Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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As they walked around the park, Paisley in her stroller and white bonnet and Cherri licking her chocolate chip ice cream cone, the heaviness Jax felt in his body earlier in the day dissipated. The only tightness he felt was in his dick. For reasons he couldn’t explain, Cherri being a mother turned him on. The way she loved her daughter and made so many sacrifices for her caused a funny sensation in the pit of his stomach and in his cock. What the fuck was up with that? Brushing against her as they walked made his skin tingle and his pulse surge. It was like he was a young boy on a first date with his crush, but the urges in his dick were all grown-up. If he could get away with it, he’d have her bent over the jungle gym, banging the hell out of her silky pussy. He readjusted his jeans as they continued on their stroll.

A couple of hours later, Cherri kissed her daughter goodbye while Jax stood in the doorway of the living room and Sarah, the woman who took care of Paisley, sat on the couch.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, angel. I love you.” Cherri kissed Paisley’s chubby red cheeks. “Thanks, Sarah. Do you need anything more?” Cherri asked as she handed a wad of bills to Paisley’s caregiver.

“No, that should be okay. I’ll see ya tomorrow. You going back with him?” She jerked her head toward Jax.

“Yeah. I’ve known him for a while.” She whispered in Sarah’s ear, “He’s a good one. A keeper.”

Warmth surrounded Jax’s heart when he overheard what Cherri said to Sarah. Maybe she’d ease up and let him in her life.

Sarah pointed at Jax. “You take care of her. She’s been through enough bullshit with men. Don’t you act like no jerk with her. Got it?”

His eyes twinkling, Jax smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

Cherri laughed and they walked out, heading to where Jax parked his bike.

“She doesn’t take any bullshit, does she?” Jax said as they walked out of Sarah’s earshot.

“Nope. She’s been through two husbands and raised five kids. She’s a tough cookie with a soft center. I lucked out; she loves Paisley and treats her like one of her own.”

“I’m glad to hear it, sweetie.” Holding her hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

Smiling, Cherrie leaned against him.

A few minutes later, they glided down the road. The western sky housed pink and gold hues as the sun began to nestle behind the mountain peaks. The eastern sky darkened, allowing a few shimmering lights to come out to play. Jax, with Cherri flattened against his back, decided this was one of the best days he’d had in a long time. He loved the feel of Cherri’s arms around him, her head on his shoulder, and her tits on his back. He never thought spending the afternoon with Cherri clothed and maternal would touch him the way it did. He was hooked, no doubt about that. The guys at the club would have his balls if he told them he had a great time with a woman and they didn’t even fuck, didn’t get anywhere
fucking her.

Yeah… he was hooked.

Chapter Seventeen

he next night,
Jax was seated at his usual table near the stage, ignoring the dancer gyrating on the stage and focusing his full attention on Cherri as she bustled around the bar area, making sure the crowded room was well taken care of. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her, loving the way her ass moved in her black spandex skirt and how her snug crop-top clung to her tits, exposing a strip of creamy skin. Jax breathed in sharply; a peek of her skin teased the fuck out of him. And her legs looked beyond sexy in her four-inch heels.

As she sashayed from table to table, wiping down the bar stools where too many drunks spilled their drinks, she exuded sex, and he had to keep shifting in his chair to accommodate his raging hard-on. He knew she saw him because he caught her darting side glances at him every now and then, checking him out. He noticed the way her eyes lingered on his bulging biceps and his corded chest muscles, which were defined through his black, skin-tight t-shirt. Each time she feasted her eyes on his chest, she licked her lips. Oh, yeah, she probably didn’t have a clue she was doing that, but fuck, he could think of a hundred places her pink tongue could lick on him. She drove him wild.

Ever since he spent the day with her and Paisley, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Not. At. All. The previous night, during church, images of Cherri played out in his mind’s theater. He couldn’t even remember a damn thing the members talked about at the meeting. He knew that wasn’t a good sign since he was the club’s enforcer, and his job was to make sure no one messed with the club or any of its members or loved ones. Being distracted could mean his cut, or worse, a brother’s life. He had to stop this pussy-ass daydreaming and claim Cherri. It was time. From her warm gazes, he sensed she cared about him and wanted it, too.

Cherri came up to his table. “Hi, Jax. Do you want another beer?” She smiled affectionately at him.

