Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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a serious moment of “smug” when the tight little scout walks off that field, after doing her damnedest to pretend she wasn’t doing everything in her power not to eye-fuck me.

Let’s run some drills, shall we?

. I’m not a trained little fucking monkey. I’m a fucking MVP. I’m a star. I’m not some groveling little bitch of a recruit begging for a job, and I
do crack-of-dawn practices.

Especially after killing a bottle of bourbon last night. I mean,
, a guy needs his recovery sleep.

But all-in-all, it’s a short-lived feeling of glory. Because deep down, I know I’m not
buying my own bullshit here. I might not be some newbie little groveling no-name, but I
need a job.


And I know deep down that I can complain and bitch and moan, and blame
for the debacle of a practice I just crashed though. But I’m not blind enough not to see that
was the one fucking up just now on that field.

And a hangover isn’t the only thing to blame.

I frown as I take another slug of sun-warmed water from my water bottle before grimacing and spitting it out.

Fuck. Why can I play in front of forty thousand people no fucking problem - hungover, or even half-drunk like most of the games at the end of last season. But throwing a fucking ball around with this one stuck-up chick watching me has me all off my game.

And she knew it too, which gets under my skin even more. I saw that little smirk on her face when I stole a glance at her after I fucked up that crossing-pass drill. I saw that smirk and I wanted to wipe it right off her lips.

Problem was, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do that by impressing her here on the field, or by showing her the best damn time she’s ever had somewhere like my bedroom. She’d be doing a whole lot more than smirking if she let me take control and put my hands all over her.

Or my mouth.

I scowl and shake my head. I’ve had a thousand girls, and there’s a thousand more out there
more eager to take a ride on my cock than London Jacobs. Hell, there are a thousand chicks out there far more eager to be in the same
as me than her.

I toss the warm water bottle aside as I grab my shirt off the table where I tossed it and start to yank it back on. This is just nerves is all; that’s what today was. This was letting the stakes at play here fuck with me; my desire to get the hell out of Denver and put the demons behind me screwing with my ability to see the road in front of me.

why I was fucking up today, not because some sassy-mouthed little cowgirl was watching me and
me with those stupid little spreadsheets of hers.


Like I said, there are a thousand other pairs of tits out there, and I do
need to get my head turned around by some tight-ass little number cruncher.

No fucking way.

* * *

’m leaving
the stadium later, still pissed, sweaty, and brooding, when Randy comes puffing up alongside me.

“Well that was
,” he curses loudly, shaking a fist at nothing in particular as he falls into step next to me. “Utter fucking bullshit. She had no damn right to spring an early morning practice like that on you without giving you time to warm up or anything. I don’t know how they do things down in Houston, but I’ve got fucking
for my clients, and that is the
time we’ll be entertaining a meeting with-”

It’s not until he suddenly goes quiet that I stop and look up, realizing I haven’t actually been listening to anything he said.


He makes a muttering sound.

“Holden, I said
LJ Jacobs and the Bulls. She had no right springing that on-”


He stops sputtering.

“Dude, I’ve worked with you long enough to know what you’re doing.” I give him a lopsided grin. “And thanks, but you can stop.”

He frowns.

“Look, we both know I fucked up those drills this morning because I got drunk as fuck last night. And we both know last season sucked, for the same fucking reason.”

“Last season did
suck, you just-”

“I was just drunk,
all the time
, Randy.” I level a look at him. “You know it, I know it, and the whole upper management here does too, which is why we’re having discussions like this in the first place. So, look, you can stop stroking my ego alright?”

He chews on it for a sec before he clears his throat and gives me a small grin. “Okay, okay; fine.”

“I set up a dinner with London for tonight to hash shit out. Let’s move forward with whatever the Bulls have for a starting offer.”

He raises a brow but nods. “Alright. So, at this little dinner tonight, we'll get her to dish a little more about the offer; see if we can get her to spill a little more about benefits, incentives, endorsements, and-”


He looks up to see me shaking my head at him slowly.

“There’s no ‘we’ tonight. It’s just me and her.”

He instantly changes his tune.


