Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (34 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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She swallowed. The glints of rage in his eyes and the soreness around her neck told her and everyone in the room he’d make good on his threat. “Phil, or Bill… something like that. I think his last name is Coyne.”

“Call Cara and get the address for this shyster’s office,” Jax said to Jerry then turned back to Peaches. “Did Cherri agree to go back to McFahey, or was that a lie?”

Eyes lowered, she whispered, “I had to get you back. I figured if you knew she was McFahey’s whore, you’d be finished with her. I love you.”

“You spiteful bitch! You better hope I find her and her daughter in time; otherwise, you’ll be pushing up wildflowers in the woods around here.”

Jerking his head at PJ and Axe, Jax walked toward the door. As Peaches started to follow him, Jerry grabbed her arm, dragging her back. “You’re not going anywhere, bitch.”

With trembling lips and chin, Peaches pleaded, “Jax, don’t leave me here.”

Turning around, Jax saw the sweat glistening on her forehead, and he chuckled
. She’s scared. Now the bitch knows how Cherri feels
. “Problem is, you messed with Insurgents’ property. You gotta be taught respect.”

“Jax, don’t leave me here!” she screamed as PJ and Jerry closed in tighter around her.

Laughing, Jax walked out with Chas and Axe behind him. Peaches’ screams were drowned out by the roar of the Harleys as they blasted away from the old shack.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

rapped in the
small room, Cherri didn’t know if it was day or night or how long she’d been there. She’d lost all track of time. Grateful no one had come in since McFahey left, Cherri kept trying the door in the off-chance it was unlocked. No such luck. It seemed like hours had passed since her confrontation with McFahey. What the fuck was going on? Why did McFahey want her so badly? She found it hard to believe he couldn’t find another woman who would gladly scratch his itch. Was he punishing her because she lied about the abortion? In all the time she had Paisley, she never attempted to contact him. He must’ve known she wanted to forget her life with him and forge her own life with her daughter.

Thinking of Paisley made her heart ache and the blood rush to her head. Sweet, innocent Paisley was the pawn in the councilman’s sick game of revenge. Having her baby was the best thing she’d ever done in her life. Loving her daughter more than her own life, she pulled at her hair while slamming her fists down on the lumpy mattress. All she ever wanted to give her baby was a good, safe life. Cherri had been terrified living with her stepfather, and she swore she’d make sure Paisley never felt that way. Screaming aloud from the depths of her throat, her shrieks bounced off the walls of the barren room. She failed her daughter—she didn’t keep her safe.

Not knowing where Paisley was had her stomach in tangles and knots. A couple of days before, she thought she had a chance of a happy life in Pinewood Springs. With Jax in her life, Paisley close to her, and her savings growing, she dared to feel hopeful and happy. But then shit hit the fan, just like it always did.

Wishing she could slip back in time, she knew she’d be honest with Jax about McFahey. The reason she held her life with the councilman secret was because she was afraid for her baby, but none of it mattered because, in the end, she couldn’t keep Paisley safe. She’d kept all those secrets for nothing.
Oh, Paisey, where are you? Your mama loves you so much.
Rocking back and forth on the bed, Cherri tugged at her hair, moaning. She missed having Paisley in her arms, and she missed being in Jax’s arms. Being with him was the only time in her young life when she felt safe. It was the only time she trusted a man with her thoughts, ideas, fears, and sexuality. When she was with Jax, she knew he had her back. Being so protective of Paisley, Cherri never brought her around men, but the day Jax spent with her and her daughter showed her his soft, caring side. She wanted to try a life with him and Paisley, but fate stepped in and crushed the fantasy.

A gurgling, gnawing pain stabbed against her, making her realize she hadn’t eaten since the previous morning. Crossing her arms around her stomach, she squeezed it as if to stop the hunger pangs. Lowering her head, she continued to rock back and forth on the mattress.

. Cherri’s head jerked up and whipped toward the door as the knob slowly turned. Holding her breath, she wrapped her arms tightly around her knees and brought them closer to her chest, as if to make herself appear smaller. With her chest tingling, she darted her eyes around the room in search of a place to hide. Finding nothing in the sparsely furnished room, she buried her face in her knees.

The door swung open and McFahey, in navy blue trousers and a mint green Polo shirt, came in, his cologne wafting around the room.

