It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (32 page)

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Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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He gives me a mischievous smile, before he bounces off the bed.

He walks into his walk in closet, and walks out a few minutes later with something in his hands. I look at him with raised brows as he saunters back over to the bed. Curiosity running through my veins.

He gives me another mischievous smile as he straddles my hips, hiding what’s in his hands.

"Okay beautiful, I am going to try something, okay?" he asks.

I'm curious to see what he wants to do, so I nod my head, slowly.

Giving me another dazzling smile, he bends to kiss me once again.

He quickly pulls back, and holds something up in front of me.

"Are you afraid of being blindfolded and restrained?" he asks me.

"I've never done it." I reply with a dry throat.

"Okay, would you like to try it?" he asks.

"It won't hurt." he reassures me, as he sees the uncertainty on my face.

"Okay," I reply hesitantly.

After another far to brief kiss, he proceeds to slip the blindfold over my eyes, leading me to instant darkness.

After he checks it's on correctly, he lifts my right hand and ties it to the bed post.

I'm not sure what he's using, but my left hand quickly follows.

"Is that okay?" he asks.

"Yes," I breathe.

Leaning over me, he softly kisses my lips.

"Good," he says as he makes his way down my face, down my neck, and further down to my breasts.

His lips are soft as they reach my nipple again.

"Beautiful." he murmurs again past a month full of my boob.

He nips my nipple between his teeth and clamps down as his tongue swirls round the tip.

"Kaleb," I beg arching of the bed. My senses heightened with anticipation, anticipation of his next move, and what he wants to do to me.

He releases my nipple, before he pays equally as much attention to my other one.

Once that one is strained, he continues south.

His lips gliding down my stomach, past my naval and down to my pubic area.

He kisses my hairless folds, making me moan in appreciation.

He continues going lower, till his tongue is at my opening.

Slowly he inserts his tongue, stroking my walls while I shudder against him.

I try to lift my hips of the bed, but he is holding me down.

"Kaleb," I moan again.

He blows against my clit, making me pull against my restraints.

They are soft, so they don't dig in, but because he has tied them tight, I can't move.

"Rhiannon, relax." he says before he buries his head in my folds again.

He continues his delicious torture till I can tolerate it no more. He pushes me over the edge. My walls contracting against his tongue, while he laps all my pleasure up. My legs are shaking; my whole body is vibrating from my orgasm.

My walls continue contracting as he leans over me.

He fumbles for a condom I presume, and a moment later he is thrusting in me as far as he can go.

I scream at the intrusion as it was unexpected, and he feels so big, so big and deep, deeper than yesterday.

He halts all movement for a minute while I adjust to him.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah," I manage to pant out.

Getting approval from me, he slowly seals his lips over mine once more. His tongue invading my mouth, as he slowly starts to move inside me. Staring slowly, then when I meet him thrust for thrust, he spreads up.

While his lips are molding mine, his hands get a grip on my thighs and without pausing his movements, he quickly lifts my legs so they are resting on his shoulders. Not the most comfortable position, but I don’t have time to think about that.

He pumps in again, only this time he goes deeper, hitting that sweet, deep spot.

"Kaleb." I scream. He is pounding a relentless rhythm.

"Hold it." he growls as he pounds again and again.

"Please!" I beg.

His mouth covers mine again, silencing me, soaking up my moans.

With my ankles still on his shoulders, he slides out, then swiftly slams back in, knocking the wind out of me.

I try to pull my mouth away to let my much needed scream out, but his mouth is not letting up. He muffles my screams while he continues thrusting in and out.

He is sat back on his heels, and I try bringing my legs down, I know this is going to be one hell of an orgasm.

He quickly grabs my legs though to stop me lowering them. He pulls them back up, and he brings himself up so he is also hovering above me.

My legs are shaking and I can feel my orgasm coming. I fear my orgasm.

A few more hard thrusts, and I shatter beneath him. Despite his mouth still over mine, my screams slip free.

My walls are contracting around him, as he thrusts another three times before he reaches his climax.

