JAX (Breaking the Declan Brothers #1) (16 page)

BOOK: JAX (Breaking the Declan Brothers #1)
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He licks me everywhere, his tongue fucking me senseless. My legs weaken as another orgasm builds, but he holds me strong by the hips with his firm hands as he devours me, hungrily consuming all the wetness from between my trembling thighs. God. Who would’ve known there were men made like him? He really knows how to take a woman to her breaking point, more than once in a single night, all the while still leaving her craving and needing so much more. I will always want Jax Declan. This will never ever go away.

Then, I hear the sound that’s going to deliver me what I need, the ripping open of a condom. I clutch the sheet and lift my ass higher. I want it. Bad. My heart palpitates. Thinking about him entering me, the anticipation is too much. “Jax,” I pant. “Please, Jax.” Shit. I sound like a wanton bitch, but I don’t care.

“Almost there, baby. Fuck, you got the sweetest pussy. You taste so good on my tongue, Em.” His hands are back on my hips, fingers digging into my skin. “Brace yourself, princess. I’m going to take you as I’ve wanted for the past few weeks.” He enters me fully in one deep thrust and my insides cling to his burning male heat. I don’t want to let go, not ever. “I’m going to take you so fucking hard,” he grunts, and with each retraction, he follows it up with another forceful surge back into my body.



The second I push through Em’s softness, my balls lift and stiffen. I rear my hips and heave back in with more force than the last. I’ve been riding the high of my aggression since I sank my teeth into her nipple. Strong and intense, as usual, it takes me over. This is what I’m comfortable with, this is what I need, to fuck my beautiful Em hard.

She cries a sweet sound that pumps my heated blood. Sweat beads on my forehead. My fingers dig deeper into her pliable flesh as I escort her fine naked body to and from me. I gaze down at her luscious ass, narrow waist, and the sensual curve of the small of her back. Her long blond hair cascades over her shoulder as she turns her head. When those sultry blue eyes find me, something deep inside shifts that intense and strong need to take her hard escapes my body. A rush of complete ecstasy, one not driven by my cock, disables me. The continuous euphoric, intense desire, the perpetual need, and the undying want deactivates my resolve. My hands still and my hips slow. Shit. No!

“Jax,” she says, staring up at me.

My chest tightens, and it’s like I forget how to breathe. Hands shaking, head foggy, and vision blurred, I pull out of her. I stumble back from the bed and swipe a hand over my sweaty face. She rolls onto her back and goes to sit up. “No, stay there,” I stop her with the hold up of a trembling hand, still gasping for air and shaking from the inside out. Fuck, I clench my heavy chest. What the hell is going on here? I give my head a jiggle, trying to assemble some command over what I think my body is attempting to tell me.

Fuck. I need to get it together here.

I’ll just get back in bed, and I’ll feel it. The aggression will come back and this other shit will go back to where it came from, which I fear might just be my heart. If it doesn’t, shit. I don’t know what to do then. It’s the way I know how to fuck, it’s what I’m conditioned to, not this sense of, dammit. No. Oh, fuck, this can’t be how it feels, can it?

I make my way back to the bed and crawl on top of her. Our bodies touch, my eyes meet hers, and everything becomes crystal clear. Yep. This is it. It’s gotta be, for no longer do I want to fuck her hard. No. All I want to do is, motherfucker. I want to make slow and passionate love to her, fucking love.

 “Jax, it’s okay.” Her eyes soften as her palm encases my cheek. “You’re not being too rough. The sex feels great.”

“Fuck,” I gaze down into her beautiful eyes. “Em,” I half-chuckle, “babe, this ain’t sex.”

“What do you mean?”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. “This is you reaching inside of me, and finding something that I didn’t know exists, a part of me that’s only survived for you. When I look at you,” I take a breath. “Fuck, I see everything I want, all that I need. It’s right here, right where it’s always been, in you. So, this isn’t us having sex,” I slowly enter her and her back arches as her body accepts me, I lower to her ear, “this is you finishing what you started. This is you finally stealing my heart, Emmie Rue.”

“Jax,” she whispers just before I capture her mouth for a long wet kiss. Her lips break from mine. “Jax,” she blinks up at me, but it’s like in slow motion, “what are you saying?”

“I’m saying,” I pull my hips back, and then return to the warmth and wetness coating my cock. “God. You’re incredible.” I kiss her and even the taste of her mouth steals me. “Princess, I’m sayin’ that I’m gonna make love to you. And, hell, I’m not even sure it’s gonna be any good. I’ve never been with someone like this before, but you’re getting it. You stole my heart, and now, my little thief, you’re going to have to accept your punishment.”

“And,” her arms reach around my back, a smile slithering across her mouth, “what exactly is my punishment?”

“Well, that’d be,” I pause to search her eyes, knowing I’m about to go all fucking balls in here. “My love, and, babe, you may not even want it, but take it or leave it. You own it. You own me, Em.”

“Oh-ho,” her eyes glisten up at me as her arms tighten around my body, “I’m so taking it.” She pulls herself closer. “And anything we do together could be nothing but perfect. So, you go right ahead. You make love to me, Jax Declan.” Her lips touch mine, and I delve deeper into her with each rhythmic push. Our bodies unite, merging as one. She is a part of me, just I am a part of her, and together we are whole.



Life hasn’t been the same since Jax announced that he was giving me his love. For the past two days, I’ve been riding cloud nine, holding its soft reins and basking in every heavenly moment. Granted, he didn’t say that he loved me, but I get the sense that’s what he meant. Right?

