Jennifer's Surrender (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Jennifer's Surrender
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It was an odd
feeling walking through someone else’s house completely naked. I made my way
down the back stairs as I wasn’t yet familiar with his house and knew that
these would lead me to the kitchen directly. Once there, I stood and looked
around. I had no idea where anything was, and even though I hadn’t eaten the
night before, after this morning’s events, I had lost my appetite. Yet I still
did as I was told, not wanting to disappoint? Not wanting to go back on my
word? I’m not sure what it was in me, but I stayed and made breakfast. I found
the coffee beans, grinder and coffee maker and started coffee. His refrigerator
was well stocked. I wasn’t sure what would be an acceptable breakfast for him,
but I rinsed some berries and put them into a bowl, toasted bread, and made
some eggs.

As I was lost
in my own thoughts, facing the stove and listening to the crackle of the eggs,
I jumped when I felt his hands wrap around my waist, his mouth nuzzling against
my neck as he whispered, “Mmmm, thank you, Jennifer. I’m starving.” He gave me
a playful nibble on my earlobe and before releasing me said warmly, “I like
seeing you naked in my kitchen. You’re a lovely sight.”

Just that
touch, that embrace, and those words somehow washed away the coldness from
before. I cleared my throat and said meekly, “Thank you, Sir.”
When I turned to face him, he was a
different man, leaning against the counter, looking at me with appreciative eyes
and a slight smile. He was wearing a t-shirt and cotton pants that hung low on
his hips. God damn, he was sexy. “Um, I wasn’t sure what you’d like so it’s
just eggs and toast and some berries and coffee.”

“That sounds perfect, dear.” He said, not
taking his eyes off me as I slid the eggs onto a plate.
Maybe he’s just grumpy when he first wakes up
, I wondered as I
turned around and put his plate on the table. His brow furrowed as he looked at
his plate and then back to me. Did he not like the way I prepared his eggs?
“Where is your breakfast?” he asked sternly.

“Oh, um, I had kind of lost my appetite.”
I looked down, not sure why I felt like I needed to apologize.

“And why is that?” he asked as he sat
down. I came over to pour him coffee, considering my response.

“I, I didn’t like the way you treated me
this morning.” There, I said it.


I looked at
him like he couldn’t possibly be serious, but obviously, he was. “I felt used.
Like I was just a hole and it was all about your pleasure.” He took a bite as I
talked, and I was feeling more and more unsure as the words came out.

“It was.” He said matter of factly. “I
told you that you’d get to come later, and you will, but I felt like fucking
you, so I did.” Well, that’s that. And there wasn’t anything I could argue
with. Those were the facts. He didn’t try to make any excuses.

“How could you be so warm and caring last
night, and so cold and distant this morning?” I asked incredulously.

He chuckled,
“Jennifer, I put you over my knee and spanked you. I teased you until
I let
you come. I beat you with a riding
crop. And I strung you up and chained you so you couldn’t move last night. A
lot of people wouldn’t define that as warm and caring.”

Fuck, this man
was going to win this argument. I had absolutely no comeback. Not to mention
that I was trying to have a discussion and stand my ground while buck-naked. I
was way out of my league.

“You’re right. I should go.” I said and
started to walk out of the kitchen.

“If that’s what you want.” He said,
letting it linger, and then added, “I thought you were interested about
exploring the lifestyle.”

“I thought I was too. But maybe I’m just
not cut out for it.” I said, looking mostly at the floor. Suddenly, I was very,
very cold and reflexively wrapped my arms around my waist.

“I think you’re completely cut out for
it, little bird. There’s no question in my mind that you need someone to submit
to. And I’d like to be that someone. But submission means just that. You must
give up all control without questioning why I do something. If I want to fuck
you hard this morning just for my pleasure, then you submit to it, without
attaching bad feelings to it.”

“You make it sound so easy. So clear
cut.” I said softly, feeling my will evaporate.