He waits a few seconds, while we collect our breathing, before he slips out of me, and my legs fall to the bed lifelessly.

He carefully reaches over and removes my blindfold, before he unties my wrists.

“Hey baby, how was that?” he asks as he rubs my limbs back to life.

I look up at him and I try to hide my ridiculous grin. “Good.” I weakly say.

“Just good?” he looks amused.

“Teeth clenching good.” I correct myself.

“That’s better.” he says with a beautiful grin. He reaches over to the bedside table, switched off the light, and folds me in his arms. I instantly fall into a peaceful sleep.


I wake the following morning to find I have the bed to myself. I look around the room to see if Kaleb is in the room, but I am a little disappointed to find I am very much alone.

Deciding I need to get up and find Kaleb, I wrap the duvet around me and head out the room. I walk round the apartment to find Kaleb in the kitchen wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. His sculptured back is to me, and I can see his muscles work as he does something with his hands.

Lost in my daydream, I don’t notice Kaleb has turned around and is offering me a coffee. He pulls me out of my daydream when he quickly plants his lips to mine before he pulls away and hands me the hot coffee.

“Hey beautiful, what are you thinking about?” he asks as he turns to grab his own coffee of the work surface.

I blush at him before I answer, “I was just admiring you.” I admit.

“Oh really? And just what do you like the most?”

“It all.”

I place my ass on a bar stool as I take a sip of my coffee, and Kaleb comes to sit beside me.

“So what’s on the menu at work today?” I ask him.

“I don’t deal with the kitchen department; you will have to check when you get in.” he replies. I don’t bother hiding my laughter at him.

“I didn’t mean food wise Kaleb.” I say between laughing, “I meant what is going on at work today.” I continue. He joins in with my laughter, but after a moment he stops.

“I will look in the diary when we get there.” he tells me in a gruff tone.

My laughter comes to an end with his tone of voice. Why the sudden change? I am going to ask him, but he speaks first, “Are you ready?” he asks as he places his coffee cup in the sink and leaves the kitchen.

In a daze I get to my feet, take a quick swig of my coffee, which is still far too hot to drink, and tip the rest down the drain, placing my cup beside his.

Now knowing what has changed his mood, I keep my mouth closed and follow him in silence to see where he has gone.

“Kaleb wait.” I say when I finally catch up with him. He turns to look at me, only he's not really looking at me.

“Rhiannon, we have to go.” he says looking at nothing blankly.

“I'm not dressed, and if you actually paid attention to me, and not what ever has you in this strange mood, you would know that.” I say gruffly at him.

He shakes his head and actually looks at me, “Sorry, you run and get dressed and I will wait here for you.” he says as he saunters over to me and places a kiss on my head.

Still puzzled by his mood, I keep my mouth shut and go to get dressed.

Once we are down in the garage, Liam is there, and we both climb in the back, again in silence. I don’t know what has put Kaleb in this mood, but I sure plan on finding out when we get to work. Liam doesn’t need any verbal directions, he knows the routine, and drives us both to work.

Once Liam pulls up at work, Kaleb jumps out first, but given his bad mood, he still waits for me, and grabs my hand, and together we walk into the building.

Once we are through the threshold, I release my hand and walk to my room, leaving Kaleb stunned at the bottom of the stairs.

I don’t know what has eaten him, but he isn’t putting my mood down like his own. I will speak to him at lunch.

I get to my room, and grab the papers from the folder before I continue into my room. I throw my bag on the sofa, and read the paperwork.

Did I say my mood was not being brought down? Well I was wrong!

Rage fills my veins, and before I know what I’m doing, I am slamming my door closed behind me as I make my way to Kalebs office.

Sammie is sat at her desk, but she doesn’t seem to stop me as I barge straight past her and into Kalebs office.

He is on the phone when I slam his door open, with no concern for anyone else in the building. He looks at me shocked as he continues his phone conversation. Slowly without taking his eyes off me, he walks past me, shuts his door, and locks it. He then walks back to his desk, and taps away on the open laptop while his phone call continues.

I wave the paper at him, and he quickly makes his excuses, and ends the phone call.

