Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (38 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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Sitting next to him on the bed, she moved the hair off his drenched forehead. “How do you feel?”

In a low, raspy voice, he said, “Like fuckin’ shit. Damn, my left side is killing me. I think my ribs are cracked or broken.” He grimaced when he shifted his weight.

Fighting back her tears, Cherri whispered, “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry for causing you all this pain. I fuck everything up.”

Lifting himself up more, he yelled, “Ow, fuck!” then he settled down, streams of sweat running down his face. “I’m in pain ’cause I betrayed the club and got what I deserved. I made a bad choice, and the brothers were right in beating the shit outta me. Enough said. I’ll heal, and our life will go on. Fuck, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. I love you.” Grunting in pain as he leaned forward, he fell back against the headboard, exhausted from the effort.

Before she could say anything, a knock on the open door stopped her. Turning around, she saw a man in his fifties standing in the doorway. With a curt nod, he said, “I’m the doctor.” Walking toward the bed, he motioned Cherri to move. She got up and let him examine Jax. “You want to stick around while I stitch and patch him up?” he asked as he threw a sideways glance at her.

“Stitch him up? Is he in a bad way? I mean, he looks horrible.”

Opening up his medical bag and laying out his instruments, the doctor answered, “He’ll live. He’s got some cuts that need stitching, some bandages and ointment can handle the others, and from the sound of his breathing, he’s got a few broken ribs, and possibly a bruised or collapsed lung.”

Gasping, Cherri clutched her aching stomach to keep from vomiting.

“It sounds worse than it is. I’ll get him on the path to recovery.” Diverting his attention to Jax, the medicine man said, “You’re going to be in a lot of pain for about two weeks, but you should heal okay. I was told not to give you anything for the pain.”

“What? That’s fuckin’ crazy! You gotta give him some pain meds,” Cherri yelled.

“Just doing what I was told. So, you want to stay and watch?”

Before Cherri answered, Jax said in a heavy voice, “Go on and get out, sugar. I’ll be fine.”

Going over to the other side of the bed, she leaned over and kissed him gently on the forehead then dropped her mouth to his ear. “I love you madly,” she whispered as she squeezed his hand. She left the room quickly, not wanting Jax to see or hear her crying.

After going downstairs, she went into the great room. The moment she came into the room, a silence fell all around her, making her uncomfortable. “What the fuck are you doin’ in here?” one of the members asked in a hard voice.

“Waiting for the doc to fix Jax,” she said, defiance shining in her blue eyes.

Grumbling echoed around her, and she held up her hand to silence them. When they stopped bitching, she said, “What happened to Jax is club business, and I’m not here to take it apart. I
here to take my man home to nurse him as he heals. I don’t give a fuck if you want me to or not. He’s comin’ home tonight, and I need a couple of you to help me get him in my car. Are there any volunteers?”

Looking at the stony-faced men, Cherri threw up her hands in exasperation. Deciding she’d have to manage on her own, she started walking toward the front door but before she reached it, Chas blocked her way. She met his look, with her chin tilted high in the air and her shoulders pushed back while a fluttery feeling consumed her chest. “You gonna fight me on this?” she said in a challenging voice.

“Nah, just gonna help you get him in the car,” Chas said.

Axe stepped forward. “Let’s go up and get him so we can haul his busted ass outta here.”

As the two members made their way upstairs, two other brothers, PJ and Jerry, stood by the doorway, waiting for Jax to be brought down.

After about an hour, Chas and Axe came down, supporting Jax’s weight with an arm around his waist. Stumbling, Jax cursed as each bump or misstep made his battered body ache. Watching him come toward her, Cherri thought he looked like Frankenstein with all the bandages and stitches. As the guys dragged him past her, she reached out and stroked his cheek. A tiny smile played on his stitched lip.

The four men helped get Jax in the car then followed Cherri home so they could help him upstairs into her room. After they had the patient settled in, they left the house. They never said one word to Jax or to Cherri.

Closing the door behind them, Cherri sprinted upstairs to the bathroom. Finding her emergency stash of Hydrocodone, she grabbed a glass of water, went into the bedroom, and gave the pills to Jax.

“I’m taking care of you, baby, and I’m not gonna let you suffer. You took the beatin’, and that’s enough. I’ll stick with you until you’re a hundred percent healed.” Cradling his head in her lap, she stroked his hair until the pills took effect and he fell asleep.

