Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (2 page)

BOOK: Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Onalee didn’t drink beer at all. Grandpa George had laughed when she’d tried one on her twenty-first birthday and gagged. He’d told her it was an acquired taste, and she’d quickly told him she didn’t want to acquire a taste for it. She left the beer on the table and longed for a fruity mixed drink or a soft drink.

As the band started back up on stage, she was led to the dance floor by Jackson. The music was wild, and she finally let herself go. She forgot how silly she’d look in front of all these people and cut loose. Jackson kept her close to his front. Caleb was dancing at her back. She was surrounded by testosterone—and she loved it.

She could feel them rubbing against her, and their erections were huge. She wished they were somewhere else because she longed to feel them naked against her. Four large hands would be holding her body tight. She was panting, but it wasn’t from the music.

Caleb shouted over the music that he was going for a refill and left them on the dance floor. Just then, the band started a slow song. Before she realized Jackson’s intentions, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer to his hard body. His large, muscular arms wrapped around her as she slowly brought her arms around his neck.

She dared to look up into his black eyes. He was watching her, his mouth a breath away from hers. She didn’t think but reached up to meet his lips. He met her halfway there, his mouth gently brushing across hers again and again until she opened her mouth. His hand moved up to cup the back of her head as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. The kiss went on and on but finally ended when the band cranked up another rowdy song.

She stepped back from him. Oh hell, she’d just made out with her boss, and she knew she was going to die of embarrassment. “I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” she lied as she slipped off the dance floor. She circled around to the table, grabbed her stuff, and snuck out of the bar.

The cold streets were lit, and there were just a few people standing around. Regrettably, she had to walk through a group of rough-looking young men. She wished that they would give anyone under the age of twenty-one a curfew. These kids needed to be at home getting some rest, but instead were harassing women as they walked by.

And she didn’t get off scot-free either. Oh no, she heard their comments about her fat ass, her “thunder thighs,” and big breasts. She didn’t bother responding to them because getting upset would just give them more power over her. She kept walking with her head held high in the air and her keys placed strategically in her hand.

She made it to her old little bug car. It had seen better days, but it was good on gas and, for its mileage, was very reliable. Luckily for her, it started immediately. She cranked the music up as loud as possible and pulled out into traffic. She didn’t stop until she was safely in the driveway of the house she stayed at.

Her apartment was on the upper floor of an old house near the “Big Screw” in Independence. The little old lady she rented from, Dottie, was a trip. The little old lady liked to help all the men that came by the house, and she always managed to feel them all up! She’d handled more male “packages” than the US Postal Service, and she loved every minute of it.

Ms. Dottie had gone to see her family in Texas for the Thanksgiving holiday. She’d happily told Onalee that she might stay until after Christmas since her younger sister was getting so old and frail, so unlike Dottie.

Onalee carefully trudged up the snowy steps. She wasn’t looking forward to the holiday tomorrow. When she was at work, she didn’t have to think about how lonely she was. When she was here, in the silence of her small apartment with no one to talk to, she tended to get a little morose.

I need to get a pet, she thought, maybe a cat. Cats were easy to take care of and didn’t require as much supervision as dogs. Too bad the animal shelter was going to be closed tomorrow, or she would have made it a point to check out the cats they had.

After a quick shower, she headed to bed. She didn’t bother with a nightgown. She preferred sleeping in the nude. It isn’t like anyone is going to see me anyway, she thought. Her head had barely touched the pillow, and she was out.

Chapter 2


Onalee walked into the auto shop a bit unsure of herself. She’d never had to deal with problems like this before as her Grandpa had always fixed her car for her. Her car had petered out on her. The tow truck driver annoyed her, saying little more than “I know where you need to go” during the ride over, and here she was in a garage full of strangers.

Her mouth fell open as she looked at the men in the garage. Since when was it okay to work shirtless? As one of the tall, muscular hunks walked toward her, she forced her mouth to close and tried to still her rapidly beating heart.

