It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (30 page)

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Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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After a few more slow thrusts, I resort to begging, “Please Kaleb, ...... harder.” I beg, my voice full of sexual need.

“Here baby.” he says as he pulls out of me and jumps off the bed. I look up at him confused, needing him inside me once again.

He smiles down at me, and reaches down to grab my hand. In a daze I give him my hand, and he lifts me off the bed.

“Babe, lay on the bed on your front.” he directs me before he gives me a swift kiss.

Stood naked in his room, I do as he asks. Once I am laid down how he wants me, he leans over, and places my hands on his head board.

“Baby, hold on to this tight, okay?” he asks looking into my eyes.

My mouth has dried with anticipation, leaving me unable to speak so I just nod my head.

When he has me where he wants me, he walks to the bottom of the bed, and I feel him behind me in moments.

Grabbing my hips, Kaleb lifts me up, resulting in me laid with my knees bent, and my back arched.

“I hope you’re ready.” he says through gritted teeth before he slams into me. I feel the scream travel through my body before it comes out. He pumps into me hard and fast, and I feel his balls slap against my arse with each pounding thrust he delivers.

My arms start to give way, making my head fall onto the pillows, but Kaleb doesn’t let up. His blows come harder and harder, faster and faster.

“Rhiannon, hands.” he growls at me. I grip the head board once more, and arch my back, which drives him deeper inside me. I can feel my orgasm building, and I know this one is going to put all my other orgasms to shame.

“Kaleb please,” I beg, but I’m not sure what for.

After a few more thrusts, my body falls into the most extreme orgasm I have ever had, and I collapse face first onto the bed. Kaleb finds his release a few thrusts after mine goes, and I hear him howl my name as he lets go too.

A few seconds, minutes, maybe even hours later, I surface to find Kaleb sat beside me. He is still naked much to my delight.

"Hey beautiful." he murmurs as he leans over to me, and rubs some life back in to my arms.

"Hi," I reply shyly, still laid on my front.

"You okay?" he asks carefully, assessing me.

"More than okay," I say honestly with a smile, “My limbs are dead now though.” I throw in some humor.

“Was I too rough?” he asks skeptically.

“No, I loved it.” I say past a yawn.

He smiles back at me, and lays down on the bed beside me. He pulls the duvet up over us both, then he pulls me in to his embrace.

“Good, so did I.” he says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

I'm so tired, I could sleep for a week. My body is still trying to recover from my orgasm.

"See how good we can be." Kaleb whispers as he places his chin on my head.

I smile at his words. "Yeah, but it won't always be like this." I point out hating the fact that I had to ruin the moment.

"If I get my way it will be, and I'm a man who always makes sure I get what I want". he says full of arrogance.

"We still have the press and Jase though." I remind him.

"Fucking hell Rhiannon. You're laid naked in my bed, after mind blowing sex, and you bring up other people." he says in mock horror.

I laugh at him.

"Rhiannon, what’s so funny?" he asks sounding hurt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think." I respond.

"Please don't bring up other people while you're naked in my bed."

He pulls me close to him as my heavy eye lids refuse to stay open.

"Sleep beautiful girl." he whispers. I don’t need telling twice. My eyes close instantly.


I wake the next morning with Kaleb wrapped around me.

He is awake already. I can feel his beautiful hazel eyes on me.

"Morning beautiful." he says once he notices I'm awake.

"Morning." I greet happily back.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I don't think I have ever slept so well."

He gives me his panty dropping smile.

"What time is it?" I ask noticing it's still dark outside.

"It's just gone six,"

"You're out of your mind. Why are you awake so early?" I ask in horror. Six am is far too early for me, and I don’t get up at this time for anyone.

"I don't sleep much. You're wasting roughly half your life sleeping. I would rather be up doing something." he says with a sexy as fuck smile. Bastard looks great even at six am and no effort is needed.

"What is there to do at six am?" I ask.

"Well with a beautiful woman in my bed, I can think of a few things to be doing at six am." he says with humor in his tone.

"Oh no. Don't even think about it. I'm due at least another hour’s sleep." I say seriously, pushing past a yawn.

