Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (33 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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When he walked into Dream House, he had calmed down a bit, but his blood still pumped and his muscles were as tight as a virgin’s pussy. Spotting Emma and Holt talking, Jax went up to them.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You look like shit,” Emma said.

“That’s about how I’m feeling,” Jax replied.

“Too much partying?” A smile crossed her lips. “You know, Cherri didn’t show up for her shift. I’m a little worried about her because she’s not like that. You know, she’s super reliable. I was gonna take a quick drive to her place to make sure she’s okay. You wanna do that for me?”

“Cherri and her daughter have been kidnapped, and I’m trying like hell to figure out where they are.”

Going pale, her hand over her mouth, Emma asked, “Are you sure?”

Jax nodded, then ran his hand through his hair. “Do you have any idea where she may be?”

“Me? No. Why would someone do that to her? I didn’t even know she had a daughter.”

“Yeah, she has a little one. I gotta find them both. Fuck, I feel so useless. Each minute I don’t find her is another minute wasted. Fuck!” He pounded his fist on the bar.

“I know. You gotta find her. Maybe Chas can help you. He just walked in.” Emma nodded her chin in the direction of the front entrance.

Jax turned around and noticed Chas, grim-faced, walking toward him. Jax nodded to him when Chas came next to him. “Hey,” Jax said.

“Hey. I need to talk to you.”

“Okay, shoot,” Jax said.

“Let’s go in the office for privacy.”

Jax, restless to leave to find Cherri, followed Chas into the back office and said, “What’s going on? I’ve got a situation here, so I don’t have much time.”

Sighing deeply, Chas replied, “Insurgents know Cherri stole money from Dream House, and we know you’re covering for her.”

Shaking his head, Jax said in a low voice, “Fuck.”

“Hawk came in early to go over the books. He’s been doing that ever since one of the Deadly Demons Nomads’ old ladies skimmed from the club last year. Anyway, he had the ledger and saw a discrepancy between what was brought in and what was in the safe. He said an extra four thousand dollars was in it. Knowing only three people had access to the safe, it wasn’t hard for him to deduce Cherri was missing along with the money. He figured you found out and tried to cover for her, but you put in too much money. Axe saw you earlier this morning rush into the clubhouse and come back out with a money pouch. Fuck, dude. Why the hell didn’t you go to the club before you covered for the bitch?”

Looking Chas in the eyes, Jax said, “I thought I could get to her before the club found out about it. She’s in some serious trouble. I’m trying to find her and her daughter. I’m sure that pig, McFahey, kidnapped them, and I gotta find out where she is. I’ll sort everything else out later. I gotta go, man.”

“Sorry, brother, but you gotta come with me. Banger sent me over to drag your ass to the clubhouse for an emergency church. If you know what’s good for you, you better come.”

“Fuck.” Jax pressed his lips together in a slight grimace as he tapped his index finger against his mouth. A heaviness in his body made him wish he could leave and go somewhere quiet to think. He had to find his woman, but he owed his club his loyalty.

“Let’s go,” said Chas with determination as he walked toward the office door.

Jax, hesitating, forced himself to follow Chas. “Let’s go,” Jax replied.

*     *     *

Banger glared at
Jax as the members filed into the meeting room. Jax stared back with defiance until Hawk walked in. Nodding curtly at Jax, Hawk took his seat next to Banger. From his scowling frown and his clenched jaw, Jax knew Hawk was pissed at him. Exchanging looks with Hawk made Jax’s breath hitch; instead of anger in his face, Hawk’s mouth turned downward and his eyes were bright with pain. Hawk’s disappointment in him was the hardest thing for Jax to take. He broke eye contact with Hawk.

The gavel pounding on the table made Jax jump out of his seat. Looking up, he met Banger’s cold, bitter stare. Without any preamble, Banger asked Jax, “Did you put twenty thousand dollars in the safe at Dream House this morning?”

“Yeah, I did.” Jax heard curses and hisses wrap around the meeting room as the brothers demonstrated their anger and disappointment in Jax’s betrayal. “I know what I did was wrong, but I wanted to find Cherri first and let her explain to me what the fuck was going on. She’s been a good assistant manager, reliable and all that, so for her to do what she did was out of character, and I wanted her to tell me why.”

