Invasion of Her Heart (13 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio,Ana Lee Kennedy

BOOK: Invasion of Her Heart
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“Oh!” She jumped but just as quickly pushed back against his hands. “Let him prepare you,” Jaxxon whispered. “You feel so good I have to

concentrate on not losing myself too soon, so lie still.”

Volund continued rubbing her ass. He slid his fingers downward to the darker blonde hair covering her pussy and spread some of her juices from there up to her anus. Gently, he pushed against the tight ring of muscles and slid one finger in up to the second knuckle.

“Oh my,” she wheezed. “I don’t know about this.” But just as soon as the words left her mouth, so did a whimper of desire.

Smiling, Volund slid another finger into her. “Volund….” She wiggled beneath his hand.

He worked his fingers back and forth for a moment. More sounds of pleasure tumbled from Venus. He removed his digits and pressed the head of his sapin against the rigid muscle. “Deep breath, my love. Trust me.”

She nodded, and as she drew in a big breath, Volund pushed against her anus. Her sphincter gave in to the pressure, and the very tip of his cock entered her ass.

Her head shot up, her long hair fanning across her back. “I don’t think….” A groan escaped her. “Holy hell! I…can’t…

Volund applied more pressure, making her ass take in a couple more inches of his cock.

“Volund!” She dropped her head, her arms giving out. She lay fully against Jaxxon, whose cock remained firmly within her.

Following her movements, Volund pulled his brother’s thighs together and then straddled them behind Venus. He hunched over her, his hands planted on either side of Jaxxon and their mate, arms bracing his upper body, and pushed even further into Venus.

She squealed against Jaxxon’s neck, but it wasn’t one of pain. This was a sound of total pleasure, and Volund smiled in victory.

“The fine hairs on our sapins not only release the chemical that heightens your pleasure, my love,” Jaxxon said, “but it also helps relax your muscles.”

“I’ve never….” She gasped, panting. “Never felt anything so damn good before! I feel so full! Everything is so tight!”

At that, Volund finished filling her up. He seated his cock into her up to its root.

Her body accepted him, the tightness of her ass surrounding him so snugly and with such warmth that he battled for control.

Jaxxon began moving beneath her, his cock working back and forth. Volund felt his brother’s sapin thrusting on the other side of the thin wall separating Venus’s ass from her womb. In turn, as Jaxxon pulled out, Volund would thrust. Then as Volund pushed into Venus, Jaxxon withdrew. Back and forth, his pace matching Jaxxon’s, Volund savored their mate’s body. Venus could do nothing but surrender to him and Jaxxon, her body theirs to pleasure. She lay against his brother, whimpering and murmuring in total ecstasy.




Venus dug her nails dug into Jaxxon’s shoulders. Her hair stuck to the sides of her face, and she stared into Jaxxon’s heated gaze as all the while, Volund held her hips in a bruising grip, both men loving her fiercely.

Jaxxon raised his head, scraping his fangs against her bottom lip at the same time Volund ran his hands down her back to grip her ass again. A shiver slid up Venus’s spine, and she moaned at the delicious sensation.

“Never again will you come that close to death, Venus. My heart couldn’t take it,” Volund growled into her ear. “No one will take you away from us, ever.”

“Our love and passion will only grow stronger through the years. We won’t tire of you, Venus. You are our heart, soul, and life.” Jaxxon captured her lips in a heated kiss, his tongue dueling with hers as he reached down and circled her clit with one finger.

She pulled her head back, gasping for air. Tears slipped down her cheeks to land on Jaxxon’s face. “I love you both. Please, never leave me,” Venus cried out at the same time her orgasm spiraled through her body, sending both Jaxxon and Volund over the edge, too.

The room filled with their combined shouts and the scents of their lovemaking.

Venus crumpled onto Jaxxon’s chest, all her newfound energy gone. Jaxxon moved his hands up and down her back while Volund withdrew from her body and fell down on the bed next to them.

“By the Twelve Galaxies, that was amazing.” Volund grinned at her. “And you think we’ll get tired of you? Never! Venus, you’re ours.”

“I’ve never felt anything so fantastic.” Venus kissed Jaxxon’s chest. “I never knew making love could be like that.”

“Is it okay to come in now?” Miln asked from the doorway.