He laughs at me and jumps off the bed.

"I have to go see Liam anyway, but I'll come wake you up in an hour. No more." he says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

I just moan my reply to him, as my eyes drift closed again.


"Rhi?" I hear faintly in the background.

"Rhiannon?" I hear, slightly louder this time, pulling me out of sleep.

"Come on, you have had longer than an hour, we're going to be late if you don't get up soon." it feels like I only closed my eyes five minutes ago, how can it be over an hour already.

"How soon is soon?" I ask as my eye lids refuse to open.

"Now." he says as he jumps on the bed and tugs the duvet down.

"Don't do that, it's cold" I moan as I weekly attempt to get the duvet back.

"Come on baby it's not cold." he is far too energetic for this hour.

I turn over to look at him, hoping I can flutter my eyelashes and get my own way.

"Baby, while you have beautiful blue eyes, fluttering them at me won't work." he smiles at me, already knowing my game.

"If you keep it up, I'll have to join you under that duvet, and soon warm you up. Then you'll be late for work, and your boss wouldn't like that." he says seriously.

"Surely the boss wouldn't mind if he is getting great sex out of the deal." I sweetly throw back at him, hoping this will get me what I want, sex, warming up, and more sleep, but I know I’m trying in vain.

"I happen to know your boss would love amazing sex with his beautiful girl, but he is backed up with meetings he can't put back again." he says as his eyes roam my body through the covers.

I groan at him and lift myself up so I'm in a sitting position.

"That's better. How you feeling?" he asks once he has gotten what he wants, but I can’t let him be late for work. I think on a work night; I am going to stay at home. He gets up far too early for me.

"I'm tired, but should be fine once I get a shot of caffeine." I hint at him.

"I'll put the coffee on. You get ready for work. I can't be late." he says as he leans forward and plants a kiss on my eyes.

He leaves the room, and I take the opportunity to have a shower.


We pull up to work with Liam driving, and there is a little crowd, waiting at the big gates.

"Round the back?" Liam asks.

Kaleb looks towards me, "Do you want to face them?" he asks me.

Hell no, this I am not ready for.

"No. It's a bit early don't you think?" I ask.

"Reports can camp out for weeks if the story is worth it." Kaleb responds.

"That's not what I mean. I mean with us." I explain.

"Rhiannon, they will hound us for weeks if we don’t give them something."

"I'll avoid them then, please can we just go round the back?" I ask as fear runs through me. I will try and avoid this for as long as possible.

"Liam round the back please." Kaleb tells him with irritation. I don’t know what’s eating him, well I do, I just don’t understand why. Surly when he was first introduced to the media he was shaken. He can’t expect me to be happy about it. I never want the press in my life. They cause nothing but trouble.

He starts the engine again, and drives us around the back of the building.

When Liam puts the car in park, we both step out. Kaleb is quick to grab my hand, and leads me inside followed by Liam.

“Rhiannon, can you please not leave the building at all on your own. They will hound you.” Kaleb says as we step into his office.

“I'm not being kept a prisoner Kaleb. I have to go out for some lunch.”

“The closest café is miles away Rhiannon. Plus, you never go out for dinner. What’s wrong with the cafeteria?”

“How do you know I never go out?”

“I have the gates constantly monitored Rhiannon.”

“Off course you do. Maybe I want a change today.”

“And you have to pick today to have your change?”

“I will be doing it to prove a point now Kaleb.”

“Okay, well take Liam with you.” he doesn’t ask me, he tells me.

“He needs to be here with you, I’ll be fine.”

“You take Liam, or order here. Please Rhiannon.” he begs.

“Fine, but only because I'm not starting my morning on an argument. They will not control my life Kaleb.” I say walking out of his office.

I don’t know why I just told him I won’t let them rule me, because right now, I will. The thought of them invading my privacy scares me, but the fact is – I don’t like being told what to do. I have no intentions of telling Kaleb that I won’t be leaving the building, but that’s what he gets for telling me I wasn’t to leave.

Call it rebelling if you want, I call it making a stand for my freedom.

