It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (31 page)

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Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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I look at my phone and notice its Grace.

**Not heard from you since you left Jase! How are you doing? Love ya XoX**

Her text reminds me that I have to ask Kaleb what happened with Jase, but for now I text her back.

**Hey, I’m good. Me and Kaleb have decided to see how it goes with us. Jase has caused some trouble, but I'll have to ask Kaleb what happened with that. How’s you? Rhi XoX**

In no time at all, I have a reply.

**I'm good, so are you and Kaleb dating, or taking the friendship route? I need gossip Rhiannon. G XoX**

**It’s not gossip Grace, it’s my life! But me and Kaleb are dating now. I will have to see you asap. Rhi XoX**

**Are you home tonight? G XoX**

**Yeah. I’m still at work at the minute, but should be leaving soon. Rhi XoX**

I press send, and make my way down stairs towards the grand entrance for my car. I just hope it’s still here. It’s going to feel neglected at this rate.

I smile when I reach the valet, and he goes to get my car for me, a clear indication it is still indeed here.

A few seconds waiting, and he pulls up in my car. I do a little dance inside at the thought of having my car back.

Just as I take the keys of the valet, Kaleb comes running out.

“Rhiannon, wait.” he says running down the stairs to me, his beautiful blonde locks blowing in the wind.

“Kaleb, I have to go home.” I say as he pulls me in to his embrace.

He doesn’t let me respond, he covers my lips with his own, silencing me.

When he pulls away, he is smiling at me.

“Come to mine again?” he asks me with a pout.

“I can’t, I have Grace coming to mine.” I inform him.

“Okay, I’ll come to yours then.” he says smugly.

“It’s girl time Kaleb, I haven’t seen her for a few days.” I try to explain.

“I need to feel myself in you, before I can end the day baby.” he whispers so the valet can’t hear him. That still doesn’t stop my eyes from darting around.

“Kaleb you can’t say that.” I reply shocked.

“Baby, I can say things like that.” he says pleased with himself.

“Kaleb, you're going to have to please yourself tonight, or go without. I have to see Grace.” I inform him as I try to hold back my grin. The thought of Kaleb pleasuring himself is very arousing.

“What time is Grace coming?” he asks thoughtfully, obviously not impressed with being left to sort himself out.

“When I text her.” I say giving him a puzzled look.

“So.......” he says slowly, “You can text her later tonight?” he asks with a wicked grin.

“Kaleb, I am not bailing on Grace tonight for sex.”

His face drops, gone is the smug look, and if I’m not mistaken he looks a little hurt.

“You didn’t enjoy it?” he asks, looking vulnerable.

I stand on my toes, and wrap my arms around his neck, “It was amazing sex Kaleb, and I can’t wait to do it again, but not tonight.” I explain as I kiss his face.

That seems to amuse his a little, “Amazing?” he asks.

“Yes amazing Kaleb.” I say rolling my eyes at him.

“You want to do it again?” he continues to question me.

“Yes Kaleb.” I laugh with a roll of my eyes. I have a feeling I am giving his ego a big boost.

“Well, let’s go.” he says as he pulls away.

“Kaleb.” I protest. “I can’t tonight.”

“So, it was amazing sex, you want to do it again, but you're turning me down?” he asks for clarification.

“Not turning you down, asking for a rain check.” I say hoping this will please him.

“Baby, I don’t do rain checks. I get what I want, when I want it. Haven’t I already told you this?”

“Kaleb.” I plead.

“Okay, I’ll bargain with you, this once only though. You have a few hours with Grace, then I will come collect you, and you can spend the night with me.”

I roll my eyes at him. He is irresistible, and I can’t tell him no. He is cute when he is trying to get his own way. He smiles at me; he knows he is going to get his own way.

“Fine, but you explain to Grace why I’m being dragged away.” I say laughing as his beautiful smile takes over his face.

“Deal baby. I can take on Grace.” he says full of confident.

“Don’t get to big headed, she has taken on and taken down men bigger than you.”

“Baby, a female I can handle.” he looks at me like I’m crazy. He’s the crazy one, he hasn’t met Grace yet. She might be tiny, but her spirit and punk isn’t. She’s a lion, hiding in a kitten’s body.

“Alright. I have to go anyway, or I’ll have to handle Grace.” I say giving him one last quick kiss.

“Baby, you should be used to handling Grace shouldn’t you?”

“Yes, but I still don’t enjoy handling an angry Grace. I’ll see you later.” I say pulling out of his embrace.

“I'll call you.” he shouts to my back. I turn around, smile at him, and make my way into the car.


When I finally get home, I throw my bag and keys on the table, and walk straight to the kitchen for a glass of wine.

When I have filled my glass, I walk into the front room, and text Grace.

**I am at home now. See you soon. Rhi XoX**

The reply shocks me,

**I know; I am sat on your bed watching a movie ;-). bring the wine up with you, my glass is empty. G XoX**

I don’t bother replying; I will talk to her when I get up there.

Doing as I’m told, I walk back in to the kitchen, grab the bottle of wine, and make my way to my room.

When I open my door, I see Grace laid across my bed, smiling a mischievous smile at me.

“What have you done?” I question, knowing she has played some sort of prank on me. She is trying her hardest to look innocent, but I can see straight through her. I know when she’s up to something.

“Nothing.” she says sweetly, innocently.

My eyes quickly scan the room, and see nothing out of place so I drop it for now.

“You could have told me you were here.” I say as I pass her the bottle before I sit on the bed beside her.

“I wanted to surprise you.” she says wickedly.

“Okay Grace, nothing is out of place but I know you, and I know you have done something. What have you done?” I ask, not convinced she hasn’t done anything.

“Nothing.” she says unconvincingly. She is such a rubbish liar, and I know her far too well, she is one to prank you any chance she got.