Venus grabbed the blanket and screeched, “Oh, my God!” as she covered her body.

Volund laughed and jumped off the bed. “You two embarrassed our mate.

Please come in and have a seat. Jaxxon, why don’t you take Venus into the bathroom so she can dress?” He swatted the cheek of her ass peeking out of the blanket. Jaxxon scooped Venus up and got up off the bed with her.

“Come on, little warrior, let’s get you dressed so we can talk to Miln and Oshki.” Jaxxon gently lowered her to the floor and then shut the bathroom door, leaving it ajar about six inches.

“This is so embarrassing.” Venus took the clothes Volund handed her through the crack in the door. She dropped the blanket and turned her back on Jaxxon.

He laughed and kissed her spine as she bent to slip into a pair of shorts. “Relax, they’ve seen naked females before.”

“Yeah, but never my body.” Venus turned and pulled the halter top down over her breasts. “Aren’t you a little pissed they saw me nude? I know I would be if another woman saw you and Volund that way.”

Jaxxon frowned.

“Are you two coming out of there?” Volund pushed the bathroom door all the way open. He paused, glancing back and forth at them.

“Venus is upset that it doesn’t bother us that Miln and Oshki saw her naked.” Jaxxon stared down at her. “However, if females looked at us so, Venus would be very jealous.”

“I don’t understand this thinking.” Volund followed her as she stepped out of the bathroom.

Venus nodded in greeting to Miln and Oshki. “Just forget it, okay? It’s obvious you two don’t understand.” She walked over to a set of shelves and took down a can of fruit as a way to replenish some of her depleted energy.

“Explain it to us.” Volund wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his body. “You are upset, so we want to know why.”

Turning in his arms, Venus sighed. “On my planet, when someone is married or mated, we don’t show our naked bodies to others. Most humans would be very jealous. My heart and body belong to you and Jaxxon, no one else.”

Volund kissed her nose. “We don’t share either. You are our mate, but we are secure in our relationship, so we trust you. Regardless, if anyone tried to touch you, they would die. Does that help?”

“Yes, I understand you and your brother’s reasoning now.” Relief cascaded through her.

Leading her over to the bed, Volund handed her over to his brother. Jaxxon sat and then lifted her onto his lap.

She popped a pear into her mouth and whimpered. “I’m still embarrassed. It’s been so long since I’ve been around other people.” Venus grabbed another pear and put it to Jaxxon’s lips.

He grinned and took the pear into his mouth, sighing. “This is very good. What is it? Do you have more?”

Venus laughed and also gave a piece to Volund, who bent and took it from her fingers. “I only have a few cans left,” she explained. “I have seeds to plant pear trees, but I don’t have the equipment to test the soil for toxins. Miln and Oshki, would you like a taste?” She fished another slice of pear from out of the can and held it out to Miln.

He took it and shoved it into his mouth. His eyes grew big, and he licked his lips. “So sweet! We’ll certainly do our best to grow more trees that bear this fruit. Oshki, take a bite.”

Oshki stepped forward, his silver eyes trained on the can. “I don’t want to take your food, Venus.”

“I have a few more cans. Plus I like the juice, too. It’s just as sweet.” She handed Oshki a wedge.

He moaned in delight as he ate it. “After we take care of Randle, when are we to begin the extraction of females from past eras? We’ll need more people to help with the planting of various seeds from the vaults.”

“We’ll need to investigate how the vaults are set up,” Volund replied. “I’m hoping for easy access to the specimens. If the instructions are easy to understand, we can go ahead and start with small gardens, and then as we have more and more people to aid in developing the food sources, we can increase the size and numbers of the gardens.”

What was Volund talking about? Venus tried to decipher the discussion as it progressed between the four men, but soon lost track.

“What are you all going on about?” she finally asked in exasperation. Oshki and Miln hushed instantly and looked at Volund and Jaxxon.

A dismayed expression crossed Jaxxon’s face. “I’m sorry, Venus. We didn’t mean to exclude you.”

“There are DNA and seed vaults on your planet,” Volund explained. He sat back against the pillows. “Some of your world’s governments created underground storage systems that hold the genetic codes for various animals as well as seeds and spores for plants, trees, and flowers, many of which are the base for so many of your Earth medicines.”

