Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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Gritting her teeth, she shook her head.

“I swear they look bigger. After we eat, I got a little room lined up over in the next county. I can test them out and you can test out my dick.” He winked and wiped off the grease on his chin.

“I can’t go. I have to work tonight.”

“Not until eight o’clock. I checked. I can get you to work on time,” he said between bites.

“I have a ton of work to do, so I’m going in early. Sorry, it won’t work.”

He scrutinized her face, put down his sandwich, and asked, “Is the rumor true? Are you some biker’s whore?”

She winced.

“You’re slumming, aren’t you? A
whore, come on. You know, that’s one step below white trash.”

Before he could move his head back, she slapped him across his face. He glared at her, his fingers touching the area she smacked. He laughed aloud. “You’ve forgotten how to be respectful since you’ve been fucking scum. That’s okay because you can make it up to me by fucking me, like old times, and instead of your usual five hundred, I’ll give you a thousand, for Auld Lang Syne, you know? Sound good, honey?” He sneered and wiggled his eyebrows.

Her stomach churned, and the room spun. She would still need to leave and go far away from her past. Since she hadn’t heard from him in two months, she thought he had moved on. She knew she should’ve left, but she was crazy about Jax. For once in her life, she was happy, and she selfishly clung onto to it. Smoothing her hair behind her ears, she smiled sweetly. “No way. Not interested.”

Laughing, he stuffed another large bite of his sandwich into his mouth. “You’ll come around to my way of thinking.”

“Don’t you have an image to maintain? I mean, you want to run for higher office. You know how the opposition loves to dig up dirt. Do you want to risk it all?”

“That’s why I have a PR guy. He’s a wiz at making me a role model with my typical American housewife and five children. The guy’s a genius.” He downed his scotch and motioned the waitress to bring another. “So, why the fuck did you split on me without a word?”

Shrugging, Cherri played with her cocktail napkin. “You keep asking me. I needed a new life. As I said, I wanted to be on my own.”

“Listen, Cherri. I didn’t have time to talk to you at the strip bar a while back because that muscle head interrupted us, but I want you back in my life. I can give you anything you want. You won’t have to work in that crummy strip club and fuck some loser biker. I’ll put you up in a nice apartment, and I’ll give you a more-than-generous monthly stipend. You won’t have to worry about getting pregnant again because I had a vasectomy about two years ago, after my last son was born. It’ll be better than old times. What do you say?”

Cherri didn’t say a word; she needed to keep the conversation off the child he sired in her womb. Pushing her plate back, she scooted out of the booth, looked at McFahey, and said, “Thank you for the taco salad and the not-so-delightful conversation. I have to go. I’ll think about your offer.” Of course, she had no intention of ever seeing him again, but she wanted him off her back so she could implement her “blow outta town” plan.

A full smile cracked his rough skin. “That’s what I like to hear, honey. I’ll give you a couple of days, then I’ll look you up.” Grabbing her wrist as she turned to leave, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, his tongue leaving a wet mark. “We’re going to have some good times again, honey. I’ll make you happier than that biker asshole. You’ll see.”

Cold sweat broke out on the back of her neck and trickled down her spine. McFahey could be cruel when things didn’t go his way; he’d definitely call her bluff. She had to be out of Pinewood Springs before he had a chance to coerce her into something she didn’t want. “Sounds good,” she said lightly as her temples drummed. Pulling her hand away, she dashed off and slammed into someone, knocking the woman’s purse on the floor. Picking it up, Cherri mumbled, “Sorry.”

As she rose from the floor, she handed the purse to the woman then looked at her face. Staring at Cherri, with a smug look and a cruel glint in her eyes, was Peaches. With her hand in front of her mouth, Cherri gasped, and for a split-second, her world stood still as she realized Peaches heard everything she and McFahey said. Cherri had no doubts Peaches would run back to Dream House and tell Jax she was once McFahey’s whore. She was sure Peaches was chomping at the bit to do it. Tears pricked the back of her eyes as Peaches shoved her out of her way, snarling, “Slut” as she stormed out the door. With her heart in her throat, Cherri gasped for air—she was fucking suffocating.