Chapter Thirty-Two

One month later

he warm glow
of colorful trees lit up the landscape of a quaint, residential neighborhood as Jax slowed his Harley down. Cherri, hands splayed across his chiseled stomach, took in the brick houses set back on manicured lawns lined with large elm and blue spruce trees. The ruffling wind scattered the bold red and orange leaves down the sidewalks. As Jax stopped in front of a two-story brick house with a massive porch, Cherri wondered who they were visiting. She’d never been to this part of Pinewood Springs. She knew the area—it was the nicer part of town, but she never had an occasion to go there. Looking at the house, she noticed it was set back from the street, and the front yard had a weeping willow tree on the left and a big shady elm tree on the right. Both trees were ablaze in a tapestry of vivid color.

Jax killed the ignition then hopped off the bike. Holding out his hand, Cherri grasped it and, while getting off the Harley, she asked, “What’re we doin’ here? You got business with some folks here?”

“Wanted to see how you like this house.” His boyish grin melted her heart.

When they arrived at the front door, Jax put a key in the lock and the large wood and stained glass door swung open. Pulling Cherri inside, Jax closed the door behind them. A sweeping staircase showcased the large foyer and emphasized the tall ceilings. Tugging her along, they entered a large living room then a dining room before going into a beautifully rendered gourmet kitchen, which opened into a family room replete with a large stone fireplace. An office and a bathroom finished the first floor. The second floor had four bedrooms and three full bathrooms.

Taking it all in, Cherri loved the feel of the house, a cozy ambiance covering her like a favorite blanket. The finished basement with a laundry room and a large backyard complete with a playset finished off the house.

“So, what do you think?” Jax asked.

“It’s beautiful. I love it. It has a real homey feel. To me, it gives off good vibes.”

“Would you like to live here?”

“Who wouldn’t? Maybe someday. It’s good to have dreams and goals.”

Drawing her flush to him, Jax buried his head in her soft hair and said, “Sweetness, this
our house. I put an offer in a few days ago, and it was accepted. I wanted to surprise you.” Cupping her chin in his hand, he bent down and kissed her full lips.

Cherri shuffled a couple of steps backward as her hands flew up to her cheeks and she squealed. “This is
? I don’t believe it.
?” Looking around incredulously, her skin tingled as a warm heat radiated through her body.

As the reality of the situation filled her, she crossed her arms around her chest, looked downward, and tried to hide the tears which had been welling in her eyes since Jax told her he bought the house
for them

“You okay, sugar? You cool with this?”

Not able to talk, she nodded while she wiped the tears from her face with her hand.

“Come over here.” Jax’s comforting arms wrapped her close to his, her head pillowing against his broad chest. Kissing the top of her head, he squeezed her closer to him. “I’m glad you’re happy. You and Paisley deserve to be happy.”

Softly, she said, “You don’t think it’s too big?”

“Fuck no, sweetness. I can’t wait to give Paisley brothers and sisters. You want that, right?”

Overcome, she kissed his shoulder. “I want that very much,” she whispered. “I love you so much.”

“That’s good, sugar, ’cause I’m nuts about you.” Hugging her, Jax let his hand slip down to pat her ass. “You know, I’ve never been in love with a woman before, so this is all new to me.”

Smiling, she looked up at him through shimmering eyes. “That’s just fine, ’cause I’ve never loved a man before. I guess we’re both new at this.”

“Fuck, yeah. We’ll just have to learn how to do this together. As long as we have each other’s back, sweetness, we have nothing to worry about.”

Looping her arm around his neck, she yanked his mouth close to hers, capturing his soft, sexy lips. Responding, he kissed her back, hot and deep and wet.

I’m where I was always meant to be.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Six weeks later

hat’s the last
of it,” Jax said as he and Chas loaded his computer on the truck. Earlier, they had packed up the girls’ things. Cherri, chasing Paisley around the yard, flashed Jax a big smile.
Damn, she’s beautiful. I never get tired of looking at her. Fuck, she always makes my cock wake up.

“You ready to roll?” Chas asked, interrupting Jax’s thoughts.

“Yeah. Cherri, grab Paisley and let’s go.” Jax walked back into the clubhouse to make sure he didn’t forget anything. Seeing Hawk and Banger, he came up to them and gripped their shoulders.

