Island Christmas (5 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Rose Johnson

BOOK: Island Christmas
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“Having your own bedroom will be fun too,” Chris said.

Jason buried his face into her shoulder. She mouthed thanks to him and followed after Debbie.

“If you lose me, you have my number?” Debbie held the door for them.

“Yes, but I won’t lose you.” She was exceptional at driving. Call it a hobby or whatever, but when Jason was a fussy newborn, she’d put him in the car and they’d drive for hours. She’d become a very good driver in all types of road conditions and especially enjoyed winding roads. Her parents thought she was nuts, but those hours behind the wheel gave her clarity about her future and the direction she should go with her life.

Ten minutes later, they pulled into the driveway of a single-story white cottage. It looked uncomfortably small from the outside, but she was willing to give it a look.

“I hate it!” Jason wailed. “I want to go to the B&B. I like it there.”

Confused at why her son had such strong emotions about a place he’d only stayed at for a day, Rachel tilted her head to face him. “Come on, buddy. We need to at least look.”

Jason crossed his arms and stuck out his lower lip. With a sigh, she got out of the car, opened his door, unclasped his car seat restraints, and hoisted him into her arms. He tried to wiggle free, but she held strong. It was times like this she wished for a dad for her son, but what man wanted a ready-made family? None that she’d met.

Her thoughts drifted to Chris. Jason adored him. She had to admit, the man was a jewel among men, but he had to be close to ten years her senior. That wouldn’t stop him from being someone her son could look up to. Jason needed good male influences in his life. But she had a feeling they wouldn’t be seeing much of Chris once they moved out of the B&B.



Long past when she should have
been in bed sleeping, Rachel sank onto the couch in the sitting room at the B&B. She was wired and could use time to wind down from work. Jason slept soundly in their locked bedroom, and she relished the quiet of the B&B. She kept a baby monitor with her so she could hear if he needed her. That was one good thing about staying here, versus staying in a motel. She’d
leave him alone in a motel room, but in Zoe and Nick’s house it was like being at home.

She always thought best in silence. As it turned out, Debbie had shown her three homes today, and Jason had actually liked the last one. The house, though a three bedroom and still small, would be perfect for the two of them, plus it had a fenced-in yard and a view of the B&B, which made Jason happy. She still couldn’t understand her son’s obsession with this house, but at least he liked the little home she’d found. She’d signed the rental agreement, and they would move in tomorrow. She would miss this place, but they required a home of their own.

Her parents would be here with a small moving truck and all of their personal items. They didn’t have much, but at least they’d be sleeping in their own beds tomorrow night.

“Can’t sleep?”

She jumped and blinked rapidly, pulling herself from her musings. “Hi, Chris. You’re up late.”

He eased into the recliner beside the couch. “I’m a night owl and couldn’t sleep. I’m used to noise. This place doesn’t even have a television to break the silence.”

She giggled. “It’s funny considering most places have one. Though I haven’t missed not having a TV. There is something about this place that makes me content to just be. You know?”

“I suppose so.”

She nodded toward a book he’d placed in his lap. “What are you reading?”

He held it up. “The Bible.”

Her cheeks burned. She should have recognized it was a Bible. Not that she’d ever read one, but she’d seen the book many times. Her parents even had one on the bookshelf in their house, but they only went to church on Christmas and Easter. “You’re a religious person?”

“I don’t like to think of myself in those terms. I’m a Christian. I read my Bible, pray, go to church, and try to follow the wisdom found in the Bible. I’ve found that life is easier to deal with when I keep my relationship close to Him.”

“You mean God?”

He nodded. “Do you go to church?”

She shook her head.

“You’re welcome to come with me. I found this great little church here on the island. They even have programs for children.”

“Thanks, but I don’t know.” If he knew her past, he might look down on her and regret his invitation. “I should head to bed.” She stood and grabbed the baby monitor.

“Don’t leave on my account. I’m sick of working and couldn’t stare at the four walls in my bedroom any longer. I’d enjoy the company.”

“If you’re sure.” She eased back down, tucked one leg under herself, and made a decision as she did—he didn’t need to know her past. “How was the house hunt?”

“Okay. I found a couple of places that are promising, but they’re both fixer-uppers.”

“You don’t want a project?” She couldn’t blame him. Construction was expensive on the island since all the materials had to be ferried over.

“Not particularly, but the price is right, and I could make them the way I want, so I’m keeping an open mind.”

