Read It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) Online

Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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“Okay.” I smile at him, hiding my true feelings.

Once I’m out of there, I slowly walk to the valet, who has to collect my car.

He smiles as he sees me, and goes to get my car without saying a word.

Before he returns, Kaleb is back.

“Rhiannon.” he says when I turn my back to him, childishly pretending I didn’t see him.

“Don’t you get the message?” I spit at him. Like he was ever going to just leave me alone.

“What are you doing?” he asks with anger in his voice as he starts to walk towards me.

“Going home.” I say full of sarcasm, like he expects me to do anything else.

“How are you getting home?” he asks as he comes to stand in front of me.

“Kaleb, just leave me alone.” I say as I try to walk round him.

He grabs my arm, and halts my movements.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I shriek to him as I stop in front of him.

“What are you doing? Are you insane?” he throws back to me.

“What is your problem now?”

“You’re not driving nowhere.” he tells me.

“You’re not my dad Kaleb. Let me go.” I say trying to pull away from him.

“Liam will take you home.” he explodes at me.

“I am not getting in a car with a stranger.” I argue back.

“Liam is my security. You either go with him, or walk. You have had too much to drink, but I am not letting you have the keys to your car tonight.” he tells me.

“I've had four glasses Kaleb, not the full fucking bar.” I say annoyed with him.

Just then, the valet arrives with my car, and I am relieved to see him walk towards me with my keys. I take a deep breath, and give a satisfied smug smile to Kaleb before I attempt to walk out of his grip.

Just as I walk forward to grab the keys, Kaleb, who still has a tight hold of my arm, pulls me back behind him, and steps in front of me again.

“I'll take them.” he says to the valet. The valet looks at me, then at Kaleb again. He is obviously scared of Kaleb, as he hands them straight over to him. I give the valet my nastiest scowl, just so he knows I am pissed with him, but he gives me a small apologetic smile, evidently he knows who is the lesser evil, and of course he was going to side with the man who pays his fucking wages.

Deciding it’s not going to get me anywhere scowling at the valet, I turn back to Kaleb, and vent my anger at the right person.

“They’re my fucking car keys Kaleb, give me them.” I say trying to get them out of his hands.

“Thank you H.” he says as the valet scuttles away.

Kaleb just looks at me, and finally releases my arm. He pulls his phone out, and presses a number.

“Liam, out front now.” he barks before hanging straight up.

“Just give me my keys, then I can go.” I try reasoning with him. He just holds them in his hand, as just as I think he isn’t paying attention, I jump forward and try retrieving my keys from him.

I fail, epically, and he backs away a little more. As I daringly take a step forward, he grabs hold off me. He has a hand around my waist. As I try to kick free, he puts MY keys in his pocket and uses his other hand to stop me fighting my way.

Just at this moment, Liam comes running out towards Kaleb. He looks alarmed, and is all ready to attack me.

“Just give me a minute Liam, and bring the car round. I can handle this.” he tells Liam casually, like he’s just sat doing a piece of paper work.

Liam looks torn, but eventually, he leaves.

“Rhiannon stop.” Kaleb whispers to me. “Just stop.” he says softly.

All the fight has left, and I have no energy left to fight him. My body just sags towards the floor, but with his arm around me, he supports me and keeps me of the floor.

“I'll give you your keys, just hear me out.” he says still keeping a hold on me.

He lifts my head to look at him, “You can’t drive home okay, you’ve had too much to drink. Liam will take you. I promise he’s safe. I trust him with everything important to me, and if you believe it or not, you’re important to me, so please get in the car.” he pleads with me.

He doesn’t wait for me to respond; he just walks us both to where Liam is now waiting with the car. He opens the back door, and helps me in.

He gives Liam my address, as he bends to do my seat belt, all the time I just sit here in silence.

Once its clipped in, he hovers over me.

“Thank you, and here.” he says as he hands me my keys.

“Thank you.” I whisper to him.

He smiles at me, and before I know it, he leans back down to kiss me.

It’s a quick warm kiss, but I don’t push him away, I'm too stunned to do anything.

“I mean it, you’re important to me Rhiannon. You just need to realize it.” he says before he stands up.

I don’t respond, what am I supposed to say to that?

“Okay, thank you Liam. Take care of her.” he warns his security as he closes my door, leaving me alone with his security detail, who I have never met before, yet somehow I feel safe in his presence.

With a gentle tap on the roof of the car, Liam slowly pulls away from Kaleb and takes me home.



Tonight is the night of the première Jase has invited me to. I have mixed emotions about attending this event. Jase came shopping with me, and we got a beautiful dress that will match his tuxedo. I am excited, yet very nervous too. I have never done something so public before, and I don't know what to expect.

Jase is stood on the threshold of my apartment in a black tuxedo. His brown eyes are shining brightly, and he has a mischievous look on his face.

"You look breath taking." he says as his eyes roam my body.

I am wearing a mint green dress. It’s got a very open back. It has thin green straps keeping it together. The straps start at my shoulders, crosses over on the back, then you thread it through the designated spaces beside my breasts, and bring both pieces together, to tie in a little bow at the middle of my back.

It only just coves my ass. It clings to my body, revealing all my curves. I fell in love at first sight, and despite the price tag, I had to have it. Its floor length, but underneath my dress, I have some high mint green strappy stilettos.

My hair is curled, and is hanging loosely down my back.

"Thank you." I respond with a smile, trying to hide my nerves.

"You ready to go?" he asks.

"Yes, I just need to grab my bag." I say, before I turn on my heels and collect my bag of the sofa.