“It is, sweetheart. It’s easier than most
relationships. Especially for the submissive. You don’t have to think at all.
You just have to trust me.” His voice had taken on such a sincere tone. And
then suddenly, it became sexy as he laughed and said, “Well, you have to trust
please me, which you do,
Jennifer.” I could feel my face heat up as he said that last part. “You put all
your trust in me yesterday. You trusted me to pleasure you, to push you and to
care for you. If you hadn’t trusted me, it wouldn’t have been as good as it
was. It wouldn’t have happened at all. Do you understand that?” he was so
earnest, and right, I had trusted him, not just in caring for me, but somehow I
trusted that he knew what I needed. I nodded to his question.

“Come here, little bird.” He was back to
being tender. I walked over to him and he looked at the floor next to his
chair. I knew what that meant and clasped my hands behind my back as I stepped
backwards, lowering myself to my knees. I couldn’t bear to look up at him I was
so mortified that I was following his orders just minutes after I was ready to
walk out. I could feel tears welling up, mad at myself for that too. I tried to
hold back but I couldn’t and I started crying, sobbing, my whole body was
shaking. He started stroking my hair, consoling me, “That’s right, let it out,
it’s ok little bird. I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’s going to be so
good. It’s going to be so good for you. It’s what you need.” he continued
stroking my hair and comforting me until I finally stopped. I couldn’t remember
the last time I had sobbed like that, and I’m not sure if anyone, ever,
comforted me like that.

After he
handed me his napkin, I blew my nose and let out one final sigh. “Thank you,
Sir.” I said as I looked up at him through bloodshot eyes.

“You’re welcome. Now, Jennifer, please
make us some fresh breakfast, as this has gotten cold. And make enough for both
of us. You need to eat. I have plans for you today and I can’t have you
fainting on me. At least not because you haven’t eaten.” He smiled and winked.


Master had a
way of making me feel a hundred different emotions within the span of a few
minutes. When I look back to that first weekend with him, this was true from
the very start. I’m not sure how he was able to make me feel like a little
child one minute, and a sexy slut the next. I don’t know if it’s a character
defect on his part or my own that makes him so manipulative or me so easily
manipulated. Perhaps that’s how we ended up together. Opposites attract, they
say. I suppose that couldn’t be more true in the case of D/s relationships. Even
before I started with him, I couldn’t have manipulated anyone even if I wanted
to. Now, certainly not. But it’s second nature to him. I know it’s all about
control. And, at that, he is an expert.


Maybe it was
because he was older. Maybe it was because he knew what he liked. Maybe it was
because he wanted to push me. And maybe, it was a combination of all of these
things. But for someone who preached patience, we were moving quickly. Perhaps
he was trying to gauge my experience. I couldn’t believe I had only been with
him for less than a day so far. Everything that we did the day prior and this
morning was so intense that it felt like what would normally take dates upon
dates to experience was compressed into one date.

And it wasn’t
just what we did that made me feel like this whole thing was moving so quickly.
It was what I felt with someone I barely knew. It was both the range and the
depth of emotions that was so remarkable. So overwhelming.

breakfast he asked, “is there any specific time you need to be home?” I shook
my head. “Good.”

“What’s your experience with anal sex?”
he asked in the same way other people might ask, “Have you ever played golf?” I
had to stifle my laugh.

“Um, none?” I said, somehow embarrassed
that I wasn’t more experienced. So I threw in, “Jim tried to put a butt plug up
me a couple times, but it hurt too much.”

He smiled,
“Did you use any lube?” I shook my head and he sighed.

“Am I disappointing you?” I asked

“Oh, no, Jennifer. Not at all. I’m just
surprised, that’s all.”

“I don’t think most of my friends have
had anal sex.” I said, trying to make him understand that his way was the
exception, not the rule.

“Perhaps. But for someone like you, at
your age…” he trailed off.

