beautiful man sat in front of her, concern in his eyes. This is how it should be. “I need to find a millionaire landowner that can rescue me from all of this but that’s not real is it?” She caught his eye.

face darkened. Did she know who he was after all?  Was she just another gold digging bitch?  He let go of her hand across the table and Nicole looked confused for a moment.

Oh God Daniel I didn’t mean that, I don’t know why I even said it, I don’t care about the money.  I would walk away from Andrew tomorrow if I could.  If he would let me” she shuddered at the thought of what he would do if she did leave “Anyway let’s change the subject, enough about me and my shit life”.

He felt his heart break for this beautiful woman sat in front of him, she was fra
gile and he wanted to hold her. He wanted to make the pain go away, and at that moment across the table he fell in love. The kind of love you only experience once in a lifetime. Love that stops for no one and he smiled, unable to articulate for a moment, there was so much he wanted to say. 

“Come on, what about you?  Tell me about your past seeing as we are talking about this, you don’t have a girlfriend?” Nicole smiled brightly at him, she had composed herself.  One night, she just wanted him for one night.  A memory to cherish forever.  Daniel shook h
is head, distracted by her again and his previous tension had gone.

“No I haven’t met anyone special for a while” he finished his
Prosecco “But you never know what’s round the corner, who you might meet when you’re least expecting it, don’t you think?” he changed the pace of the conversation. “God you deserve so much more Nicole, just leave him.”  His eyes burned into her and she squirmed under the intensity again but she couldn’t pull a speaker from her ear and turn away this time. 

s not as simple as that Daniel. Anyway please let’s enjoy the rest of the night.”  She looked around and caught the eye of the waiter who rushed over, glad to have something to do in the quiet restaurant.

“Do you want any desserts?” he
asked them and Nicole refused “Not for me but I would love a coffee, an espresso. What about a brandy?” She looked at Daniel and he nodded “Make that two” she smiled.

Daniel looked over at her
when the waiter had gone “Good choice, I can’t end my meal without an espresso and a brandy”

She lau
ghed “Really? Me neither I live off the stuff, have you ever been to Italy?”  Daniel had and they shared their love for the country but he was distracted again, he was becoming more intrigued by this woman sat in front of him.  Andrew. He wanted to meet this man and his mind reeled with jealousy and anger.  What kind of man would treat a woman like this? 

He wat
ched her as she talked to him. How her hair ran down her bare skin and he wanted to move it away and kiss her neck, her hand subconsciously touched her shoulder, as though she could read his mind.  Her lips as she spoke, he wanted to run his finger over them. He wanted her to lose control and he felt as though he was under a spell as his eyes met hers.  She looked nervous again in the candlelight.

“You know, I have really enjoyed spending time with you, maybe we could see each other again some time? As friends of course” he spoke the words softly and watched her reaction as she stuttered her reply. 

“Erm.  Well yes?” she knew it was impossible, she couldn’t get away from Andrew for more than one night.  Her mind worked overtime “I don’t want to drag you into my life Daniel it’s not fair” The waiter brought their espressos and brandy’s to the table and broke the moment. “I should never have come here tonight, I am sorry”. 

Daniel sipped his
coffee, regaining some composure.  It was driving him crazy sat with her like this, listening to her fluster about her life.

“We will see.
I fancy another brandy, shall we go back to the hotel, grab a nightcap?” He was trying to keep the conversation light, he wanted her to know he respected her but he was powerless to let her go. He had to be with her tonight, but he was scared to touch her, scared how she would react to his touch but he wanted her. 
What the hells got into me?
He didn’t know what to do or say anymore and he looked at her again and saw the look of concern on her face.

“Maybe Daniel
” She looked uncomfortable “But I can’t be in the hotel bar in case I see my work friends; they will wonder what I’m doing.  Some of them know Andrew”

He looked at her steadily “Y
ou can always come to my penthouse suite, it’s a waste not to use it” Nicole blushed slightly and looked down at her coffee, stirring a sugar cube into the dark liquid for longer than was necessary as she registered his words.

You have booked the penthouse?” she glanced up at him “Well ok then, we can decide when we get back.  Anyway I’m sure I can trust you after last night?” 

He didn’t say anything and
left the table for the toilet, leaving Nicole to compose herself once more.  The night wasn’t going as she had planned; he probably thought she was weird telling him about her shit life.  Andrew ruined everything, even when he wasn’t here. The effect Daniel had on her was unnerving; she was used to being in control of her emotions. Hiding them away. 

She felt as thought she would do anything he asked of her
and she didn’t understand it, she had to regain some composure. This is not Nicole Shaw. The waiter brought the bill and she quickly paid it while Daniel was away, her shawl felt comfortingly close round her shoulders as she stood up around her ready to go.  Daniel returned and looked puzzled as she walked towards the door.

“I’ve paid” Nicole explained “Y
ou can get it next time” she laughed melancholy heavy in her voice,
what next time?
Daniel took her hand to lead her to the car, completely unable to speak for the moment. 

No one had ever b
ought him dinner before. 
God I want her even more now.
  When she took his hand earlier, he felt so turned on by her he just wanted to get back in the car and take her back to his room.  He had to hold her, he wanted to feel her lips on his, he wanted to run his hands over her body and make love to her. They arrived back at the hotel, sneaked in quietly, there were a few people in the bar but none Nicole recognised and she paused at the door.

Come on” he pulled her to the lift and pressed the top floor. The lift door closed and she caught his stare through the mirror, two people alone in a lift but the sudden silence between them creating a tension as they shared the same thoughts neither were able to articulate.  He opened the door to the suite and led her through.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked her as he went to the mini bar, he put his iPod in the docking station and turned away from her as he gripped the glass a bit too tightly. 

