Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Her eyes widened as they reacted to her nudity. Their long fingers were tracing her nipples, pulling and twisting the hardened peaks. She moaned before Caleb slid one hand under the waistband of her panties. “Fuck an A!” She barely heard him speak. “You wax?”

She nodded seconds before her favorite pair of panties were ripped from her hips. “Bring her over here,” Jack called out as he held out the ropes. Before she knew it, she was braced against one of the tire ramps with her arms spread out and her hands tied down. The cold metal pulled her nipples into tighter nubs. Her legs were spread out as well and her feet held in place by more rope.

“Do you know why you are being punished?” Caleb asked as he stood in front of her.

“Because I’m a smart-ass,” she replied.

“That’s part of it, but mostly because it pleases us. We want to see your ass turn red as Caleb uses his flogger on you. We want to watch as your pussy weeps and begs for attention.” He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Are you ready for your punishment?”

“Yes, sir.” She shivered as she waited for the flogger to come down on her ass, but instead she felt the top of the flogger caress her butt and legs lightly for a minute. The first hit was light, and she moaned because she wanted to feel it harder.

“Damn, bud, I think she likes it.” One of the men chuckled as the flogger began to rain down on her butt and thighs. She ignored them, so focused on the stinging sensations that went straight to her clitoris. Gradually, they got harder, and tears came to her eyes, but she refused to cry out. The flogger stopped, and big hands smoothed over her tender flesh.

“Look at that!” Callused hands slid between her legs, caressing the bare, wet flesh they found there. “Onalee likes it rough.” She felt her arms being released as other hands worked on her feet. “Do you submit to us, pet?” She wondered what was next as they retied her hands above her head.

“Yes, sir.” Her head hung low. She was embarrassed for them to see her naked like this, with her pussy dripping down her legs. Her nipples were hard nubs that begged for their attention. She wasn’t sure she even cared about which one would get her off or how. She just needed relief.

“I think someone needs some help, don’t you?” Caleb asked as he palmed the long, thick, hard cock that stretched out from below his waistband.

“I’ll do the honors,” Jack stated as the men switched positions. Caleb moved to stand beside her, supporting her as Jack knelt down in front of her. She could feel his hot breath against her pussy lips. “Spread her.”

Jack lifted her up. She assumed it was by a hoist of some sort. Her legs were spread wide as the dynamic duo lifted her thighs up.

“Damned if that ain’t beautiful!” His voice stroked over her wet cunt. She moaned, trying to thrust her pussy closer to his lips, but he held back. “Stay still!” Immediately, she calmed and waited. She felt his rough tongue rub around her clit, straying down until it pierced her pussy, wiggling around before reaching back up to circle her clitoris again. Over and over again, he repeated the process until she was literally begging him to let her come.

“Please,” she screamed right before he sucked his swollen clit into his mouth. She felt herself spiral out of control as she wrapped her thighs around his head.

Caleb chuckled as she moved out of their grasps, but helped to ease Jack out of the vise grip she had on his head. “Let’s move her to the back room.” Strong arms picked her up and carried her through the building. Heavy eyes looked up into tawny ones.

“Don’t. You’ll hurt your back,” she whispered as she laid her head against his hairy chest.

“Shut up,” he whispered back. A door was held open for them. Her eyes widened as she took in the room around them. It had the biggest bed she’d ever seen sitting in the middle of it, along with lots of bondage gear. Jack set her down in front of the bed. Her weakened knees barely held her up as they surrounded her.

Hands reached out to tweak her nipples, lips trailed down her body…

She moaned as she was drug out of her dream by a heavy pounding on the door. What the hell? She’d kill whoever did this to her. Of course, she’d never be able to look Jackson Wolfe or Caleb Miller in the eye again, but the dream would have been worth it if only she could have finished it.

“Hold your damned horses!” she called out hoarsely as she wrapped the comforter around herself. She didn’t have time to throw any clothes on. She pulled the locks out and opened the door. “What?”