“Wasn’t your first loyalty to the brotherhood and not to some bitch you’re fuckin’?”

Jax winced at Banger’s words—he knew they were true. His first loyalty was always the club, and he betrayed them all in hiding Cherri’s theft.

“Isn’t it?” Banger boomed.

“Yeah. I fucked up. I own up to it, but just so everyone knows, Cherri isn’t just some bitch. She’s my woman.”

“Don’t matter if she’s your old lady. The brotherhood always comes first. You know that, man,” said Throttle, one of the older members.

“You choosing a woman over the brothers makes you a motherfuckin’ traitor!” Banger yelled.

Silence descended over the room as all eyes were on Jax. He stood up, faced all the members, and said, “I know I let the club down. I put my feelings for Cherri before my loyalty and oath to the brotherhood, and I’m sorry for that. I won’t make excuses. I’ll own up to it and take whatever punishment you deem necessary for my transgression. But I gotta go, ’cause Cherri and her small daughter are missing. I gotta find ’em, and I hope you all get that. I’m positive McFahey’s involved in the abduction, and I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt the baby and do worse to my woman. You’ve all known me since I was a kid, hangin’ ’round here when my dad was patched. What I did was wrong, but I’m asking for some time to find my woman, and then I’ll come back and we can finish all this up. If you don’t do it for me, do it for my dad, who was loyal to the brotherhood until his death.” Jax sat down, crossed his arms, and waited for their decision.

Clearing his voice, Banger stood up and said, “Let’s put it to the floor. Who votes Jax can go help his woman first before taking the consequences for his betrayal?”

As all the brothers mumbled and shouted their “Ayes,” warmth spread through Jax. His club, his family always had his back; even after he betrayed them, they stood behind him. Regretting he hadn’t gone to them in the first place, Jax vowed never to forsake the brotherhood again.

“Go help your woman and her kid. This can wait. If McFahey is involved in this shit, he’s gotta pay,” Banger said.

“Thanks, brothers.” Jax nodded his chin at them. Looking at Chas and Axe, he asked, “Do you wanna help me?”

“Let’s go,” they said.

The three men left the meeting room on a quest to find Cherri and to safely bring her and her daughter back home.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

pening the doors
of the Dream House, Jax perused the room for Peaches. Until he saw her with McFahey, he had no idea she even knew him let alone was involved with him. The way Peaches acted when she saw Jax in McFahey’s office convinced him she was not just fuckin’ the councilman, but was probably in deeper. He had no doubt Peaches knew where Cherri was, and he suspected half the shit she spewed to him about Cherri and McFahey was a bunch of lies.

Peaches was crazy in love with him, and that was what made her dangerous. He figured she’d do shit to get him back, but he never imagined she’d set off a chain of events that would hurt an innocent baby. She was some piece of work. Jax needed to find out if his suspicions were true and whether the bitch knew where his woman was.

Filling in Chas and Axe about what was up with Peaches, the two men scowled and Axe told Jax, “If the bitch is involved in this shit with Cherri’s disappearance, we’ll take care of her.” Chas nodded in agreement.

The three men sauntered up to the bar and leaned against it. Holt promptly placed three bottles of Coors in front of them. Taking a long draw, Jax asked, “Is Peaches here?”

“Yeah, saw her go in the back a few minutes ago,” Holt answered.

Turning toward Chas and Axe, Jax said, “I’m going in back. I’ll meet you guys at Willow’s shack in a few. Get PJ and Jerry; they like this kind of shit.” Smiling cruelly, Jax brought his beer bottle to his lips and drained it. Throwing a curt nod to Holt, Jax walked toward the back of the strip bar.

When he went behind the curtains, he saw Peaches bent over, her ass on display, going through a box of props. Fighting the urge to kick her in the ass, Jax said softly, “Hey, Peaches, what’s up?”

