Island Christmas (14 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Rose Johnson

BOOK: Island Christmas
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Chris took out his phone and held a finger to his lips. “I know phones are frowned on, but we could use Christmas music.” He swiped the screen, and a few seconds later,
Oh Holy Night
played and peace filled the room.

Rachel hummed along to the familiar song. She loved Christmas music. The game ended quickly, and Jason’s eyes drooped.

“I should go.” Chris stood.

“Would you like to take a walk on the grounds? Someone did a beautiful job decorating the trees outside. I’d love to take a walk and stretch my legs.”

“What about Jason?” He nodded toward her son.

“The nursing staff is here and have my cell phone number, plus he can barely keep his eyes open. He’ll be sound asleep any minute.”

He grinned and shrugged into his jacket. “In that case, I’d love to walk in the freezing cold with you.”

She grabbed her purse, knit hat, gloves, and coat, kissed Jason goodnight, and closed the door behind them. On the way to the elevator, she told the nurse where she’d be and reminded her to call if Jason needed her.

As the elevator carried them to the main level she donned her winter wear. “Thanks for walking with me. I had to escape that room, and I’ve wanted to check out the gardens here since the night of Jason’s surgery. There’s a place with a gazebo that looks so inviting.” The doors slid open, and they strolled arm in arm into the night.

Snowflakes cascaded in soft puffs, creating a hush in the night. The snow creaked as it compacted under their feet. She breathed in deeply. “I love the smell of snow.”

He chuckled. “I can’t smell it.”

“Not everyone can.”

“Describe it to me.”

“Clean. Fresh. It’s difficult to explain.”

He chuckled. “I think I can smell it after all.”

The sidewalk had been cleared, and they strolled around the building until they came to a sign that welcomed them to Reflection Park. “I didn’t realize this was a park. I thought it was part of the hospital,” Rachel said as they entered the park-like setting she’d viewed from the window. She stopped to soak in the sight. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

He slipped his arm from her hold and instead draped it across her shoulder and pulled her close. “Yes. Very. I’ve never appreciated the lights of Christmas as much as I have since being on Wildflower Island.”

She gazed at the colored lights on the huge fir tree. “We should take a selfie with the tree.”

“I’m game if you are.” A snowflake landed on his cheek and quickly melted.

They plodded across the snow to the tree. She pulled off a glove then grabbed her phone from her pocket and held it up. “Say Merry Christmas on three. One, two.”

“Merry Christmas,” they said in unison as she snapped the shot. She held the phone out for Chris to see. “What do you think?”

“Nice. Let me get one of you.”

She placed a hand on her hip and turned sideways posing like a movie star and grinning as he chuckled. “Okay, your turn.” He took her place, and she clicked off a few pictures.

“Will you send me the one of us and the one of you?” She would print and frame them for her dresser to always remember this night.

“Sure, but not until I get the feeling back in my fingers. Let’s go check out the gazebo.” She skipped like a child through the snow. The worries of her life melted for the moment. “This reminds me of that scene in the
Sound of Music
where Liesl leaps from the benches singing.” She stepped onto the bench, rested a hand on Chris’s shoulder, and hummed the tune.

“Next thing I know, you’ll be running in circles dancing and singing at the top of your lungs,” he teased.

She shook her head, laughing. “I’m much too old to behave in such a silly way.”

“Until your body stops working, you’re not too old.”

“In that case…” She sang the chorus and leaped off the bench. She grasped his hands. “Waltz with me.”

“You’re a nut.” He laughed, then hummed along, indulging her.

She giggled like a child as they whirled around the gazebo. Dizziness gripped her, stopping her feet.

Chris stopped with her, but kept his hold on her and drew her even closer. “That was the most fun I’ve had since… I don’t know when. Thank you.” He tilted his head and kissed her.

His lips, soft as butter, warmed her from head to toe. She kissed him back. Turning her head and resting it against his chest, she sighed with contentment. She could stay like this forever, but Jason was upstairs and reality awaited. She tilted her head back and met his gaze. “That was fun.”