“Can I help you?” Jack’s black eyes left scorch marks across her body as they traced her flesh.

“Um, I think so.” Her voice was a bit hoarse, and she definitely needed to get laid. She wanted to trace over those pecs—with her tongue. She could picture herself sliding down to her knees to take that incredible package into her mouth as his fingers wrapped themselves in her hair.

“Ma’am, if you could stop drooling over my dick and focus, maybe I can help you.” His baritone voice had her blushing.

“I’m sor–sorry.” Stuttering, she messed with the sweater she wore over her dress. Maybe if she’d been a size two, he’d be interested, but her plus-sized figure wasn’t going to tempt any man that looked that good. “The tow-truck driver said that my car could be fixed here.”

“What’s wrong with it?” he asked as he glared down at her.

“I’m not a mechanic so how the hell would I know?” she muttered as she stalked out to her car. She thought he said something about a spanking, but she ignored him. She’d just find the tow-truck driver and get him to take her and her car to another shop.

“Hey, Jack.” The driver, Caleb, reached out to shake hands with Jack. With the men talking, she decided to take a glance at the available goods of the driver. Good Lord, she caught herself panting as she wondered if they were all bigger in Kansas City.

“Caleb, what the hell were you thinking?” The bastards were ignoring her and her car. What the kind of crap was this?

“I thought you could help her out. Looks like it ain’t been rode in a while.” The blond god glanced over her with a wicked dimple showing on his left cheek. His tawny eyes were smoking as they traced over her…What the hell? Why wasn’t he looking at the car?

“I was just driving it, you ass. Like yesterday. To Independence and back. No problems. Then this morning, nothing!” She tapped her foot impatiently against the pavement.

“Not sure she would be able to handle it, bro. She doesn’t seem all that…cooperative.”

“I think you’d find out if she was cooperative if you’d just pop the damned hood and check. Maybe you need to check the oil…?” She was going to kill them—they were standing there laughing at her. “I know, I’m not a freaking mechanic!”

“Come here, darlin’. I can check your oil.” Jack motioned her to come forward with the crook of his finger. His eyes were dancing with mirth.

“You know what?” Her fingers settled on her plump hips. “You can both go to hell. Those kinds of games are so immature.” Flinging the door open to her black Volkswagen Bug, she reached in and grabbed her purse. As she rummaged around for her cell phone, she didn’t bother to look at them.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Her intense blue eyes glared up at them both. “Like you don’t know!” She was so tired of men who only wanted the perfect model-thin woman. She heard from them all the time. Oh, she was a great friend to hang out with, but they would never want to fuck someone like her—she was too good a friend or whatever else lame excuse they could come up with.

“No, we don’t know.” They stood directly in front of her with their brawny arms crossed over their chests. “Please, feel free to enlighten us,” Jack’s husky voice demanded.

Rolling her eyes, she backed up until she was almost leaning on her vehicle. “Like either one of you would want to ‘check my oil’ or whatever other euphemism you can think up. I’m sure if I were tall, thin, and beautiful, you’d be willing to do all kinds of nasty things to me. But I’m not.” Their angry faces weren’t doing anything for her. Shit. She needed to shut up. “Don’t worry, I’ll try not to think of either of you as I fuck myself silly tonight with BOB,” she smirked under her breath as she pictured her battery operated boyfriend.

Damn, they have really good hearing, she thought as she was jerked off of her feet and tossed over a shoulder. She wasn’t sure which man had grabbed her, but she wasn’t taking it lightly either. “Put me down!” She let her hands fly, hitting one of the angry giants.

“Shut the hell up. You’re gonna get the spanking of your life if you don’t shut up.”

“Hell, Caleb. She’s gonna get one anyway. Don’t let her think otherwise.” She stilled as they entered the garage. Oh my God! What the hell were they thinking? She didn’t know these people…

“Bryce and Ian, you’re done for the day. Go home.” The men didn’t say anything as they put their tools away and headed out the door. “Sit. If you get up, I’m going to spank your ass until you can’t sit down.”