“Them? I didn’t realize you were looking for more than one place.”

He shook his head. “It’s a duplex. I’d live on one side and rent out the other.”

She’d made it clear to her Realtor today that she would not even entertain the idea of living in a duplex. They were all so ugly. “I’m surprised they have those things on the island. Almost everything I’ve seen here so far has been quaint and aesthetically appealing.”

He chuckled. “I take it you don’t like duplexes.”

“Not particularly. I’m sure there are nice ones out there, but I’ve yet to see one that had any charm.”

“You may be surprised by what I saw today. Keep in mind this is Wildflower and the structures here have their own kind of charm.”

She shrugged. He might or might not be right. She’d reserve judgment for now.

He stretched his legs forward, crossing them at his ankles. “How about you? Did you find a place?”

She grinned. “Yes. I was really worried at first since the selection was so low, but Jason loved the last house Deborah showed us. It’s within walking distance from here, and you can even see the B&B from the front window.”

“Nice. At least you’ll have a good view.”

She shook her head. “Unfortunately the B&B blocks any view we might have of the Sound, but it’s fine. We won’t be there forever. My goal is to save enough money to purchase our own home by this time next year.”

“Good for you.” His eyes warmed. “I’ve been saving for several years. I’d like to invest in income properties, so I can semi-retire.”

“Retire?” She winced at how loud the word came out and lowered her voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake up the entire house. Either you wear your age very well, or you’re retiring young.”

-retiring, and I am young to retire, but the men in my family don’t live past forty-two. I’m in my golden years,” he said dryly.

She caught her breath. He was dying? Every instinct in her said to flee. She was drawn to Chris but couldn’t get involved with a dying man again. It hurt to lose people. She might have married her husband for the wrong reason and not for love, but she’d cared about him, and it hurt to watch him die.

Chris was suddenly on the couch beside her. He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Hey there, you’re as white as the sheets on my bed. Are you okay? Should I wake Nick up? Do you feel like you’re going to pass out again?”

“No. I’m fine.” The warmth of his hand seared her skin through her sweater. Her heart beat a rapid staccato. He was only worried about her. His touch meant nothing. She took a breath and let it out slowly.

His concerned eyes still studied her, but he pulled his hand away and shifted to a more socially acceptable distance. He remained on the couch. “As long as you’re sure.”

“I am. If you don’t mind my asking, what’s wrong with you?” She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. If he said he had a brain tumor she was going to burst into tears. She held her breath, afraid to hear his response, but desperate to know.

“Heart disease runs in my family. I’ve been diagnosed with hypertension.”

She let out her breath in a quick puff. “That’s hardly a death sentence.”

“For the average person you’re correct, but my doctor was concerned enough to suggest I change my lifestyle. I’m a driven workaholic, and if I want to live to be an old man, I need to make changes now.”

She had no idea how to respond to his statement.

He chuckled. “Hey, you look more upset than me. I’m fine. My blood pressure is down since I’ve been here, and I’ve never felt better. I was only joking, well half-joking about being in my golden years. If I follow my doctor’s instructions, I could live for many more decades.”

She couldn’t help but notice his calm acceptance of his situation. If it’d been her, she’d be freaking out and angry. “You seem okay with your prognosis. Why?”

He gave her a half-smile. “It’s like this. I’ve had a lifetime to adjust to the idea that I probably won’t live to be an old man, and my faith in the Lord gives me hope. I know when I die that’s not the end. I’ll get to be in heaven with Him. Granted, I’m in no hurry to get there, hence my lifestyle change, but I’m at peace about my eternity.”

“You say the most shocking things, Chris.”

He stood and offered her his hand. “How about we call it a night? I don’t care to talk about my mortality any more than the next person, and I’m sure I’ve made you uncomfortable enough for one evening.”

She grasped his hand and allowed him to pull her up. “Thanks.” She yawned. “It’s been a long day, and tomorrow promises to be the same. It’s moving day. My parents will be at the rental bright and early with our stuff.”

“Could you use any help moving?”

“No thanks. There’s not much, and the three of us will have it done in no time.” She followed him up the stairs. “’Night, Chris.” They stopped outside her door.

He turned and faced her. “Sleep well, Rachel. And don’t worry about what I told you. I can see in your eyes that I’ve upset you, and I’m sorry for that.”