His cock twitched. “Sure. How’re you tonight?”

“Busy. I’ve been running like this since about six o’clock this evening. Good for business, but bad for my feet.” She shifted her weight on one foot while she relieved some pressure off the other by suspending it in the air for a few seconds.

“Take a break and have a beer with me.” He grasped her wrist and pulled her between his legs, his dick pressing against her thighs.

Their eyes connecting, Cherri bent down and whispered in his ear, “I’d love to do that, but it’s so noisy. Maybe we can take a break in my dressing room.” Her breath stroked his earlobe.

He clasped her nearer to his crotch, his hands resting on her pert ass cheeks. “That sounds real good, sweetness. Lead the way.”

Hands on his shoulders, she said, “Let me go first, then you come on back in about five minutes, okay?”

Jax nodded as she eased herself away from him. Gulping down his beer, he watched her swaying hips disappear behind the curtain.

There was no way he could wait five minutes; he could barely wait five seconds. He stood up, wiped his hands on his jeans, and glanced at the stage. Peaches threw him a kiss as she shimmed out of her boy shorts. Turning away, he headed to Cherri’s dressing room.

When he opened the door, Cherri sat on her vanity chair with her shoes off, rubbing the balls of her feet. He laughed.

“Don’t laugh unless you’ve spent five hours in four-inch heels. I couldn’t wait to get my shoes off. Man, rubbing my feet like this feels way better than sex.”

Jax lifted up an eyebrow. “Really? Sounds like you’ve been dry too long, sugar. I’ll rub you all over so your whole body will feel real good, not just your feet.” He came up to her, moved her hands away, and began massaging her feet.

She threw her head back and groaned. “Shit, it feels so good. You’ve got quite the touch.”

He bent down and kissed the top of her feet lightly—her red-polished toes drove him crazy. He lightly kissed each toe while he massaged her sore feet, her “ahs” and “ohs” telling him he was giving her what she needed. He moved his hands up her calves and then toward her thighs. As he kneaded her skin, he followed it with a trail of kisses and soft bites. When he reached her thighs, she parted her legs as she grabbed his hair. She threaded her fingers through it while she threw her head back, the veins in her throat quivering under the vibrations of her groans. He parted her legs more and revealed a tiny metallic thong. The shiny patch barely covered her smooth pussy lips. He licked his lips as he ran his finger over her glistening slit.

“Fuck, sweetie. I love how I make you so wet.”

Cherri moaned her response as she squirmed under his caressing finger, fixing her gaze on him when he smiled and put his finger in his mouth, tasting her. With her fist in his hair, she pulled his head back then bent over, running her lips and tongue over his face—light, feathery strokes on his forehead, eyes, cheeks, and everywhere else
his mouth. He stood up, pulling her with him, and crushed her to his chest. Hearing her gasp—one, single gasp—set his body on fire, and he had to possess all of her, even if it meant he’d lose his soul to her.

Jax yanked her hair back and she cried out, but he cut off the sound with his mouth on hers, devouring her lips as his tongue darted in and plunged deep inside, pushing further until she placed her small hands on his shoulders to ease him away. Unable to let her go, he tasted her mouth, danced with her tongue, licked her teeth, and sucked her bottom lip. As Jax released her, they embraced each other as they caught their breaths.

Covering her mouth with his again, he guided Cherri over to the sofa against the wall, never breaking their kiss. Her arms snaked around his neck, and she held him tightly as he lay her on the couch. Kneeling next to her, their lips still clung together, tasting and consuming each other like it was the end of the world and this was their one chance at pleasure.

He moved his hands around the curves of her body until he reached her ass then slipped them under her skirt, her rounded globes greeting him. As he squeezed and pinched them, he stroked her crack, the metallic fabric scratching his finger.

He tore his mouth away from hers, leaving her gasping for air as he murmured into her neck, “I fuckin’ love your body. You make me hard like no other woman.”

She snorted. “Sorry, but I find that a little hard to believe. You do have a rep of being a bit of a man-whore. I’m sure I’m not the only woman who makes you hard, but it was a sweet effort on your part to tell me that.”