Tonight he’s working behind the bar, and the girls and I are going to JZS’s for a few drinks. I decided to head out early. I have a present for Jax, and I want him to myself for a few minutes before the partying starts. And tonight, I’ve gone all out. I broke out the sexy gear, the make-up, and the heels, but the only man I plan to tease tonight is Jax Declan. No need wasting my tease on any other, Jax is the only man for me. Now I just have to figure out how this is going to all workout. We haven’t discussed the fact that I’ll be leaving in a little over a month. It’s odd that he hasn’t brought it up at all.

I walk into the place and spot my sexy beast behind the bar. Damn, the man wears the hell out of plain t-shirt, and those jeans, like the rest of his clothes, look as if they to love cling to his fine ass and thick thighs. But what wouldn’t want to be gripping all those muscles?

He smiles at a customer as he takes the money from her. I can tell the woman is hitting on my man, but he’s so savvy about the way he rejects them. Just keeps smiling but doesn’t react to their advances. Yeah, I’ve seen him in action. What Jax doesn’t know is that shit turns a girl on. Men aren’t the only ones who like a challenge. A few weeks ago, Jax was my challenge and I think that I mighta just managed to break this Declan brother. Task completed.

Making my way to him, I set my purse and his gift on the bar. He sees me and stops what he’s doing to give me a real smile. Not the type he hands out at the bar, but the kind that melts a girl’s heart. God, I love him.

“Hey, princess,” he says, walking over to me.

“Jax,” I grin. “Busy tonight,” I glance around the bar.

“Yeah,” his eyes shift to the bag on the bar as he continues to dry the glass in his hand. “Whatcha got there?”

“A present.”

“Someone’s birthday tonight?”

“No. It’s for you.”

“Me?” He sets the glass and the dishrag down on the bar, staring at the bag.

“Open it,” I say.

He picks up the bag, gives me scrawled look, then reaches inside, and he starts to laugh as he pulls out my gift.

“A blue ribbon,” he chuckles again, holding out the ribbon with a silver number one in the center of it.

“Yeah, I noticed you didn’t really have any over your headboard as you boasted.” I lean across the bar. “And because you’re the best damn pie eater in the Bayou. Hell, no doubt in Galveston County, and maybe even in Texas, I thought you deserved one.”

“Em,” he chokes back another throaty laugh, “you do know that there’s no pie eating contest during the festival, right? Well, there’s pie tasting but not pie eating.”

“Yes, Jax Declan, I do know that. But you still should get a blue ribbon for your talent.”

He laughs again as his near black eyes sparkle at me from across the bar. “Thanks, babe, but I gotta let you know, I’m retiring.”

“Excuse me?”

“My pie eating days are over,” he says, putting the ribbon back in the bag.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” I try to hold my smile. Jax is going to be eating my pie for a very long time.

“Well, princess,” he rests his forearms on the bar and looks up at me from beneath long lashes. “The search is over.” He claps his hands together. “See, I finally found my ‘just right’ pie.”

“You did?”

“Yep and this pie isn’t too tart, too sweet, or too bitter. The ingredients, every damn one of them, are perfect.”

“Sounds like a damn good pie to me.”

“She is.” His smiling eyes hold me, capturing my breath. “And I don’t want her to leave the Bayou. I want her stay here. And if she stays, I promise that I’ll provide her a nice warm house with a perfect windowsill to sit on when she needs cooling.”

“Jax.” I stumble for some returning words, but nothing seems to come out. Deep in my heart, I know this is what I want. What I’ve ever wanted.

“Hey,” he reaches across the bar and grabs my hand, and that damn thumb of his works its magic against my flesh. “You don’t need to make a decision now. I just wanted to make sure you knew where I stand and that’s right here, where I’ve always been, and where I’ll always be, waiting for you. I shouldn’t have let you walk out of my life back then, and now that I’ve gotten a second chance, babe, I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you.”

My heart squeezes and feet tingle, feeling that cloud nine sailing below me, raising me to the very place I’ve longed to be, with Jax Declan. I go to open my mouth just as I feel an arm drop upon my shoulders.

“Well, hello, love birds,” Rayna says above my ear. My eyes snap up at her bad timing. But she must not have caught my fraught girlfriend glance. “What time is the fight starting tonight,” she asks Jax as Lurlene comes up alongside her.

Jax’s eyes flash to Rayna, then up to the clock on the wall. “Any minute.”

“Cool, you gonna watch it with us,” she asks me, “or are you staying with loverboy here?”

“I, ah,” I look at Jax, and he shrugs.

“Go on with your friends.” He wink
picking up the rag and glass from the bar. “We can talk later.”

Rayna grabs my arm. “Yeah, come along and play with the girls.” She pulls me up from the chair.

“We will talk later, Jax,” I say, trying to hint that I’m not going anywhere. I want to stay, and I will hold him to that warm house with a windowsill because when it comes to Jax, this girl will need a lot of cooling. The man makes me so hot, but it’s a good hot.

I grab my purse, and we head to the back door.

“Hey,” I hear Jax yell. I flip around in my heels. The entire bar must have also heard him because everyone’s head turns to look at him, too. Jax sets his hands on the edge of the bar, and then he smiles at me as if we’re the only two people in the room. And I smile back. “I love you, Em,” he says, loud and unwavering.

“Holy shit,” Rayna says with a giggle.

My knees nearly buckle. I reach out for Lurlene, and she holds me up. Never would I take Jax Declan for a man to declare his love in front of an audience. Never. I glance around and every person in the bar is staring at me. And that’s when I realize that they’re waiting for me to respond.

“You better say something,” Lurlene whispers. “Or at least go over there to him, but Emmie, don’t leave the poor man hanging.”

BOOK: JAX (Breaking the Declan Brothers #1)
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