“Miss me, honey?” he said smoothly.

“Where’s Paisley?” she croaked as she lifted her head up.

“She’s doing fine, honey. Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt our little girl. She looks just like her beautiful mama.”

“I don’t believe you. I heard you. You were saying something about a couple and adoption. If you give away my baby, I’ll kill you. I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” Jumping off the bed, she rushed toward a surprised McFahey and punched him in the chest.

“Fuck, what’s the matter with you, bitch?” he threw her back and, losing her balance, she fell on the bed. “Don’t try that shit anymore or you’ll never see your brat again.”

“Why’re you doing this? I’ve never caused you any problems.”

“I don’t like loose ends. Having the brat around and knowing how you love money doesn’t make for a good combination. I don’t need the threat of blackmail looming over me, especially since I’ve got my sights on bigger political platforms.”

“I’d never blackmail you. Fuck, I never even looked you up. I wanted to disappear, so give me Paisley and I’ll go. Please, give me my daughter.” Her voice broke and her eyes glistened under the overhead light.

McFahey skimmed his eyes over her face, his head shaking. “I can’t take a chance. You’ve lied to me before.”

“I only lied because I wanted my baby. I didn’t lie to hurt you or blackmail you. Don’t you know me?”

“I thought I did, but Peaches said she overheard you say you wanted to blackmail me. And you
run out on me in Denver.”

“Peaches? What the fuck does she know about any of this? She’s a jealous bitch because she wanted Jax and he dumped her for me. She’s getting back at me. I just want Paisley, and I promise I’ll go far away and you’ll never hear from me again. Please.” Wringing her hands, her blue eyes pleaded with his hard ones.

“What the fuck do you bitches see in that asshole Jax, anyway? He came to my office, acting all macho and shit. I punched him out and sent him packing.” McFahey puffed up his chest.

Yeah, I bet you did, you fuckin’ asshole. More like Jax beat your puny ass.
“Really? Wow.”

“That’s right. I showed him not to fool around with me. I may not be as tall or buff as him, but I can deliver a killer punch, if needed.” Smiling, he smoothed his hair back and pulled up his slacks.

“Why did he come to your office?” Cherri wanted to engage him in conversation. If she could keep him talking, maybe he’d get more comfortable with her like he used to, and then he’d let his guard down. Then she would try and escape. She had to try—any attempt was better than nothing.

“He came looking for you. Man, he’s got it bad for you. I can see why he’s hooked. You’re a good fuck, honey. I could never get enough of you, and when you left me, I was so lonely for you.”

No, I don’t want to steer the conversation toward sex. No. No. No.
“I was surprised to see you in Pinewood Springs, you know?”

“No shit. I was surprised to see you, too. What do you have with Jax?”

“Nothing. He’s just my boss. You know, I work for the Insurgents.”

“Bullshit. A boss isn’t going to give a shit about an employee like he does about you. I know you’re his whore.”

“We’ve gone out a few times. No big deal.”

“He better stay out of my face. I didn’t like his possessive attitude about you. Next time, I won’t be so nice. Next time, I’ll lay him out flat.” He flexed his flaccid biceps.

Biting her tongue, Cherri nodded then eased off the bed, inching her way toward the door.

“Those bikers are all dumbasses. They think they’re hot shit because they ride Harleys and wear leather, but they’re nothing. You been slumming long enough, honey. I’m back now, so you don’t need to be a biker whore.” Stretching out his arm, he caught Cherri by her waist and yanked her back to him.

Squealing, she scratched at his arm, but he tightened his hold on her until she had trouble breathing. “Stop. Let me go. Please.”

“Trying to get away from me again? Not going to work this time. I’m wise to you.”

“I’m warning you, the Insurgents don’t like anyone messin’ with their property. They’ll kill you.”

Laughing, he leaned in, nuzzling his face in her hair. “Honey, I don’t give a damn about the Insurgents. They can go to Hell, for all I care.”

“Can’t we be normal and go back to the way we used to be?” Cherri asked.

“I’d like that a lot, but the problem is I don’t trust you one iota, honey.” Kissing her on the forehead, McFahey backed her up until her knees bumped into the bed. Shoving her down, she fell on top of the mattress.

With a racing heart and clammy hands, Cherri stared into McFahey’s lust-filled eyes. Whimpering, she scooted away until her back was flat against the wooden headboard.

