Jennifer's Surrender (6 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Jennifer's Surrender
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I looked down
and said softly, “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Jennifer, look at me.” I lifted my eyes
to his. “We don’t know each other, yet. And there’s much that you don’t know
about what I like to do. Until I have a sense of your limits and experience,
it’s my responsibility to go slowly with you. This is for both of our pleasure,
little bird, remember that. I will push you, but we need to have a baseline
first. And I will teach you, which by the way, I am very much looking forward
to. But if you’re a sarcastic little tart, then I might find it necessary to go
faster than I intend. And, Jennifer, it’s not going to be me who will be on the
receiving end of those punishments. Do you understand?”

My heart was
pounding so hard I could barely even hear what he was saying. I knew my cheeks
and chest were bright red and I could feel how just those words affected me. In
all the time I had been with Jim, I never felt the pool between my legs that
this brief conversation brought on. Intellectually, I should have hated him
scolding me like a little girl. But my body loved it. I nodded and whispered,
“Yes, Sir, I understand.”

“Good. Now, take off all your clothes.”


Looking back,
I now realize that Master always said exactly what he meant. If I were to parse
his words, there would never be any question that he was completely truthful
and honest in every intention, every command. Perhaps in the beginning, I only
heard what I wanted to. But he was so precise in his word choice, I now know it
must be intentional. It must take so much self-control to be so specific as to
what he did and didn’t say. But it also gives him an out. He can always point
back to a conversation, repeating exactly what he said as his defense that he
told me clearly what I was in for.


I was like a
deer in the headlights. It wasn’t like I didn’t know that at some point along
the way, I’d be naked with him, but geez, this man moved quickly. And, just
like with dinner the other night, he really didn’t beat around the bush at all.

And there was
something so illicit, so nerve-wracking, so exciting, about taking my clothes
off in front of him. It’s a very different sensation than how it usually
happens. A dinner date, a few glasses of wine, a cocktail or two, and ending up
with some guy in semi-darkness, undressing each other. This was almost the
antithesis of that. It was daylight. I’d had a few sips of wine. And I had an
audience. And as nervous as I was, I couldn’t have been more turned on.

He sat
impassively, expectantly, waiting. With shaky hands, I put my wine glass down
on the table and slid off my clogs. Maintaining eye contact with him, I stood
up, and lifted my shirt over my head, dropping it onto the chair behind me. I
reached around my back and unclasped my bra, feeling my blush more feverish now
and knowing my chest must be pink. I didn’t have to look down to know that my
nipples were completely hard. I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, and slid
them, along with my g-string off, trying to step out of them as gracefully as
possible, and then put them over on the chair.

I had never
been embarrassed about my body, in fact, I was rather proud of it. I worked
hard at staying in shape, exercising regularly, and it showed. Even though I
was 36, I still had the same body, and fit into the same jeans, as when I was
in my early 20s.

“You have a lovely body, Jennifer.” His
voice must have dropped an octave.

“Thank you, Sir.” I whispered. I was
surprised I was able to get that out at all.

“Now, come over here, kneel down, and lay
your body across my lap.”

“Yes, Sir.” Again, I whispered. I
wondered if he could see my heart beating, it was pounding inside my chest so
hard. I walked over to him on shaky legs, grateful that it
was only a few steps, and then, as
gracefully as possible, took a step back with one knee, steadied myself, and
then put the other down. I had to lift back up a bit to lay myself across him.

“Scoot a bit more so your breasts are
hanging over the other side of my thigh. You may rest your hands on the floor.”
He commanded as he started rubbing my ass. I wiggled a bit to get in the
position. “Good, girl. Now spread your legs for me.” I did, and you would have
thought I had just run a marathon, I was panting so hard. There was something
so naughty, so erotic about all of this, and he had barely even touched me.

I was
completely exposed, feeling the sun and his hands on my body warmed me like
nothing I had ever felt before. With his left hand, he was rubbing my ass so
tenderly, and the backs of my thighs, my back… and his right hand had reached
under and grabbed my right breast. He started rubbing the nipple between his
thumb and forefinger, increasing the pressure, I knew my pussy was getting
wetter and wetter. And I knew that he would soon feel it.

Then suddenly,
his left hand lifted off of me and I felt a whoosh of air before it landed on
my ass. As it did, he squeezed my nipple harder. I flinched. Then he spanked
the other cheek. He went back and forth, varying the exact position so that he
wouldn’t hit the same place twice. Every time his hand landed, he’d squeeze my
nipple, so it was a combination of pain and pleasure at the same time, even
though he was now pinching my nipple so hard that it was starting to become
painful too. But the overall sensation was so hot, so erotic, I was starting to

“I. Think. Someone. Likes. Being.
Spanked.” he said, punctuating each word with a swat.

“Oooh, yeesss.” I moaned, then he hit me
really hard.

“Yes what?” he slapped me again.

“Yes, Sir!”

“Good girl.” He said as he rubbed my now
burning ass. “Like I said, I wasn’t planning on punishing you today, or even
this weekend, but it seems to me that you needed this.” I was panting so hard,
it was like I couldn’t get enough air. And I couldn’t believe what came out of
my mouth next,

“Thank you, Sir.” Yes, I just thanked him
for spanking me. I don’t know what came over me, but it did feel like I needed
it. I think I heard him chuckle, as he continued to stroke my ass, which felt
so good, I started unconsciously moving my hips.

“Stay still, little bird.” And I stopped
my hips, but I was so horny I thought I might explode. As if he read my mind he
dipped a finger in my sopping wet pussy. “Oh my, Jennifer, you
like being spanked. Well now, that’s
a problem.” He said as he leisurely circled my opening, running his fingers up
and down my lips, just enough to get me more and more frustrated but not nearly
enough friction or pressure to get me off.

