Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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my eyes in the car because I know if I don’t, I won’t be able to keep them off of him. And I know there’s only one place that lingering looks in the dark and the unspoken friction of that backseat go. But I can still feel his gaze on me - I can feel it teasing and tingling across my skin like silk as I bite my lip and let the car take us into the night.

I drank too much. I drank too much and revealed too much, and let the control I usually have on these types of things slip completely away.

And it felt good.

I know I should be screaming with regrets right now. I know I should be fleeing this cab and this man sitting next to me, and burying my face in my hands in the horrible shame of what just happened back there at the restaurant.

But regret is the last thing I’m feeling right then. Instead, there’s only this teasing, sliding sensation creeping through my body. There’s a hunger inside - a wicked, inappropriate and yet undeniable hunger that comes roaring through me like a runaway train. It’s the whiskey floating through my veins, the heat of his gaze sensually moving over my skin, and the feeling that I never want this car ride to end.

But it does, of course.

The cab comes to a stop, but I keep my eyes closed, as if not quite ready to leave the fantasy of this ride. Holden says nothing, but I can hear his door opening, and a moment later, the one on my side gently opens.

I open my eyes.

“Mornin, darlin’.”

I blink, not even caring how dopey the blush on my face probably looks at his words.

Because I’ve already made up my mind.

"Can you walk?" he asks.

I nod, stepping out. Immediately, I stumble, and we both laugh, but as his hand slips around my waist, my laughter trails into something more resembling a gasp.

his hand feels good there hooked around my waist and resting on my hip.

“It’s my heels,” I mumble.

Holden grins. “Yeah it’s got nothing at all to do with the
of whiskey we just put down.”

“Not in the slight-” I hiccup again, rolling my eyes at my own horrible timing as he laughs.

I eye him with a half-cocked brow. “Okay, you can help me inside, but only if you admit I just drank your ass under the table.”

Holden snorts, but I can see damn well how uneasy
is on his feet, and the way his cheeks are as red and flushed as mine.

His eyes lock onto mine for a second, burning with something fierce and something not quite spoken yet.

“Oh, I
to walk you inside, do I? Is that my reward, making sure you don’t fall on your face?”

I grin at him. “Hey, take it or leave it, buddy.”

He snorts again as his hand tightens tantalizingly on my hip for a second, making my stomach flip-flop.

“Alright, let’s go, pipsqueak.”

I turn and balk at him with mock indignation.

“Did you just call me

Holden grins, his arm never leaving my waist. “I’m like literally twice your size. So,
, I did.”

I stick my tongue out at him, grinning drunkenly and feeling the flush of the moment and the booze flood through me.

“I think we already established you’re a big guy.”

“Not yet we haven’t.”

I stiffen, swallowing quickly and blinking rapidly at his smirking, totally smug face. I bite my lip, dragging my teeth across it as my eyes search his.

No. Bad. Stop thinking thoughts like that, you idiot.

But it’s impossible
to think thoughts like that around a man like him on a night like this. Everything about him
that he’s a terrible mistake waiting to happen, like a giant, flashing red no-smoking sign.

And yet I can’t walk away. I know right there on the front steps of the hotel that there’s no scenario here where I slip away from his grasp and firmly tell him goodnight.

Not a chance.

And so instead, we find ourselves giggling and half-tripping our way up the three steps to the hotel lobby. Holden holds the door for us both, grandly gesturing me through.

“So, this is you then.”

I curtsy dramatically, doing my best not to giggle again as I stroll through the door into the lobby. I make it all of one step without his arm around my waist before my heel catches something and I start to sprawl forward.

Strong arms catch me, pulling me up and tight against him.


I can feel the raw power in those arms, and the pulsing heat of his skin against mine as we stand there, tight against each other with our eyes dancing over the other’s.

He grins slowly. “Alright, you failed that test.”

I gasp in mock indignation, and slap at his arm.

It lingers, my fingers feeling an electric pull between us as they slide over the thick muscles of his arm beneath his shirt.