We arrive at the function, and the limo pulls up to the red carpet, after the driver tackled the big crowd. There are reporters, fans, anyone you can imagine. Its daunting having to leave the vehicle and face them all.

"You ready?" Jase asks as he runs his fingers over my palm.

"I think so." I respond feeling uneasy.

He gives me a quick kiss before our driver opens the back door.

Jase steps out, and leans in the car to help me out. He grabs my hand as I unfold my frame from the seats.

The public are going crazy, screaming his name, but his attention is solely on me.

Once I'm stood straight, he tightens his grip on me, and starts the walk up the red carpet, with me hot on his heels.

The press are also going crazy, asking for pictures, and just snapping away with their cameras.

Jase doesn't seem fazed by it, unlike me. I probably look like I have swallowed a nasty bug. He looks like he must have done this numerous times before.

He stops occasionally to greet some of his fans. He poses for photos, sighs a few items, shakes a few hands and even kisses a few cheeks, all while the fans scream for his attention.

Once we reach the end of the red carpet, we have cameras shoved in our faces. I try to hide my shock at having them so close, because there is a sign saying filming is live right behind the camera man.

A presenter comes over to us and greets us, and introduces herself.

"Good evening ladies, and gentleman. Welcome to the première of 'The Lucky Man'. I am Lucy Green, and here with me right now I have Jase Dean, and his lady friend." she says to the cameras.

"Doesn't she need to ask us to do this before introducing us?" I ask quietly to Jase.

"They usually don't at these events. You get used to it." he smiles at me, before the camera is directed in our direction again. I want to say he could have warned me, but I'm not doing it on live TV.

"Jase, it's great to have you tonight. Are you excited to watch the movie with your fans?" Lucy asks him.

"Of course I am. I love seeing people’s reactions first hand. It makes it all worthwhile." he says talking to Lucy.

"Was this an easy one to film?" she asks.

"They're never easy to film." he says seriously, "A lot of work goes in to making movies, more than any of you will ever know."

“We suspected so. A lot of behind the scene work needs to be done.”

“It most certainly does. Are you coming in to watch it tonight Lucy?” Jase asks her.

"Of course. Rumor has it your lady friend is the lady you're doing your latest movie with." she is digging for information.

"Is that a statement or a question?" he asks her.

"A statement, but we would like confirmation from you about it being true or not." she says as the fans go crazy.

"Yes it's true. Rhiannon is with me in my.... Our next movie." he says correcting himself.

“Soooo.... are you two dating?” she asks.

The screams of fans go crazy. Jase smiles at me, before answering. “No comment.”

“Well, all you crazy fans out there, Jase Dean has neither confirmed or denied his relationship status, but judging by that smile, I would say he is firmly off the market.” she says to the cameras.

“Well, Jase and Rhiannon, it was lovely to meet you.” she says turning her attention back to us.

“Was lovely talking to you, but we have to get inside”. he says to the camera, and screaming fans, as he grabs my hand and leads me inside.


We have finished our meal, and Jase is giving a speech for everyone. He looks comfy on the stage, and he is just thanking the people he worked with. I smile seeing him up there enjoying himself.

We sat in and watched the movie, with a lot of excited fans. We were sat in a VIP booth, away from the crowd, while they all enjoyed the movie. A few hundred times the whole room went quiet, and almost every pair of eyes in the room turned to us. Then the ending where I left my character’s short term boyfriend, the whole crowd went crazy. All we heard was roars of sad fans booing the screen like it would change the outcome. I was very thankful for the VIP booth, I’m not sure I would still be in one piece with the upset fans otherwise.

Kaleb has just given his speech and is making his way back to the table. He is wearing a black tuxedo, but his face looks mad. I don’t pay much attention to him, I want to hear what Jase is saying, so I train my eyes back on him on stage.

Once Kaleb reaches us he, he bends down to talk to me.

"Can I see you outside a minute?" he asks me, his tone surprisingly soft and friendly, but his stance suggests he is concealing his true emotions.

I hesitate, he has been damn right cruel to me for weeks and now he is trying to act like nothing has happened. I have avoided him at work for the last week, after my appalling performance. I knew I would have to face him eventually, I just didn’t want it to be here, and I wanted it on my terms, when I was ready. Really, I would have probably put it of forever.

"Don't make me make a scene in here, because you wouldn't like it." he threatens. I see he is back to jackass Kaleb. I knew he was still raging mad with me.

I don't think I could dislike him any more than I do right now, and the feelings I’ve had for him since I started working here, says a lot. I think the only time I haven’t disliked him is the first time I saw him, oh and when I heard his deep, soft, memorizing voice over the phone, I just didn’t anticipate him being a prick.

I look up at him, and notice he is not about to take any more crap from anyone. I look at Jase on stage, and he looks like he is having a great time and I don't want to spoil it for him. I decide I should probably go quietly, that way the crowd stay focused on Jase and not us.

"Rhiannon." Kaleb prompts me, as he brushes blonde hair of his face in a vicious swipe of his hand.

"Okay I'm coming." I whisper as I get up on my shaky feet.

Kaleb looks around the room, and catches the eye of his security detail, Liam.

They make eye contact as Kaleb shakes his head, indicating the security detail is not needed to follow.

What about if I need him to save me from Kaleb?

Who am I kidding, he kisses Kalebs ass, he would probably side with him, leaving little me on my own.

Kaleb grabs my elbow and I try to shake him off without attracting attention to us. His grip tightens as he snarls in my ear, "Don't bring attention to yourself, and just walk normally".

Fuck sake, I don't know what I have done to piss him off that time, but he is really starting to get me down.

“Let me the fuck go, and I won’t bring attention.” I say trying to pull free again.

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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