The reality of their discussion suddenly hit Venus with staggering force. She gaped at them. “You mean to tell me that not only do we have to go back in time to bring people here to re-populate but we also have to set up camps in other places of the world which will include agriculture and the cloning of animals?”

The two bounty hunters grinned at her as Volund and Jaxxon nodded.

“So with all that to do, when do we find time to sleep and screw?” she quipped. All four Azutuans burst out laughing.



Chapter Thirteen


That evening, Jaxxon stood on the roof with his brother and Venus. Oshki and Miln had moved into the steel room until they decided on a more suitable area in the building to use as their quarters.

The heat of the day weighed heavily over the city’s ruins as a cicada screeched somewhere in the vegetable garden. Humidity swirled in the air, and the garden plants drooped. Even the moon, which had risen high, was muted by the cloying atmosphere. Venus strode to a long green hose that reminded Jaxxon of the poisonous snakes on Azutu. She turned a small metal wheel on a pipe, and in moments, water sprayed from the hose’s end. With Volund at his side, Jaxxon watched their mate move up and down the rows of blooming and bearing plants, watering everything. Nearby, off to the side of the garden, Venus’s pet frolicked with Ino and Ka. She’d given each animal some sort of knotted cloth with tough pieces of rubber threaded through the fibers. Jaxxon wasn’t sure why, but all three pets loved the toys and ran back and forth, shaking them like small prey.

“Did Miln tell you the ship’s readings showed Randle’s whereabouts?” Volund asked, keeping his voice low.

“Yes,” Jaxxon replied. He glanced at his brother. “I don’t understand why he’d choose to go to the mid-eighteen hundreds. Maybe Oshki and Miln’s ship didn’t lock onto ours properly and misread the time location.”

A sigh burst from Volund. He raked his hands through his hair, the beads on the ends of his braids clinking together from the action. “You know that’s not possible. Whatever reason Randle has for going into that particular time zone, we have no choice but to go there for our first extraction. We’ll look for Randle while we scan for suitable extractees.”

“We can’t leave Venus here but I don’t want her to go with us either.”

“I know. I feel the same way.” Volund lowered his big frame onto a stack of bags marked with the word
in bold, black lettering. “That settles it. We will send Oshki and Miln. We need to train our mate in our ways and sciences. This first trip we will stay here and do that, she’ll learn quickly.”

He leaned forward bracing both forearms on his knees. “It will be difficult on her, but she is very strong and intelligent.”

The door to the stairwell opened, and Oshki and Miln walked out into the misty evening air.

Jaxxon chuckled. “We forgot to tell you about the updated force field.”

“It is fine,” said Miln with a smile. “It allowed us a quick investigation of each floor as we walked up here.”

“This structure is secured,” Oshki added, his silver eyes almost blending with the humidity that billowed across the rooftop. “I don’t think any of the Bone Eaters will try to cross the boundary line we set up around the ground level perimeter.”

“Hello guys!” Venus called from the far side of the garden. She waved at them. “Relax and enjoy the evening.”

The bounty hunters wandered off to one corner of the building and looked over the edge of the low wall. Pointing, Miln loosely draped his other arm around Oshki’s waist. The big blond laughed at something Miln said and gently brushed a lock of the other man’s long, pink hair over his shoulder.

Did I just see…?
Jaxxon watched as Oshki turned slightly, laughing again. The expression in his eyes seemed more than just camaraderie.
No, surely they aren’t a couple?

Jaxxon shifted to face his brother, their gazes meeting. He saw his thoughts mirrored Volund’s eyes.

“No wonder they were so quick to volunteer to come to Earth,” Volund mused.

Casually, Jaxxon looked over at the other two men again. “I had no idea they were same-sex partners, did you?”

“None at all, but you know how some of the planets in the Ruling Body are about such things.” A soft chuckle rumbled out of Volund. “I’ll give them credit, though. They hid their feelings for each other quite well, and what better place to start a life together than on a planet such as Earth.”

Finished with watering the garden, Venus dropped the hose, leaving it for another watering session the next morning, and approached them.

“And what happens,” asked Jaxxon, “if  Tapio finds out neither Miln nor Oshki have taken females as mates?”

Venus sat down between Volund’s bare feet and leaned back against the stack of fertilizer bags she’d found in an old greenhouse. “What are you talking about? Who’s Tapio?”

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