Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (4 page)

BOOK: Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“What would you have said if we’d offered you a threesome last night?” Caleb asked as he broke the heated silence in the cab. Both men were adjusting themselves.

“It was just a dream!” she improvised. Couldn’t they somehow change the subject? She turned to Caleb. “Now, what did you dream about last night?”

“Would you have accepted the offer if we’d asked?” he repeated instead of answering her question.

“I, uh, I don’t know. I’ve never done something like that.”

“But you’ve fantasized about it?” Jackson probed.

“I guess so. It’s in several of the books I read.” She shrugged her shoulders. “They make it sound awesome, but I don’t know if I could actually do it myself.” She looked out of the windshield and realized she didn’t know where the hell they were. Jackson turned off onto a gravel road.

“Why not?” Jack pulled off onto the side of the road, half in the grass. He knew that this road was rarely traveled as his folks owned most of the property on it. He parked the truck, released his seat belt, and stared at her.

“I don’t know!” Lord, they were scrutinizing her as she wiggled in the seat between them.

“Yes, you do. Answer me, dammit!” Jackson’s hands turning her toward him as Caleb released her seat belt.

“I can’t imagine being naked in front of two men, okay! Dammit, it’s bad enough having one man snicker and point out all your flaws without him having a friend to laugh about them, too.” She tried to play it off as a joke by chuckling a little, but it really hit close to home. That part of her dream had been reality. The one man she’d been with had been so insecure about himself that he had to criticize her to make himself feel better. She pulled herself out of the past and looked at Jackson and Caleb, and they didn’t look impressed with her joke.

“Who would do that to you?” Caleb asked her in a gruff voice.

“It doesn’t matter now, does it? Can we just go?”

“Yes, it fucking matters to me. You’re gorgeous, and I want to know who the hell thought they were so fine that they could put you down.” Jackson was spitting fire. In fact, she’d never seen him so angry.

“It’s no big deal. I’m sorry I brought it up. Aren’t your parents expecting us?”

“I think it’s punishment time,” Jackson snarled at her.

“Damned straight. How are we going to manage in this truck?” Cal asked him.

“What are you going to punish Caleb for?” she asked innocently, not fully realizing the peril she was in.

“We can punish her in the garage.” He put the truck into gear and stomped the gas. Snow and gravel spewed across the road. Within five minutes, they were pulling up behind a beautiful Victorian house. “Stay here,” Jackson ordered as he climbed out and went into the house. Within five minutes, he was back with a key in his hand. “Let’s go.”

Caleb snagged her and pulled her out of the truck. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She kicked and struggled against him, but Jackson wasn’t putting up with that. He picked her up fireman style and tossed Cal the key.

Neither man spoke to her until they had her locked in the garage with them. This wasn’t a garage. It was immaculately clean. Sure, there were tools hanging on the wall and tool chests here and there, but no cars and mechanics. Damn.

Jack dropped her off in front of the high metal pole that stood in the center of the garage. “Do you know why you’re going to be punished?”

“Because you two are perverted bastards?”

“Add being a smart-ass to the list of punishable offenses, Jack.” Caleb moved so that she could see nothing but him. His big hands moved the row of buttons on the front of her blouse. He studiously unbuttoned her shirt then slid it off as she struggled before him.

“Does Pops still keep rope in here?”

“Yeah, hold on.” Jack picked up a blue bundle of rope and tossed it to Caleb. Without her even realizing it, her arms were being fastened together, but she’d been too busy trying to look for her blouse to worry about anything else. Jack knelt at her feet to remove both boots. Caleb dealt with the fastenings on her jeans while Jack pulled them off. She stood before both men in nothing but her black bra and thong.

“Are you ready to hear the charges being brought against you, Onalee?”

“What the hell are you talking about? Let me go!” This isn’t too damned funny anymore, she thought as her eyes pooled with tears. It was bad enough this morning with Jackson seeing her naked, but her near nudity was even worse with both of them looking at her.

“Tears do not work with me, missy!” Caleb sneered at her. “First offense, running out on us last night. Do you know how fucking long we looked for you at the bar? Hell, we didn’t know if someone doped up your drink and took off with you or what.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Not good enough. Second offense, not following directions this morning when I told you to leave your damned hair down,” Jackson informed her. Lean, long fingers moved to the neat French twist and began removing all the pins that held it in place. Blonde strands of hair fell down below her waist. Jackson deposited the pins into his pocket.

“It’s my damned hair!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…She just doesn’t learn, does she? Arguing is also an offense we need to punish her for. Hell, she’s constantly quarrelling with us.” Caleb was removing the black leather belt from around his waist as he made his suggestion. “And her smart-ass comments are another.”

“Last offense, at least for now, would have to be lying to us,” Jack finished as he accepted the belt that Caleb handed him.

“When did I lie to you?” If only they knew…

“You lied by omission when you wouldn’t tell us the bastard’s name who mocked you. You wouldn’t tell us who the men were in your dream, either.”

“What if I didn’t know their names? Did you ever think about that?”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of woman who has one-night stands with a man she doesn’t know, correct me if I’m wrong.” Jackson began to swing the belt in the air, coming close to her but never actually touching her.

She shook her head. No, she’d been dating the guy for about three months before they’d been intimate. She scowled at Jackson as he observed her. Jackson nodded to the other man. Her bound hands were being lifted about her head. She was turned until the cold metal pole was between her breasts and her ass stuck out bare for the two of them. With deft moves, Caleb anchored her wrists to the pole.

“Pops got a spreader bar out here?”

“Shut up! Man, I don’t want to think of Pops putting Mom in one of those.” Jack shook his head to clear the horrid mental image the thought provided.