She impulsively stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a hug. “I’m glad you have your faith, and I’m sorry about your medical condition.” As quickly as she’d thrust herself at him, she stepped back and slipped into her bedroom.

Jason lay sound asleep on the bed, his little cheeks a soft pink color in the glow of the bathroom light she’d left on as a nightlight. She quickly readied for bed, desperately trying to push thoughts of Chris from her mind. The man needed someone, but that someone couldn’t be her or her son. They’d experienced enough loss, and her heart couldn’t take more. But had her heart already become entangled with his?



Chris lay in bed
staring into the darkness. Rachel had surprised him when she’d hugged him. He’d been so startled the best he could muster was a pat on her back as if she were a child. Clearly Rachel was young and impulsive, but he hadn’t expected that kind of response to what he’d shared with her this evening.

He still couldn’t believe he’d told her about his health and been so open with her about his faith. He never talked about either, except when necessary. Maybe it
been necessary. He’d sensed the Lord’s hand in that conversation, but that still didn’t take away his surprise at his forthrightness with Rachel.

He breathed in deeply, remembering her light citrusy scent and the softness of her hair as it brushed against his cheek. He took a shuddering breath and closed his eyes. She would probably forget about everything he’d told her by morning. He frowned. She’d be leaving the B&B tomorrow. Disappointment hit him. He’d enjoyed visiting with her even if the conversation had turned to a topic he rarely brought up. He’d miss Jason too. The kid was as cute as they come. It was nice having his energy in the B&B. How had he come to look forward to seeing Rachel and her son after only knowing them two days?



The doorbell pealed into the quiet
of Rachel’s new home.

“I get it!” Jason raced past the kitchen where she had been working since early that morning.

“Wait for me.” She yanked off the yellow gloves she wore and rushed to the door. She’d gotten there early to wipe out the cupboards and drawers so when her parents arrived with the moving truck she could put everything away. “Okay. You may open the door now.”

With two hands Jason turned the knob and pulled the door toward them. “Granma! Papa!” He lunged at them. “I missed you.”

Rachel’s dad scooped up her son. “It’s good to see you too, Jasie. Have you been a good boy for your mom?”

Jason nodded and hugged her dad’s neck. “You live here with us now?”

Dad chuckled softly and peeled his arms from around his neck. “This home is for you and your mom. Isn’t that exciting?”

He shrugged. “I like it here, but I miss you.”

Rachel stepped forward. If she didn’t do something fast, Jason would end up in an all-out tantrum. “I see you brought our stuff. Jason, all your toys are here.” She smiled brightly and took him from her dad’s arms. “Go put on your shoes, and you can help.”

Jason raced inside.

“Sorry about that. He’s been missing both of you.”

Her dad gave her a side hug. “We miss the little fellow too, but this is for the best. You both need a fresh start, and from what I’ve seen of the island this is a good place. Come and grab some boxes. We’ll have you settled in no time.”

Rachel’s mom flitted around the house. “It’s small, but cute. I see why you chose this place.”

Rachel stood in the center of the living room trying to imagine what her mother saw. The plain white walls and wood floor were in good condition, and the white cabinets in the kitchen directly off the living room looked decent too, but the home was basic vanilla. She’d add pops of color to cheer the place up.

Dad walked in with the frame to Jason’s bed. Jason zipped out the door and raced to the truck. “Which box is mine, Mommy?” he shouted the words over his shoulder.

Rachel jogged over to him and found the box that said ‘Jason’s toys’. “It’s probably heavy. Maybe we can carry it inside together.”

“Okay.” He took one side and she took the other, and in a matter of minutes, Jason hummed happily on one half of his bedroom while her dad put Jason’s bed together on the other.

She and her mom worked at bringing in their scant kitchen supplies.

“Your dad and I know how much you’ve wanted a good set of pots and pans, so we bought you a little house warming present.” She pointed to a butcher-paper wrapped box with a green bow on top sitting on the floor. “Go ahead and open it.”

Rachel’s insides jumped with excitement. “Okay.” She knelt and tore away the paper to reveal a beautiful set of stainless cookware. She examined each piece as she removed it. “Oh wow. Thank you. These are perfect.” She’d only had a hand-me-down frying pan and pot from her mom’s kitchen.

“I didn’t bring my old stuff since I knew you’d love these.” Mom’s smile lit her face.