I laugh. “Dude, it’s going to be fine. I’m a big boy; I can handle myself.”

Randy dabs his forehead with a handkerchief as he pulls on his tie. “Yeah, I know
what you handle by yourself, pal. That’s what I’m fucking worried about.”

I grin. “Hey, I can behave.”

“No, you can’t.” Randy scowls as he shakes his head at me. “This is the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”

“Look, it’s not a contract negotiation, it’s just an informal thing so I can feel her out.”

Randy groans and I grin. “Dude, I can handle this. C’mon, you don’t trust me to say the right things?”

“I don’t trust you not to
sleep with
your future boss’s daughter,” he mutters.

I laugh and clap my manager on the back. “Randy,
. At the end of the day, scout or not, she’s a
.” I smirk. “And as much as she was trying to hide it, she was eye-fucking me just like every other chick does.”

I grin wolfishly as I grab my junk through my shorts. “You know what I mean.”

Randy drops his face into his hands and groans. “Jesus fucking Christ. Do you want this or not?”

I snort. “Oh, I wan-”

, champ, not plowing Archie Jacobs’s daughter.”

I laugh. “
? Fuck, Randy, no wonder you’re failing at Tinder.”

“Fuck you.” He glares at me. “Seriously though, losing team or not, Archie Jacobs holds
clout in the league. Do
cross him like that and stay the
away from his daughter, alright?”

I grin as I pop the door to my car and start to get in. “Relax, I’m just going to mess with her.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Holden, if you were my son, I’d have given you up for adoption.”

I laugh as I shut the door and roar off home.


nob Creek
, neat?”

I thank the bartender for the drink and knock it back in two gulps. Normally, I’m a sip and savor type of gal, but right now, I need something to calm my nerves.

Yeah, nerves;

I catch the bartender’s eye and motion for a second, smiling and thank her again before I turn back to watch the front entryway to the Woodside Grill. This is a power move, arriving early. Even if the other party is exactly on time - which I sincerely doubt Holden will be - they’re instantly on the defensive since you’ve “beaten them” there.

It sounds stupid, but it works.

I sip slower on this one - this round meant more for something to be holding when he walks in as opposed to the medicinal, nerve-calming last one. I might not have picked up my dad’s sense of “hunches” and “gut feelings”, but everything else is all him - including my love affair with good whiskeys.

That all said, this was a terrible idea. I shouldn’t be here, meeting Holden under these sort of conditions or in a place like this. I glance around the room with an approving look. He was right, this
a nice place. I’m suddenly more thankful than I thought I’d be of the cap-sleeved, thigh-length floral print Saint Laurent I packed at the last minute.

But that’s irrelevant, because this meeting should be happening in a
meeting room
somewhere, or his manager’s office, or literally anywhere else
a low-lit, romantic, oak and brick interior restaurant serving fifty-dollar entrees.

After the lingering looks, the lip-biting glances, and the forbiddingly hot little daydreams going through my head over the last two days since walking into Holden Cade’s physical therapy room?

Yeah, this “meeting” is a

I play with the hem of my skirt, nursing the whiskey and frowning as the minutes start to tick past seven-thirty.

So much for my little power-play.

Another minute goes by, then five more. At quarter till eight, just as I start to feel my blood boiling for being
stood up by an arrogant prick like Holden, I feel a hand on my hip.

“Sorry, sugar.”

I whirl, ready to give him a thick serving of “nice knowing you”, but that’s when I stutter and just
; my mouth going a little slack.


Okay, he cleans up good.

He cleans up

Holden Cade looked sinfully, deliciously, temptingly good in a towel. He looks downright irresistible in a dark blue suit and a crisp white shirt.

Horribly, unfairly, inappropriately irresistible.

He’s got the shirt open
button too many across his bare, inked chest, but instead of looking smarmy or Euro-trashy, it only serves to make him even more attractive. He’s clean-shaven, the dark hollows of his cheeks and the slightest hint of a cleft across that perfect chin smooth of the scruff he wore earlier. And he’s wearing…
that should be goddamn illegal because I’m
at him like he’s wearing some sort of drug.