“What is someone like me, exactly, Sir?”
I was a bit miffed, but still knew my manners around him.

“Well, you performed beautifully last
night. You completely submitted to me and let me restrain you and whip you
without even a question. Anal sex and anal play is a big part of the lifestyle,
and someone who is such a natural submissive, I would have assumed you would
have submitted to someone who wanted to try that with you.”

I couldn’t
help but be filled with pride and warmth at the thought that I did well in his
eyes. “No one’s ever really tried that hard.” I said sheepishly.

“I highly doubt I’ll have to try hard at
all.” He said with a smile, which I returned, now eager for whatever was in


Of course, Master
was right. He didn’t have to try hard with anything when it came to me giving
in to him. It’s so hard for me to look back and remember what I was like before
I became who I am now, but I wonder if there was something he saw in me that
was so obvious to him that I would be such an easy mark.


“But you’re so big, Sir.”

“Why thank you, Jennifer.” He said
proudly. I wasn’t even trying to give him a compliment. I was seriously worried
about his cock going up my ass. I rolled my eyes. Typical man. There were very
few times I actually thought
about him.

“Like with other things, we’ll work up to
it, though you’ve already surprised me, so I have a feeling we might get there
sooner than either of us thought.” His expression made it clear, his cock was
likely going to be up my ass sooner than later. And I couldn’t help but be

We walked down
to the playroom, my excitement building with each step we took. Once inside, I
was reminded of the intensity of the day before. Instead of being afraid, I
couldn’t wait to get started. I think like a lot of women, I had heard and read
about amazing sex and mind-blowing orgasms, but had never experienced them. Up
until now, I just assumed my body wasn’t built that way, wasn’t sensitive
enough or something. I had felt like I was missing out but figured, I’d had
‘good enough’ sex, how good could ‘great’ be? That question was answered the
day before, and I believed Sir when he said it was just the tip of the iceberg…

He went to
what looked like a padded saw horse. It had two, smaller leather pads on either
side with leather straps on them, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to
figure out what went where. He patted the top and said gleefully, “come here
and straddle this.”

I’m not sure
where my giddy bravado came from, but I replied, “If I had a dime for every
time I heard that…” which earned me a playful swat of my ass.

I did as I was
told and straddled the thin padded bench. I had to climb up a bit as the bench
itself was at waist height for him. “Scoot back a bit, dear, so that your pussy
is hanging off the edge.” He said so nonchalantly, I again had to stifle a
giggle as I moved down. “I’m going to strap your legs and arms to the legs of
the bench.” He said as he started securing my right thigh so that it was almost
parallel with my body, obviously making it so that my backside was spread open.
Just the simple act of him strapping me down was getting me wet, and I knew
he’d soon see that as I would be completely exposed.

He secured my shins
so they and my thighs were parallel to my torso. Then a strap over my waist.
And more straps securing my arms. I couldn’t move at all. A tiny bit of panic
overcame me but as soon as it did, he started soothing me, reassuring me,
“Breathe, little bird. You’re safe. I’m here and I’m going to take such good
care of you. You’re going to love this, I promise. We’ll go slow.” His tone was
soft and calm as he was gently stroking my body, my ass, my legs, my back. As
he talked and rubbed my skin, my breathing came back to normal. “Good girl,
just relax. All you have to do is what I tell you.”

“Yes, Sir.” I said softly. His voice was
melodic and lulled me into surrendering to him.

“Mmmm, I love hearing that from you.” he
said as his finger started exploring my pussy, “You like being restrained.
You’re already so wet.”

This time, my
voice was barely audible, “Yes, Sir.” And I heard him laugh softly and then
felt cool liquid on my anus, which I assumed was lube. He rubbed it around the
opening with one finger as he continued to play with my pussy with another. He
slowly inserted one finger into my ass and I moaned. It slid in so easily,
there wasn’t any of the burning that there had been when Jim tried to put the
butt plug in. I now understood the value of lube.

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