Whirling around, Peaches flashed a huge smile, her eyes sparkling. “Hi, Jax. I didn’t think you’d be here. I’m just trying to find something different for my act.” She paused before she approached him and put her hands on his chest. “You know, I really don’t have anything with McFahey. He’s been helping me out financially because I’ve been strapped for money. I borrowed some from him and went over there to make a payment. I’m not fucking him; I just said that ’cause he likes me to.”

“Baby, I don’t give a shit if you’re fucking him or not. I came back to see if you wanna go for a ride on my bike, but I see you’re busy.”

“No, I’m not. Oh, Jax, I’d love to go for a ride. I love being your back warmer. Let me grab my sunglasses.”

After Peaches came out of the dressing room, she and Jax went out back to the parking lot. Jax’s Harley sat gleaming in the sun, and Peaches grasped Jax’s arm and cooed, “I love spending time with you. I’ve missed you. Missed me?”

“Uh-huh,” Jax breathed.

Settling her ass behind Jax, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Anger rose in him as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Pulling the choke, he turned the ignition and felt the Harley come alive under him. With a loud roar, the bike took off down the street, and Jax saw the road scurry beneath him as he rode toward Willow’s shack.

When they arrived at their destination, Peaches jumped off the back and stretched her legs. The faint breeze rustled the gold and orange leaves of the surrounding trees as Jax killed the engine and walked toward the shack. Inside, it looked as though it hadn’t been used in decades. Rotting floorboards and dusty furniture decorated the abode. The shack had been abandoned a long time back after the gold vein in the nearby mine had dried up. After that, the crumbling place was the only testament to the miners who worked to find their wealth.

As Jax placed his gloves on a nearby dusty table, Peaches circled her arms around him, kissing him on the neck. “We could’ve just gone to my place, honey. It’d be a lot cleaner.” She smiled at him.

As he watched her, she giggled, drew back from him, and began to take off her red top. “I can’t wait to fuck you, honey. It’s been too long.”

“Where the fuck is Cherri, bitch?” Jax asked in a dangerously calm voice.

With her top halfway up and her red lace bra showing, she stared incredulously at Jax. “What?”

where the fuck is Cherri,

Around the darkened corners of the room, several shadows emerged. Four Insurgents stared at her, smirking.

“What the fuck is this?” she asked, her voice laced with panic.

“You fucked with me. You told me a bunch of lies about Cherri. You’re a spiteful cunt. Tell me where my woman is. Now.”

“I… I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, Jax. I thought we were gonna have a little fun. What is this shit? I don’t know anything about Cherri.” Peaches pulled her top down and backed up toward the entrance.

Taking two steps toward her, Jax grabbed Peaches by the shoulders, slamming her against the worn wood walls. They groaned as Peaches hit them full-force, a whoosh of breath escaping from her upon impact. Placing his hands around her damp neck, Jax yelled, “You gonna tell me where she is, or are you gonna die? I have no fuckin’ problem squeezing the life outta your skank-ass body. You bitch! You been causing all kinds of trouble, spewing your shit.”

“Please, Jax. Please stop,” she rasped as she clawed at his hands.

“I’m not stoppin’ shit ’til you tell me where my woman is. Cherri and her daughter are in trouble ’cause of you. You jealous slut!”

Peaches tried to push him away, but his hands were like a vise around her throat. Thrashing around, her nails scratched his chest as she struggled for breath. Chas jumped in, hands on Jax’s arms, saying, “Looks like she wants to cooperate.”

Jax reluctantly let go and Peaches bowled over, sucking air in and out of her lungs as she coughed.

“Where is she?” Jax approached her.

Plastering herself flat against the wall, she said hoarsely, “At the old Thompson house in the basement.”

“How many are there watching her?”

Rubbing her neck, she said, “Last time I was there, a couple guys were. McFahey comes and goes.”

“Is the baby there, too?”

“No, she’s with McFahey’s lawyer. He arranged a private adoption. Couple paid big money for the little monster.”

“Who’s the attorney?”

She shrugged, glaring at him. Jax pulled her close to him and snarled, “I have no fuckin’ problem twisting your neck until it snaps. Tell me the name. Now.”

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