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Her head thrashed within the confines of the restraint.

“Tell me how much you want me, baby. Not this damn piece of plastic. You want my cock, don’t you?” As he spoke, he realigned the vibrator with her pussy to provide a modicum of relief from the direct contact while driving her arousal higher.

Juices streaming from her saturated the invention. She was going to come again but no machine could satisfy her craving for the doctor. He rotated the base of the invention, transforming the liquid into a whirlpool of pleasure.

“Now, Becca.”

“Kurt! I need you. Loved it. Fuck me.” She screamed his name as she came apart.

A low groan rumbled from his chest as he flicked the valve, allowing the water to rush out through a second, much larger, drain tube. In an instant, the liquid abandoned her, leaving her empty, hollow.

Kurt restrained himself until the device deflated enough to slide out of Becca’s pussy with a torrid slurp before he mounted her bound form. Staring into her eyes, forcing her to acknowledge the truth in his own, he annunciated his words. He couldn’t afford for her to misunderstand.

“The second part of my demonstration is harder. Believe this. I want your body every bit as much as you want mine. I’ve never possessed so little control with a woman. I have to fuck you right now.”

Kurt slammed into her. Her pussy wrapped around him like a moist electric blanket after soaking up the heat of the fluid he’d pumped inside it. His entire being shuddered with the memory.

His invention would have seemed gigantic in contrast to the meager toy she had in her nightstand drawer.

Her resilient muscles conformed around his cock even after they’d been stretched but he plunged balls-deep into her with a bit less resistance now.

The freedom of motion and the compulsion to squelch her defiance drove him to pummel her greedy pussy, goading him with rhythmic contractions. Compared to this, the fucking in his office had been gentle. Watching her come had pushed him to his limits.

Standing between her legs, he gripped the black straps crisscrossing her porcelain skin for leverage. He thrust his rock-hard cock inside her with driving strokes as his lab coat flapped around him.

“God, baby, I can’t wait. You destroy me.” Leaning forward, he ground his face into her neck, taking her flesh between his teeth. His sac drew flush with his body, preparing to release his load into her throbbing channel.

Kurt tensed between her legs, groaned and bucked one last time. His cock flared, the ridge of the tip growing more pronounced before jets of his come threw Becca into another shattering orgasm beneath him.

She never once complained or questioned his intentions, a fact that delighted him. Her natural submissive traits, open and expressive, brought him joy the likes of which he’d never been blessed to experience before. He treasured every minute of their journey. And he’d never come so hard in his life.

What the hell was he going to do when they completed the experiment?

Chapter Fifteen

Rebecca registered Kurt unbinding her in the dim recesses of her mind. Her thoughts whirled. Once again, the honest passion she’d glimpsed in his fierce expression when he filled her had shattered her preconceptions.

No matter how he steered her from entangling emotions in their tryst, he desired her for more than the experiment. She’d received her training in psychology from the best. Patterns had begun to emerge in his behavior. She wouldn’t doubt her instincts any longer.

Regardless of the mind-blowing pleasure of her previous multiple orgasms, the difference had been obvious the moment he’d penetrated her. Having him inside her—on top of her—when she came catapulted the experience beyond euphoric.

He was right. Nothing could compare to the ecstasy their union imparted. Not only for her but also, she suspected, for him. The lightness invading her soul, giving her hope for what they could build together, might not be prudent but she couldn’t resist it. He stood next to her, holding out his hand.

“Come on, baby. Let’s move somewhere more comfortable.” His sated tone hitched around a yawn he couldn’t quite stifle.

For once in her life, her inhibitions relaxed enough to make demands, to ask for what she wanted but didn’t need. She lifted her arms toward him and smiled.

“Carry me.”

If her request startled him, he hid it well.

He laughed. “You make me weak, I hope I don’t drop you.”

They both knew there was no chance of that. Grinning, he bent to enfold her in his strong arms. She loved the way his lean muscles cupped her back and knees. Safe in his embrace, it seemed he’d never let her down.

He carried her to his room with such care she felt cherished and fragile. Unbidden optimism for their future suffused her. Could she have it all? A career, hot sex and the man she’d adored for years?

Following her onto the bed, he tucked her against his brawny chest. It still rose and fell with elevated respiration. Enchanted by the sound of his racing heart, Rebecca nuzzled closer.

After their breathing had returned to normal and her skin chilled, Kurt shifted to tug the blankets around them. He stared at the ceiling instead of meeting her gaze when he asked, “So, are you convinced of my theory?”

His unusual hesitancy made it sound as though he dreaded the answer but had to ask anyway. His sheer bullheadedness wouldn’t allow him to recede without her total surrender but her will to fight had vanished anyway. She wavered in deciding how much to reveal about her newfound convictions until she’d had the chance to mull over the repercussions then devise a strategy for convincing him.

“I admit I want you. The evidence is conclusive on that point.” Her response trickled out as she selected each word but she couldn’t see any way around the truth. It was plain for anyone to see.

“That’s a start, Becca.” Kurt rolled, forcing her to her back while he levered himself up on one elbow to peer at her. “But what about the second part of my demonstration? I want you, too. Don’t ever doubt it.” As he spoke, he maintained constant contact with her skin. He brushed wisps of hair from her face, traced her lips and eyebrow with a fingertip.

She struggled to decide whether his actions or words soothed her most while marveling at their closeness, which left her speechless.

“How could I not want you? I wish you could see yourself as I do. You’re beautiful as well as smart.”

The sweetness he’d never before revealed stunned her silent. Mistaking her lack of response for disbelief, intense determination invaded his speech.

“Do you think I’m so poor a lover I can’t hold myself back? I’ve never lost control like that before.”