He wished he could tell her how she made him feel but he wasn’t sure how to say it.  This Andrew, her life in Manchester. He could end it for her right now, he could tell her who he was and make it go away. Should he? What was happening to him?  He barely knew her but the way he had felt when he was with her was electric.  He felt his hand shake slightly, he could sense her presence in the room and the atmosphere between them was charged with unspoken desire.

Nicole looked around her in amazement “This must have cost a fortune, Daniel!”

The suite was split into two rooms, a large area in the sitting room with leather sofas and heavy textured fabric curtains still open onto the decking and patio area. 
Nicole ran to the doors and slid them open, her shoes were already off but she went outside barefoot to look at the night time view.  Depeche Mode played from his iPod, the dark sounds echoed outside and Nicole smiled at the familiar sound, she stood on the balcony in the warm air as he appeared behind her and she took the glass of brandy from him. 

Daniel stood only
inches between them but he couldn’t control himself anymore he needed to feel her skin. He wanted to kiss her desperately and his fingers moved along the seam of her dress teasing her bare legs with the briefest of caresses.  Nicole forgot the view as she felt his touch; she could smell him, sense his heart beating with hers. All her senses were on alert. He ran his finger up her arm, barely touching her, he could hear her breathing, she was quivering under his touch and he was enjoying the way she reacted to him, it took him all his resolve to not turn her round and kiss her.

“I can feel the effect this is having on you Nicole” he spoke in barely a whisper and she
glanced up at him as he stood behind her, their eyes meeting.  “You know I could kiss you out here, but I’m not sure I have the willpower to know when to stop”. 

Daniel was enjoying himself,
he wanted to tease her, let her lose herself for just one night and he placed his hand on her hip; moving it slowly up her body. Her hair was a distraction so he moved it away from her neck placing his lips on her skin. The lightest of kisses but enough to silence Nicole further, she couldn’t find the words to say and she swallowed, her mouth was suddenly too dry.  She scarcely breathed, part of her wanted to run away from him, but her body had taken control and his touch felt like fire as she turned to face him, reaching up to kiss him.  Her brandy glass clattered noisily on the cast iron garden table. 

He pulled her closer to him, pausing for a moment as he looked into her eyes
silently questioned her consent, she wrapped her hands round his neck and he pulled her close and gently kissed her on the lips. His kiss almost sent Nicole off her feet as she ran her hand through his hair, finally being able to touch him and taste his lips was almost too much. 

“Nicole, I…” Daniel pulled away not sure if he could control himself, he was on the brink of losing himself, he had wanted to touch her but now he was scared how far it would go “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me. I don’t want you thinking I broug
ht you here under false pretences, I know you said last night you’re not that type of woman and I respect that, you are in a relationship with someone else and I’m trying to respect that too”.  He smiled down at her “God this is hard!”  He didn’t want to scare her, she seemed so innocent he was scared how far his games would go, she looked like she wanted to run away from him again.

“I’m not that type of woman
” Nicole just looked up at him repeating his words, it was the only thing she could think to say but sounded irrelevant now. “Come on, go in”.  She picked up her glass and took a sip of the potent liquid.

Her voice sounded hollow
and she felt cold as they went in the apartment.  What did that even mean anyway?  She wasn’t that type of woman?  She realised didn’t want this chivalry anymore she wanted him, every ounce of her body ached for him.  The way he had just touched her, no man had ever made her feel like this, the slightest touch of his fingers against her skin had been like electricity shooting through her.  She wished she had the confidence of her friends and could just jump on him, this would be the last night she would have this opportunity since she probably wouldn’t see him again. How could it work out? They lived at opposite ends of the country.  She was trapped in a hateful relationship with a man she detested. 

She sat down on the leather sofa and curled her legs underneath her
, rolling the amber liquid in the brandy glass, her mind worked overtime.  If nothing more happened tonight and she never saw him again it would be the biggest regret of her life. 

e stood by the door, watching her “You could stay here tonight Nicole? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.  We could just talk in the dark like we did last night?” 

Nicole raised her eyes at him “R
eally?” after what just happened on the terrace she doubted just talking was going to happen.  Uncomfortable? That was one word for it but she doubted it fitted the way she felt, she smiled at him and he laughed softly, he could read her mind and she shook her head at him. The sadness in her eyes hit him, she was like a fragile flower and he wanted to keep her safe forever, he wanted to trace the scar on her face, kiss it away.  She knew she should leave but was powerless.

I swear I won’t touch you Nicole” his face was serious as he watched her reaction “Oh I almost forgot” Daniel took his jacket off and hung it on the back of the sofa, “I picked something up for you today” he disappeared into the bedroom and came back with a beautiful bag, engraved with a designer clothing label and gave it to Nicole. She looked in surprise and pulled out a pure silk dressing gown “So you can cover up those awful bedtime clothes you wear”.

“Daniel! I feel really embarrassed about the snoring now I have bad taste in bed wear too!?” 
He laughed and ducked as Nicole threw the bag at him, the earlier tension broken with laughter.  “Ok I will stay” she tried to keep a straight face “You get the room ready and I will just go to the bathroom”. He just nodded but she could see in his eyes he was pleased.

She laughed but felt the night was slipping away from them, it was past midnight already
and she grabbed the red robe from the sofa and fled into the bathroom.  Her face was flushed and she felt nervous as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she ran her hands ran through her hair so it fell in waves across her shoulders and stepped out of the simple black dress.  She removed her underwear and pulled over the slip of fabric that Daniel considered more suitable nightwear. 

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