It All Started With a Lima Bean (36 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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“This old thing.” Leah approached her best friend and looped their arms leading them into the open gates.





Caleb was on edge waiting for Abby to arrive.

“Dude, calm down, I’ve never seen you so nervous before. You are starting to sweat. If you are having second thoughts, nobody would care.” Caleb gave his cousin a dirty look.

“You are not helping Stefen.”

“Sorry. Oh, damn. Who is that hot Latina walking over there?” Stefen’s attention was on the two ladies Caleb had been waiting for.

The women were walking up the path that led to the tents. Abby was breathtaking. She was always striking, but Caleb was going to have a difficult time sticking to his principles tonight while she wore that dress. “She is Abby’s best friend, well not just Abby’s best friend, but she is her sister-friend kind of best friend, and off limits.”

“Is that Abby with her?” Stefen placed his thumb and index finger on his chin as if he was contemplating something.

“Yes, it sure is.” Wearing a goofy smile, Caleb couldn’t help but feel giddy.

“You are one lucky son of a bitch to be surrounded by two gorgeous women all of the time. They both have really nice curves.” Caleb gave him a stern warning look.

“Okay, okay, I got you. Besides, can you imagine the fit my parents would have if I ever brought a girl like Leah home with me?” Stefen snickered.

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Placing his hands on his waist, Caleb was starting to get pissed off. He knew where his cousin’s head was, but it didn’t mean he had to like it. 

“Come on man, you know what I’m talking about. She clearly had a different upbringing from us. Look at her.” Caleb’s eyes trailed back to the women. Abby appeared to be searching for something. He hoped she was looking for him.

“Stefen, do not even go there. You are not like them deep down. Don’t you dare insult her in my presence. She is an amazing woman and really good for Abby. She’s very special...just not for you.” Unfortunately, Caleb did know what Stefen was referring to. Before meeting Rene, he and Stefen were quite the heart breaking team. They were both raised to be pompous jerks and would use women as if they didn’t matter. Stefen hadn’t learned any better yet. Caleb loved his cousin, but also felt a strong need to protect Leah from him. He wanted to leave and catch up with Abby but also needed to make sure Stefen got what he was saying.

“What? You don’t think I’m good enough for
?” With an expression of disgust on his face, Stefen stared his cousin down.

“You know what you mean to me, but she deserves more than a one night stand and a broken heart. She is a big part of my family now and will always be around us. Just leave her alone for my sake, please.”

“Whatever man. I was just thinking about having a little fun while I was in town.” They started walking toward the canvas-covered area that the party was centered under.

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about Stefen.” Caleb huffed.

“Fine. I’ll leave her alone. Happy?”


“Okay let’s get this party started. We are here to celebrate right?” He clapped Caleb on the shoulder as they approached the tent where most of the guests were gathered. “There has got to be another broad here that I can bang before I leave.” Standing at the tent opening, Caleb scanned the room for Abby while Stefen scanned for god only knows whom.

“Please stop. My life is different now; you know this. Please respect me enough to recognize that and stop being an ass.”

“Dude, don’t get your panties in a knot. I can control myself. I’ll just hang out with Bri and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble. I’ve already eyeballed a couple of bastards checking her out.” Stefen strolled away using his best swagger.

Caleb couldn’t help his eyes from rolling and his head going backwards. “What a damn hypocrite.”




“Oh my gosh, who is Don Giovanni? I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Have you ever seen a hotter guy before?” Leah looked at her best friend. “Never mind, I know your answer. That’s fine by me, less competition.” She smoothed her hands down the sides of her dress before turning and rearranging her boobs to show off her cleavage.

“I think that’s Caleb’s cousin, but I haven’t met him yet.” Abby paused a moment while she glanced through the room for the man she loved. Turning back to Leah, she asked,” Where did you come up with Don Giovanni?”

“He’s the Italian version of Don Juan.” She shrugged her shoulders and pouted her lips. “You know dark hair, dark eyes, and strong jaw line with a little scruff, killer body and dressed in an expensive suit, the way a man should dress.”

“That’s your problem Leah. You love hot men. They are the most trouble.”

“Yours is hot and not trouble.” Leah challenged her.

“Well there are only a few exceptions. Let’s get you out of his line of site before you melt in a puddle at my feet, oh and you may want to wipe the drool off your bottom lip. It’s really not attractive.” Abby gave another quick look at whom she assumed was Stefen, standing next to Bri. He caught her gawking and smirked. He was definitely trouble. She could appreciate what Leah saw in him. Most men at the party were dressed in suits, but yeah, this guy did have that added something. Nothing like the man she was in love with though; her eyes met Caleb’s and her pulse picked up. Without a doubt, no male held a candle to her guy.