Like that was a real threat, she thought. Most of her fantasies involved being spanked or flogged, tied up, and used by some sexy man who found her attractive. She snorted, like that was going to happen. She hadn’t had a date in
, much less had sex with a real man. The only man she’d had sex with had been disgusted by her large breasts and ample hips. Told her he thought she was a loose woman because she’d kept herself waxed. It had been the worst mistake of her life as she hadn’t even been able to orgasm with him.

“I hope you know we’re keeping track of all those smart-assed comments, snorts, and back talk.”

“I wasn’t even talking to you or thinking about you.” She glanced over at Jack. He had to be about six five with a shaved head. He had a goatee and tattoos. A lot of tattoos. He had both sleeves, and it made her wonder if he was covered in them.

“What shall we do, Cal?” he asked the other man as they were collecting things in the garage. What the hell were they going to do with that rope?

“Little Miss Smart-ass needs an attitude adjustment,” Caleb responded.

“She came to the right place for it.”

“Trust me, that’s why I brought her here, Jack. She seemed submissive but had a smart mouth that needs to find better uses.”

Jack let his eyes settle on her. “As much as she seems to like checking out dicks, I’m sure she can find better uses for her mouth.”

“I only—” She was cut off as Caleb suddenly stood in front of her.

“Shut up. You’ll only make it worse on yourself if you don’t shut up.” He pulled his camouflage T-shirt off of his massive chest. “Have you ever had a threesome?” She shook her head. Actually, her whole body was shaking, but with excitement, not fear. “Have you ever experimented with BDSM?” She watched as his fingers moved to the buckle of his belt, releasing the mechanism and sliding the leather out of its loops. “You have permission to talk.”

“No, sir. I’ve only ever had one lover, and he wasn’t interested in much of anything except getting off and getting out of my house.”

“Thanks for being honest, pet. Have you ever read anything about BDSM?” His large hands smoothed over her shoulders and arms as he removed her sweater.

“Yes, sir. I’ve read a lot of erotica concerning it.”

“So it’s not something you would be adverse to?”

“No, sir.” Suddenly, she realized that they were surrounding her. Both men were big in regards to their height, but Jack was bigger by a couple of inches. They had both stripped down to their jeans. They had erections, and she could see a few more tattoos on Jack’s chest and shoulders.

Oh. My. Lord.
Her mind flashed back to the one “unfortunate event” she had had. The man, whom she had dated for months before they’d even gone to second base, had had quite a small cock. Honestly, the one time he’d let her touch it, she couldn’t even use her whole hand to hold it. She’d later had to break her own hymen with BOB. What would she do with one of those big ones? She couldn’t wait to find out.

“Do you want us?”

She kept her head down, not bothering to look up as she whispered a soft “yes, sir” and prayed like hell they didn’t change their minds.

“What’s your safe word?” A large hand reached down and lifted her chin up until she was staring up into a pair of black eyes. Jack’s large hand cupped her face before smoothing her blonde hair out of the way.

“Most of the subs use red,” Caleb added as his fingers moved to the back of her dress.

“Red sounds good,” Onalee replied as she was pulled up out of her seat.

“First, you need to be punished,” Jack stated as he moved over to the car lift. The ramps are down and relatively clean, she thought as her dress started to fall.

“Oh crap!” She tried to grab the dress to keep them from seeing her body.

“None of that shit!” Jack’s voice boomed out at her as a hard hand landed on her soft backside. “You have the rope?”

Humiliation settled in as her dress fell away. They were going to see her size-fourteen body and not want her. Tears pooled as she stiffened against them.

“Damn, baby. Why do you keep this body hidden?” Caleb asked. His hands reached out to cup her breasts before releasing the clasp on her demi bra. Her D-cup breasts swung forward as they watched.

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