“Okay. What you watching?” I ask changing the subject. I will have a proper hunt later when she goes, she has done something, and I won’t leave it till I know what.

“I was watching one of your chick flicks, but I got bored. I ended up just watching music.” she says waving towards the TV.

“Anything good in the charts?” I ask her. She knows I’m a music junkie.

“Yeah, quite a few you would like. A new one from Maroon 5, The script, and Rita Ora,”

She recorded the charts, so she replays them for me.

As we sit and listen, I receive a text.

**Hi baby, what time do you want picking up? **

I text back while my attention remains on the TV.

**I don’t know. I will text you later. **

Once I press send, I put it down so I'm not distracted again.

Just as I do Grace goes to grab the remote and flick over, as the songs she mentioned have finished, but the tune to the next song catches my attention.

I make her listen to the song, and by the end of it she likes it too. A song by Professor Green, I will have to remember to download it later.



Once Grace has gone, I text Kaleb just as I said I would.

**Grace has gone, looking forward to some fun. ;-)**

In no time at all he texts back. I didn’t think he would text back straight away, I thought he would be busy doing work, not looking at his phone.

**Pack a bag baby, you're in for a wild night. Be there soon. **

**I'll get right on it. **

I press send, and start to pack a bag. I don’t know what to pack, so I decide to rummage through my closet.

Once I take a few things of the rack. I know just what to take. I look in the far corner, and it’s just screaming to come out.

I walk over, and pick out my denim shorts, and my of the shoulder purple top. I like it because it covers everything up, but does leave their eyes wanting more.

I quickly jump in the shower, and proceed to get dressed.

I am ready to go in fifteen minutes; I just have to grab some night clothes.

Dashing back into my room, I start rummaging through my drawers. I come across a blue baby doll dress, with white lace trimming. Its short, and revealing, which is what I am aiming for, and it’s also very pretty.

I lift it out, and the matching thong is underneath it. I quickly pick them both up, and put them in my bag.

I quickly run around gathering the rest of the things I will need. Clothes for tomorrow, clean panties, and wash items.

Just as I place them all in my bag, my intercom buzzes, alerting me that someone is here.

I know who it is but I still run across the apartment barefoot to answer it.

“Hello,” I say once I lift up the receiver a little breathless.

“Hello baby.” he greets me, making me melt with his voice alone.

I smile, I love the way he greets me, “Come up, I’m almost ready.” I tell him unlocking the door.

I dash back to my room to collect my bag and shoes. Slipping my feet in my sandals, I proceed to buckle them around my heels.

Once I’m ready, I walk into the front room, just as Kaleb walks in. He is wearing a t-shirt and jeans. No jacket, I get to admire his amazing artwork. The artwork I still have to know more about.

He looks up at me, and his hazel eyes shine brightly.

“Gosh, you're beautiful.” he says as he walks towards me, and folds me in his arms.

I moan in appreciation as his lips close on mine. Damn he tastes fine.

He pulls away, and grabs my hands. He eagerly pulls me towards the door, and pauses while I lock up, keeping my hand in his grasp the whole time.

When we get down to the car Liam is waiting for us.

“Good evening Rhiannon.” he greets me while I slide across the back seats.

“Good evening Liam.” I reply back with a smile as Kaleb climbs in.

We start the short distance to his place as soon as we are both buckled in.

“How was your evening with Grace?” Kaleb asks.

“It was okay, I don’t trust her though, and I know she’s played a prank on me, I just haven’t had time to figure out what it is yet.” I tell him.

“If you don’t trust her, why do you allow her in your home?” he asks puzzled.

“I trust Grace with my life, I just know she is a diva, and likes to prank people.” I correct him.

“Ah, that makes more sense. What did you do with her?”

“We just sat and watched music, while we shared a bottle of wine.”

“A nice relaxing evening then.”

“Yes,” I say with a smile.

“Well I’m glad you had a relaxing evening, because I’m going to rock your world tonight.” he says cockily.

“I don’t doubt it.” I manage to get out before he claims my mouth.

I’m a little hesitant to respond at first knowing Liam is up front, but Kaleb doesn’t seem to care.

“Kaleb.” I whisper.

“Yeah baby?” he asks oblivious to my thoughts.

“Liam is sat right there.”

“Liam won’t stop me greeting my girl, so suck it up and give me a kiss.” he says laughing at me.

When I don’t return his kiss, he looks at me with a cute smirk.

“Baby, Liam has his eyes on the road not us, now can I please have my kiss?” he asks, batting his eye lashes at me, like I did to him this morning. Little fucker is mocking me.

I playfully smack his arm, which results in a big manly laugh from Kaleb.

“You're not funny. Are you mocking me?”

“Well, you look cute when you do it, and I can’t say no when you do it, so I was hoping it would be the same for you.” he says still trying to control his laughter.

“You look cute all the time.” I inform him.

“I do?” he asks shocked by my statement.

“Yeah,” I say rolling my eyes at him. Surely he knows how cute he is.

Before I know it, we have pulled into his garage.

“Forget that kiss baby, I told you I was going to rock your world, and that’s exactly what will happen.” he tells me as he climbs out the car.

I follow suit, and soon he has hold of my hand and is leading me inside.


When we get in to Kalebs apartment, he ushers me straight through to his bedroom, no stopping, not even for a drink.

Once Kaleb has me where he wants me – in his bedroom, he pounces on me, knocking me on to his bed.

I giggle, as he follows me down.

Ever so slowly, he lifts my top up, till he has to separate our lips long enough for him to pull it off over my head.

He throws it to the floor as his lips join mine once again.

His tongue seeks entrance into my mouth, and I grant it, stroking my tongue against his.

He moans as he pushes his erection into me, making me moan my appreciation.

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