His hand is still on my hip.

“Uh, hi.”

That’s literally what I say. Me, the power negotiator.

So much for my grand intro.

He grins at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners and those perfect lips parting across his pearl-white teeth like he’s
aware of his effect on me. Like he’s amused at getting me tripping over my own tongue and off my game.

I clear my throat and remember to breathe before I quickly push his hand away and frown at him.

, you’re late.”

He only grins wider. “I got stuck signing autographs outside.”

I note that it’s an explanation, not an apology.

“I’m sure.”

He laughs. “You know, when you’re a
team, people wanna be around you and wanna get your name written on posters or tits or whatever.” He winks at me. “You probably wouldn’t know that though, with the team you’ve got.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh is that what you were busy doing? Signing

“It’s not an easy move, you know. Requires a

And now I get what we’re doing at this dinner. Holden Cade thinks he can out-play me.

Game on, dick. Let the psychological warfare begin.

I lean in, smiling sweetly at him.

“Imagine what you could sign if you actually
a season?”

The grin drops from his face as I turn back to the bartender with a smug look on my face.

“We’ll take that table now.”

* * *

ou strike
me as a modifications chick.”

I arch a brow over the top of my menu across the table at Holden.

“Excuse me?”

He grins. “You know, modifications - to your order, I mean. You’re one of those girls who wants no onions, no gluten, baby kale salad instead of fries, dressing on the fucking side. Oh, and some sort of super sweet Chardonnay or a Bellini or something.”

I give him a look as he wags his brows at me across the table. “I’m right, aren’t I.”

“How on earth do you get dates when you act like this at dinner?”

Holden laughs. “Thought this was a business dinner, not a date.”

“Oh, it
,” I say, rolling my eyes into my water as I take a sip from the glass.

“Thanks for clarifying.” He grins. “And anyways, my ‘dates’ tend to skip the dinner part and go straight for dessert.”

I frown. “Why would you skip din-

I can feel the heat flush through my cheeks as I quickly look down at my menu. Holden just chuckles across the table from me.

A waitress appears, smiling at us both, and her eyes practically jumping out of her head as she’s realizes who’s sitting at the table.

“Oh my
, Holden Cade?” Her jaw goes slack as her whole body turns to
right in front of us.

Oh calm down, he just throws a ball for a living, sweetheart,
I mutter inside my head.

“The one and only,” Holden says with an easy grin, resting with his elbows on the table and leaning casually towards her.

“And what’s your name?”

“Oh, who, me?” The waitress’s voice wavers as she starts to gush.

I roll my eyes and desperately wish I still had a fresh drink in front of me.

“I’m just Karen,” she giggles, biting her lip and completely ignoring the fact that I’m
sitting at the table.

“My boyfriend
you,” she gushes out, still blushing and stammering. “Oh, I mean, uh, we
do, of course.”

Holden is just grinning at her stammering there in front of us like a fisherman might watch a fish flop on a line.

“Yeah?” He grins wider at her. “Well where’s your boyfriend tonight, Just Karen?”

She looks like she might
actually die
at the sound of her name from his lips.

I might
if I have to keep watching this.

“Oh, he’s- he went out of town with some friends. They went to a casino for a bachelor party.”

Holden makes a tsking sound. “And he left you here all alone?” He shakes his head. “His loss, huh?”

Before Karen
has an aneurysm right in front of our table, and before I gag myself with my salad fork, I loudly clear my throat.

“We could, uh,
?” She turns to me abruptly as if just realizing there’s someone else at the table.

“You know, if you think you’re going to be okay?”

She blushes furiously, darting her eyes back to Holden for a second. He flashes her another dazzling smile and nods, as if giving her permission.

“Oh, yeah! Sure!” Karen whirls back to me, all smiles with her cheeks still bright pink.

Holden grins at me across the table. “She’s going to have some sort of really boring salad with literally every ingredient changed to something even more boring.”

Karen raises an eyebrow at me. I only smile benignly, ignoring Holden.

“I’ll have a porterhouse, medium rare, extra onion soubise,
on top.” I frown dramatically and tap my finger against my chin. “Oh, and what comes on the side of that?”

