It All Started With a Lima Bean (34 page)

Read It All Started With a Lima Bean Online

Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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“Nice to meet you.” Devon shook Caleb’s hand and waved to Abby with a half-smile exposing perfect teeth.
Must have worn braces growing up.
Caleb couldn’t help but scrutinize everything about this guy.

“Right this way.” The hostess led them through the dimly lit restaurant. A white leatherette covered booth ran across one wall just under the large windows facing the ocean. The tables were covered with black linen table clothes, then glass, and finally topped with candles. Caleb pulled Abby’s chair out for her while Leah and Devon scooted into the booth across from them.
Perfect timing
. The sun was slowly disappearing in the horizon. This was one of Caleb’s favorite restaurants, but he hadn’t brought Abby here, afraid the fishy smell might bother her. For this particular date, she’d asked if they could come here because they offered her favorite poblano pepper and Portobello mushroom tacos.

After ordering their drinks, they picked up the menus. That’s when Caleb spotted the jackass planting his now bugged out eyes directly at Abby’s chest. WTH? First rule in the dude code, you do not look at another man’s woman, especially when said man is sitting right there.
. To be fair, Caleb had not introduced himself as Abby’s boyfriend. He would have to rectify that now. Making sure Devon was watching, Caleb leaned over to Abby and planted a kiss on her lips, then sat back looking the guy square in the eyes with his arm draped over the back of Abby’s chair.
Got it buddy?
There was an acknowledgment in his eyes.

Abby curved toward him, rubbing her shoulder on his chest and whispered, “Guy thing?” With his eyes on the menu, he couldn’t help but chuckle and smirk while nodding up and down.

Once he knew what he wanted to order, Caleb opened the conversation while everyone else looked over the menu. “So Devon, what do you do?”

“When I’m not surfing, I work with the same kids Leah does.” Caleb wondered if he’d seen this guy out on the water before when Abby spoke up.

“Caleb surfs too.” Although he wished she hadn’t done that because he was still feeling this guy out, he did enjoy the pride she had on her face when she said it.

“Oh yeah, where do you surf?” Devon asked, almost as a challenge to see if he really did surf.

“Hammond’s.” Caleb mentioned his favorite spot just down from the Four Seasons. He’d discovered this area the last time his parents came to visit and stayed at that hotel.

“Yeah those waves are pretty decent. I like to surf at Haskell’s Beach.” Caleb had a feeling Devon would mention this area that was pretty much a locals only spot by Escalona Spa and Resort.

Just as the waitress came to take their order, a cell rang. Devon grabbed his phone, looked at the caller I.D. and answered. “Hey dude. Where ya been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Nah, nothing. Wait hold on.” He looked at the waitress, “Can I get the Shrimp Scampi?” Then addressed the table, “Excuse me; I have to take this call. I’ll be right back.” He got up and left the table while speaking loudly into the mouthpiece.
Seriously? Did this guy just answer his phone at the table, order before the ladies, then leave? STRIKES TWO, THREE, AND FOUR.

Caleb’s eyes were drawn to Leah’s aggravated appearance. She noticed and tried to change her expression.
Too late, honey. I already saw
. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah fine, let’s just get through dinner. There will be no second date though.”

She picked up her napkin from the table and tossed it into her lap before Abby placed her hand on Leah’s. “Sorry Sweetie.” Leah rolled her eyes and exhaled but didn’t say anything further.

The dipshit finally made it back to the table once the food arrived; ate with his hands like a freaking animal making slurping noises, then let out a small burp while pounding his chest with his fist. The ladies excused themselves to go to the bathroom when the check arrived.

“Why do girls always leave when the check comes? I’m going to pay but I hate when it’s assumed.”
That’s it. This guy had to go.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got it.” Caleb snatched the check from Devon as he was adding up who ordered what. Placing his black American Express card in the leather folded bill holder, Caleb handed it to the waitress as she passed by. He didn’t normally like to show off his wealth but that felt pretty damn good.

“I don’t know what kind of women you are used to taking out but Leah is extraordinary. You cannot treat her the way you have this evening. I don’t expect to ever hear that she is going out with you again so don’t even bother asking.” He was so over this guy and wanted him to leave before the girls came back.

“Whoa, where the hell did that come from?” Devon had the nerve to act as if he was shocked at what Caleb said.

“After watching the way you’ve checked out other women, including mine the last hour, take phone calls in the middle of your date and freaking burp at the table, I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. If that is how you are on a first date, I can only imagine the way you behave when you really get comfortable. Just leave Leah alone.” Caleb sat up straighter in his chair waiting for the confrontation to come.

“Dude, if I want to ask her out again, I will. I’m not sure who you think you are to say she can’t go out with me.” Devon sat back with his arms crossed on his chest.

“I’m certain she will not and if I hear you are harassing her when she tells you no, then I will be further involved. You can go now; I’ll tell her you had a call you had to take.” Caleb stood up and stepped aside, making sure he knew this was not a joke.

“Whatever. She’s not even worth the hassle.” Throwing his napkin on the table, Devon gave Caleb a dirty look as he got up and left the restaurant.

Once the girls came back to the table, relief was evident on Leah’s face at Devon’s absence.

“He had to leave.” That was the only explanation Caleb offered.

“Good. What a Pendejo.” Not familiar with that word, Caleb had to ask.

“What does that mean?”


