It All Started With a Lima Bean (38 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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Although it was awkward, Abby extended her hand to shake the scowling fake-boobed blonde’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Man, Abby thought her own chest was enormous, but she definitely met her match. 

With raised eyebrows and a menacing grin, Lisa purred, “Likewise.”

“Down girl.” Stefen ordered as he entered. Lisa actually listened and stepped away.

“Uncle Stefen!” Madison screeched before leaping into his arms.

“Hey squirt. How’ve you been?” He grabbed at her nose and wiggled it before planting a sweet kiss on it.

“Why do you call me squirt every time you see me?” He brought her back down to the ground and squatted while wearing what looked like a very expensive suit. Abby glanced at Lisa who stood with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes.

“Because the first time I ever had to change your diaper, I pulled back the tape, opened it up, and you squirted me.” He started to laugh as Madison attempted to cover his mouth with her tiny hand.

“Shhh, that’s private Uncle Stefen.” Abby giggled then glanced at Lisa who stood with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes before turning and sashaying her shimmery dress covered hips back and forth toward the dining room.

Coming from the same dining room was a woman that had to be Caleb’s mother. She was stunning but covered her natural beauty with a lot of make-up, an obvious dye job and lots of gaudy expensive jewelry. Closely trailing his mom was one of the most handsome older men Abby had ever seen in her life. There was no doubt this was Caleb’s dad.
Is that what he would look like at his dad’s age? Definitely something to look forward to.

“Hello, son.” His mother kissed Caleb on each cheek before approaching her granddaughter and nodding. “Good evening Madison.”
That was a strange way to greet a child.

“Good evening Grandmamma.” Madison did a mini curtsy bow. Abby thought that too was an odd way for a child to greet their grandmother. The only grandmamma she knew of was on that old television show with the housewife that was a witch.
And what five-year old knew how to do a curtsy?

Stefen began to pull Madison in another room as Caleb’s mom directed her attention to Abby.
Well that can’t be good.
 ”You must be the lovely young lady that has bewitched my son into thinking he needs to get married again.”
What? How do you respond to that?

Abby started to eye Caleb for help when he spoke up. “Mom, if by bewitched, you mean that she has made me fall deeply in love with her then yes, because I cannot imagine my life without her.” He pulled Abby to his side as he’d done in front of Lisa. She loved this man, but Abby would also need to stand confident in front of his mom if she was ever going to gain her respect.

Stretching her hand in greeting, Abby chimed in, ”It is actually he who has bewitched me. You’ve raised a remarkable man, Mrs. Hunter.” Abby knew damn well this woman was not the one who actually raised him but she really needed to make a strong first impression or she had a feeling this woman would try to make her life hell.

His father’s demeanor was more restrained but Abby could see in his eyes that he couldn’t care less about this visit. He was polite in an uppity way and didn’t join them for dinner. His mom was at the dinner table just long enough to make a few snide comments about her ’noble’ career choice. She’d even asked Abby what her real goals in life where once she was done with her charity work. Caleb kept trying to come to her defense but Abby wouldn’t allow it. She must have heard enough because she excused herself for the evening, shortly after dinner was served.
What a strange family. No wonder why Caleb and his cousins were such a mess growing up.

Abby could have done without Lisa undressing her fiancé with her smoky eyes. That was really starting to get to her. Abby reminded herself several times that Caleb was her man, no matter who this woman may have been to him in the past. She would, without a doubt, have to ask him about their history later. Stefen sat beside Lisa and bopped her chair every time he caught her eyes wandering. Immediately after she was finished eating, Stefen whispered something into Lisa’s ear causing her to get up, say good-bye to everyone at the table then leave the house. Abby was curious what was up with their relationship but in all honesty, she was just happy the witch was gone.

The highlight of Abby’s evening came when she got to meet Caleb’s real mother figure, his nanny, Julianne. What a charming, yet stern spirit that woman possessed. Abby fell in love with her instantly, especially when she swatted Caleb on the behind, and told him to go in the other room while they got to know each other. Abby enjoyed their conversation, but her heart fell when Julianne talked about how much she missed Caleb and wanted to be closer to Madison. She’d taken care of a couple of kids after him, but none compared to Caleb. Now retired at sixty-five, she spent her days playing bocci ball with a few acquaintances from the senior center, but she didn’t have a family of her own, so it sounded like she was fairly lonesome. Abby had an idea she would have to run by Caleb later. 




“Stefen, of all nights, why would you bring Lisa here?” Caleb was beyond pissed off at his cousin and decided to address this once he was kicked out of the room so Julianne could get to know Abby.

“I told her you were coming to dinner with your fiancé and she wanted to meet the second girl that stole your heart.” Stefen scoffed.

“You didn’t have to bring her though.” Caleb rolled his shoulders because his
muscles were wound tight.

“Relax, she doesn’t have a thing for you anymore.” Caleb wasn’t so sure about that after the woman violated him with her eyes the last couple of hours.

“I can’t believe you are still screwing with her. Haven’t you and I done enough damage to that poor girl?” He felt sick to his stomach about their history with her. 