She and her mom had not always seen eye to eye, and in fact, spent many of her growing up years butting heads, but over the past couple of years, they’d turned a corner and now mostly got along. “This is the best gift. And much needed.” She hugged her mom.

Never one for sentimentality Mom quickly brushed her aside. “I suppose we’d best get the rest unloaded and washed up. Moving is tiring business, and I want to help as much as possible before we have to leave.” She marched outside and returned with another box.

The rest of the morning flew by in a blur, but by the time her parents left Rachel felt settled, which wasn’t difficult since she owned so little. Dad had also surprised her with a washer and dryer. She still couldn’t believe they’d spent so much money, but he had said Merry Christmas and happy birthday. She chuckled.

Rachel stood on her front porch and held Jason in her arms as her parents blew kisses from the moving truck.

“Today was fun, Mommy.” Jason placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “I love you, Mommy, and I love my new room. Can I go play now?”

“Sure.” She set him down and waved to her parents as they drove away. A cool breeze lifted her hair off her neck. She ran her hands up and down her arms. This was it—she was officially on her own—officially an adult. With a fleeting look toward her retreating parents, she squared her shoulders and marched inside, closing the door firmly behind her.


“I in my room,” he hollered.

There were three bedrooms in total. Two bedrooms at the rear of the house with a shared bath between them with a third smaller room at the beginning of the hall. Her bedroom was across the hall from Jason’s. One day she’d turn the extra room into a guestroom, but for now it stood empty. The family room and kitchen were at the front with a view of the B&B and trees. It was a shame she couldn’t see the Sound from here, but then she would never have been able to afford the place if there was a view.

She meandered down the short hall and stood in the doorway to Jason’s room. His red car-shaped toddler bed brightened the otherwise boring room. He sat on the floor building a tower with his blocks. “Look how high it is, Mommy.”

“It sure is. How do you like your new room?”

“It’s great!”

She tried to envision the room from a three-year-old’s perspective and decided he was right. There was plenty of floor space to spread out and play. He didn’t have a dresser, but that was fine since most of his stuff could hang, and she could put the rest in easy-to-reach bins in his closet. This place should do fine.

The doorbell rang. “Be right back, Jasie.” She rushed to the entryway and pulled open the door. “Zoe! This is a surprise. Come in.”

Her boss grinned and held out a covered pot. “I thought you might enjoy a meal you didn’t have to prepare yourself. It’s a roast. Stick it in the oven, and it’ll be ready in time for dinner.”

“Thank you!” She took the pot. “Come in.” She walked to the kitchen and set the oven to pre-heat.

“I saw your parents leave and wanted to see if you could use any help settling in.” Zoe stood in the living room with a slight frown. “Where is all your furniture?”

“In the bedrooms.”

“What about the antiques you bought from the B&B a few years ago?”

“Long story short. I ended up selling all of it to a dealer who made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

“Really? I thought for sure that stuff held sentimental value to you.”

“At first it did, but after Jason was born, he became more important. I used the money to start a college savings for him.”

Zoe raised a brow. “I’m impressed. Good thinking. Oh, before I forget, Nick and I wanted to invite you and Jason to Thanksgiving dinner at our place. We’ll have it in our apartment downstairs the day before the holiday. It looks like the restaurant will be open on Thanksgiving, and we’ll both be working.”

Rachel held back a sigh. Life was so much easier when she had built-in babysitters with her parents. Who would babysit on a holiday? “Thank you for the invite. We’d love to come. What can I bring?”

“I’m glad you asked. I was hoping you’d bring pumpkin pie.”

“Sure.” They firmed up the time, and she gave Zoe a quick tour. At least the bedrooms were complete.

As they walked into Jason’s room, he looked up from the floor where he played. “Hi, Zoe. You want to play?”

“Not today, buddy. But thanks.”

“We’ll be in the kitchen, Jasie.”


She led the way into the only other place in the house that felt homey. Two bar height chairs sat at the island. A Cookie Monster cookie jar sat on the white Corian countertop beside the pantry, and the white refrigerator hummed softly. “Would you like something to drink?” She slid the roast into the oven.

“No thanks. I didn’t come over to put you to work. In fact, I’d better head home. Oh, I almost forgot. I removed you from the schedule tonight. I’m sure you and Jason need a night together in your new place for him to feel settled.”

Rachel tensed. “Are you sure? What about Piper? After what happened the other night, I don’t want to make any waves.”