“Still here, honey? Waiting for me? Good girl.” McFahey pulled Cherri into him and placed his mouth on hers, his pointy tongue pushing to gain access.

Twisting away from him, she said, “I have to go to the bathroom. My stomach is upset. I’ll see you around.” She wasn’t lying; her stomach was queasy and doing the rumba. She rushed into the ladies room and leaned her hot forehead against the cool tile. Not wanting to risk McFahey waiting for her, she pulled herself up on the porcelain sink and climbed out a small window. Taking her heels off, she ran as the autumn wind caressed her cheeks and the rushing river echoed. Heart thumping, temples throbbing, and legs wobbling, she ran and ran as though her life depended on it, which it did. She had to get away from all this, especially McFahey’s lust-filled eyes, Peaches’ hateful eyes, and Jax’s loving eyes. Her carefully painted world smeared around her. She had to leave or be lost forever.

*     *     *

Safe in her
room in the townhouse, her heart still tried to beat out of her chest and her body shook so much, she felt like she’d break in a million pieces; she was a spinning top in a distorted world. Pulling down the shades, she sat on her bed for several minutes, willing herself to calm the fuck down. She reached over and opened the top drawer of her nightstand, taking out a black pouch. Standing up, she walked over to the vanity she had bought at the thrift store and opened the pouch, laying out a razor blade, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and a washcloth. Her heart raced. Her room, lit only by a single 60-watt bulb, held the heat from the day. It was suffocating. Sweat shined on her forehead, upper lip, and chin. Every nerve in her body tingled, and she was on edge, ready to explode. Part of it was anticipation for what was to come, the other part was fear. Cherri had been on high-alert ever since she saw McFahey a couple of months ago.

Squirming in her chair, her hands trembling, she unscrewed the top of the alcohol. Its familiar, bitter smell burned her nostrils. Her ears were ringing, maybe from the excitement or from the guilt. She wasn’t sure. Creeping into her brain were her mother’s stifled cries the first time she caught Cherri bleeding. Cherri banished them, refusing to acknowledge their existence.

Don’t do it. It’s been so long. You’ve been so good.

It had been three years since she laid out her tools, since the urge took hold of her, refusing to let go. Back in high school, she needed a fix often, but if anyone had to endure what she had to… Cherri let her thoughts dissipate into the night air. She took off her t-shirt then her bra, and saturated a cotton ball in alcohol.
Steady. I have to stop my hand from shaking or I’m gonna fuckin’ screw this up.
Taking a deep breath, she lifted her breast, dabbing the cotton underneath it, the cool liquid refreshing her scarred, sticky skin. Breathing slowly, she picked up the gleaming razor blade. She sliced into the skin, drawing blood in a thin trickle. The pain brought calmness, and feelings for Jax, the presence of McFahey, and all the dirty, endless memories went away with just one slice.

Chapter Twenty-Three

hy haven’t you
returned my calls, sweetness?” Jax, standing in the doorway at Dream House, watched Cherri as she sewed one of the dancer’s costumes.

“It was crazy last night. I was so tired after work I crashed when I came home.” She averted his gaze.

“What’s goin’ on? You’re not shutting down on me, are you?” From the way her shoulders were drawn tight around her neck and nearly touching her earlobes, Jax surmised Cherri was full of tension. He wasn’t sure why, and he gathered he probably wouldn’t find out since she was so guarded about sharing her feelings. He walked over to her, placed his hands on her stiff shoulders, and gently massaged them. “Will you tell me what’s wrong? I know something is, sweetness.”

Cherri putting her sewing aside, brushed her fingertips on top of Jax’s hands and leaned her head against him. “I’m okay now that you’re here.”

“Is work too much?”

“Uh-huh,” she fibbed.

“Let me give you a good rubdown to relax you. Come on, lie down on the couch.” Pulling her up, Jax guided her to the couch and as she sat down, he closed and locked her dressing room door.