“Poor girl my ass. She gives just as much as she receives. Believe me.” Stefen’s crudeness was beyond belief at times. 

“I don’t need to know any more. Just keep her away from Abby, please. You know how venomous Lisa can be.” Caleb didn’t need her opening her mouth before he had a chance to explain, but what justification did he have that would be any better than what Lisa could reveal? 

Feeling the heaviness in the air, Caleb decided that a change of subjects was in order when Stefen beat him to it. “I know you decided to stay in a hotel but do you mind if I keep Madison tonight? I was hoping to spend some one on one ‘uncle’ time with her. I got a bunch of those princess movies she loves so much and a tub of her favorite strawberry ice cream. You guys can come over to my house for breakfast tomorrow.”

Caleb loved the relationship Stefen and Madison had; they clearly adored each other. He wondered if Stefen would ever settle down and get the chance to become a father himself. “Look at the love and tenderness you have for Madison. Don’t you want to have your own daughter one day?” So maybe Caleb wasn’t done with his lecture after all.

“No, I have Madison. I don’t need my own little girl.” Stefen said with complete confidence. There was not an inkling of doubt in his expression.

Shaking his head, Caleb said. “If you say so and yeah, of course you can keep her. She’ll really like that.”





Walking through the front lobby of their hotel hand in hand, Caleb and Abby arrived at the elevator in silence. There was a strange almost uneasy feeling in the air as they headed up to Abby’s room. Caleb bent forward to give her a good night kiss at her door when she pulled out her pouty lip she knew he loved so much. “Caleb, I’m not ready to let you go yet tonight.”

“I know. Me neither.” He breathed.

“Why don’t you go get your jammies on, come back, and we can hang out and talk.”

“Jammies? Who said I wear jammies?” 
Oh my
. Her heart sped up and she was completely flushed now with the images in her head. He laughed. “I’m kidding Abby. I just like to see you blush. I’ll be right back.” Quickly kissing her nose, he went toward his room. 

She couldn’t believe how easily he could make her feel embarrassed. This was going to be her husband in a few months. Starting tonight, she would have to try to change this. Heading into her room, Abby proceeded to freshen up in the bathroom, put her tank top and PJ shorts on then sprayed a little perfume after sniffing her underarms. She snickered thinking about how much Leah hated when she did that. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Her heart pounded enthusiastically when she opened and saw him standing there offering his sexiest smile.
That will never get old
. He had already changed into a clean shirt and flannel pajama pants. From what she could tell, he also freshened up and sprayed a little cologne.
Man did he smell good. That also would never get old

“Come on in.” She flirted.

“Thank you my lady.” Caleb bowed then winked. Damn his winks made her think things she had no business thinking about yet.

Once he entered, the room suddenly felt much smaller, but in a good way. His body language changed as soon as she closed the door. He sat very stiffly at the edge of the bed. Abby headed toward the top, got under the covers, leaned her elbow on the pillow, and rested her head on the palm of her hand.

“Come here and relax sweetie.” Patting the spot next to her, she tried not to look like the brazen little floozy she suddenly felt like.

He twisted at his waist to look back at her. “I don’t think that is a good idea, Abby.”

“Nothing is going to happen, Caleb. I just want more time with you. But I would like you to relax and enjoy it too.” She pulled the covers down on the other side and lightly tapped the bed for him to join her. He was noticeably fighting something internally, but she insisted. She wanted him to be comfortable with her physically too before they got married. 

Finally, he got up and strolled over, got under the covers, and laid on his side facing her at the very furthest spot he could without falling off the bed.

“See isn’t that better?” Stretching her arm underneath the pillow, she rested her head then posed her question. “Ok so tell me all about Lisa, and why she was molesting you with her eyes.” Abby needed to know all about this woman if she was going to be around.

He hesitated at first then said, “I will tell you, but are you sure you want to know?” 

“Yes. I do.”

Turning onto his back so that he was facing the ceiling, he started to recount their history. “I’ve already told you about my past, but there are lots of details I’d rather you not have to know about. I will tell you anything you ask though, so here goes.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Oh no, this wasn’t going to be a good story at all.

“Lisa started coming around when Stefen and I were teenagers. She incessantly made blatant advances toward me. She even went so far as to grab my crotch one night. I got tired of her coming on to me and figured the only way to get her to leave me alone was to give her what she wanted. I didn’t know it was her first time until after I led her into my parents’ pool house and swiftly grabbed her virginity like it was mine to seize. I felt ill afterwards that she hadn’t told me. I had no plans of being with her further, but it took a couple of weeks for her to realize it. She thought she was getting back at me by throwing herself at Stefen and in turn, taking his virginity. Well she didn’t have to take Stefen’s. He willingly offered it up on a silver platter. She pined after both of us for years, seeking any form of affection. I never gave her anymore but Stefen still strings her along.”

“Is she going to be a problem?” This was the bottom line. Abby didn’t care about his past. She was not around for it, but she was in his future and needed to make sure Lisa was not.

“No, she is not going to be a problem.” He turned with his arms under his head and gave her a comforting smile. 



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