Confusion clouded her rationality. He thought he’d disappointed her? If his performance had been him rushing to the finish, what would it have been like if he’d been calm? Somehow, she was glad he hadn’t been.

Her ability to affect the stolid doctor exposed his latent desire. Signs any rational observer couldn’t deny tipped the scales.

“I believe you.” She laughed as weight lifted from her soul. “I’m not sure I understand but, I think, I actually believe you.”

Dropping his head until their brows met, he smiled slow and huge as his hands came up to frame her face.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to show you. I’ve craved you from the beginning but you weren’t ready.”

Startled, she scanned his face for any sign of deception and found none. All this time, she’d admired him from a distance but her focus on goals acted as a convenient blinder. The epiphany liberated her. She understood what Kurt had meant about freeing her desires. He’d told her she needed to learn to trust, accused her of lying even to herself.

“You were right, Kurt. I wouldn’t admit how much I missed in my life. I was too scared.” Her eyes filled as she ached for all the things she might have experienced by now. She buried her face in the light sprinkling of his chest hair as she wrapped her arms tight around his solid back. Allowing herself the luxury of a few tears of joy, she leaned on his shoulder. She refused to veil her emotions a moment longer.

“Thank you for giving me the confidence to accept this part of myself. And the push to explore.”

Everything came together at last. She had all the tools necessary to reach her aspirations. She had earned her partnership in the firm. Soon she would start a career, hoping to help even one person suffer less. Kurt’s invention would be successful and her sister would attend Elembreth. She might even have a chance at forging a lasting relationship with the man of her dreams.

“I’ll never forget all you’ve done for me. Never.” Burying her face against his neck, she absorbed his warmth and surrendered to complete relaxation.

In a rush, guilt swamped Kurt. He’d pressed Becca into admitting her weakness and confronting it under the guise of benevolence. Sickness cramped his gut as he appraised his true intentions.

He wanted to have her for his own.

God, he’d stood back and allowed the board to persuade her that this whole escapade had been her idea in the first place. He might as well have flat-out lied for the damage his passive omission could do now.

Disgust clawed at him, tainting what should have been one of the best moments of his life. She’d praised him for his altruism in making her face the truth when he’d been the one lying to himself all along. He couldn’t hide from the facts now.

He’d succeeded in convincing Becca he desired her but she would never continue to believe it if she discovered how he’d played on her inexperience and deceived her. Having her in his bed for the duration of the experiment no longer qualified as a satisfactory result. He craved all of her—companion, partner and lifetime lover—and the knowledge she accepted him wholly in return. Never before had he met someone with such compatible desires. Now he stood to lose his perfect woman because of his dishonesty.

For a moment, he considered blurting out his revelation. Fuck the board. He’d confess his foolishness then offer his pitiful excuse. He’d only done it because he couldn’t think of another way to break through the barriers she’d erected to constrain her nature.

But her bravery outstripped his by a mile. He couldn’t chance her rejection.

Meeting her seeking lips, he kissed her with aching delicacy. He couldn’t risk losing her now. Instead, he’d ensure she never found out. For close to an hour, he cradled her pliant form while she dozed on his chest.

She could enter the first stage of REM sleep any minute. The knowledge finally prodded him from his sleepy paradise. With quick and efficient movements, he attached her to the Dream Machine for a second night of data gathering.

The reminder of his deception seasoned the moment with a bitter flavor. Trust forged the strongest partnerships but he didn’t deserve hers.

Collapsing beside her, the consequences of his earlier admission slapped him in the face. She
make him weak. He couldn’t help but gather her to him again, to savor her lissome body draped across him though her gratitude had made him feel like a cheater in a championship race.

The purgatory of his conflicted mind refused to calm long enough for him to join in her angelic slumber, so he contented himself with the silkiness of her hair against his cheek for several hours while he wondered what she dreamed of tonight.


“Wake up, baby.” Kurt mumbled as he nudged her shoulder. Groaning, she tucked her face against his chest and snuggled closer, as though unwilling to give up the comfort soaking deep into her bones to face the reality of the day.

If he didn’t escape in the next ten seconds, neither one of them would be getting up anytime soon. Though Becca tempted him to linger and revel in her surrender, he had a ton of work to do. He had to scramble to assemble a plan. She protested when he rolled to the edge of the bed, but remained half-asleep as he removed the diodes.

“You recorded my dreams again.” Her drowsy statement held no alarm. The lack of concern at his intrusion marked a change so drastic Kurt realized just how much the events of the past few days had affected her. Hell, the experience had changed him irrevocably as well.

The indelible marks she made on him would continue to darken now. No longer worried about his reaction to her fantasies, he postulated the more intense yearnings lurking in her subconscious would emerge. Bits and pieces of her dreams from the night before flashed through his memory and he shivered in anticipation.

His lust didn’t prevent his conscience from berating him, though. Torn, he reached down to release the receptor from her pussy, hissing out a breath when the heat of her arousal scorched his knuckles. God, she was so wet already.

The sound of surprise drew her attention. She roused enough to peer at him as he hovered over her, naked and sleep rumpled. Sure his hair stood on end, a self-conscious twinge encouraged him to rake his fingers through his hair. Ridiculous for a man of his age and experience to act like a teenager with his first girl.

Becca brought her hand to his, rumpling what he hadn’t smoothed anyway. “Only a man could make this sexy.”

When she laughed, he thought of a million corny song lyrics. What the fuck was wrong with him!

As he watched her come alive, Kurt’s dick hardened. She stretched, exposing her neck and thrusting her full breasts up in invitation. He stumbled back a few steps to ensure he didn’t grab her and make love to her right then. First, he had to review her dreams, plot a course for their research and create a presentation for the board meeting.

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