He follows me out, where Sammie is waiting.

“Kaleb......” Sammie goes to speak.

“Just give me five Sammie.” he cuts her off.

“Rhiannon, wait a minute.” he shouts as he follows me.

I stop, not because I plan on bowing down to his every command, but because I will not make a scene in front of Sammie.

“Kaleb, I have to go to work.” I whisper as he walks closer to me.

“Just hang on a minute.” he says as he reaches me.

“I don’t have a minute Kaleb.” I say knowing I’m trying in vain. If Kaleb wants a minute, Kaleb gets a minute.

“I just want to say thank you for agreeing to this, and for giving us a go. I know it’s not the same, but you can come join me for lunch. I would love it if you did.” he says giving me one of his irresistible smile.

My heart just melts; I can’t say no to that.

“I start filming again today Kaleb, so I will see what time I can fit lunch in.”

“That’s more like it. I have meetings all day, but all employees get dinner between twelve and two, so I’ll free that time up.”

“Don’t free it up if you have meetings Kaleb. I can eat in my room.”

“Don't worry about this side of the business baby. I will see you at twelve.” he says giving me a brief kiss before he turns around to Sammie.

I feel the blush creep over my face as I notice Sammie is watching.

Then I remember Kaleb is dealing with Jase this morning, and I feel my stomach turn. I do feel guilty for hurting him, but he took it too far. I have now lost my privacy because of him, yet he was the one who did the cheating, but he has turned me into the villain with the press.


Dinner time comes before I even realize. It’s not till Cassie informs me we are running into lunch break that I realize the time.

“Rhiannon, you have been here hours, it’s now lunch time. Go and get something to eat before you start filming.” she says kindly.

“I didn’t even notice the time, I’m sorry Cassie.” I say sincerely.

“Its fine, I love working with people who are so enthusiastic. Go get lunch.” she says dismissing me.

I leave the dance studio and make my way to Kalebs office.

Sammie is sat behind her desk.

"Kaleb said when you arrive just to walk in. He is finished with his meetings." she informs me before I even have a chance to ask her.

I politely smile, and walk in to the office.

Kaleb is on the phone, with his back to me, giving me a view of his fine ass in them suit pants, only I know what sits beneath them, "Look I have to go. Make sure they're all gone." he barks before he hangs up.

"Everything okay?" I ask him, grabbing his attention.

He spins around to face me, just as his smile lights up his face.

"Everything is fine, you're late." he says as he slowly walks towards me, his hazel eyes drinking me in.

"Lost track of time." I mumble as he folds me in her warm embrace,

"I saw." he says smugly, confusing me.

"How?" I ask puzzled looking up to him from his chest.


"You have CCTV?"

"Yes, CCTV is everywhere in the building." he explains.

"You have cameras in my dressing room?" I ask shocked. I haven't seen a camera in there, plus I kind of had sex in there with another man. I feel a mixture of embarrassment, and rage pass through me. That’s an invasion of one’s privacy right?

"Not inside your dressing room. In the corridors outside I have. The dressing rooms, and filming studios don't have cameras inside, but monitoring the doors outside. Everywhere else has though. I have been watching you all morning with Cassie."

"That’s a bit creepy don't you think?" I say relieved my dressing room is still at least private.

"No, I have to have tight security. Plus, I get to watch you dance all morning, that's a big bonus." he smiles down at me.

"Pervert." I laugh at him.

"I know, but you're beautiful." he says just before he presses his lips to mine.

"What do you want for lunch?" he asks pulling away, but keeping me in his embrace.

"I don't know. What do you want?" I ask him leaving the choice to him.

"You." is his one-word reply.

"Get your mind out of the gutter."

"It's not in the gutter, it's on the insatiable beauty in front of me." he says with a cheesy grin.

I roll my eyes, and his lips once again come to mine. Warm, wet lips molding mine so we have the same rhythm.

“Come on baby, let’s get some lunch.” he says breathlessly when he eventually pulls away.


Later that night, after seven hours of filming, I am exhausted and ready for my bed.

I am currently sat back in my dressing room, when I get a text message.

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