Jackson took in her disheveled appearance. “Can I come in? It’s a bit chilly out here this morning.”

Damn, she thought as she pulled the blanket tighter around herself and moved back away from the door. He seemed to dominate her space as he came inside. Her apartment was small, basically two rooms, a living, kitchen, bedroom combo and a bathroom, and she felt bad just having him inside. It was clean, but she was sure that he was used to finer furnishings.

He shut the door a little forcefully. “Onalee, you seemed to have gotten lost last night,” he commented as he leaned against her door.

“Oh, sorry, it was past my bedtime.”

“Bullshit.” He moved toward her. She backed up until the backs of her legs were against the bed. “You ran out last night because you were scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“Me and what I want.”

“That’s funny. I don’t even know what the hell you want, and you think I’m scared of it?” Onalee refused to back down in front of him. If she did it now, she’d have hell to pay both in her work and private life. She watched as he tossed his jacket off onto the sofa. His short-sleeved shirt showed off his tattooed arms. She wanted to trace over the ink with her tongue…Oh, damn! Erase, erase, erase, she told herself. It was so hard controlling herself around him. She clutched the blanket like it was a lifeline.

He ripped the blanket out of her hands. “Yes, you know what I want.” He gave her a gentle shove, and she toppled over onto the bed, naked for him to see all of her.

She scrambled around on the bed, trying to grab a sheet, pillow, or anything that could be used to shield her nakedness. “Stop it!” Tears were pooling in her eyes. She didn’t like anyone, not even her doctor, to see her nude body.

“No,” he informed her. “You need to calm your ass down, now.” He left her on the bed while he went to the wardrobe. “Do you have anything that isn’t black?” he asked as he rummaged through the coat hangers.

“No, I like black clothes.”

“No shit. Damn, we’ll work on that later.” He pulled an outfit out and laid it on the bed. “Where do you keep your bras and panties?”

“Why? I really don’t think they’d fit you.”

He glared at her until she pointed to the small built-in cabinet. “At least these are sexy.” He tossed the demi cup bra and matching black thong onto the bed. “Get dressed.”

“I don’t need to get dressed. I don’t have any plans for today except to veg out with my Kindle.”

“Sure you do. My parents are having a get-together with the rest of my family. You’ve been invited.”

“I appreciate it, but it’s time for you to spend with your family, not some interloper.”

He wasn’t impressed, but instead of arguing with her, he began stuffing her into the clothes. “You aren’t an interloper. You’re a guest. Have you ever thought about buying clothes that fit?”

“These do fit. I don’t like tight clothes.”

“Whatever. Caleb is going to be there, too. Ever since his parents moved to the Caribbean, he’s come to all our family functions, so you won’t be the only non-Wolfe there.”

“If you can give me the address, I’ll…”

“Get lost the same damned way you did last night, I’m sure. No, I’m sure I can handle driving you, but we need to hurry. Caleb has been waiting out in the truck, and he has a tendency to get impatient. He’d give you a reason to hurry quicker than I would.” He pointed her to the bathroom. “Brush your hair, but leave it down.”

Now he’s going to tell me how to do
freaking hair?
She brushed her teeth then took the time to brush her long hair out and put it into an elegant French twist. She spritzed a little of the perfume she had left on her neck, gathered her courage, and walked back out to find both men waiting on her.

Chapter 3


“Didn’t I tell you to leave your hair down?”

“You’re not my daddy, boyfriend, Dom, or lover. When I’m at work, I’ll follow all the orders I have to follow.”

“You’re going to have your hands full, Wolfe,” Caleb informed him as he rubbed a big hand across his five-o’clock shadow.

“I’ll take this out of your ass later. Come on.” She wasn’t given the opportunity to grab anything except her keys. They kept her firmly planted between them as they went down the stairs. The one time she slipped, she found herself caught both ways, pressed up against Caleb’s back while Jackson had hers. She walked toward her car, but Jack caught her before she could get the door open. “Ride with us?”