“What floor are you?” he asks in that deep, velvet tone. “I’ll walk you up.”

Yes, please.

But I stop for a second, my lip catching between my teeth again and my eyes darting across his with the last
of my self-control of the situation.

“You’re not as smooth as you think you are, mister.”

He leans forward suddenly, and my eyes flutter shut as I feel his breath hot against the crook of my neck.

“Yes I am,” he growls into my ear.


I absolutely melt against him as my knees go weak, my breath hitches in my chest, and my stomach jumps into my throat. His hands move around me, sliding over my body as his teeth graze across my earlobe.

He’s right - he is.

as smooth as he thinks he is, because it’s working. Because I want him. Because my body is on fire for this crude, cocky jock, even though I know it’s the worst idea ever.

The elevator ride up is a blur, with neither of us saying a thing. The doors open on my floor and we both exit in silence.

His arm never leaves my waist.

We arrive at my door, and I know it’s my last chance to stop this. I’m barely holding on to my rationalization anymore, but it’s as if this is my last chance to get off this ride before it’s too late to do so.

I look at the floor and take in a deep, slow breath of air before I force myself to look up at his face, as if it’s the last test of my will.

I look up, and he’s looking at me with such heat in his gaze that I already know it’s over.

Test failed,

“So, thank you for getting me here safely," I say heavily, my breath coming quick as I start to lose myself in those dangerously alluring eyes. I slide my card into the key-lock and push the door open slightly before I turn back to him.

His hand is still resting on my hip as I face him, feeling like I’m on the edge of a cliff. I blink once, feeling the floor sway beneath my feet as I glance over my shoulder at the room and then back to his face.

“But I'm not completely safe yet. It's still a long walk to my bed."

Holden’s jaw tightens, as does his hand on my hip, making me shiver deliciously.

“Careful, sugar,” he growls. “Kissin’ me is one thing, but I’m not sure we-”

“I’m a big girl,” I whisper, silencing whatever he was about to say.

His eyes flash, and his other hand comes up to join the first at my waist. He pulls me into him, and I gasp quietly as my palms go against his rock-hard chest.

“And I’m a big boy.”

“I thought that was yet to be decided?”

There’s exactly one more second of frozen silence before we crash together, hard.

I’m moaning loudly right there in the open doorway of my hotel room, as if finally letting out what I’ve been bottling inside. Holden growls into my mouth, his tongue pushing past my parting lips to claim mine as his arms scoop me into him.

I’m clinging to him, one hand up and around his neck as he bends down to kiss me. A hand slides from my waist down to my ass, his big hand cupping and kneading it before it suddenly tightens. I gasp into him as he lifts me up with one hand, pulling me up into him as he moves us into the room. My hands go around his neck, my legs tight around his waist as he slams the door shut and we tumble into the room.

I moan when my back hits the wall behind me, crushing my lips to his even harder as he presses that muscled body to my small frame. He’s slipping my dress up over my ass, and his hand moves between my legs. I moan as his fingers find me soaking wet through my panties, and he strokes one of those large digits up my seam through the material.

I groan and kiss him harder as he starts to tease me, rubbing me slowly through my panties as I pant into his mouth and move my hips against him. He finally moves to push them to the side, and I moan as one of those big, magical fingers slips easily inside.

I’m still in his arms, still not even touching the floor with my legs spread around his hips and my arms clinging to his neck as he curls his finger deep inside. I’m small, but I’ve never been with a man
big - a man that can just pick me up like this as if I weighed nothing while he draws the pleasure from my body.

Holden suddenly whirls, me still in his arms as he strides towards the bed in the middle of the room, and I gasp as he tosses me down on across it. My breath comes sharp, my hair wild and fanned out around me. I bite my lip, eyeing him as he peels his shirt off - that hard,
body of his coming into view as he moves onto the bed. He drops his pants, and my eyes lock onto the large bulge at the front of his jockey shorts.

large bulge.