“Do you know what the problem is with
this, Jennifer?” he asked as he continued to tease my pussy which had become so
wet I could hear his fingers playing.

“No, Sir.” I said between heavy breaths.

“Well, Jennifer, I was trying to ease you
into punishment, but based on how your body’s reacting, I don’t think it felt
like punishment at all, now did it?”

“No, I guess not, Sir.” I couldn’t help
but smile a bit, and I could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke next.

“Hmmm, then I guess this is going to have
to be your punishment, little bird.” I instinctively tried to look up but his
hand kept me down, “Do you know what your punishment is going to be then,
Jennifer?” Every time he said my name, it felt like there was something more,
it was laced with innuendo.

“No, Sir?” I almost asked, with

He chuckled
again, “I’m going to just keep rubbing your pussy like this, giving you a
little stimulation, but not nearly enough to put you over the edge. Now that
sounds like punishment to me, doesn’t it?”

The thought of
him just teasing me was unbearable, I was so on fire, “Oh, Sir, please.”

“Please what?”

“Please, more.”

“You’ll have to be more specific,
Jennifer. More what?”

“Please, finger fuck me till I come all
over your hand Sir, pleeeese. You’re driving me crazy.”

He slapped my
ass hard for that one, “Jennifer, you have no idea what latitude I’m giving you
right now. Allowing you to have a say in what we’re doing. Do not tell me that
I’m driving you crazy. You have no idea how much farther I could push you.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“I know that, dear. But you’ll learn. And
to teach you a lesson, I’m not going to let you come right now.”

I started to
say something, to protest, but I somehow knew that would just make things worse,
so I lay there. He obviously felt me inhale and then exhale. When I didn’t
speak he said, “Very nice control, Jennifer. Very impressive. I promise you,
you will be rewarded for such control. I will let you come, later. And you’re
going to be glad I made you wait, trust me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now, up you go.”

I started to
stand and my legs were wobbly. He steadied me by putting his hands on my hips.
A smile came over his face as I was now facing him, my pussy almost at the same
level as his head. “I like how smooth you are, Jennifer. Come here. Kneel on
the arm rests.” I did as I was told, the teak wood hard on my knees, but I soon
forgot that pain as my sex was now an inch from his mouth. “Closer, let me
taste you.” I inched forward and let out a gasp as his tongue licked my clit.
My hands fell to the back of the chair and his hands grabbed my ass as his
mouth started exploring my wet pussy.

I moaned and
pressed my hips into his face. His hands grabbed my ass hard, silently letting
me know that he was the one to control the pace, not me. “I’m sorry, Sir.” I
said breathlessly. Then he started sucking on my clit, as he sucked and circled
it with his tongue, he took one finger and slid it inside me. I wanted so badly
to grind on it but I knew he didn’t want me to move. I moaned louder, then he
slid another finger in and started going in and out, in and out, as he did
that, he sucked harder on my clit, his tongue had found its rhythm and I stared
feeling my orgasm rising. Then he pulled his mouth away.

“Sir?” I panted, not sure what I did
wrong to make him stop doing that.

“Now, Jennifer, how would this be
teaching you a lesson if I let you come?”

“Oh, please Sir, please, I’m so close.
Please let me come.” I couldn’t believe I was begging this man.

“I don’t know. I don’t think you’ve
learned anything yet. Can you tell me what you’ve learned? If you can, I might
let you come.”

I racked my
brain, “Um, um…” I was smiling. He cocked his head to the side and raised his
eyebrows, considering my arguments. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Is something
funny, Jennifer?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe I’m
actually negotiating with you, with my pussy in your face, arguing the merits
of making me come.”

“You’re right. This shouldn’t be a
negotiation.” And with that, he lifted my hips and set me down so I was
standing on the ground. I was about to argue, but I knew there was no point in
it. “I think we’ve both learned something here today.”


“I’ve learned that I’ve already been far
too lenient on you. Of course, you’re a novice, but it’s clear, you’re ready
for much more than I would have ever expected. And you, you’ve learned that you
don’t have a say. Now then, since you’re so
I’ll have you sit like a proper sub. You may use your clothes to kneel on.”

I was
momentarily dumbfounded. Then, like a good little sub, I folded my jeans on the
ground and knelt on them, facing him.

“Clasp your hands behind your back, put
your shoulders back and spread your knees. Wider. Good girl. Now, from now on,
unless I tell you otherwise, this is how you will kneel. Do you understand?”

I was
mortified and dejected, “Yes, Sir.”

“Jennifer, look at me.” His tone had
completely changed, from hard and stern to soft and warm. I looked up. For some
reason, I had tears in my eyes. I think it was the emotional roller coaster of
it all. “Little bird, this is part of it. Sometimes, your punishment isn’t
going to be in the form of pain, but rather a lesson.”

All I could do
was whisper, “But why?” he looked at me sternly, and I corrected myself, “Why,

“You’re the one who convinced me you
understood the concept of surrendering, Jennifer. If you surrender to me, that
means in everything. You don’t question what I tell you to do. You trust that I
will take care of you. I understand that it’s not an innate reaction to someone
who’s never submitted to anyone before. But that’s the only way a relationship
with me will work, little bird. I’m not interested in negotiating.”

I don’t know
why I wanted this, or him so badly, but already, the thought of not being with
him seemed worse than trying things his way. I couldn’t remember ever wanting
anyone so much, and I barely even knew him. But I was terrified that I would be
missing out on something, someone, who I thought could open a whole world to

“I’m sorry for questioning you. Please
forgive me. I want to try. I want to learn. And I want you to teach me, if it
pleases you, Sir.” I knelt there, as still as possible, quieting my body.

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