“You leavin’ now?” Hawk asked.

“Yeah. When we get settled, we’ll have a house party. Cherri’s been planning it ever since we closed on the house. You know how women are.”

“That I do.” Hawk laughed.

“Be strange not having you ’round all the time. You been here since you were in high school,” Banger said. “But it’s time to be on your own with your own family.”

“Yeah, I never thought I’d fall for a woman so hard,” Jax said as he kneaded his neck.

“Fuck, tell me about it. I never thought of taking an old lady, and look at me, planning a wedding with Cara. It happens when you least expect it.” Jerking Jax into a bear hug, Hawk said, “Take care of yourself. If you need anything, call me. We’re all here for you.”

Hugging him back, Jax said, “I know. Thanks, man.”

“Your ass better be here for church tomorrow. And we got the rally next Saturday.” Banger’s face was tight, but his blue eyes twinkled.

“I’m moving in with my old lady, but fuck, the club is my family, too.” He nodded at them then turned to leave. Looking over his shoulder, he said, “See you tomorrow.”

Hawk and Banger tilted their chins as they brought their beers to their mouths.

Outside, the autumn breeze kneaded the patchwork of colored leaves as they shivered slightly. Fluffy fleece clouds drifted across the blue sky and the golden rays of the sun warmed the small group loading the truck. Tangy smokiness wafted in the air as the old ladies prepared the club’s barbecue dinner.

“You coming back for food?” Chas asked.

“Nah, we’ll catch it another time. We got a ton of shit to do.” Jax slammed the truck’s back door shut. Leaning in close to Chas, Axe, and Jerry, he said, “Fuck, I never figured I’d be the first to get hitched outta us.” Throwing a glance at Chas, he said, “Now it’s your turn, man.”

With his hands up in the air, Chas laughed. “Fuck, no. I’m still reeling from my divorce with that bitch. Believe me; it’s not in my plan. I like being single—easy pussy any time I want it with no strings attached. Fuck, it’s the way to go.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Jerry chuckled.

Axe nodded while taking a hit on a joint.

Putting his arms around the three of them, Jax said in a low voice, “Everything work out okay with McFahey and that other shit?”

Jerry, grinning, said, “No worries, dude. Everything is cool. Me, Axe, PJ, Throttle, and Ruben took care of it. There won’t be any bodies found. Ever. The fuckin’ badges are stumped on McFahey’s disappearance. It helped that he was such a fuckin’ crook, ’cause they’ve dug up all kinds of shit on him. Everyone thinks he left ’cause shit was ’bout to hit the fan. It’s fine by us.” He threw his head back and let out a large belly laugh then, before Jax asked, he said, “Peaches had no one, so she won’t be missed.”

A satisfied smile spread across Jax’s face. “Good. Okay, guess we’re ready to head out. After we unload, we can christen the place with beer.”

Clapping his hand on Jax’s shoulder, Chas said, “Axe is gonna help you. I gotta go. Gotta pick up my son at the library. Brianna’s supposed to do it, but she just texted me she’s too busy. Bet she’s fuckin’ someone. What a shitty mom. Can’t believe I ever
the bitch.”

Shaking his head, Jax said, “Thanks for your help. I’ll catch you later.”

As they were ready to leave, the parking lot was filled with most of the brothers watching the young couple. Jax turned to everyone and said, “We’re heading out, but wanted you to all know Cherri is officially an old lady. She’s wearing my patch.” He drew her close to him, his arm around the leather vest he gave her the previous night which bore the phrase, “Property of Jax.”

Hoots and whistles rang out as Jax kissed her tenderly on her cheek. Blushing, she burrowed her face in the crook of his arm.

“Don’t be shy, sugar. You’re a part of me and my world.”

Whispering in his ear, she said, “It’s just they’ve seen me strip. It feels funny, that’s all.”

“That shit’s in the past. It’s done. You’re happy, right?”

“Oh, yeah, babe. I’m very happy. I love you.”

“Me, too,” he breathed in her ear. “Let’s get the fuck home so we can start adding to our family.”

The End

Thank you!

Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the second book in the Insurgents MC series as much as I enjoyed writing Cherri and Jax’s story. This rough motorcycle club has a lot more to say, so I hope you will look for the upcoming books in the series. Romance makes life so much more colorful, and a rough, sexy bad boy makes life a whole lot more interesting.

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