“The chef serves it with a side of bistro fries, but we could always substitute a kale-”

“Fries sound wonderful,
, Karen.”

She nods quickly, writing down the order.

“Anything to drink with that? We have a wine list I could show-”

“You know, I think I saw a
nice looking bottle of the Pappy Van Winkle 23-year Special Reserve bourbon behind your bar earlier?”

Both her and Holden’s brows shoot up.

“Yes ma’am, we do?”

I smile. “Wonderful. I’ll have one of those neat with little splash of water on the side.”

Karen turns back to Holden, but he’s not grinning and mooning at her this time. He’s staring at me with what just might be a begrudgingly impressed look on his face.

Take that

” he says, still looking right at me with an intrigued look in his eyes. “So much for that theory.”

He clears his throat and looks up at Karen. “I
going to do a salad, but I have a feeling I’ll regret ordering that now.”

I resist the urge to laugh out loud.

“I’ll do your salmon filet, light on the oil, with steamed vegetables on the side.”

I stare at him.

He avoids my eyes.

“Anything to drink Mr. Cade?”

Holden shakes his head. “Nah, just a bottle of sparkling water if you have it.”

I wait until Karen walks away to snort loudly across the table.

Holden shrugs. “What?”

Are you fucking kidding me?”

He frowns. “What, it’s healthy.”

“You’re unbelievable.” I shake my head at him.

Sparkling water?

The word forms on my lips but I swallow it back.

Holden bursts out laughing. “Were you seriously just about to call me a pussy?”

I shrug. “Well,
, actually. After the shit you just gave me about salads and dressing on the side and

“Whatever,” he says with a frown. “I’m being good. I’m supposed to be training right now.”

I snort. “Oh, agreed, you
should be training after what I saw earlier.

He arches a single eyebrow at me, looking half amused and half irked.

I grin.

“You know, I’ve heard stories about the famous ballbreaker LJ Jacobs.”

Karen arrives with his Perrier and my stupidly expensive bourbon, and I raise my glass in a half-toast as I smile at him.

“Living up to expectations?”

“I thought you were a dude.”

I swallow a luxurious sip of whiskey. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“Believe me, you’re not.”

The glass freezes against my lips for a second as my eyes dart up over the rim to lock with his. He holds them like that for a moment.

“You know what, fuck it, we’re celebrating.”

He turns and scans the room for Karen.

“Oh are we?”

Holden’s face breaks into a cheeseball grin as he sees her across the room and nods, pointing to my glass and holding a finger up.

He turns back to me. “Sure, we’re celebrating me joining your little shit team.”

I bristle, my jaw tightening.

“I haven’t actually
you the job yet, you know.”

Holden winks at me. “You will.”

“Keep it up.”

He chuckles. “I’m just messing with you, you know.

Karen returns with his drink and stammers something incredibly awkward about Holden’s “excellent choice in whiskey” when I realize that somehow, my glass is empty.

“Oh, and I’ll take a refill, Karen.”

She’s about to scurry away again when Holden stops her with a hand on her arm that she literally might not ever wash again.

“Better make it two,” he says, his eyes never leaving mine.

I raise a brow, smirking as Karen leaves again.

“Trying to play catch up?”

Holden shrugs, grinning at me. “Depends, how far back am I?”

This is a dangerous game.

This is a terrible game.

Why am I even
this game?

“I’ve had a few.”

No, idiot. Shut this down.

I remind myself for the tenth time that this is a
dinner, not a date. And going toe-to-toe on drinks with him is
appropriate for a business dinner.

He laughs. “That a fact, huh? A few?”

Karen returns with two more glasses of the Pappy Van Winkle, and Holden turns to flash her a smile.

“You know what, Karen?” He turns back to me, holding my gaze. “Just go ahead and bring the whole bottle of whatever we’re drinking.”

Karen’s eyes go wide.

So do mine.

“Mr. Cade, that’s a Pappy Van Winkle 23-year Special Reserve.”

Holden arches a brow at me, before he turns back to Karen.

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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