I slam the paper in front of him on his desk, “What is this?” I demand.

He pretends to read through it before he responds. “It looks like your work for the day.” he says trying to be clever.

“I can see that.” I snap at him, “Why have I being put with Jase? I thought he had gone.” I say raising my voice.

“He has gone, but you need to do a promotional photo shoot for the movie.”

“You could have told me.” I say in a quiet voice, so he knows just how angry I am with him.

“Do you think I wanted you doing this?” he snarls at me.

“So why have you done it?”

Kaleb gets to his feet, and slowly walks towards me. He stops in front of me, and lifts my chin to look at his eyes, “Baby, it’s all part of the business. It has to happen, I’m not happy about this given what has happened, but I promise it’s just today.” he explains.

“Is this why your mood changed this morning? You knew this was coming up didn’t you?” I ask, hoping I have got to the bottom of it. He doesn’t respond, he just stands looking into my eyes. I take his silence as an admission.

“It is isn’t it? Why didn’t you tell me? You go in a mood, don’t tell me why, so all the way to work I thought I had done something wrong.” I tell him.

“I didn’t know how to tell you, I’m sorry.” he wraps his arms around me, and I instantly forgive him. I don’t want him to feel bad, I know this is hard for him too.

“Plus, you didn’t let me finish my coffee, how am I supposed to face today with no coffee?” I ask him hoping to lighten the atmosphere.

“Sit down, and I’ll get you one.” he tells me as he quickly places a kiss on my head, and guides me towards the sofa in his room.

True to his word, Kaleb got me a coffee, and after I had drank it, I left him to his work while I went up costume to get ready for the dreaded photo shoot.

Scott greets me upon arrival, “Rhiannon, it’s so nice to see you again.” he says ever so cheerful.

“Scott, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Come on through. We have a few for you today.” he informs me. “Once you have the costumes on, Millie and Tina will come style you accordingly. They know what look we are going for.”

Scott has chosen a two-piece erotic dancer set for me to wear. It’s a deep purple bra and short set. The bra is a halter-neck, and has a gathering of material that sits just under my boobs, with a silver buckle in between the breast bone, and the shorts only just cover my butt cheeks, with a gathering of material at the top of the shorts.

“Beautiful.” Scott says as I walk out from behind the changing screen.

“Thank you,” I mumble as I look down at myself. I love this costume, but I don't feel comfortable wearing it around Jase of all people.

“Time for hair and makeup, go on get out of here.” Scott says as he shoves me out of the room.

In a trance, eager to get this over and done with, I make my way over to see Millie and Tina.

Once the girls have finished with me, my eyes are rimmed heavy with black make up. My eye lids are layered with eye liner, my lashes are filled with lash extensions and then covered with mascara. I have a light purple eye shadow on, and bright red lips. My long blonde hair has a few loose curls, but they have mostly gone with the natural look, leaving it draping down my back.

I leave my dressing room once waving the ladies away, and head towards Kalebs office. I know he doesn't want me doing this, but perhaps I could put his mind at ease a little. I don't want to do this, but in this industry, you will have to work with people you don't want too, that's a part of acting.

Once I get to the office, Sammie just smiles at me, and waves her hand in the direction of the office door. I return her smile and walk in to the office.

When I open the door, I see Kaleb sat at his desk, laid back in his chair with his feet on the table. He has a smile on his face, and his muscled arms folded across his perfect chest.

“Well, you're looking better. What's put that adorable smile on your face?” I ask as I shut the office door.

“Just watching my girl wonder around my establishment with minimal clothing on.” he says with a growing smile.

“Would you prefer me to be naked?” I ask mischievously as I wonder towards him.

“No.” he growls at me. He reaches out for my hand and pulls me on to his waiting lap.

“I love looking at you, but when you have very little on, it gets me hot.” he says as he thrusts his hips up, pushing his erection against my bottom.

“Kaleb, I have to go soon, don't go getting me worked up now. I won’t be able to do anything about it till after the promotional shoot.” I mumble to him as I push my face into his chest trying to conceal the lust I have for him.

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