He brought his hand up to cup her breast, squeezing it and loving the way she hitched her breath and tightened her jaw. “Yeah, other women give me a hard-on, but that’s not what I meant. With other chicks, it’s a way to get pleasure and release. I don’t know…it’s like I want it, I get it then it’s over until the next time. But with you? Oh, fuck, with you, I want, need, and desire it all at once. It’s like it’ll kill me if I don’t get it
with you
and only
. I want and need all of you. I crave you. It’s more than just havin’ pussy. You know?”

Cherri buried her head in his neck and stayed there, quiet, for several minutes.

“What’s wrong, sweetie? Did I say somethin’ to make you mad? Did I fuck up again?” Jax put his hands on each side of her face and pushed it up; her cheeks were wet and her bottom lip trembled. “Why’re you crying?”

She tried to bury her head again, but his hands were like clamps against her face. She locked her eyes on his. “When you say shit like that, you make me feel special,” she whispered. “I dunno… you don’t make me feel like just another slut.”

Jax’s eyebrows drew together. “You
special. You’re very special to me. Don’t ever forget how special you are.” He kissed away the dampness on her face. The sweet saltiness of her tears pricked Jax’s tongue.

Cherri crushed her mouth against his, grazing his bottom lip with her teeth. She slid her tongue over his lips, his chin, his Adam’s apple, and the base of his neck, until she reached his pecs. She ran her fingernails over his stacked muscles and tweaked his erect nipples, taking each one between her teeth as she flicked her tongue over them. Low growls emitted from deep in Jax’s throat and he buried his hands in her hair, grabbing clumps of it. After teasing his nipples, she ran her tongue and nails downward toward the V that dipped under his tight jeans toward his prominent hard-on.

“Fuck, woman, you’re busting my balls here.”

“I love the way you taste. It’s sweet, like a liqueur with a hint of salt. Mmmm.” Cherri gave him a big, wet kiss on his belly button, her tongue darting in and out.

“Fuck, woman… fuck…”

She unzipped his jeans and put her hand on his throbbing dick. Jumping out, Jax’s hardness hit her against her cheek. Rubbing her finger over its glistening top, she licked his cock on the underside before Jax yanked her up.

Eyes wide, she said, “You don’t want a blowjob? I thought it was the one thing all men loved.”

“Fuck yeah, I want one, but if you give me one, I’m gonna blow real fast ’cause I’ve been hard for you for too long. I don’t want to ruin this. I want to play with you, give you something to scream about. Then I’ll blow inside your warm pussy.”

Redness began to color Cherri’s cheeks as she shied from his heated gaze.

Jax sat on the edge of the couch and hugged her, pulling her into the crook of his arm. She was stiff as a board. “No reason to be shy around me, sweetness. We can go slow and real gentle. This is the real thing, not some shadow from your past or some jerk you fucked. Don’t close down on me now. Trust me.” He tilted her chin up, looked at her mouth, and pressed his lips on hers, kissing her softly. Slackness began to replace her rigidity as she took long, deep breaths. When she was soft and pliant, Jax, ever so slowly, guided her down on the couch, his mouth next to her ear, whispering, “That’s it, sweet one. That’s it.”

He nuzzled his face against hers, the softness of her skin electrifying him. A small moan escaped from her throat and she tangled her fingers in his hair, wrapping her leg around his as she grasped him closer to her.

“I’m sorry; it’s just sometimes past phantoms get in the way. I do want to be with you and feel every part of you on and in me.” She nestled her face in his neck.

“No need to apologize. I get it. And sweetie, I want to be with you. I can’t wait to be inside you. You make me so fuckin’ horny, you don’t even know. You’re the real thing, sweet one. You’re special to me; you know that, right?”

Cherri didn’t answer, just kept playing with his hair.

“Sweetness?” Jax lifted her face toward his. “You know you’re special to me, don’t you?”

She nodded then pulled him close as he saw uncertainty lacing her eyes. He wanted to fuck her too much to talk about it right then, but he made a mental note to do so later. It was important that he made her realize she meant the world to him. His face darkened and his brow constricted. Whatever or whoever fucked her up, he had to find out, and when he did, he would exact vengeance.

Cherri, clenching her thighs together, brought him out of his dark transgression. He brushed her cheek with his hand and she opened her eyes. “Sweetie, I want your eyes open so you can watch what I do to you. I want to see the desire and pleasure in your beautiful blue eyes.”

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