He gave her a quick peck. “I agree. But I should head home. This day has suddenly caught up to me.”

“I understand.” She felt the effects of the past few days too after having a moment of release and relaxation. Her body craved a good night’s sleep in her own bed, but she would stay in that chair one more night.

At the hospital doors, he drew her close once more. “I’m praying for you, Rachel. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course.“

He grinned. “’Night.”

She watched him trudge off into the parking lot and wished tonight could have gone on forever. But reality awaited. Her cell phone rang. She dug in her purse for it. Where was it? Finally! Caller ID listed the hospital, then it stopped ringing. Panic gripped her as she ran inside.



Rachel willed the elevator to move
faster. Why was the thing moving so stinking slow? “Come on.” She pressed the third floor button repeatedly. Why wouldn’t this thing move any faster? Tears clogged her throat. She never should have left Jason alone.

The doors finally slid open. She bolted out and rushed to her son’s room. “Ja—” She clamped her lips together at the sight of her son sleeping soundly. What was going on? She turned and marched to the nurses’ station. “Why did the hospital call me? I couldn’t get to my phone fast enough. I thought there was an emergency with my son.” Her voice caught.

The nurse gave her a sympathetic look. “I don’t know why you received a call, but I do know it wasn’t from anyone in this department. I haven’t left this spot since you went for a walk, and all the phones are at my station. Did the person leave a message?”

Rachel’s cheeks warmed. She slipped her hat from her head. “I didn’t think of that. I panicked when I saw it was the hospital. Sorry.” She pulled out her phone and listened to the message, then explained to the nurse. “It was Doctor Jackson. Everything is fine. I’m really sorry for freaking out on you.”

“No worries. Having a child in the hospital is high stress. It happens to the best. You are doing fine, Rachel.”

“Thanks.” Totally embarrassed, she went into her son’s room. Nick had called to invite them to their place on Christmas Eve for dinner and a Christmas carol sing-along. She’d RSVP later after she calmed down and caught her breath.

She converted the chair into a bed. Making herself as comfortable as possible she pulled out the Bible again and began reading the passages Zoe had marked toward the back. She’d noticed the book was divided into Old Testament and New Testament like Chris had said and decided she liked the new one better. The message of hope drew her.

She read all the book of John before her eyes grew too heavy to continue any further. She was beginning to understand what Zoe and Chris had tried to tell her. Jesus doing what He did changed everything. Awed at His selfless act, she closed her eyes.
I’m beginning to understand what You did for me. It’s hard to believe anyone would voluntarily go through the kind of torture You suffered for someone like me, or anyone for that matter, but I get it. Thank You.

She rolled over, contemplating the words she’d read and how they related to her life. She wanted the kind of peace she saw in her friends’ eyes. How did she get it?



Chris sat at the
table in his room at the B&B clicking away on his laptop. He couldn’t keep the grin off his face. The time spent with Rachel had been a much needed break from work. All in all, the day had been one of the best he could remember. From delivering and setting up a tree in Rachel’s living room, to playing Go Fish with her son, to waltzing in the gazebo. He’d gone shopping at a thrift shop for the ornaments, but didn’t hang them, convinced Rachel and her son would want to do the honors.

His only regret of the day—the kiss. Caught up in the moment, he’d let his feelings trounce good judgment. He couldn’t let that happen again, and he knew he’d be very tempted since he’d enjoyed kissing her so much. He cared for her, but unless he could commit his heart, he had no business kissing her like that.

He shook away the thoughts of Rachel. It was time to focus on the screen in front of him. These late nights were going to catch up to him, but for now they were worth it.

A knock sounded on his door. He stood and opened it. “Nick. Is everything okay?”

“Yes. I saw the light under the door when I was doing a walk-through and wanted to invite you to dinner on Christmas Eve. We are inviting the staff and several friends for food and Christmas carols.”