“I took care of Piper. She understands you were nervous. Don’t stress over her. She’s a very nice lady and a great boss. She’s also a reasonable person so don’t worry about taking the night off. Besides, you’re not on the schedule anymore. She won’t even notice.”

Rachel frowned. “I don’t like being so easily replaceable.”

Zoe chuckled. “If it makes you feel any better, your backup isn’t my favorite—that’s why I hired you. But he does an adequate job, so don’t stress. Everything will be fine as long as we don’t have a repeat of your first day. It could have been worse.”

Rachel breathed a little easier. “I suppose you’re right. I’m thankful the knife only hit a set of stainless steel bowls. I still don’t understand how it slipped from my hand. I promise, it won’t happen again.” What were the chances she’d send a knife flying across a room again? She’d never lost her hold on one before.

“I’m counting on it.” Zoe nodded and strode out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Be prepared for a busy night. Saturdays are always hopping.”

“Okay. Thanks.” She waved before closing the door. What was she going to do about Thanksgiving? Maybe Jason could spend the day with her parents. No, that wouldn’t work since they were heading out of state to visit friends. The family room, devoid of furniture, made her eyes prick with tears. She took a bracing breath and squared her shoulders. She could handle finding a reliable sitter and furnish her house on an island with no furniture stores and become adept at her new job. She had no choice.

She’d never considered purchasing furnishings online, but in this case it would be the best option. An hour later, she’d placed an order for a couch and loveseat as well as an ottoman, TV, and TV stand and a rug. She paid extra to have it all set up. Hopefully the stuff would be as comfortable as it looked, and most importantly, fit into her space. She’d had to guess on dimensions since she didn’t own a tape measure.

It suddenly occurred to her that she hadn’t heard from Jason the entire time she’d been on the Internet. Her stomach dropped, and she hurried to his bedroom. He lay sprawled on his bed, his tattered teddy bear tucked under one arm.

A nap sounded good to her too, but she didn’t dare. She slept heavily and couldn’t risk that he’d wake before her. A knock on her door caused her to alter course. She pulled the door open, and her heart skipped a beat. “Chris. What brings you by?”

“I was out walking and thinking when Zoe and I crossed paths. She said this is your place and suggested I stop in and say hi.”

Why did her excitement at seeing him deflate just because Zoe suggested it? “Jason is sleeping, and I don’t have any furniture yet. Maybe we could sit out here on the steps and visit.” She pulled the door closed and plopped onto the top stair. Good thing it hadn’t rained today, but
the stairs were cold. Maybe someday she’d buy a bench seat and small table to decorate the front porch, but for now the steps would have to suffice.

“Sounds good to me.” He eased down beside her. “I need a second opinion on which direction I should go with my investment, and I was hoping you could help me decide. I thought maybe you and Jason could swing by the places with me.”

“Me? Surely you have someone more qualified to ask.” Plus they were practically strangers, except it felt like they’d known one another for years. He was easy to talk to.

He chuckled. “Actually, I don’t. I’ve gotten to know you better than anyone else on the island, and it’d be nice to have a friend’s opinion.”

Of course they were friends. For whatever reason they’d hit it off and had spent a decent amount of time together over the past two days, so yes they were friends. “Sure, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to get away. Jason usually sleeps for about an hour, and I’m not positive when he fell asleep. I was busy ordering furniture online and wasn’t paying enough attention to him.” She shivered.

“You cold?”

“I should have grabbed my jacket.”

He scooted closer until their shoulders touched. “Better?”

Surprisingly it was. “Yes, thanks.” Her thoughts rushed to the night before when she’d impulsively hugged him. That was not like her at all, but somehow with him she lost her inhibitions. Clearly he took it as a sign that it was okay to get closer to her, but she wasn’t sure it was a good idea to allow him to. She stood. “I’ll be right back.” She rushed inside and grabbed her jacket out of the entryway closet as well as a green and blue stadium blanket off the shelf.

He looked over his shoulder as she stepped outside. “A blanket? You must really be cold.”

She shook her head. “The blanket is to sit on, the coat is to wear.” She handed him the blanket, shrugged into her jacket, and stuffed her hands into the pockets. “

He placed the blanket on the top step, then sat and patted the spot beside him. “You were right. It’s warmer with a barrier between us and the cold wood.”

She sat as far away from him as she could, but still be on the blanket. “I always bring it to football games.”

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