“Ah, yes he was a Pen-day-ho.” Knowing he didn’t pronounce it correctly didn’t stop him from saying it. The waitress gave him the receipt, he added his signature, and then handed it back.

They left the restaurant and headed back to Abby’s. Once there, Caleb and Abby walked Leah to her van. Something in her expression pulled on Caleb’s heart.

She looked really down. “Hey, don’t worry about it Leah. There are plenty of guys out there that would love to have a woman as amazing as you. Your guy will find you.” Caleb wished to God that he knew someone that he could set her up with. It’s not often that a woman like Leah came along.

“Yeah well I think he is taking a few detours before finding me. That’s okay though, at least Devon will stop bugging me.”

“If he doesn’t, please tell me.”
That jackass had better leave her alone now.

“Is she going be alright?” Caleb grabbed onto Abby’s hand and asked as Leah drove off.

“Yeah, she just doesn’t have very good luck with guys. They all turn out to be jerks in one way or another. I think it’s probably harder for her now that I have you because she sees how happy I am.” They walked toward the front door when she turned to face him. “She calls you Prince Charming.”

At that, he had to laugh. “Prince Charming, huh? That’s a pretty hefty reputation to live up to.”

Changing subjects, Abby said. “Please promise me that you’ll stay at a hotel tomorrow night. I don’t want you driving all the way home after the game.” There was a meeting with the studio executives and his manager, Chris in L.A. the next day to sign all of the final contracts. He and Chris were then going to the hockey game Abby had gotten him tickets for as his Christmas gift.

“I still wish you were going with me.” It wasn’t manly, but he put on his own pouty face when he stepped closer, placing his arms around her.

“I know but tomorrow is our class presentation and I can’t miss it. You get to have some guy time.” She knew he didn’t care about guy time. Abby was just trying to make him feel better.

“I know. Are you sure you don’t mind keeping Madison?”

“Of course not, we will have some bonding time. Leah wants to come over too. We will have a girl’s night, painted toes, and all.” Scrunching her nose with a smirk, she leaned up to peck his lips.

Drawing her closer to his chest, Caleb confirmed. “Madison is going to love that. I’ll leave her booster seat and bag at drop off tomorrow on my way out. I better go grab her so she can get a full night’s rest.”

He started to go in for his goodnight kiss when Abby questioned, “Wait, how did you get rid of Devon after all?”

“I told him he didn’t deserve Leah and he could leave.” There was no need to cover up the truth.

“Guy thing?” She knew him so well by now.




The presentation of the kid’s mission projects was going strong when Leah walked into the classroom and pointed out, “This looks like some kind of cult.” After scanning the area, Abby went into hysterics. It did look like some kind of crazed religious group took over the room. All of the kids wore monk outfits, so there was a sea of brown hooded robes in the classroom. Once she was able to calm herself down, Abby focused on the fact that she was really proud of the hard work each child put into the assignment. Models of the missions scattered the room, as well as wooden planting squares that held crops representing the agricultural part, and stuffed animals in a makeshift corral representing the livestock. Parents, students from other classes and additional teachers made their way through the room asking her students different questions about what they learned through their experiences.

As much as she’d enjoyed the day’s activities, Abby couldn’t wait to get home and start her girls’ night. Leah and she planned to pamper Madison with an at home manicure/pedicure, lots of yummy goodies and a couple of princess movies. It was Friday night and they were planning on celebrating. Admittedly, she also looked forward to the call that would come from Caleb before he went to sleep.

Once the class was clean, and the students all claimed, Abby walked over to the kindergarten area to pick up Madison. She found her sitting with another teacher’s first grade daughter, and overheard their conversation.

“I hope Miss Abby becomes your mommy. She is really nice.” The first grader told Madison, warming Abby’s heart. She leaned against the doorframe waiting to hear Madison’s response.

“Me too. I pray every night that she can be my mommy. She makes me and my daddy so happy. My daddy didn’t smile before, and now he does, every day.” That little girl knew exactly what to say to make Abby love her more and more each day. As much as she’d like to hear more of this conversation, it was time to blow this taco stand.

“Are you ready Pumpkin?” Picking up the booster seat and overnight bag, Abby jerked her head in a ‘let’s get outta here chica’ motion.

“Yeah, let’s go.” They walked to Abby’s car and happened to pass a group of powers moms huddled together at some sort of after school powwow. Abby ignored them. They didn’t deserve any more of her energy.

“I’m so ascited to spend the night with you and Leah. We are going to have lots of fun.” A sweet smile appeared on Madison’s face as she got into her booster seat that Abby had just fastened in the center of her backseat.

After climbing in the driver’s seat, Abby started the car and set out for their fun filled Friday evening. She turned up the radio when a favorite boy band came on, and Madison began to sing. Looking in the review mirror, Abby found Madison’s sweet head bobbing along to the music. Something in the background caught her eye; the car behind them was not slowing down even though they were at a stoplight. Another car sat directly in front of her, trapping them with nowhere to go. She took another quick peek before closing her eyes, praying for Madison’s safety, and bracing for the worst.




The meeting with the studio executive had gone better than Caleb planned, and his favorite hockey team won their game. He’d had such a fantastic day but couldn’t wait to get up to the hotel room and call his girls. It was already ten at night so Madison would be asleep. Throwing his bag on the bed, he reached for his cell phone and noticed that it was dead. He had to fish through the things in his bag before locating the charger and plugging it in.

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