“I’ll be right back.” Abby announced to Leah, unsure if she even heard because Abby did not turn her head. She was caught in a trance with Caleb and unable to break eye contact as she crossed the room to meet him. He was so handsome in his designer fitted suit. He stalked after her as well until they met half way. They did not greet with words. After raking their eyes up and down each other’s dolled up bodies, they collided into each other, passionately kissing as if they never had before. Abby didn’t care that they were in a tent full of their friends and family.
Wait, why were there so many friends and family members at this party? This was more of a business event wasn’t it?





Caleb saw the confusion on Abby’s face when she pulled away from the kiss he’d fantasized giving her for months now. “You look amazing, Love. It’s going to be difficult keeping my hands off of you.” Groaning, he knew this statement was truer than he wanted her to know.

“Who said you had to?” She flirted back.
. That was the most difficult part. She was so willing to do whatever he wanted.

It was almost sunset and time to get the show on the road. Grabbing her hand, he walked them over to Stefen and Bri. The two women embraced each other as if they were long lost friends. Caleb liked that. “Love, I’d like to introduce you to my other cousin, Stefen.” 

Her face spread into a big grin, as if she held a secret, ”Nice to finally meet you, Stefen.”

“It’s very nice to meet you as well, Abby.” Stefen took her hand and kissed it, keeping his lips on his woman a little too long for Caleb’s liking. 

He couldn’t help himself; Caleb pulled Abby to his side and announced that he was going to take her to the giraffes before the sunset. He saw what had to have been the most beautiful expression on her face. She recognized that he remembered what she’d said at their school field trip. Now he saw her eyes gloss over.
Just wait Abby Rose. You haven’t heard anything yet.

Glad he had already made arrangements ahead of time, Caleb was confident that everyone would play their parts without any issues. Leah, Stefen, and Bri were the only ones who knew what was going on. They were to lead certain key people over to the giraffes. Madison was to be in the front as well as Abby’s mom, Leah, Bri, Stefen and Grace.

Lost in the breathtaking woman beside him, he didn’t realize until half way to their destination that he hadn’t even introduced Stefen to Leah. This fact did not bother him though. Shaking his thoughts away about them, he concentrated on every step, breathe, sigh, and smile Abby offered him at that moment. He adored this woman and loved her in a way he never thought possible. 

Arriving at the giraffes, Abby sucked in a deep breath. Caleb couldn’t help but smile to himself. 

“It’s gorgeous. Look at the ocean.” Abby snuggled into him under his suit jacket.

“It is.” Looking over his shoulder, he saw people arriving and crowding behind the bushes to the side of them. Madison was at the front of the crowd. Caleb took his own deep breath and held onto Abby whose head was resting on his chest while she looked out toward the ocean. Caleb looked over at the giraffe handler and nodded.

“Let’s go over here and see if they will let us feed one of the giraffes.” He pointed to the handler who motioned for them to come over to the feeding deck. He chanced a look at her face and the smile she held couldn’t have gotten any wider. Walking over to the deck, he prayed that this went as planned.





Abby was so thrilled that she was beyond herself. He actually remembered what she’d said. He was the sweetest, most considerate man she’d ever known, and she was head over heels in love with him. They walked up to the giraffe feeding area, and although she’d done this several times before, this one occasion was different. She was happy.

“Would you like to feed Penelope?” The handler held up a small baggie of lettuce.

“Yes, please.” She just couldn’t hide her grin.

“Here you go.” He handed the bag to her and called “Penelope” over. There was something around the animal’s neck. Was that a green ribbon? The closer she got, Abby could see something sparkling attached to the ribbon. Abby turned to tell Caleb when she saw him kneeling on one knee in front of her. Her heart sped up. She looked back at the giraffe that was now standing in front of her. Yep, that was an engagement ring hanging from the ribbon. The tears started immediately when she felt Caleb tenderly grab and hold her hand.

“Abby, Love, we’ve been together for a very short time, but you are the one for me. I will never want another woman the way I want you, I’m so blessed to have you in my life. You have shown me how to overcome life’s obstacles and learn to love again. There is no holding anything back. I am completely yours and pray that you would spend the rest of your life with me, as my wife. Will you marry me?”

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