“That’s it.” Grabbing a blanket, he handed it to Cherri and said, “Take your clothes off and I’ll cover you with the blanket. I’ll give you a nice rubdown to ease your stress.”

Cherri took off her jeans and t-shirt, and wearing a blue plaid bra and matching panties, she laid down on the couch on her stomach, her head turned sideways and her eyes closed. With strong, capable hands, Jax kneaded her shoulders.

“Fuck, you’re full of knots. You need to calm down, sweetie. Nothing’s worth getting all knotted up like this.”

His fingers, knuckles, and palms kneaded and massaged her neck, shoulder, back, and legs. He removed the blanket and her heart-shaped ass beckoned him to bite her ripe cheeks. The way she moaned and whimpered as he moved his helping hands up and down her body told him she wouldn’t complain if he took his massage one step further. “Got any oil in this room?”

From the side of her mouth, she said, “Yeah, in the second drawer of my dressing table. I always keep a bottle on hand for sore muscles from dancing.”

Bottle in hand, he poured the amber liquid on her back and legs, rubbing it all over. The oil made her body sleek as his hands glided over her, and Jax felt the tension ease under his fingertips. Tugging her panties down, he squeezed a few drops over her ass and rubbed the oil in, kneading fistfuls of tempting flesh. Cherri squirmed under his touch while she groaned in pleasure and parted her legs slightly. Jax smiled when he saw her open her legs then massaged her ass cheeks harder while he ran his finger up and down her crack.

“Hmmm,” she purred.

“Feel good?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said in a low voice.

As he rubbed her shiny globes, he parted her cheeks, exposing her pink, puckered opening and her glistening pussy. Moving his finger up and down her wet sex, he stopped at her opening, the tip of his finger pressing against it, and pushed in. Sliding in easily, Jax inserted two more digits and slowly pulled in and out of her as she spread her legs more, her back moving up and down as she breathed. Her moans came out in gritted, ragged pants as his fingers advanced higher in her, twirling around like a corkscrew with her juices covering his digits. As Jax watched Cherri’s reaction to his fingers fucking her pussy, warmth flooded his body, and he was aware of his quickening heartbeat. He leaned in closer to her, obsessively craving the scent of her. “You’re making me hard, sweetness,” he said in a low, husky voice.

“What you’re doing feels so damn good,” she whispered back.

With his fingers still in her, he flipped her slick body over and, staring into her smoldering eyes, he darted his tongue out to touch her lips. She eagerly strained her neck as her mouth met his. His tongue swirled around in her mouth, and the taste of peppermint cooled his hot tongue as his hand slipped inside her bra and explored her breast. When he cupped her tit, she stiffened and a small cry escaped her throat. He unclasped her bra then lifted her breast up. Looking down, he saw an angry, swollen red line right at her breastbone. “What the fuck happened?” he asked as he ran his index finger under the hot wound.

Apprehension replaced desire in Cherri’s eyes as she said lightly, “Those damn underwire bras are lethal if the wire breaks through. They’re like razor blades, you know? You don’t know how lucky you guys are, not havin’ to mess with bras and shit.” She moved his hand away quickly and placed it on her other breast.

“Damn, your bra did
? In all the years I’ve been with bitches, I’ve never seen anything like that. Shit, it must’ve hurt, huh?”

“It’s something I’ve gotten used to. I’ve always had super-sensitive skin, so even when I accidentally scratch myself with my nail, I get a nasty cut. My other boob is good and aching for some more of your sweet touch.” She circled her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her. When his mouth crushed on hers, she forced his open then plunged her tongue in deeply.

Jax tangled his fingers in her hair as he returned the kiss while his thumb played with her rigid nipple, making her jerk and groan in pleasure. Moving his mouth from her inflamed lips, Jax trailed his kisses down her slick body until he reached her inner thighs. When his tongue and teeth grazed her soft skin, she bucked under him, her legs wrapping around his waist. As he sucked her flesh, he glanced up, meeting Cherri’s eyes which smoldered with intensity and created an electrical current between them. Excitement tingled every nerve in his body, making his dick throb and his breathing shallow as he thought of entering her sweet pussy.

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