“Wait!” she gasped before they could begin.


“I don’t understand why we’re doing this. I don’t belong to either one of you—so why are you punishing me?” she whispered as she contemplated what they were going to do to her. Yes, it was a big fantasy of hers, but she didn’t know if she could handle the reality of it.

“Because we can. You scared us last night. We both expected the worst with the rowdy bunch that was at the bar. I almost got the cops involved. If Caleb hadn’t seen your car gone, we would have.” Jack frowned at her. “You’ve pushed the two of us away for a year now. I’m tired of waiting.”

“Waiting for what?”

“This!” The belt hissed in the air before it landed on her ass. She gasped and bit her lip to keep from crying out. She couldn’t keep her body from tensing as she waited for the next strike to land, and when it did, she squealed in pain and pushed her butt out for more. Each blow was harder than the previous one until her ass was bright red. She had tears running down her face because it was so much more intense than she had ever dreamed or imagined. She could feel the moisture of her cunt against her legs. With just one touch, she’d come.

Large hands soothed her bottom. Jackson had pulled out some kind of ointment that his mother had concocted, and he rubbed it over her tender flesh.

Immediately, the ointment began to alleviate some of the pain, but not enough that she wouldn’t remember the consequences of her foolish actions.

As his hands moved, they brushed against her wet vulva. Between her wetness and gasp, he was breathing hard and fighting himself even harder. He could smell her arousal as sure as he could feel it. He nodded to Caleb but didn’t say a word. They worked to get her hands down and released.

“Look at us,” Jack ordered, and she quickly followed his directions. “Are you aroused?” He watched her face as she weighed her options. If she lied, it would mean another round with the belt…She quickly nodded. “You are not allowed to come. Do you understand me?”

Her mouth fell open. Did he just tell her she couldn’t masturbate? Who the hell did he think he was? God? As he continued to finger the belt, she decided that she could play their little game, at least until she got home tonight. Then she and BOB would have a pulsating great time! “Okay. May I please get dressed?”

“You’d better. My brothers are all happily married, but I don’t see where they need to be eyeing you naked.”

“Damn, are you going to act jealous with me, too?” Caleb asked him as they helped Onalee into her clothing. Jack shrugged in response. Hell if he knew.

Chapter 4


The holiday had been both the worst and the best time she could remember. It appeared that all of the men knew what had gone on in the garage. There were plenty of knowing looks being passed around. The ladies, on the other hand, gave more sympathetic looks.

There had been lot of little boys, all toddlers and babies, playing and sleeping in the old but well-kept house. She’d forgotten which child belonged to which brother, but there hadn’t been a single girl in the bunch. Two of the little ones, twins, had clung to her the minute she came into the house.

All three brothers had teased Jack about when he was going to settle down. Of course, there were quite a few innuendos tossed around as well. While all of the men were what she considered “alpha” males, they also seemed to dote on their wives.

Jack’s parents had been nice as well. She’d been made to feel like a member of the family. Tehya and Killian Wolfe had made her feel very welcome, and it had been late before they left. Onalee dozed off as she listened to Jackson and Caleb talk on the way home. In fact, she didn’t even wake up when Caleb was dropped off at his apartment.

Someone was nudging her, and she tried to ignore them and burrow closer to the warm body next to her. He cursed with a laugh before he lifted her upright. “Onalee, honey, wake up!” Heavy eyelids lifted as she tried to orient herself to her surroundings. “I can carry you, but those stairs will be a bitch.”

Groggily, she let him help her out of the truck and up the stairs. The cold air helped revive her, and she was able to fish out her keys and unlock the door. He invited himself in.

“Thanks for making me come with you today. I really liked your family.” All of a sudden, she felt uncomfortable. Maybe it had been the spanking that had changed the way she looked at him. She wasn’t sure. She wanted to pull his shaved head down until she could kiss him…

“They liked you, too.” A long arm snaked around her middle and pulled her close to him. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you?” Spellbound, she shook her head no. “Since the moment you walked into the restaurant for your interview.” His lips grazed hers. “I’ve wanted to strip you down and wear you out.”

“What?” Her breathing accelerated as his hands dragged her hips against his. Oh goodness, she thought, he was definitely built better than the only lover she’d ever had.

“I want you”—he stroked his hands across her back—“and so does Caleb.” He was nibbling his way down her neck as he spoke. “We want you between us, begging and moaning while we make you ours.”

“Are you and Caleb gay?”

He immediately pulled away from her and glared. “No, we don’t fuck each other, but we love sharing women. We love watching them reach impossibly high heights of pleasure and knowing that we caused it.”

Her heart wasn’t the only thing fluttering! Given all the fantasies and dreams of the two of them that she’d had lately, she couldn’t believe that he was telling her this. She pinched herself, just to make sure it wasn’t another dream. “Does Caleb know that you’re saying this?”

“Excuse me?”

“Does he know that you’re volunteering his ‘services’ to me? I mean, I’ve seen the women you two have hanging around the restaurant, and none of them look like me!”

He allowed her to move away and watched her as she went to the kitchen area. She pulled a diet soda out of the fridge, popped the top, and swallowed most of it in one drink. It was times like this that she wished she liked beer. Maybe it would be enough to settle her nerves.

“Do you think we fuck every woman we’re seen with?”

“All of them? Well, I hadn’t really thought about that, but you’ve probably left a trail of broken G-strings across the greater Kansas City area.”

“Your smart-assed mouth is going to get you into some deep water, honey.” His hands were folded over his chest, and he frowned with his disappointment.

“Jackson, I’m not trying to be smart!” She settled herself against the kitchen cabinet. “The women that I’ve seen both of you with have been models. Beautiful, skeletal models,” she added.

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