“That sounds like fun.” Plus he had nothing else planned. “I’d love to come. Thanks for inviting me. Will anyone else I know be there?”

Nick grinned. “As a matter of fact, I invited a certain lady and her son, as well as Piper and Chase, Jill, and a few others you may or may not have met.”

“Count me in.” He’d only briefly met the resort owners, Piper and Chase, but they seemed like good people. He hadn’t realized they were close with Nick and Zoe, but now that he thought about it, Zoe worked for them, so it made sense.

This was turning out to be one of the best Christmases he could recall, at least as an adult. His cell rang. He raised a brow when he read the caller ID and snagged it off the desk. He quickly answered. “Rachel? Hey there, everything okay?”

“Can’t sleep. I was taking a chance you might still be up since you’re a night owl.”

“I am.” He sat on the bed and crossed his legs at the ankles. “Why can’t you sleep?” He could think of several reasons she’d still be awake, the uncomfortable sleeping quarters at the top of his list.

“I was reading the Bible again. And I have a question, if you don’t mind.” Her words tumbled out. “I planned to call Zoe, but I know how tired she is this time of night and well…”

“Relax, Rachel. I’m glad you phoned. What’s your question?” He only hoped he wouldn’t botch this up like he’d done the last time she had a question about the Bible.

“That’s the tough part. I’m not really sure how to word it, but I’ll do my best. The thing is, after reading the book of John I realized I don’t want what Jesus did to be for nothing, at least where I’m concerned. I read that He died for everyone and all I have to do is receive Him, but I don’t know how. Does that make sense?”

He grinned so wide his cheeks hurt. “Perfect sense. I wish we could do this in person, but visiting hours are over.”

“The phone is fine. I really want to have what you, Zoe, and Nick have.”

“Confess your sins to the Lord and believe in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead, and you are saved.”

“That’s it. That’s all I have to do to have the peace I see in all of you?”

“Pretty much. I suggest you keep reading the Bible and asking questions.” Silence met his ears. “Are you still there?”

“I am. But I realized I’ve done a
of stuff I need to confess.”

He chuckled. “Maybe you should be more general. I don’t think He expects you to remember everything you’ve ever done wrong.”

“Oh, good idea.” Relief filled her voice. “Thanks, Chris. I’m going to go now.”

“Good night, Rachel. Thanks for trusting me with something so important.” He laid the phone beside him and hopped off the bed. Suddenly revived, he went back to his computer. A light pain in his arm and chest gripped him and shot fear through him.



Rachel had changed into
sweats to sleep in, but sleep would not come. As tired as she was she needed to do something about what Chris had told her—now. She rolled off the chair, slipped shoes and a sweater on, then went in search of the little chapel she’d been told was someplace on this level.

At the end of the hall, her search was rewarded. She stepped into the small, darkened room, lit only with a dim light over the front. She walked forward, passing three small benches, and sat on the front row. Soft music played, which she hadn’t noticed at first. Closing her eyes, she soaked in the familiar hymn. Even though she hadn’t grown up in church,
Amazing Grace
was one of the few hymns she knew and loved.

Lord, I want Your amazing grace to save me, too. I am sorry for all the things I’ve done wrong. I believe in You and want You to be part of my life. Please give me the same peace I see in my new friends. Thanks.

She sat and listened as the hymn continued to play. Moved by the music or perhaps her newfound faith, tears streamed down her face, and she didn’t even care. The peace she’d longed for cradled her. She cried harder as the guilt from her past melted away. She felt free from the burden she’d carried for the past four years. She looked up, knowing without a doubt she’d made the best decision of her life.

A tissue box at the end of the bench caught her eye. It looked like she wasn’t the only one who became emotional in this room. She tugged a few tissues from the box and wiped her face. She had no idea how long she’d sat there, but the desire to sleep finally hit her. She headed back to her son’s room, knowing that for the first time in a long time, she’d sleep peacefully—even though someone would be in to check on Jason every now and then.

Christmas now meant more to her than ever, and she couldn’t wait to celebrate.

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