“It’s time for you to give me something real special, honey. If you’re very good, I’ll let you see your brat.” Grabbing her hand in his, he placed it on his crotch. “See what you do to me. Fuck, I’m rock-hard. You’re the only one who can get me this hard.” He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. His penis sprang out.

Cherri, white-faced and trembling, pulled her hand away then curled up in a ball.

“Come on, honey. You know you love it as much as I do. You know how to turn a man on. Come on; be a good girl and come to me.”

Flinching at his touch, Cherri recoiled from him. Her skin prickled like a thousand crawling ants were on it, and she wanted to flee. As he came closer, Cherri gritted her teeth and with all her strength, she rammed her body into McFahey, toppling him over. As she jumped off the bed and ran, he grasped her hair, pulling it back toward him. With arms flailing and screaming in pain, Cherri twisted away from him and darted for the door.

“Fez, get in here!” McFahey yelled.

In an instant, a six-foot-five hulk with about two hundred and sixty pounds on him came barreling in.

“Grab the bitch and cuff her to the bed. I’m tired of her shit.”

Grunting, the thug scooped Cherri up as if she were a feather, slammed her down on the bed with a resounding thump, and cuffed her arms and legs to each bed post, stretching her out spread-eagle. After he completed his task, he left as suddenly as he entered. With beads of perspiration dotting his brow, McFahey stroked his penis while he leered at Cherri. Even though she was fully dressed, Cherri’s cheeks burned and she dropped her chin to her chest as a thickness formed in her throat. Closing her eyes, she willed herself to find her safe place—her meadow with the colorful wildflowers.

“Open your eyes,” he demanded.

With eyelids fluttering open, tears trickled down her face. Baring his teeth under curled, thin lips, he squeezed her breasts, pinching her nipples roughly. Cherri cringed. As he pulled her top up, he tugged one of her breasts out of her bra. Shoving her nipple in his mouth, he sucked loud and hard. Closing her eyes again, Cherri focused on the meadow, the sunshine, the babbling creek off to—

His thick tongue forcing entrance in her mouth brought her back to the small, windowless room.
No! No!
Biting down hard on his tongue, she tasted the coppery tang of his blood in her mouth.

Jerking his head back, red drops falling on her white skin, he yelled, “Fuck! You bitch!” The sting across her face made dark spots appear in front of her eyes. “You fucking need to learn how to treat your man.” Pulling down her jeans, he put his hand inside her lace panties and rubbed between her dry folds. The friction made her squirm as she tried to get him to stop hurting and touching her.

With his length in his hand, he put his weight on top of her.

“No! No! Don’t. Stop it, you fuckin’ pig!” Cherri screamed out while she twisted and turned against her restraints.

“Shut the fuck up. I’m just getting started. And honey, you know how I like it when you resist me. You’re making me so horny.” McFahey placed his penis near her entrance.

The door swung open and Cherri’s body exploded with nerves.
The thug’s come back. He’s gonna rape me, too. I have to go away. I have to get away.
As a sheen of sweat broke out on her cheeks and forehead, the hair on the nape of her neck stiffened. Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, she repeated, “I’m in my safe haven. I’m in the meadow with the beautiful flowers—”

Heaviness lifted from her stomach and chest as she heard a yelp then a deafening pop. She kept her eyes squeezed shut.
I am someplace else, in a lush meadow next to a clear, running brook. The sun is warm on my skin.
Deep, almost guttural whispers pricked her ears.
Wildflowers are all around me, and the breeze on my skin is cool as I lie on my back looking at the clouds in the blue sky.
All she heard was snorting and thrashing, then scraping as if something heavy were being dragged across the concrete floor. Pressing her eyes tighter, she forced herself to concentrate on her safe haven, her lush meadow with chirping birds.

The mattress sank a bit next to her.
Oh, my God. Someone is next to me. Fuck, why can’t I stay in my meadow? I can’t be here. I have to be there. I have to feel the sun on my skin, I have to get away. I have to—

Large hands uncuffed her wrists and her ankles. A soft hand caressed her face as gentle lips kissed her bruised cheek. She sniffed, and instead of smelling wildflowers, she smelled earth, musk and motor oil. Lips brushing against her ear caused her skin to dimple.

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