She gave him a blank look. “Why? Wouldn’t it be easier if I drove myself? That way, you can spend more time with your family without strangers in the way.”

Jackson jerked the door open. What in the hell was her problem? “You are not a stranger, you won’t be in the way, shut your damned mouth, and get into the freaking truck.” He stood behind her as she climbed the steps into his tall four-by-four truck. Jackson had a bird’s-eye view of her ass. He longed to reach out and run his hands over the firm flesh.

Onalee was shivering, but it didn’t have anything to do with the temperature outside. She was pressed between two big men as she straddled the gear shift of the old truck. Jack kept his hand near it, which meant that Jack had his hand on her thigh, and Caleb’s hand was around her shoulders.

“That must have been some kind of dream you were having,” Jackson stated as he shifted gears and, in the process, rubbed the inside of her thigh. “You were sure moaning a lot.”

She felt her cheeks turning red as they chuckled at her. Could this be any more embarrassing?

“Oh, I love to hear about dreams. You tell me about yours, and I’ll tell you about mine,” Cal teased her.

“Um, that’s okay.”

“No, we want to hear all about it. Were you with another woman?”


“One man?” Caleb asked.

“Or two?” Jackson inserted.

“Dammit! Stop—both of you!” She tried to laugh it off, but they were hitting too close for comfort. Like she wanted them to know how they’d filled her nights for the last twelve months as night after night she dreamt of different ways in which they had dominated her body and soul.

“Come on, Onalee! Don’t tease us like this. What was going on in your dream?” Cal urged her to speak.

“My car broke down, and I had to take it to the shop.” She crossed not only her fingers, but her toes, too, in hopes that they would leave it alone.

“You moan about your car being broke?” Jackson set his hand on the inside of her thigh.

“Yeah, I love my car,” she insisted.

“Do I need to threaten you again, honey?” Jack let his hand rise further up her thigh. “What were you doing in the auto shop?”

“Discussing adjustments that needed to be made.”

“To what? Your car?”

“Or your ass?” Jack inserted smoothly as she blushed even harder. “Damn, you dreamt of having your ass spanked?”

“No, I didn’t.” Technically, her ass was flogged, not spanked.

“Damn, sugar, don’t keep us in the dark. I’d love to hear what those men were doing to you. Were you tied up?”

“You guys aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

“Nope,” they answered in unison.

“Fine. My car broke down. A tow-truck driver took me and the car to an auto shop. When I got there, they thought I was a little rude and decided to punish me for it. Unfortunately, as they were taking me to a huge bed, some bastard was beating on my door and woke me up.” Neither man spoke, but she did notice they were adjusting themselves.

After a moment of silence, Jackson asked, “What did they punish you with?”

“A flogger. Oh, and they tied me up to the electric lift.” She was beginning to enjoy their discomfort. “After my punishment, one of them held me up while the other ate my pussy.”

Jackson’s eyes were on her and not the road. His chest was moving roughly under his brown shirt. “Who?”


“Who were the men in your dream?”

Oh damn, like she wanted them to know that bit of information. She thought quickly. “Couple of guys I met at a club a while back,” she lied through her teeth.

“Are you dating them?” Jackson demanded to know.

“No, just a couple guys I met while hanging out with some friends.” Okay, that wasn’t too much of a lie, was it? She’d been with her coworkers last night when she was dancing with Jackson and Caleb.

Jackson didn’t look impressed with her evasion as he glared down at her. “I asked you a question, and I want a fucking honest answer.” He was almost snarling at her. “Who were they?”

She hesitated. Did they really need to know all her personal information? She hadn’t asked them any intimate questions, but with her luck, they’d have answered them anyway. With a sigh, she whispered, “You and Cal,” as she stared at the hands in her lap.

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