Johann Sebastian Bach (101 page)

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Authors: Christoph Wolff

BOOK: Johann Sebastian Bach
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Sep. 28

In Wiederau: performance of BWV 30a


Oct. 18

Cousin Johann Elias Bach begins service as private secretary to Bach and tutor of his children


Oct. 30

Daughter Johanna Carolina baptized


Dec. 12

The king's decree in the dispute between Bach and Ernesti


Dec. 16

Organ examination in Weissensee


Jan. 8

Publication of Johann Abraham Birnbaum's defense against Scheibe's attack



C. P. E. Bach appointed harpsichordist of the crown prince, later King Friedrich II of Prussia


May 22

In Dresden for several days


Jan. 28

Son Johann Gottfried Bernhard registers at the University of Jena


Mar. 27

Good Friday: cancellation of Passion performance


May 27

Death of son Johann Gottfried Bernhard (age 24)


Aug. 11

Son Wilhelm Friedemann back home for 4 weeks; concerts with lutenists Silvius Leopold Weiss and Johann Kropffgans of Dresden


Sep. 7

In Altenburg: dedication of organ at the Castle Church



Michaelmas Fair: publication of part III of the


Oct. 2

Resumes directorship of the Collegium Musicum


Nov. 7–14

Trip to Weissenfels with Anna Magdalena (no details known)


Apr. 17

Trip to Halle (no details known)



Aug. 5

Trip to Berlin, for at least one week (no details known)



Michaelmas Fair(?): publication of part IV of the


Nov. 17

Extended trip to Dresden (return on Nov. 17); visit with Count Keyserlingk 1742 Feb. 22 Daughter Regina Susanna baptized


May 13–20

Official state mourning period after the death of Empress Maria Amalia


Aug. 30

In Kleinzschocher: performance of BWV 212


Oct. 31

Johann Elias Bach leaves Leipzig and his post as private secretary to Bach and tutor of his children


Dec. 13

Organ examination at St. John's in Leipzig


Nov. 30–Dec. 25

Occupation of Leipzig by Prussian troops


Apr. 16

Son Wilhelm Friedemann appointed organist and music director of Our Lady's (Market) Church in Halle


Aug. 7

Organ examination in Zschortau, near Leipzig


Sep. 24–28

Organ examination in Naumburg, St. Wenceslas's Church


c. May 7–8

Trip to Potsdam and Berlin: visit with King Friedrich II of Prussia in Potsdam (May 7); organ recital in the Church of the Holy Spirit (May 8); visits new opera house in Berlin



Accepts membership in the Society of Musical Science (L. C. Mizler, secretary, present in Leipzig); contributes publication of
Canonic Variations,
BWV 769


Jul. 7

Dedication of
Musical Offering
, BWV 1079


Jul. 28

Start of major organ repairs at St. Thomas's



Michaelmas Fair: publication of
Musical Offering,
BWV 1079



Examination of renovated organ at St. Thomas's


Sep. 26

Grandson Johann Sebastian Bach, son of C. P. E. Bach, baptized in Berlin (Bach not present)


Dec. 21

Audition of town musicians


Jan. 20

Daughter Elisabeth Juliana Friederica marries Bach's former student Johann Christoph Altnickol


Apr. 2

Corresponds with Count Questenberg of Moravia


Apr. 4

Last performance of the
St. John Passion



Conference with organ builder Heinrich Andreas Cuntzius


May 6

Sale of a fortepiano to Count Branitzky of Poland


May 12

Gets involved in the Bidermann affair mid-May Hit by sudden critical illness


Jun. 8

Premature audition of Gottlob Harrer (capellmeister to Count Brühl in Dresden) for the cantorate at St. Thomas's, at the special request of the Saxon prime minister, takes place in the concert hall “Three Swans”


Oct. 6

Grandson Johann Sebastian Altnickol baptized in Naumburg (Bach not present); buried Dec. 21


Nov. 30

First Sunday in Advent: W. F. Bach performs his cantata Fk 80 in Leipzig



Appointment of son Johann Christoph Friedrich as court musician of Count Wilhelm of Schaumburg-Lippe in Bückeburg


Feb. 2

Purification (or Mar. 25, Visitation): C. P. E. Bach performs his Magnificat, Wq 215, in Leipzig


Mar. 28–31

First operation by the London eye surgeon Dr. John Taylor


Apr. 5–8

Second operation by Dr. Taylor


May 4

Arrival of Bach's last pupil, Johann Gottfried Müthel, in Leipzig


May 17

Whitsunday: Bach's assistant Johann Adam Franck appointed substitute and eventually interim cantor, through Sept. 1751


Jul. 22

After a stroke, receives last communion at home


Jul. 28

Death (age 65) at “a little after” 8:15


Jul. 31

Burial at St. John's Cemetery

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