He crawls up to me, his eyes locked on mine and that smug grin on his face. He kisses me again, his fingers slipping up into my hair and pressing his lips to mine hard
as he growls, like he’s claiming me. I moan, throwing my legs around his body and throwing my head back as his lips move down over my jaw and my neck, leaving sweet bruises and bites in their wake.

“This- this doesn’t change anything, you know,” I manage to get out as he lifts me, unzipping the dress and slipping it from body.

His eyes flash.

“Change anything like what?”

“I mean I’m still going to drive a hard negotiations process, you know.” I moan as he slips my bra off my shoulders and moves his mouth to my breasts. His lips wrap around a soft pink nipple, teasing it with his tongue as I gasp and run my fingers into his hair.

He chuckles darkly as he pulls my panties down over my hips and off my legs, before moving up to my neck again. I moan as his fingers slip between my lips and slide deep inside my dripping wet slit.

“You think I’d sleep with you to try and get a better
deal?” He arches a brow at me as he pulls away from my breast.

would that make me, huh?” He growls, his lips brushing my neck. “I think I’m insulted.”

“I doubt that,” I pant, biting my lip as his thumb works over my clit. “But just in case, I’m sorry for the insinuation -

I moan, arching my hips as he curls his fingers deep inside my pussy.

“Apology accepted,” he husks into my ear before sucking the lobe between his teeth. I can feel his cock throbbing hard against my thigh through his boxers.

“But if you’re really that bent out of a shape about it, I can think of a way for you to make it up to my poor, damaged ego.”

I close my eyes and grin as I bite my lip, feeling my chest rise and fall as the blood pounds through my ears.

“Oh? And what might that be,” I groan as his lips and tongue work over my neck while his fingers stroke slowly in and out of me.

He pauses, his lips hovering right by my ear.

“You’re going to spread those legs
,” he growls.

You’re going to
, not
I want you to.
There’s something about the demanding way he says it that has me
for him. There’s something about the way he commands me to do it that pulls at something deep inside of me, shattering every normal response I should have to that.

“You’re going to grab the backs of your knees.”

His slips a second finger inside of me, curling it up and forward alongside the first, and I gasp as the pleasure shivers through me.

“And then I’m going to lick that sweet pussy of yours with my tongue until you come all over my mouth.”

I’m lost in it all, barely aware of nodding and doing what he says as he moves between my legs. His large hands push my legs up and wide, and I grab ahold of them like he tells me to do. And part of me still wants to give him a piece of my mind for being so damn
, but when that tongue of his drags over my slit, I go to pieces.

And I’m undone.

I’m falling, gasping for air and moaning wildly as his wicked tongue coaxes me higher and higher, until I’m sure I’ll float away. And when he wraps his lips around my clit and swirls his tongue across it, and sends me crashing into my climax, I’m sure I actually might.

After that, he’s slipping his shorts down, and my eyes go wide at the thick cock that bobs into view. I’m moaning as I reach for him, pulling him into me as his lips crash against mine.

He scoops me up in his arms as he flips us over, my legs going astride his grooved, muscled hips. I’m stroking him, feeling him hot and throbbing against my thigh as his hands move over my ass.

The pulsing head of him is poised at my entrance when we freeze and glance up to lock eyes.

I bite my lip. “Do you…?”

“Fuck,” he growls, his jaw tightening before he shakes his head.

And I don’t know what in the
possesses me to say what I say next, but there it is, tumbling from my lips.

“I’m on the pill.”

His eyes flash as his cock pulses hot in my hand, right against my opening.

“I’m clean,” he says as he sits up, his hand holding my ass as I slowly rock my hips against him.

He must see the look on my face, because he shakes his head.

not use one,” he husks into my lips. “And I get tested all the damn time.”

His body is so hard, and so
, pressed against me like that. And I’m so wet, and so
for this that I find myself nodding. I find myself throwing every ounce of caution I have to the wind and tossing sense, reason, and self-control right out the window as I nod.

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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